Line 71... |
Line 71... |
syn match zipHex "\$\=0[xX][0-9a-fA-F_]*\>"
syn match zipHex "\$\=0[xX][0-9a-fA-F_]*\>"
syn match zipDecimal "\$\=[1-9_][0-9_]*\>"
syn match zipDecimal "\$\=[1-9_][0-9_]*\>"
" syn match zipFloat "\$\=[0-9_]*\.[0-9_]*\([eE][+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\=\>"
" syn match zipFloat "\$\=[0-9_]*\.[0-9_]*\([eE][+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\=\>"
"simple instructions
"simple instructions
syn keyword zipopcode sub and add or xor lsr lsl asr lhi llo ldihi ldilo
syn keyword zipopcode sub and add or xor lsr lsl asr
syn keyword zipopcode mpyu mpys divu divs
syn keyword zipopcode brev ldilo mpyuhi mpyshi mpy mov divu divs
syn keyword zipopcode brev popc rol mov cmp tst lod sto ldi
syn keyword zipopcode cmp tst test lw sw lh sh lb sb ldi
syn keyword zipopcode fpadd fpsub fpmul fpdiv fpi2f fpf2i
syn keyword zipopcode noop break brk lock
syn keyword zipopcode noop break brk lock
syn keyword zipopcode fpadd fpsub fpmul fpdiv dpcvt fpint
syn keyword zipopcode bz beq bnz bne bc bnc bv bra blt bge ljmp jsr ljsr
syn keyword zipopcode bz beq bnz bc brc brv bv bra blt bgt bge
syn keyword zipopcode clr halt wait jmp ljmp not trap busy neg rtu retn
syn keyword zipopcode clr halt wait clrf jmp ljmp not trap busy neg rtu
syn keyword zipopcode sim sexit nexit sdump ndump snoop sdump sstr nstr
syn match zipoperators "[()#,]"
syn match zipoperators "[()#,]"
" syn match zipoperators "\(+\|\*\|-\|/\|\\\|^\|&\|\|=\)"
" syn match zipoperators "\(+\|\*\|-\|/\|\\\|^\|&\|\|=\)"
syn match zipTodo "\(TODO\|XXX\|FIXME\|NOTE\)"
syn match zipTodo "\(TODO\|XXX\|FIXME\|NOTE\)"
syn keyword zipCondition z ne nz ge gt lt n c v
syn keyword zipCondition z ne nz ge lt n nc c v
"The regex for different zip registers are given below
"The regex for different zip registers are given below
syn match zipregisters "[us]\=R\([0-9]\|1[0-5]\)\>"
syn match zipregisters "[us]\=R\([0-9]\|1[0-5]\)\>"
syn keyword zipregisters gbl sp cc pc usp ucc upc
syn keyword zipregisters gbl sp cc pc lr fp ulr ufp usp ucc upc
"floating point classes
"floating point classes
"Data allocation syntax
"Data allocation syntax
syn match zipdata "word\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.ascii\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "fill\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.asciz\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "stringz\=\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"
syn match zipdata "\.byte\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.short\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.word\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.int\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.long\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.single\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.float\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.skip\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.fill\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "\.set\s*\>"
syn match zipdata "string8\=\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"
syn match zipdata "string16\=\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"
syn match zipdata "string32\=\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"
syn match zipdata "string64\=\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"
" Define the default highlighting.
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_zip_syn_inits")
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_zip_syn_inits")
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link