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// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2019, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// your option) any later version.
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Line 41... |
`default_nettype none
`define CPU_SP_REG 4'hd
`define CPU_SP_REG 4'hd
`define CPU_CC_REG 4'he
`define CPU_CC_REG 4'he
`define CPU_PC_REG 4'hf
`define CPU_PC_REG 4'hf
`include "cpudefs.v"
`define CISBIT 31
`define CISIMMSEL 23
`define IMMSEL 18
module idecode(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled,
module idecode(i_clk, i_reset, i_ce, i_stalled,
i_instruction, i_gie, i_pc, i_pf_valid,
i_instruction, i_gie, i_pc, i_pf_valid,
o_phase, o_illegal,
o_phase, o_illegal,
o_pc, o_gie,
o_dcdR, o_dcdA, o_dcdB, o_I, o_zI,
o_dcdR, o_dcdA, o_dcdB,
o_preA, o_preB,
o_I, o_zI,
o_cond, o_wF,
o_cond, o_wF,
o_op, o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break, o_lock,
o_op, o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break, o_lock,
o_wR, o_rA, o_rB,
o_wR, o_rA, o_rB,
o_early_branch, o_branch_pc, o_ljmp,
o_early_branch, o_early_branch_stb, o_branch_pc, o_ljmp,
o_sim, o_sim_immv
o_sim, o_sim_immv
`ifdef FORMAL
, f_insn_word, f_insn_gie
parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH=24;
parameter [0:0] OPT_MPY = 1'b1;
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled;
parameter [0:0] OPT_EARLY_BRANCHING = 1'b1;
input [31:0] i_instruction;
parameter [0:0] OPT_PIPELINED = 1'b1;
input i_gie;
parameter [0:0] OPT_DIVIDE = (OPT_PIPELINED);
input [(AW-1):0] i_pc;
parameter [0:0] OPT_FPU = 1'b0;
input i_pf_valid, i_illegal;
parameter [0:0] OPT_CIS = 1'b1;
parameter [0:0] OPT_LOCK = (OPT_PIPELINED);
parameter [0:0] OPT_OPIPE = (OPT_PIPELINED);
parameter [0:0] OPT_SIM = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] OPT_NO_USERMODE = 1'b0;
localparam AW = ADDRESS_WIDTH;
input wire i_clk, i_reset, i_ce, i_stalled;
input wire [31:0] i_instruction;
input wire i_gie;
input wire [(AW+1):0] i_pc;
input wire i_pf_valid, i_illegal;
output wire o_valid, o_phase;
output wire o_valid, o_phase;
output reg o_illegal;
output reg o_illegal;
output reg [AW:0] o_pc;
output reg [(AW+1):0] o_pc;
output reg o_gie;
output reg [6:0] o_dcdR, o_dcdA, o_dcdB;
output reg [6:0] o_dcdR, o_dcdA, o_dcdB;
output wire [4:0] o_preA, o_preB;
output wire [31:0] o_I;
output wire [31:0] o_I;
output reg o_zI;
output reg o_zI;
output reg [3:0] o_cond;
output reg [3:0] o_cond;
output reg o_wF;
output reg o_wF;
output reg [3:0] o_op;
output reg [3:0] o_op;
output reg o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break;
output reg o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break;
output wire o_lock;
output reg o_lock;
output reg o_wR, o_rA, o_rB;
output reg o_wR, o_rA, o_rB;
output wire o_early_branch;
output wire o_early_branch, o_early_branch_stb;
output wire [(AW-1):0] o_branch_pc;
output wire [(AW+1):0] o_branch_pc;
output wire o_ljmp;
output wire o_ljmp;
output wire o_pipe;
output wire o_pipe;
output reg o_sim /* verilator public_flat */;
output reg o_sim /* verilator public_flat */;
output reg [22:0] o_sim_immv /* verilator public_flat */;
output reg [22:0] o_sim_immv /* verilator public_flat */;
`ifdef FORMAL
wire dcdA_stall, dcdB_stall, dcdF_stall;
output reg [31:0] f_insn_word;
wire o_dcd_early_branch;
output reg f_insn_gie;
wire [(AW-1):0] o_dcd_branch_pc;
reg o_dcdI, o_dcdIz;
reg r_lock;
reg r_pipe;
wire [4:0] w_op;
wire [4:0] w_op;
wire w_ldi, w_mov, w_cmptst, w_ldilo, w_ALU, w_brev,
wire w_ldi, w_mov, w_cmptst, w_ldilo, w_ALU, w_brev,
w_noop, w_lock;
w_noop, w_lock, w_sim, w_break, w_special, w_add,
wire [4:0] w_dcdR, w_dcdB, w_dcdA;
wire [4:0] w_dcdR, w_dcdB, w_dcdA;
wire w_dcdR_pc, w_dcdR_cc;
wire w_dcdR_pc, w_dcdR_cc;
wire w_dcdA_pc, w_dcdA_cc;
wire w_dcdA_pc, w_dcdA_cc;
wire w_dcdB_pc, w_dcdB_cc;
wire w_dcdB_pc, w_dcdB_cc;
wire [3:0] w_cond;
wire [3:0] w_cond;
wire w_wF, w_mem, w_sto, w_div, w_fpu;
wire w_wF, w_mem, w_sto, w_div, w_fpu;
wire w_wR, w_rA, w_rB, w_wR_n;
wire w_wR, w_rA, w_rB, w_wR_n;
wire w_ljmp, w_ljmp_dly, w_cis_ljmp;
wire w_ljmp, w_ljmp_dly, w_cis_ljmp;
wire [31:0] iword;
wire [31:0] iword;
wire pf_valid;
assign pf_valid = (i_pf_valid)&&(!o_early_branch_stb);
reg [14:0] r_nxt_half;
generate if (OPT_CIS)
begin : SET_IWORD
`ifdef OPT_CIS
reg [15:0] r_nxt_half;
assign iword = (o_phase)
assign iword = (o_phase)
// set second half as a NOOP ... but really
// set second half as a NOOP ... but really
// shouldn't matter
// shouldn't matter
? { r_nxt_half[15:0], i_instruction[15:0] }
? { 1'b1, r_nxt_half[14:0], i_instruction[15:0] }
: i_instruction;
: i_instruction;
end else begin : CLR_IWORD
assign iword = { 1'b0, i_instruction[30:0] };
assign iword = { 1'b0, i_instruction[30:0] };
// verilator lint_off UNUSED
wire [14:0] unused_nxt_half;
assign unused_nxt_half = r_nxt_half;
// verilator lint_on UNUSED
end endgenerate
`ifdef OPT_CIS
if (OPT_CIS)
reg r_pre_ljmp;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||(o_early_branch))
assign w_cis_ljmp = (o_phase)&&(iword[31:16] == 16'hfcf8);
r_pre_ljmp <= 1'b0;
else if ((i_ce)&&(i_pf_valid))
end else begin : NOCIS_EARLY_BRANCH
r_pre_ljmp <= (!o_phase)&&(i_instruction[31])
&&(i_instruction[14:0] == 15'h7cf8);
else if (i_ce)
r_pre_ljmp <= 1'b0;
assign w_cis_ljmp = r_pre_ljmp;
assign w_cis_ljmp = 1'b0;
assign w_cis_ljmp = 1'b0;
// 0.1111.10010.000.1.1111.000000000...
// 0111.1100.1000.0111.11000....
assign w_ljmp = (iword == 32'h7c87c000);
assign w_ljmp = (iword == 32'h7c87c000);
end else begin
end else begin : NO_EARLY_BRANCHING
assign w_cis_ljmp = 1'b0;
assign w_cis_ljmp = 1'b0;
assign w_ljmp = 1'b0;
assign w_ljmp = 1'b0;
end endgenerate
`ifdef OPT_CIS
wire [4:0] w_cis_op;
always @(iword)
if (!iword[31])
w_cis_op = w_op;
else case(iword[26:24])
3'h0: w_cis_op = 5'h00;
3'h1: w_cis_op = 5'h01;
3'h2: w_cis_op = 5'h02;
3'h3: w_cis_op = 5'h10;
3'h4: w_cis_op = 5'h12;
3'h5: w_cis_op = 5'h13;
3'h6: w_cis_op = 5'h18;
3'h7: w_cis_op = 5'h0d;
reg [4:0] w_cis_op;
reg [4:0] w_cis_op;
always @(iword,w_op)
if (!iword[31])
generate if (OPT_CIS)
w_cis_op <= w_op;
begin : GEN_CIS_OP
always @(*)
if (!iword[`CISBIT])
w_cis_op = iword[26:22];
else case(iword[26:24])
else case(iword[26:24])
3'h0: w_cis_op <= 5'h00;
3'h0: w_cis_op = 5'h00; // ADD
3'h1: w_cis_op <= 5'h01;
3'h1: w_cis_op = 5'h01; // AND
3'h2: w_cis_op <= 5'h02;
3'h2: w_cis_op = 5'h02; // SUB
3'h3: w_cis_op <= 5'h10;
3'h3: w_cis_op = 5'h10; // BREV
3'h4: w_cis_op <= 5'h12;
3'h4: w_cis_op = 5'h12; // LW
3'h5: w_cis_op <= 5'h13;
3'h5: w_cis_op = 5'h13; // SW
3'h6: w_cis_op <= 5'h18;
3'h6: w_cis_op = 5'h18; // LDI
3'h7: w_cis_op <= 5'h0d;
3'h7: w_cis_op = 5'h0d; // MOV
wire [4:0] w_cis_op;
assign w_cis_op = w_op;
end else begin : GEN_NOCIS_OP
always @(*)
w_cis_op = w_op;
end endgenerate
// Decode instructions
assign w_op= iword[26:22];
assign w_op= iword[26:22];
assign w_mov = (w_cis_op == 5'h0d);
assign w_mov = (w_cis_op == 5'h0d);
assign w_ldi = (w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'hc);
assign w_ldi = (w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'hc);
assign w_brev = (w_cis_op == 5'h8);
assign w_brev = (w_cis_op == 5'h08);
assign w_mpy = (w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'h5)||(w_cis_op[4:0]==5'h0c);
assign w_cmptst = (w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'h8);
assign w_cmptst = (w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'h8);
assign w_ldilo = (w_cis_op[4:0] == 5'h9);
assign w_ldilo = (w_cis_op[4:0] == 5'h09);
assign w_ALU = (!w_cis_op[4]) // anything with [4]==0, but ...
assign w_ALU = (!w_cis_op[4]) // anything with [4]==0, but ...
&&(w_cis_op[3:1] != 3'h7); // not the divide
&&(w_cis_op[3:1] != 3'h7); // not the divide
assign w_add = (w_cis_op[4:0] == 5'h02);
assign w_mem = (w_cis_op[4:3] == 2'b10)&&(w_cis_op[2:1] !=2'b00);
assign w_sto = (w_mem)&&( w_cis_op[0]);
assign w_div = (!iword[`CISBIT])&&(w_op[4:1] == 4'h7);
assign w_fpu = (!iword[`CISBIT])&&(w_op[4:3] == 2'b11)
&&(w_dcdR[3:1] != 3'h7)&&(w_op[2:1] != 2'b00);
// If the result register is either CC or PC, and this would otherwise
// be a floating point instruction with floating point opcode of 0,
// then this is a NOOP.
assign w_special= (!iword[`CISBIT])&&((!OPT_FPU)||(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7))
&&(w_op[4:2] == 3'b111);
assign w_break = (w_special)&&(w_op[4:0]==5'h1c);
assign w_lock = (w_special)&&(w_op[4:0]==5'h1d);
assign w_sim = (w_special)&&(w_op[4:0]==5'h1e);
assign w_noop = (w_special)&&(w_op[4:0]==5'h1f);
// w_dcdR (4 LUTs)
// w_dcdR (4 LUTs)
// What register will we be placing results into (if at all)?
// What register will we be placing results into (if at all)?
// Two parts to the result register: the register set, given for
// Two parts to the result register: the register set, given for
// moves in iword[18] but only for the supervisor, and the other
// moves in iword[18] but only for the supervisor, and the other
// four bits encoded in the instruction.
// four bits encoded in the instruction.
assign w_dcdR = { ((!iword[31])&&(w_mov)&&(~i_gie))?iword[18]:i_gie,
assign w_dcdR = { ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(!OPT_NO_USERMODE)&&(w_mov)&&(!i_gie))?iword[`IMMSEL]:i_gie,
iword[30:27] };
iword[30:27] };
// 2 LUTs
// If the result register is either CC or PC, and this would otherwise
// be a floating point instruction with floating point opcode of 0,
// then this is a NOOP.
assign w_lock = (!iword[31])&&(w_op[4:0]==5'h1d)&&(
assign w_noop = (!iword[31])&&(w_op[4:0] == 5'h1f)&&(
((IMPLEMENT_FPU>0)&&(w_dcdR[3:1] == 3'h7))
// dcdB - What register is used in the opB?
// dcdB - What register is used in the opB?
assign w_dcdB[4] = ((!iword[31])&&(w_mov)&&(~i_gie))?iword[13]:i_gie;
assign w_dcdB[4] = ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(w_mov)&&(!OPT_NO_USERMODE)&&(!i_gie))?iword[13]:i_gie;
assign w_dcdB[3:0]= (iword[31])
assign w_dcdB[3:0]= (iword[`CISBIT])
? (((!iword[23])&&(iword[26:25]==2'b10))
? (((!iword[`CISIMMSEL])&&(iword[26:25]==2'b10))
? `CPU_SP_REG : iword[22:19])
? `CPU_SP_REG : iword[22:19])
: iword[17:14];
: iword[17:14];
// 0 LUTs
// 0 LUTs
assign w_dcdA = w_dcdR; // on ZipCPU, A is always result reg
assign w_dcdA = w_dcdR; // on ZipCPU, A is always result reg
Line 244... |
Line 258... |
assign w_dcdA_cc = w_dcdR_cc;
assign w_dcdA_cc = w_dcdR_cc;
// 2 LUTs, 1 delays each
// 2 LUTs, 1 delays each
assign w_dcdB_pc = (w_rB)&&(w_dcdB[3:0] == `CPU_PC_REG);
assign w_dcdB_pc = (w_rB)&&(w_dcdB[3:0] == `CPU_PC_REG);
assign w_dcdB_cc = (w_rB)&&(w_dcdB[3:0] == `CPU_CC_REG);
assign w_dcdB_cc = (w_rB)&&(w_dcdB[3:0] == `CPU_CC_REG);
// Under what condition will we execute this
// instruction? Only the load immediate instruction
// is completely unconditional.
// 3+4 LUTs
// Under what condition will we execute this instruction? Only the
assign w_cond = ((w_ldi)||(iword[31])) ? 4'h8 :
// load immediate instruction and the CIS instructions are completely
// unconditional. Well ... not quite. The BREAK, LOCK, and SIM/NOOP
// instructions are also unconditional.
assign w_cond = ((w_ldi)||(w_special)||(iword[`CISBIT])) ? 4'h8 :
{ (iword[21:19]==3'h0), iword[21:19] };
{ (iword[21:19]==3'h0), iword[21:19] };
// 1 LUT
assign w_mem = (w_cis_op[4:3] == 2'b10)&&(w_cis_op[2:1] !=2'b00);
assign w_sto = (w_mem)&&( w_cis_op[0]);
// 1 LUT
assign w_div = (!iword[31])&&(w_op[4:1] == 4'h7);
// 2 LUTs
assign w_fpu = (!iword[31])&&(w_op[4:3] == 2'b11)
&&(w_dcdR[3:1] != 3'h7)&&(w_op[2:1] != 2'b00);
// rA - do we need to read register A?
// rA - do we need to read register A?
assign w_rA = // Floating point reads reg A
assign w_rA = // Floating point reads reg A
((w_fpu)&&(w_cis_op[4:1] != 4'hf))
// Divide's read A
// Divide's read A
// ALU ops read A,
// ALU ops read A,
// except for MOV's and BREV's which don't
// except for MOV's and BREV's which don't
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Line 282... |
// Test/compares
// Test/compares
// rB -- do we read a register for operand B? Specifically, do we
// rB -- do we read a register for operand B? Specifically, do we
// add the registers value to the immediate to create opB?
// add the registers value to the immediate to create opB?
assign w_rB = (w_mov)
assign w_rB = (w_mov)
||(( iword[31])&&(iword[23])&&(!w_ldi))
||(( iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[`CISIMMSEL])&&(!w_ldi))
// If using compressed instruction sets,
// If using compressed instruction sets,
// we *always* read on memory operands.
// we *always* read on memory operands.
||(( iword[31])&&(w_mem));
||(( iword[`CISBIT])&&(w_mem));
// wR -- will we be writing our result back?
// wR -- will we be writing our result back?
// wR_n = !wR
// wR_n = !wR
// 1 LUT: All but STO, NOOP/BREAK/LOCK, and CMP/TST write back to w_dcdR
// All but STO, NOOP/BREAK/LOCK, and CMP/TST write back to w_dcdR
assign w_wR_n = (w_sto)
assign w_wR_n = (w_sto)
assign w_wR = ~w_wR_n;
assign w_wR = !w_wR_n;
// wF -- do we write flags when we are done?
// wF -- do we write flags when we are done?
assign w_wF = (w_cmptst)
assign w_wF = (w_cmptst)
&&(w_dcdR[3:1] != 3'h7))));
&&(w_dcdR[3:1] != 3'h7))));
// Bottom 13 bits: no LUT's
// Bottom 13 bits: no LUT's
// w_dcd[12: 0] -- no LUTs
// w_dcd[12: 0] -- no LUTs
Line 311... |
Line 316... |
assign w_fullI = (w_ldi) ? { iword[22:0] } // LDI
assign w_fullI = (w_ldi) ? { iword[22:0] } // LDI
// MOVE immediates have one less bit
// MOVE immediates have one less bit
:((w_mov) ?{ {(23-13){iword[12]}}, iword[12:0] }
:((w_mov) ?{ {(23-13){iword[12]}}, iword[12:0] }
// Normal Op-B immediate ... 18 or 14 bits
// Normal Op-B immediate ... 18 or 14 bits
:((~iword[18]) ? { {(23-18){iword[17]}}, iword[17:0] }
:((!iword[`IMMSEL]) ? { {(23-18){iword[17]}}, iword[17:0] }
: { {(23-14){iword[13]}}, iword[13:0] }
: { {(23-14){iword[13]}}, iword[13:0] }
`ifdef OPT_CIS
generate if (OPT_CIS)
wire [7:0] w_halfbits;
wire [7:0] w_halfbits;
assign w_halfbits = iword[23:16];
assign w_halfbits = iword[`CISIMMSEL:16];
wire [7:0] w_halfI;
wire [7:0] w_halfI;
assign w_halfI = (iword[26:24]==3'h6) ? w_halfbits[7:0]
assign w_halfI = (iword[26:24]==3'h6) ? w_halfbits[7:0] // 8'b for LDI
{ {(6){w_halfbits[2]}}, w_halfbits[1:0]}
{ {(6){w_halfbits[2]}}, w_halfbits[1:0]}
:{ w_halfbits[6], w_halfbits[6:0] };
:{ w_halfbits[6], w_halfbits[6:0] };
assign w_I = (iword[31])?{{(23-8){w_halfI[7]}}, w_halfI }:w_fullI;
assign w_I = (iword[`CISBIT])
? {{(23-8){w_halfI[7]}}, w_halfI }
: w_fullI;
end else begin : GEN_NOCIS_IMMEDIATE
assign w_I = w_fullI;
assign w_I = w_fullI;
end endgenerate
assign w_Iz = (w_I == 0);
assign w_Iz = (w_I == 0);
`ifdef OPT_CIS
// The o_phase parameter is special. It needs to let the software
// The o_phase parameter is special. It needs to let the software
// following know that it cannot break/interrupt on an o_phase asserted
// following know that it cannot break/interrupt on an o_phase asserted
// instruction, lest the break take place between the first and second
// instruction, lest the break take place between the first and second
// half of a CIS instruction. To do this, o_phase must be asserted
// half of a CIS instruction. To do this, o_phase must be asserted
// when the first instruction half is valid, but not asserted on either
// when the first instruction half is valid, but not asserted on either
// a 32-bit instruction or the second half of a 2x16-bit instruction.
// a 32-bit instruction or the second half of a 2x16-bit instruction.
generate if (OPT_CIS)
reg r_phase;
reg r_phase;
// Phase is '1' on the first instruction of a two-part set
// But, due to the delay in processing, it's '1' when our
// output is valid for that first part, but that'll be the
// same time we are processing the second part ... so it may
// look to us like a '1' on the second half of processing.
// When no instruction is in the pipe, phase is zero
initial r_phase = 1'b0;
initial r_phase = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst) // When no instruction is in the pipe, phase is zero
if ((i_reset)||(w_ljmp_dly))
r_phase <= 1'b0;
r_phase <= 1'b0;
else if ((i_ce)&&(i_pf_valid))
else if ((i_ce)&&(pf_valid))
r_phase <= (o_phase)? 1'b0
: ((i_instruction[31])&&(i_pf_valid));
if (o_phase)
else if (i_ce)
// CIS instructions only have two parts. On
// the second part (o_phase is true), return
// back to the first
r_phase <= 0;
r_phase <= (i_instruction[`CISBIT])&&(!i_illegal);
end else if (i_ce)
r_phase <= 1'b0;
r_phase <= 1'b0;
// Phase is '1' on the first instruction of a two-part set
// But, due to the delay in processing, it's '1' when our output is
// valid for that first part, but that'll be the same time we
// are processing the second part ... so it may look to us like a '1'
// on the second half of processing.
assign o_phase = r_phase;
assign o_phase = r_phase;
end else begin
assign o_phase = 1'b0;
assign o_phase = 1'b0;
end endgenerate
initial o_illegal = 1'b0;
initial o_illegal = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
if (i_ce)
o_illegal <= 1'b0;
else if (i_ce)
`ifdef OPT_CIS
o_illegal <= (i_illegal);
o_illegal <= ((i_illegal)
o_illegal <= ((i_illegal) || (i_instruction[31]));
if ((IMPLEMENT_MPY==0)&&((w_cis_op[4:1]==4'h5)||(w_cis_op[4:0]==5'h0c)))
o_illegal <= (i_illegal)&&(!o_phase);
if ((!OPT_CIS)&&(i_instruction[`CISBIT]))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
if ((!OPT_MPY)&&(w_mpy))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
if ((IMPLEMENT_DIVIDE==0)&&(w_div))
if ((!OPT_DIVIDE)&&(w_div))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
else if ((IMPLEMENT_DIVIDE!=0)&&(w_div)&&(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7))
else if ((OPT_DIVIDE)&&(w_div)&&(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
if ((IMPLEMENT_FPU==0)&&(w_fpu))
if ((!OPT_FPU)&&(w_fpu))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
if ((w_cis_op[4:3]==2'b11)&&(w_cis_op[2:1]!=2'b00)
if ((!OPT_SIM)&&(w_sim))
// Simulation instructions on real hardware should
// always cause an illegal instruction error
(w_cis_op[2:0] != 3'h4) // BREAK
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
&&(w_cis_op[2:0] != 3'h5) // LOCK
// There are two (missing) special instructions
// These should cause an illegal instruction error
// SIM instructions are always illegal
if ((w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7)&&(w_cis_op[4:1]==4'b1101))
&&(w_cis_op[2:0] != 3'h7))) // NOOP
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
// If the lock function isn't implemented, this should
// also cause an illegal instruction error
if ((!OPT_LOCK)&&(w_lock))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
initial o_pc = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
if ((i_ce)&&((o_phase)||(i_pf_valid)))
`ifdef OPT_CIS
o_pc[0] <= 1'b0;
if (!o_phase)
o_gie<= i_gie;
if (iword[31])
if (OPT_CIS)
if (iword[`CISBIT])
if (o_phase)
if (o_phase)
o_pc <= o_pc + 1'b1;
o_pc[AW+1:1] <= o_pc[AW+1:1] + 1'b1;
else if (i_pf_valid)
o_pc <= { i_pc, 1'b1 };
o_pc <= { i_pc[AW+1:2], 1'b1, 1'b0 };
end else begin
end else begin
// The normal, non-CIS case
// The normal, non-CIS case
o_pc <= { i_pc + 1'b1, 1'b0 };
o_pc <= { i_pc[AW+1:2] + 1'b1, 2'b00 };
end else begin
// The normal, non-CIS case
o_pc <= { i_pc[AW+1:2] + 1'b1, 2'b00 };
o_gie<= i_gie;
o_pc <= { i_pc + 1'b1, 1'b0 };
initial o_dcdR = 0;
initial o_dcdA = 0;
initial o_dcdB = 0;
initial o_DV = 0;
initial o_FP = 0;
initial o_lock = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
// Under what condition will we execute this
// Under what condition will we execute this
// instruction? Only the load immediate instruction
// instruction? Only the load immediate instruction
// is completely unconditional.
// is completely unconditional.
o_cond <= w_cond;
o_cond <= w_cond;
// Don't change the flags on conditional instructions,
// Don't change the flags on conditional instructions,
Line 440... |
Line 476... |
// already done the rest of the decode necessary to
// already done the rest of the decode necessary to
// settle between the other instructions. For example,
// settle between the other instructions. For example,
// o_FP plus these four bits uniquely defines the FP
// o_FP plus these four bits uniquely defines the FP
// instruction, o_DV plus the bottom of these defines
// instruction, o_DV plus the bottom of these defines
// the divide, etc.
// the divide, etc.
o_op <= ((w_ldi)||(w_noop))? 4'hd : w_cis_op[3:0];
o_op <= w_cis_op[3:0];
if ((w_ldi)||(w_noop)||(w_lock))
o_op <= 4'hd;
// Default values
// Default values
o_dcdR <= { w_dcdR_cc, w_dcdR_pc, w_dcdR};
o_dcdR <= { w_dcdR_cc, w_dcdR_pc, w_dcdR};
o_dcdA <= { w_dcdA_cc, w_dcdA_pc, w_dcdA};
o_dcdA <= { w_dcdA_cc, w_dcdA_pc, w_dcdA};
o_dcdB <= { w_dcdB_cc, w_dcdB_pc, w_dcdB};
o_dcdB <= { w_dcdB_cc, w_dcdB_pc, w_dcdB};
Line 457... |
Line 495... |
// Turn a NOOP into an ALU operation--subtract in
// Turn a NOOP into an ALU operation--subtract in
// particular, although it doesn't really matter as long
// particular, although it doesn't really matter as long
// as it doesn't take longer than one clock. Note
// as it doesn't take longer than one clock. Note
// also that this depends upon not setting any registers
// also that this depends upon not setting any registers
// or flags, which should already be true.
// or flags, which should already be true.
o_ALU <= (w_ALU)||(w_ldi)||(w_cmptst)||(w_noop);
o_ALU <= (w_ALU)||(w_ldi)||(w_cmptst)||(w_noop)
o_M <= w_mem;
o_M <= w_mem;
o_DV <= w_div;
o_DV <= (OPT_DIVIDE)&&(w_div);
o_FP <= w_fpu;
o_FP <= (OPT_FPU)&&(w_fpu);
o_break <= (!iword[31])&&(w_op[4:0]==5'h1c)&&(
o_break <= w_break;
o_lock <= (OPT_LOCK)&&(w_lock);
if (OPT_CIS)
r_lock <= w_lock;
r_nxt_half <= { iword[14:0] };
`ifdef OPT_CIS
r_nxt_half <= 0;
r_nxt_half <= { iword[31], iword[14:0] };
if (OPT_SIM)
// Support the SIM instruction(s)
// Support the SIM instruction(s)
o_sim <= (!iword[31])&&(w_op[4:1] == 4'hf)
o_sim <= (w_sim)||(w_noop);
&&(w_dcdR[3:1] == 3'h7);
o_sim <= 1'b0;
o_sim_immv <= iword[22:0];
o_sim_immv <= iword[22:0];
end else begin
o_sim <= 1'b0;
o_sim_immv <= 0;
assign o_preA = w_dcdA;
assign o_lock = r_lock;
assign o_preB = w_dcdB;
assign o_lock = 1'b0;
reg r_early_branch,
reg r_early_branch, r_ljmp;
reg [(AW-1):0] r_branch_pc;
reg [(AW+1):0] r_branch_pc;
initial r_ljmp = 1'b0;
initial r_ljmp = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
if (i_reset)
r_ljmp <= 1'b0;
r_ljmp <= 1'b0;
`ifdef OPT_CIS
else if (i_ce)
else if ((i_ce)&&(o_phase))
if ((r_ljmp)&&(pf_valid))
r_ljmp <= 1'b0;
else if (o_early_branch_stb)
r_ljmp <= 1'b0;
else if (pf_valid)
if ((OPT_CIS)&&(iword[`CISBIT]))
r_ljmp <= w_cis_ljmp;
r_ljmp <= w_cis_ljmp;
else if ((i_ce)&&(i_pf_valid))
r_ljmp <= (w_ljmp);
r_ljmp <= (w_ljmp);
end else if ((OPT_CIS)&&(o_phase)&&(iword[`CISBIT]))
r_ljmp <= w_cis_ljmp;
assign o_ljmp = r_ljmp;
assign o_ljmp = r_ljmp;
initial r_early_branch = 1'b0;
initial r_early_branch_stb = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
if (i_reset)
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
else if ((i_ce)&&(i_pf_valid))
r_early_branch_stb <= 1'b0;
end else if ((i_ce)&&(pf_valid))
if (r_ljmp)
if (r_ljmp)
// LOD (PC),PC
// LW (PC),PC
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
else if ((!iword[31])&&(iword[30:27]==`CPU_PC_REG)
r_early_branch_stb <= 1'b1;
end else if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[30:27]==`CPU_PC_REG)
if ((w_op[4:0]==5'h02)&&(!iword[18]))
if ((w_add)&&(!iword[`IMMSEL]))
// Add x,PC
// Add x,PC
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
r_early_branch_stb <= 1'b1;
end else begin
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
end else
r_early_branch_stb <= 1'b0;
// LDI #x,PC is no longer supported
end else begin
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
r_early_branch_stb <= 1'b0;
end else if (i_ce)
end else if (i_ce)
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
r_early_branch_stb <= 1'b0;
end else
r_early_branch_stb <= 1'b0;
initial r_branch_pc = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
if (i_ce)
if (r_ljmp)
if (r_ljmp)
r_branch_pc <= iword[(AW+1):2];
r_branch_pc <= { iword[(AW+1):2],
else // Add x,PC
2'b00 };
r_branch_pc <= i_pc
else begin
// Add x,PC
r_branch_pc[AW+1:2] <= i_pc[AW+1:2]
+ {{(AW-15){iword[17]}},iword[16:2]}
+ {{(AW-15){iword[17]}},iword[16:2]}
+ {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
+ {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
r_branch_pc[1:0] <= 2'b00;
assign w_ljmp_dly = r_ljmp;
assign w_ljmp_dly = r_ljmp;
assign o_early_branch = r_early_branch;
assign o_early_branch = r_early_branch;
assign o_early_branch_stb = r_early_branch_stb;
assign o_branch_pc = r_branch_pc;
assign o_branch_pc = r_branch_pc;
end else begin
end else begin
assign w_ljmp_dly = 1'b0;
assign w_ljmp_dly = 1'b0;
assign o_early_branch = 1'b0;
assign o_early_branch = 1'b0;
assign o_branch_pc = {(AW){1'b0}};
assign o_early_branch_stb = 1'b0;
assign o_branch_pc = {(AW+2){1'b0}};
assign o_ljmp = 1'b0;
assign o_ljmp = 1'b0;
// verilator lint_off UNUSED
wire early_branch_unused;
assign early_branch_unused = w_add;
// verilator lint_on UNUSED
end endgenerate
end endgenerate
// To be a pipeable operation there must be ...
// To be a pipeable operation there must be ...
// 1. Two valid adjacent instructions
// 1. Two valid adjacent instructions
Line 559... |
Line 633... |
// 4. Both must be to the same address, or the address incremented
// 4. Both must be to the same address, or the address incremented
// by one
// by one
// Note that we're not using iword here ... there's a lot of logic
// Note that we're not using iword here ... there's a lot of logic
// taking place, and it's only valid if the new word is not compressed.
// taking place, and it's only valid if the new word is not compressed.
reg r_valid;
reg r_valid, r_insn_is_pipeable;
generate if (OPT_OPIPE)
begin : GEN_OPIPE
reg r_pipe;
wire [13:0] pipe_addr_diff;
assign pipe_addr_diff = w_I[13:0] - r_I[13:0];
// Pipeline logic is too extreme for a single clock.
// Let's break it into two clocks, using r_insn_is_pipeable
// If this function is true, then the instruction associated
// with the current output *may* have a pipeable instruction
// following it.
initial r_insn_is_pipeable = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_insn_is_pipeable <= 1'b0;
else if ((i_ce)&&((!pf_valid)||(i_illegal))&&(!o_phase))
// Pipeline bubble, can't pipe through it
r_insn_is_pipeable <= 1'b0;
else if (o_ljmp)
r_insn_is_pipeable <= 1'b0;
else if ((i_ce)&&((!OPT_CIS)&&(i_instruction[`CISBIT])))
r_insn_is_pipeable <= 1'b0;
else if (i_ce)
begin // This is a valid instruction
r_insn_is_pipeable <= (w_mem)&&(w_rB)
// PC (and CC) registers can change
// underneath us. Therefore they cannot
// be used as a base register for piped
// memory ops
&&(w_dcdB[3:1] != 3'h7)
// Writes to PC or CC will destroy any
// possibility of pipeing--since they
// could create a jump
&&(w_dcdR[3:1] != 3'h7)
// Loads landing in the current address
// pointer register are not allowed,
// as they could then be used to violate
// our rule(s)
&&((w_cis_op[0])||(w_dcdB != w_dcdA));
end // else
// The pipeline is stalled
initial r_pipe = 1'b0;
initial r_pipe = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
if (i_reset)
r_pipe <= (r_valid)&&((i_pf_valid)||(o_phase))
r_pipe <= 1'b0;
else if (i_ce)
r_pipe <= ((pf_valid)||(o_phase))
// The last operation must be capable of
// being followed by a pipeable memory op
// Both must be memory operations
// Both must be memory operations
// Both must be writes, or both stores
// Both must be writes, or both stores
&&(o_op[0] == w_cis_op[0])
&&(o_op[0] == w_cis_op[0])
// Both must be register ops
// Both must be register ops
// Both must use the same register for B
// Both must use the same register for B
&&(w_dcdB[3:0] == o_dcdB[3:0])
&&(w_dcdB[3:0] == o_dcdB[3:0])
// CC or PC registers are not valid addresses
// Captured above
// But ... the result can never be B
// But ... the result can never be B
// Captured above
||(w_dcdB[3:0] != o_dcdA[3:0]))
// Needs to be to the mode, supervisor or user
// Reads to CC or PC not allowed
&&(i_gie == o_gie)
// &&((o_op[0])||(w_dcdR[3:1] != 3'h7))
// Prior-reads to CC or PC not allowed
// Captured above
// Same condition, or no condition before
// Same condition, or no condition before
||(o_cond[2:0] == 3'h0))
||(o_cond[2:0] == 3'h0))
// Same immediate
// Same or incrementing immediate
||({1'b0, w_I[13:2]}==(r_I[13:2]+12'h1)));
&&(pipe_addr_diff <= 14'h4);
assign o_pipe = r_pipe;
assign o_pipe = r_pipe;
end else begin
assign o_pipe = 1'b0;
assign o_pipe = 1'b0;
always @(*)
r_insn_is_pipeable = 1'b0;
// verilator lint_off UNUSED
wire unused_pipable;
assign unused_pipable = r_insn_is_pipeable;
// verilator lint_on UNUSED
end endgenerate
initial r_valid = 1'b0;
generate if (OPT_PIPELINED)
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
if (i_reset)
r_valid <= 1'b0;
r_valid <= 1'b0;
else if (i_ce)
else if (i_ce)
r_valid <= ((i_pf_valid)||(o_phase)||(i_illegal))
r_valid <= ((pf_valid)||(o_phase))&&(!o_ljmp);
else if (!i_stalled)
else if (!i_stalled)
r_valid <= 1'b0;
r_valid <= 1'b0;
end else begin : GEN_DCD_VALID
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
r_valid <= 1'b0;
else if (!i_stalled)
r_valid <= ((pf_valid)||(o_phase))&&(!o_ljmp);
r_valid <= 1'b0;
end endgenerate
assign o_valid = r_valid;
assign o_valid = r_valid;
assign o_I = { {(32-22){r_I[22]}}, r_I[21:0] };
assign o_I = { {(32-22){r_I[22]}}, r_I[21:0] };
// Make Verilator happy across all our various options
// verilator lint_off UNUSED
wire [5:0] possibly_unused;
assign possibly_unused = { w_lock, w_ljmp, w_ljmp_dly, w_cis_ljmp, i_pc[1:0] };
// verilator lint_on UNUSED
`ifdef FORMAL
reg f_past_valid;
initial f_past_valid = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
f_past_valid <= 1'b1;
`define ASSERT assert
`ifdef IDECODE
`define ASSUME assume
`define ASSUME assert
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_ce)&&(i_pf_valid)&&(!o_phase))
f_insn_word <= i_instruction;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_ce)&&(i_pf_valid)&&(!o_phase))
f_insn_gie = i_gie;
always @(*)
if (o_phase)
assert(r_nxt_half == f_insn_word[14:0]);
// Assumptions about our inputs
always @(*)
`ASSUME(i_ce == ((!o_valid)||(!i_stalled)));
`ASSUME(i_ce == !i_stalled);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!f_past_valid)||($past(i_reset)))
// `ASSERT(!o_illegal);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!i_reset))
`ASSUME(i_gie == $past(i_gie));
`ifdef IDECODE
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&(!$past(i_ce))
reg f_new_insn, f_last_insn;
initial f_new_insn = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
f_new_insn <= 1'b0;
f_new_insn <= ((pf_valid)&&(!i_stalled));
initial f_last_insn = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
f_last_insn <= 1'b0;
f_last_insn <= (o_valid)&&(i_stalled);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(f_last_insn)&&(!i_reset))
if (($past(pf_valid))&&(pf_valid))
`ASSUME(i_instruction == $past(i_instruction));
`ASSUME(i_gie == $past(i_gie));
`ASSUME(i_pc == $past(i_pc));
`ASSUME(i_illegal == $past(i_illegal));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(o_early_branch_stb))
always @(*)
`ASSUME(i_pc[1:0] == 2'b00);
always @(*)
if ((o_valid)&&(!o_early_branch))
`ASSERT((o_illegal)||(o_pc[1] == o_phase));
wire [4+21+32+1+4+1+4+11+AW+3+23-1:0] f_result;
assign f_result = { o_valid, o_phase, o_illegal,
i_gie, o_dcdR, o_dcdA, o_dcdB, o_I, o_zI, o_cond,
o_wF, o_op, o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break, o_lock,
o_wR, o_rA, o_rB, o_early_branch, o_branch_pc, o_ljmp,
o_pipe, o_sim, o_sim_immv, o_pc };
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&(f_last_insn))
`ASSERT(f_result == $past(f_result));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(pf_valid))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(f_new_insn)
`ifdef IDECODE
// Let's walk through some basic instructions
// First 8-instructions, SUB - ASR
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:25]==2'b00))
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`IMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
`ASSERT((w_wF == w_cond[3])||(w_dcdA[3:1]==3'b111));
end else if ((iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:24]<3'b011))
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`CISIMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[22:19]);
if (iword[26:24] == 3'b000)
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == 5'h0);
else if (iword[26:24] == 5'h01)
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == 5'h01);
else // if (iword[26:24] == 3'b010)
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == 5'h02);
`ASSERT(w_cond == 4'h8);
if (iword[`CISIMMSEL])
`ASSERT(w_I == { {(23-3){iword[18]}}, iword[18:16] });
`ASSERT(w_I == { {(23-7){iword[22]}}, iword[22:16] });
end else
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&((w_cis_op == 5'h8)
||(w_cis_op == 5'h09)))
if (w_cis_op == 5'h8)
end else begin// if (w_cis_op == 5'h9)
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`IMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
end else begin
// Multiply instructions
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&((w_cis_op == 5'ha)
||(w_cis_op == 5'h0b)
||(w_cis_op == 5'h0c)))
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`IMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
`ASSERT((w_wF == w_cond[3])||(w_dcdA[3:1]==3'b111));
end else
// Move instruction
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&((w_cis_op == 5'hd)))
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == ((i_gie)||(iword[`IMMSEL])));
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == ((i_gie)||(iword[13])));
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
end else if ((iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:24]==3'b111))
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == (i_gie));
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == (i_gie));
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[22:19]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == 5'h0d);
`ASSERT(w_cond == 4'h8);
end else
// Divide instruction
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:23]==4'b0111))
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`IMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
`ASSERT((w_wF == w_cond[3])||(w_dcdA[3:1]==3'b111));
end else
// Comparison instructions
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:23]==4'b1000))
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`IMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
end else if ((iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:24]==3'b011))
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`CISIMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[22:19]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == 5'h10);
`ASSERT(w_cond == 4'h8);
if (iword[`CISIMMSEL])
`ASSERT(w_I == { {(23-3){iword[18]}}, iword[18:16] });
`ASSERT(w_I == { {(23-7){iword[22]}}, iword[22:16] });
end else
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_new_insn)&&($past(w_cmptst)))
// Memory instructions
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(
(iword[26:23]==4'b1001) // Word
||(iword[26:23]==4'b1010) // Half-word, or short
||(iword[26:23]==4'b1011))) // Byte ops
`ASSERT(w_sto == iword[22]);
if (w_sto)
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`IMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
end else if ((iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:25]==2'b10))
`ASSERT(w_sto == iword[24]);
if (w_sto)
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
if (iword[`CISIMMSEL])
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[22:19]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == `CPU_SP_REG);
if (w_sto)
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == 5'h13);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == 5'h12);
`ASSERT(w_cond == 4'h8);
end else begin
always @(*)
if (w_sto)
// LDI -- Load immediate
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(w_op[4:1] == 4'hc))
`ASSERT(w_rB == 1'b0);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond == 4'h8);
`ASSERT(w_Iz == (iword[22:0] == 0));
`ASSERT(w_I[22:0] == iword[22:0]);
end else if ((iword[`CISBIT])&&(iword[26:24] == 3'b110))
`ASSERT(w_rB == 1'b0);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'hc);
`ASSERT(w_cond == 4'h8);
`ASSERT(w_Iz == (iword[23:16] == 0));
`ASSERT(w_I[22:0] == { {(23-8){iword[23]}}, iword[23:16] });
end else
`endif // IDECODE
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_new_insn)&&($past(w_ldi)))
`ifdef IDECODE
always @(*)
if ((w_break)||(w_lock)||(w_sim)||(w_noop))
// FPU -- Floating point instructions
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(OPT_FPU)&&(
(w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'hd)
||(w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'he)
||(w_cis_op[4:1] == 4'hf))
&&(iword[30:28] != 3'h7))
if ((w_cis_op == 5'he)||(w_cis_op == 5'hf))
`ASSERT(w_rB == iword[`IMMSEL]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[4] == i_gie);
`ASSERT(w_dcdA[3:0] == iword[30:27]);
`ASSERT(w_dcdB[3:0] == iword[17:14]);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond[3] == (iword[21:19] == 3'b000));
`ASSERT(w_cond[2:0] == iword[21:19]);
`ASSERT((w_wF == w_cond[3])||(w_dcdA[3:1]==3'b111));
end else
// Special instructions
always @(*)
if ((!iword[`CISBIT])&&(
(w_cis_op == 5'h1c)
||(w_cis_op == 5'h1d)
||(w_cis_op == 5'h1e)
||(w_cis_op == 5'h1f))
&&((iword[30:28] == 3'h7)||(!OPT_FPU)))
if (w_cis_op == 5'h1c)
end else if (w_cis_op == 5'h1d)
`ASSERT( w_lock);
end else if (w_cis_op == 5'h1e)
`ASSERT( w_sim);
end else begin
`ASSERT( w_noop);
`ASSERT(w_cis_op == w_op);
`ASSERT(w_cond == 4'h8);
end else begin
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce))&&(!$past(i_reset))&&(!i_reset))
if ($past(pf_valid))
if ($past(o_ljmp))
// 2nd half of LW (PC),PC
end else if ((!$past(iword[`CISBIT]))&&($past(w_add))
&&(o_dcdR[4:0]=={ i_gie, 4'hf }))
// ADD #x,PC
end else if ((!$past(iword[`CISBIT]))
&&($past(w_cis_op == 5'h12))
&&(o_dcdB[4:0]=={ i_gie, 4'hf })
&&(o_dcdR[4:0]=={ i_gie, 4'hf }))
// LW (PC),PC
end else if ((OPT_CIS)&&($past(o_phase))
&&($past(w_cis_op == 5'h12))
&&(o_dcdR[4:0]=={ i_gie, 4'hf }))
// (CIS) LW (PC),PC
end else begin
end else if ((OPT_CIS)&&($past(o_phase)))
if (($past(w_cis_op == 5'h12))
// (CIS) LW (PC),PC
end else begin
end else if (!i_reset)
// // CIS instruction 16'hfcf8 decodes into:
// // 1.1111.100.1.1111.0000
// // = LW (PC),PC
// always @(*)
// assume(i_instruction[31:16] != 16'hfcf8);
end else begin
always @(*)
always @(*)
end endgenerate
always @(*)
if (o_early_branch_stb)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_early_branch_stb))&&(!$past(pf_valid)))
always @(*)
if (!OPT_LOCK)
generate if (OPT_CIS)
begin : F_OPT_CIS
always @(*)
if ((OPT_PIPELINED)&&(!o_valid))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset)))
if ((o_phase)&&($past(i_ce)))
`ASSERT((iword[30:16] == $past(i_instruction[14:0]))
else if (!o_phase)
`ASSERT(iword == i_instruction);
if ((!$past(o_phase))&&($past(i_ce))
else if (($past(o_phase))&&($past(i_ce)))
if (($past(i_ce))&&(!$past(o_phase))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_stalled))&&($past(pf_valid))
`ASSERT(o_pc[0] == 1'b0);
if (!$past(iword[`CISBIT]))
`ASSERT(o_pc[AW+1:2] == $past(i_pc[AW+1:2])+1'b1);
end else if ($past(iword[`CISBIT])&&($past(o_phase)))
`ASSERT(o_pc[(AW+1):1] == $past(o_pc[(AW+1):1]) + 1'b1);
else if ($past(iword[`CISBIT]))
`ASSERT(o_pc[(AW+1):1] == { $past(i_pc[(AW+1):2]), 1'b1});
if (o_valid)
always @(*)
if (iword[`CISBIT])
`ASSERT((!w_ldi)||(w_I == { {(23-8){iword[23]}}, iword[23:16] }));
||(w_I == { {(23-7){iword[22]}}, iword[22:16] }));
||(w_I == { {(23-3){iword[18]}}, iword[18:16] }));
end else begin
`ASSERT((!w_ldi)||(w_I == iword[22:0]));
`ASSERT((!w_mov)||(w_I == { {(23-13){iword[12]}}, iword[12:0] }));
||(w_I == { {(23-18){iword[17]}}, iword[17:0] }));
||(w_I == { {(23-14){iword[13]}}, iword[13:0] }));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(o_phase)&&($past(i_ce)))
end else begin
always @(*)
`ASSERT((o_phase)||(iword[30:0] == i_instruction[30:0]));
`ASSERT(o_phase == 1'b0);
`ASSERT(o_pc[0] == 1'b0);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce))&&($past(i_pf_valid)))
`ASSERT(o_pc[AW+1:2] == $past(i_pc[AW+1:2]) + 1'b1);
else if (f_past_valid)
`ASSERT(o_pc == $past(o_pc));
always @(*)
`ASSERT(o_pc[1:0] == 2'b00);
always @(*)
`ASSERT((!w_ldi)||(w_I == iword[22:0]));
always @(*)
`ASSERT((!w_mov)||(w_I == { {(23-13){iword[12]}}, iword[12:0] }));
always @(*)
||(w_I == { {(23-18){iword[17]}}, iword[17:0] }));
always @(*)
||(w_I == { {(23-14){iword[13]}}, iword[13:0] }));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce))&&(!$past(i_reset)))
end endgenerate
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(i_ce))&&($past(w_fpu)))
if (OPT_FPU)
else if (!$past(w_special))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(i_ce))&&($past(w_lock)))
wire [20:0] f_next_pipe_I, f_this_pipe_I;
assign f_this_pipe_I = r_I[22:2];
assign f_next_pipe_I = r_I[22:2]+1'b1;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset)))
if (($past(i_ce))
if ((!$past(o_M))||(!o_M))
else if ($past(o_op[0])!=o_op[0])
else if ($past(o_rB)!=o_rB)
else if ((o_rB)&&($past(o_dcdB) != o_dcdB))
else if (($past(o_wR))
&&($past(o_dcdR[3:1]) == 3'h7))
// else if ((o_wR)&&(o_dcdR[3:1] == 3'h7))
// `ASSERT(!o_pipe);
else if (o_wR != $past(o_wR))
else if ((o_wR)&&($past(o_dcdR) == o_dcdB))
else if ((o_wR)&&(o_dcdB[3:1] == 3'h7))
else if (($past(o_cond) != 4'h8)
&&($past(o_cond) != o_cond))
else if ($past(r_I[22])!=r_I[22])
else if (r_I[22:0] - $past(r_I[22:0])>23'h4)
else if (!$past(o_valid))
// else
// assert(o_pipe);
end else if ($past(i_stalled))
`ASSERT(o_pipe == $past(o_pipe));
always @(*)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))&&($past(i_ce))
always @(*)
if (o_valid)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_valid))&&($past(o_ljmp))&&($past(!i_stalled)))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(o_early_branch_stb)))
if (!$past(i_stalled))
// Unless another valid instruction comes along, once o_ljmp is asserted
// it should stay asserted until either a reset or an early branch
// strobe.
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((OPT_EARLY_BRANCHING)&&(f_past_valid)
// o_ljmp should only ever be asserted following a valid prefetch
// input. Hence, if the prefetch input isn't valid, then o_ljmp
// should be left low
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(o_ljmp))
&&( (!$past(pf_valid)) || (!$past(i_ce)) )
&&( !$past(o_phase) )
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((OPT_EARLY_BRANCHING)&&(f_past_valid)&&($past(o_ljmp))&&(!o_ljmp)
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
`ASSERT((!o_valid)||(!o_ljmp)||(o_phase == o_pc[1]));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!OPT_CIS)
else if (!f_insn_word[31])
else if (o_phase)
always @(*)
if ((o_early_branch)&&(!o_early_branch_stb))
always @(*)
if (o_ljmp)
always @(*)
`ASSERT(o_dcdR == o_dcdA);
always @(*)
if ((o_valid)&&(o_phase))
always @(*)
`ASSERT(o_branch_pc[1:0] == 2'b00);
always @(*)
`ASSERT(o_pc[0] == 1'b0);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_pf_valid))&&(i_pf_valid))
wire fc_illegal, fc_wF, fc_ALU, fc_M, fc_DV, fc_FP, fc_break,
fc_lock, fc_wR, fc_rA, fc_rB, fc_prepipe, fc_sim;
wire [6:0] fc_dcdR, fc_dcdA, fc_dcdB;
wire [31:0] fc_I;
wire [3:0] fc_cond;
wire [3:0] fc_op;
wire [22:0] fc_sim_immv;
f_idecode #(
) formal_decoder(
f_insn_word, o_phase, f_insn_gie,
fc_dcdR, fc_dcdA,fc_dcdB, fc_I, fc_cond, fc_wF, fc_op,
fc_ALU, fc_M, fc_DV, fc_FP, fc_break, fc_lock,
fc_wR, fc_rA, fc_rB, fc_prepipe, fc_sim, fc_sim_immv);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((o_valid)&&(fc_illegal))
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((o_valid)&&(!o_illegal))
`ASSERT(fc_dcdR== o_dcdR); //
`ASSERT(fc_dcdA== o_dcdA); //
`ASSERT(fc_dcdB== o_dcdB); //
`ASSERT(fc_I == o_I);
`ASSERT(o_zI == (fc_I == 0));
`ASSERT(fc_cond== o_cond);
`ASSERT(fc_wF == o_wF);
`ASSERT(fc_op == o_op);
`ASSERT(fc_ALU == o_ALU);
`ASSERT(fc_M == o_M);
`ASSERT(fc_DV == o_DV);
`ASSERT(fc_FP == o_FP);
`ASSERT(fc_break== o_break);
`ASSERT(fc_lock == o_lock);
`ASSERT(fc_wR == o_wR);
`ASSERT(fc_rA == o_rA);
`ASSERT(fc_rB == o_rB);
`ASSERT(fc_sim == o_sim);
`ASSERT(fc_sim_immv == o_sim_immv);
`ASSERT(fc_prepipe == r_insn_is_pipeable);
end else
always @(*)
if (o_phase)
`ASSERT(r_nxt_half[14:0] == f_insn_word[14:0]);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce))&&(o_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset)))
||$past((o_illegal)&&( o_phase)))== o_illegal);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((!o_valid)||(o_illegal))
generate if ((OPT_CIS)&&(OPT_EARLY_BRANCHING))
always @(*)
if ((o_valid)
// LW
// Zero immediate
// Unconditional
// From PC to PC
||((f_insn_word[31])&&(o_phase || o_illegal)));
else if (o_valid)
end endgenerate
`endif // FORMAL
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file