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[/] [light8080/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [light8080.vhdl] - Diff between revs 64 and 79

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Rev 64 Rev 79
Line 733... Line 733...
signal do_cpc_d :     std_logic; -- do_cpc, pipelined
signal do_cpc_d :     std_logic; -- do_cpc, pipelined
signal do_daa :       std_logic; -- ALU operation is DAA
signal do_daa :       std_logic; -- ALU operation is DAA
signal clear_cy :     std_logic; -- Instruction unconditionally clears CY
signal clear_cy :     std_logic; -- Instruction unconditionally clears CY
signal clear_ac :     std_logic; -- Instruction unconditionally clears AC
signal clear_ac :     std_logic; -- Instruction unconditionally clears AC
signal set_ac :       std_logic; -- Instruction unconditionally sets AC
signal set_ac :       std_logic; -- Instruction unconditionally sets AC
signal flag_ac :      std_logic; -- new computed half carry flag
signal flag_ac :      std_logic; -- New computed half carry (AC) flag
signal flag_ac_daa :  std_logic; -- AC flag computed in the special case of DAA
signal flag_ac_and :  std_logic; -- AC flag computed in the special case of AN*
-- flag_aux_cy: new computed half carry flag (used in 16-bit ops)
-- flag_aux_cy: new computed half carry flag (used in 16-bit ops)
signal flag_aux_cy :  std_logic;
signal flag_aux_cy :  std_logic;
signal load_psw :     std_logic; -- load F register
signal load_psw :     std_logic; -- load F register
-- aux carry computation and control signals
-- aux carry computation and control signals
Line 760... Line 762...
signal arith_op2_sgn: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal arith_op2_sgn: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal arith_res :    std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal arith_res :    std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal arith_res8 :   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal arith_res8 :   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- ALU DAA intermediate signals (DAA has fully dedicated logic)
-- ALU DAA intermediate signals (DAA has fully dedicated logic)
signal daa_res :      std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal daa_res8 :     std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal daa_res9 :     std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal daa_res9 :     std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal daa_test1 :    std_logic;
signal daa_test1 :    std_logic;
signal daa_test1a :   std_logic;
signal daa_test1a :   std_logic;
signal daa_test2 :    std_logic;
signal daa_test2 :    std_logic;
signal daa_test2a :   std_logic;
signal daa_test2a :   std_logic;
signal arith_daa_res :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal arith_daa_res :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal cy_daa :       std_logic;
signal cy_daa :       std_logic;
signal acc_low_gt9 :  std_logic;
signal acc_high_gt9 : std_logic;
signal acc_high_ge9 : std_logic;
signal daa_adjust :   std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
-- ALU CY flag intermediate signals
-- ALU CY flag intermediate signals
signal cy_in_sgn :    std_logic;
signal cy_in_sgn :    std_logic;
signal cy_in :        std_logic;
signal cy_in :        std_logic;
signal cy_in_gated :  std_logic;
signal cy_in_gated :  std_logic;
Line 839... Line 843...
load_al <= ucode(24);
load_al <= ucode(24);
load_addr <= ucode(25);
load_addr <= ucode(25);
do_cy_op_d <= '1' when ucode(5 downto 2)="1011" else '0'; -- decode CY ALU op
do_cy_op_d <= '1' when ucode(5 downto 2)="1011" else '0'; -- decode CY ALU op
do_cpc_d <= ucode(0); -- decode CPC ALU op
do_cpc_d <= ucode(0); -- decode CPC ALU op; valid only when do_cy_op_d='1'
-- uinst jump command, either unconditional or on a given condition
-- uinst jump command, either unconditional or on a given condition
uc_do_jmp <= uc_jsr or (uc_tjsr and condition_reg);
uc_do_jmp <= uc_jsr or (uc_tjsr and condition_reg);
vma <= load_addr;  -- addr is valid, either for memmory or io
vma <= load_addr;  -- addr is valid, either for memmory or io
Line 1175... Line 1179...
-- take only 8 bits; 9th bit of adder is cy output
-- take only 8 bits; 9th bit of adder is cy output
arith_res8 <= arith_res(7 downto 0);
arith_res8 <= arith_res(7 downto 0);
cy_adder <= arith_res(8);
cy_adder <= arith_res(8);
--##### DAA dedicated logic
--##### DAA dedicated logic
-- Note a DAA takes 2 cycles to complete! 
-- Intel documentation does not cover many details of this instruction.
-- It has been experimentally determined that the following is the algorithm 
-- employed in the actual original silicon:
-- 1.- If ACC(3..0) > 9 OR AC=1 then add 06h to ACC.
-- 2.- If (ACC(7..4) > 9 OR AC=1) OR (ACC(7..4)==9 AND (CY=1 OR ACC(3..0) > 9))
--     then add 60h to ACC.
-- Steps 1 and 2 are performed in parallel.
-- AC = 1 iif ACC(3..0) >= 10
-- CY = 1 if CY was already 1 OR 
--           (ACC(7..4)>=9 AND ACC(3..0)>=10) OR
--           ACC(7..4)>=10
--        else CY is zero.
-- Note a DAA takes 2 cycles to complete; the adjutment addition is registered 
-- so that it does not become the speed bottleneck. The DAA microcode will 
-- execute two ALU DAA operations in a row before taking the ALU result.
-- '1' when ACC(3..0) > 9
acc_low_gt9 <= '1' when
  conv_integer(arith_op2(3 downto 0)) > 9
  --arith_op2(3 downto 2)="11" or arith_op2(3 downto 1)="101"
  else '0';
-- '1' when ACC(7..4) > 9  
acc_high_gt9 <= '1' when
  conv_integer(arith_op2(7 downto 4)) > 9
  --arith_op2(7 downto 6)="11" or arith_op2(7 downto 5)="101"
  else '0';
-- '1' when ACC(7..4) >= 9
acc_high_ge9 <= '1' when
  conv_integer(arith_op2(7 downto 4)) >= 9
  else '0';
-- Condition for adding 6 to the low nibble
daa_test1 <= '1' when
  acc_low_gt9='1' or    -- A(3..0) > 9
  flag_reg(4)='1'       -- AC set
  else '0';
-- condition for adding 6 to the high nibble
daa_test2 <= '1' when
  (acc_high_gt9='1' or  -- A(7..4) > 9
  flag_reg(0)='1') or   -- CY set 
  (daa_test2a = '1')    -- condition below
  else '0';
-- A(7..4)==9 && (CY or ACC(3..0)>9)
daa_test2a <= '1' when
  arith_op2(7 downto 4)="1001" and (flag_reg(0)='1' or acc_low_gt9='1')
  else '0';
--daa_test1a='1' when daa_res9(7 downto 4) > 0x06
-- daa_adjust is what we will add to ACC in order to adjust it to BCD 
daa_test1a <= arith_op2(3) and (arith_op2(2) or arith_op2(1) or arith_op2(0));
daa_adjust(3 downto 0) <= "0110" when daa_test1='1' else "0000";
daa_test1 <= '1' when flag_reg(4)='1' or daa_test1a='1' else '0';
daa_adjust(7 downto 4) <= "0110" when daa_test2='1' else "0000";
daa_adjust(8) <= '0';
-- The adder is registered so as to improve the clock rate. This takes the DAA
-- logic out of the critical speed path at the cost of an extra cycle for DAA,
-- which is a good compromise.
  if clk'event and clk='1' then
  if clk'event and clk='1' then
    if reset='1' then
    daa_res9 <= arith_op2 + daa_adjust;
      daa_res9 <= "000000000";
      if daa_test1='1' then
        daa_res9 <= arith_op2 + "000000110";
        daa_res9 <= arith_op2;
      end if;
    end if;
  end if;
  end if;
end process;
end process daa_adjutment_adder;
--daa_test2a='1' when daa_res9(7 downto 4) > 0x06 FIXME unused?
daa_test2a <= daa_res9(7) and (daa_res9(6) or daa_res9(5) or daa_res9(4));
daa_test2 <= '1' when flag_reg(0)='1' or daa_test1a='1' else '0';
daa_res <= '0'&daa_res9(7 downto 0) + "01100000" when daa_test2='1'
-- AC flag raised if the low nibble was > 9, cleared otherwise.
           else daa_res9;
flag_ac_daa <= acc_low_gt9;
cy_daa <= daa_res(8);
-- CY flag raised if the condition above holds, otherwise keeps current value.
cy_daa <= '1' when
  flag_reg(0)='1' or  -- If CY is already 1, keep value 
  ( (acc_high_ge9='1' and acc_low_gt9='1') or (acc_low_gt9='1')  )
  else '0';
-- DAA vs. adder mux
-- DAA vs. adder mux
arith_daa_res <= daa_res(7 downto 0) when do_daa='1' else arith_res8;
arith_daa_res <= daa_res9(7 downto 0) when do_daa='1' else arith_res8;
-- DAA vs. adder CY mux
-- DAA vs. adder CY mux
cy_arith <= cy_daa when do_daa='1' else cy_adder;
cy_arith <= cy_daa when do_daa='1' else cy_adder;
--##### Logic operations block
--##### Logic operations block
Line 1248... Line 1300...
flag_s <= alu_output(7);
flag_s <= alu_output(7);
flag_p <= not(alu_output(7) xor alu_output(6) xor alu_output(5) xor alu_output(4) xor
flag_p <= not(alu_output(7) xor alu_output(6) xor alu_output(5) xor alu_output(4) xor
         alu_output(3) xor alu_output(2) xor alu_output(1) xor alu_output(0));
         alu_output(3) xor alu_output(2) xor alu_output(1) xor alu_output(0));
flag_z <= '1' when alu_output=X"00" else '0';
flag_z <= '1' when alu_output=X"00" else '0';
-- AC is either the CY from bit 4 OR 0 if the instruction clears it implicitly
-- AC is either the CY from bit 4 OR 0 if the instruction clears it implicitly
flag_ac <= '1' when set_ac = '1' else
flag_ac <= flag_ac_and when set_ac = '1' and do_daa='0' else
           '0' when clear_ac = '1' else
           '0' when clear_ac = '1' else
           flag_ac_daa when do_daa = '1' else
            (arith_op1(4) xor arith_op2_sgn(4) xor alu_output(4));
            (arith_op1(4) xor arith_op2_sgn(4) xor alu_output(4));
-- AN* instructions deal with AC flag a bit differently
flag_ac_and <= T1(3) or T2(3);
-- CY comes from the adder or the shifter, or is 0 if the instruction 
-- CY comes from the adder or the shifter, or is 0 if the instruction 
-- implicitly clears it.
-- implicitly clears it.
flag_cy_1 <=  '0'       when clear_cy = '1' else
flag_cy_1 <=  '0'       when clear_cy = '1' else
              cy_arith  when use_logic = '1' and clear_cy = '0' else
              cy_arith  when use_logic = '1' and clear_cy = '0' else
-- CY can also be explicitly set or complemented by STC and CMC
flag_cy_2 <= not flag_reg(0) when do_cpc='0' else '1'; -- cmc, stc
flag_cy_2 <= not flag_reg(0) when do_cpc='0' else '1'; -- cmc, stc
-- No do the actual CY update
flag_cy <= flag_cy_1 when do_cy_op='0' else flag_cy_2;
flag_cy <= flag_cy_1 when do_cy_op='0' else flag_cy_2;
flag_aux_cy <= cy_adder;
flag_aux_cy <= cy_adder;
-- auxiliary carry reg
-- auxiliary carry reg

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