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[/] [dma_axi/] [trunk/] [src/] [dma_axi32/] [dma_axi32_core0_top.v] - Diff between revs 2 and 4

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Rev 2 Rev 4
////                                                             ////
////  Author: Eyal Hochberg                                      ////
////                                 ////
////                                                             ////
////  Downloaded from:                  ////
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//// Copyright (C) 2010 Provartec LTD                            ////
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//-- File generated by RobustVerilog parser
//-- File generated by RobustVerilog parser
//-- Version: 1.0
//-- Version: 1.0
//-- Invoked Fri Mar 25 23:34:50 2011
//-- Invoked Fri Mar 25 23:34:50 2011
//-- Source file: dma_core_top.v
//-- Source file: dma_core_top.v
module dma_axi32_core0_top(clk,reset,scan_en,idle,ch_int_all_proc,ch_start,clkdiv,periph_tx_req,periph_tx_clr,periph_rx_req,periph_rx_clr,pclken,psel,penable,paddr,pwrite,pwdata,prdata,pslverr,pready,rd_port_num,wr_port_num,joint_mode,joint_remote,rd_prio_top,rd_prio_high,rd_prio_top_num,rd_prio_high_num,wr_prio_top,wr_prio_high,wr_prio_top_num,wr_prio_high_num,AWADDR,AWLEN,AWSIZE,AWVALID,AWREADY,WDATA,WSTRB,WLAST,WVALID,WREADY,BRESP,BVALID,BREADY,ARADDR,ARLEN,ARSIZE,ARVALID,ARREADY,RDATA,RRESP,RLAST,RVALID,RREADY);
module dma_axi32_core0_top(clk,reset,scan_en,idle,ch_int_all_proc,ch_start,clkdiv,periph_tx_req,periph_tx_clr,periph_rx_req,periph_rx_clr,pclken,psel,penable,paddr,pwrite,pwdata,prdata,pslverr,pready,rd_port_num,wr_port_num,joint_mode,joint_remote,rd_prio_top,rd_prio_high,rd_prio_top_num,rd_prio_high_num,wr_prio_top,wr_prio_high,wr_prio_top_num,wr_prio_high_num,AWADDR,AWLEN,AWSIZE,AWVALID,AWREADY,WDATA,WSTRB,WLAST,WVALID,WREADY,BRESP,BVALID,BREADY,ARADDR,ARLEN,ARSIZE,ARVALID,ARREADY,RDATA,RRESP,RLAST,RVALID,RREADY);
   input             clk;
   input             clk;
   input             reset;
   input             reset;
   input             scan_en;
   input             scan_en;
   output             idle;
   output             idle;
   output [8*1-1:0]  ch_int_all_proc;
   output [8*1-1:0]  ch_int_all_proc;
   input [7:0]                 ch_start;
   input [7:0]                 ch_start;
   input [3:0]             clkdiv;
   input [3:0]             clkdiv;
   input [31:1]         periph_tx_req;
   input [31:1]         periph_tx_req;
   output [31:1]         periph_tx_clr;
   output [31:1]         periph_tx_clr;
   input [31:1]         periph_rx_req;
   input [31:1]         periph_rx_req;
   output [31:1]         periph_rx_clr;
   output [31:1]         periph_rx_clr;
   input                    pclken;
   input                    pclken;
   input                    psel;
   input                    psel;
   input                    penable;
   input                    penable;
   input [10:0]             paddr;
   input [10:0]             paddr;
   input                    pwrite;
   input                    pwrite;
   input [31:0]             pwdata;
   input [31:0]             pwdata;
   output [31:0]            prdata;
   output [31:0]            prdata;
   output                   pslverr;
   output                   pslverr;
   output                   pready;
   output                   pready;
   output             rd_port_num;
   output             rd_port_num;
   output             wr_port_num;
   output             wr_port_num;
   input             joint_mode;
   input             joint_mode;
   input             joint_remote;
   input             joint_remote;
   input              rd_prio_top;
   input              rd_prio_top;
   input              rd_prio_high;
   input              rd_prio_high;
   input [2:0]             rd_prio_top_num;
   input [2:0]             rd_prio_top_num;
   input [2:0]             rd_prio_high_num;
   input [2:0]             rd_prio_high_num;
   input              wr_prio_top;
   input              wr_prio_top;
   input              wr_prio_high;
   input              wr_prio_high;
   input [2:0]             wr_prio_top_num;
   input [2:0]             wr_prio_top_num;
   input [2:0]             wr_prio_high_num;
   input [2:0]             wr_prio_high_num;
   output [31:0]            AWADDR;
   output [31:0]            AWADDR;
   output [`LEN_BITS-1:0]   AWLEN;
   output [`LEN_BITS-1:0]   AWLEN;
   output [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      AWSIZE;
   output [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      AWSIZE;
   output                   AWVALID;
   output                   AWVALID;
   input                    AWREADY;
   input                    AWREADY;
   output [31:0]            WDATA;
   output [31:0]            WDATA;
   output [32/8-1:0]        WSTRB;
   output [32/8-1:0]        WSTRB;
   output                   WLAST;
   output                   WLAST;
   output                   WVALID;
   output                   WVALID;
   input                    WREADY;
   input                    WREADY;
   input [1:0]              BRESP;
   input [1:0]              BRESP;
   input                    BVALID;
   input                    BVALID;
   output                   BREADY;
   output                   BREADY;
   output [31:0]            ARADDR;
   output [31:0]            ARADDR;
   output [`LEN_BITS-1:0]   ARLEN;
   output [`LEN_BITS-1:0]   ARLEN;
   output [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      ARSIZE;
   output [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      ARSIZE;
   output                   ARVALID;
   output                   ARVALID;
   input                    ARREADY;
   input                    ARREADY;
   input [31:0]             RDATA;
   input [31:0]             RDATA;
   input [1:0]              RRESP;
   input [1:0]              RRESP;
   input                    RLAST;
   input                    RLAST;
   input                    RVALID;
   input                    RVALID;
   output                   RREADY;
   output                   RREADY;
   wire [31:0]              slow_AWADDR;
   wire [31:0]              slow_AWADDR;
   wire [`LEN_BITS-1:0]     slow_AWLEN;
   wire [`LEN_BITS-1:0]     slow_AWLEN;
   wire [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      slow_AWSIZE;
   wire [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      slow_AWSIZE;
   wire                     slow_AWVALID;
   wire                     slow_AWVALID;
   wire                     slow_AWREADY;
   wire                     slow_AWREADY;
   wire [31:0]              slow_WDATA;
   wire [31:0]              slow_WDATA;
   wire [32/8-1:0]          slow_WSTRB;
   wire [32/8-1:0]          slow_WSTRB;
   wire                     slow_WLAST;
   wire                     slow_WLAST;
   wire                     slow_WVALID;
   wire                     slow_WVALID;
   wire                     slow_WREADY;
   wire                     slow_WREADY;
   wire [1:0]               slow_BRESP;
   wire [1:0]               slow_BRESP;
   wire                     slow_BVALID;
   wire                     slow_BVALID;
   wire                     slow_BREADY;
   wire                     slow_BREADY;
   wire [31:0]              slow_ARADDR;
   wire [31:0]              slow_ARADDR;
   wire [`LEN_BITS-1:0]     slow_ARLEN;
   wire [`LEN_BITS-1:0]     slow_ARLEN;
   wire [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      slow_ARSIZE;
   wire [`SIZE_BITS-1:0]                      slow_ARSIZE;
   wire                     slow_ARVALID;
   wire                     slow_ARVALID;
   wire                     slow_ARREADY;
   wire                     slow_ARREADY;
   wire [31:0]              slow_RDATA;
   wire [31:0]              slow_RDATA;
   wire [1:0]               slow_RRESP;
   wire [1:0]               slow_RRESP;
   wire                     slow_RLAST;
   wire                     slow_RLAST;
   wire                     slow_RVALID;
   wire                     slow_RVALID;
   wire                     slow_RREADY;
   wire                     slow_RREADY;
   wire             clk_out;
   wire             clk_out;
   wire             clken;
   wire             clken;
   wire             bypass;
   wire             bypass;
   assign             clk_out      = clk;
   assign             clk_out      = clk;
   assign             clken        = 1'b1;
   assign             clken        = 1'b1;
   assign                   AWADDR = slow_AWADDR;
   assign                   AWADDR = slow_AWADDR;
   assign                   AWLEN = slow_AWLEN;
   assign                   AWLEN = slow_AWLEN;
   assign                   AWSIZE = slow_AWSIZE;
   assign                   AWSIZE = slow_AWSIZE;
   assign                   AWVALID = slow_AWVALID;
   assign                   AWVALID = slow_AWVALID;
   assign                   WDATA = slow_WDATA;
   assign                   WDATA = slow_WDATA;
   assign                   WSTRB = slow_WSTRB;
   assign                   WSTRB = slow_WSTRB;
   assign                   WLAST = slow_WLAST;
   assign                   WLAST = slow_WLAST;
   assign                   WVALID = slow_WVALID;
   assign                   WVALID = slow_WVALID;
   assign                   BREADY = slow_BREADY;
   assign                   BREADY = slow_BREADY;
   assign                   ARADDR = slow_ARADDR;
   assign                   ARADDR = slow_ARADDR;
   assign                   ARLEN = slow_ARLEN;
   assign                   ARLEN = slow_ARLEN;
   assign                   ARSIZE = slow_ARSIZE;
   assign                   ARSIZE = slow_ARSIZE;
   assign                   ARVALID = slow_ARVALID;
   assign                   ARVALID = slow_ARVALID;
   assign                   RREADY = slow_RREADY;
   assign                   RREADY = slow_RREADY;
   assign                   slow_AWREADY = AWREADY;
   assign                   slow_AWREADY = AWREADY;
   assign                   slow_WREADY = WREADY;
   assign                   slow_WREADY = WREADY;
   assign                   slow_BRESP = BRESP;
   assign                   slow_BRESP = BRESP;
   assign                   slow_BVALID = BVALID;
   assign                   slow_BVALID = BVALID;
   assign                   slow_ARREADY = ARREADY;
   assign                   slow_ARREADY = ARREADY;
   assign                   slow_RDATA = RDATA;
   assign                   slow_RDATA = RDATA;
   assign                   slow_RRESP = RRESP;
   assign                   slow_RRESP = RRESP;
   assign                   slow_RLAST = RLAST;
   assign                   slow_RLAST = RLAST;
   assign                   slow_RVALID = RVALID;
   assign                   slow_RVALID = RVALID;
   dma_axi32_core0 (
   dma_axi32_core0 (

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