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[/] [mkjpeg/] [trunk/] [design/] [BufFifo/] [BUF_FIFO.vhd] - Diff between revs 52 and 56

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Rev 52 Rev 56
Line 68... Line 68...
----------------------------------- ARCHITECTURE ------------------------------
----------------------------------- ARCHITECTURE ------------------------------
architecture RTL of BUF_FIFO is
architecture RTL of BUF_FIFO is
  constant C_NUM_LINES    : integer := 8 + C_EXTRA_LINES;
  signal pixel_cnt        : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal pixel_cnt        : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal line_cnt         : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal line_cnt         : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal ramq             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
  signal ramq             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
  signal ramd             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
  signal ramd             : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0);
  signal ramwaddr         : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*8)-1 downto 0);
  signal ramwaddr         : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0);
  signal ramenw           : STD_LOGIC;
  signal ramenw           : STD_LOGIC;
  signal ramraddr         : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*8)-1 downto 0);
  signal ramraddr         : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0);
  signal pix_inblk_cnt    : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal pix_inblk_cnt    : unsigned(2 downto 0);
  signal line_inblk_cnt   : unsigned(7 downto 0);
  signal pix_inblk_cnt_d1 : unsigned(2 downto 0);
  signal line_inblk_cnt   : unsigned(2 downto 0);
  signal read_block_cnt   : unsigned(12 downto 0);
  signal read_block_cnt   : unsigned(12 downto 0);
  signal read_block_cnt_d1 : unsigned(12 downto 0);
  signal write_block_cnt  : unsigned(12 downto 0);
  signal write_block_cnt  : unsigned(12 downto 0);
  signal ramraddr_int     : unsigned(23 downto 0);
  signal ramraddr_int     : unsigned(16+log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0);
  signal raddr_base_line  : unsigned(23 downto 0);
  signal raddr_base_line  : unsigned(16+log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0);
  signal raddr_tmp        : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal raddr_tmp        : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal ramwaddr_d1      : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*8)-1 downto 0);
  signal ramwaddr_d1      : unsigned(ramwaddr'range);
  signal line_lock        : unsigned(log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0);
  signal memwr_line_cnt   : unsigned(log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0);
  signal memrd_offs_cnt   : unsigned(log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1+1 downto 0);
  signal memrd_line       : unsigned(log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0);
  signal wr_line_idx      : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal rd_line_idx      : unsigned(15 downto 0);
  signal image_write_end  : std_logic;
  signal block_lock       : unsigned(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH/8-1 downto 0);
-- Architecture: begin
-- Architecture: begin
Line 100... Line 117...
  -- RAM for SUB_FIFOs
  -- RAM for SUB_FIFOs
  U_SUB_RAMZ : entity work.SUB_RAMZ
  U_SUB_RAMZ : entity work.SUB_RAMZ
  generic map
  generic map
           RAMADDR_W => log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*8),
           RAMADDR_W => log2( C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES ),
           RAMDATA_W => C_PIXEL_BITS
           RAMDATA_W => C_PIXEL_BITS
  port map
  port map
        d            => ramd,
        d            => ramd,
Line 135... Line 152...
  p_pixel_cnt : process(CLK, RST)
  p_pixel_cnt : process(CLK, RST)
    if RST = '1' then
    if RST = '1' then
      pixel_cnt   <= (others => '0');
      pixel_cnt   <= (others => '0');
      line_cnt    <= (others => '0');
      memwr_line_cnt <= (others => '0');
      wr_line_idx    <= (others => '0');
      ramwaddr    <= (others => '0');
      ramwaddr    <= (others => '0');
      ramwaddr_d1 <= (others => '0');
      ramwaddr_d1 <= (others => '0');
      image_write_end <= '0';
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
      ramwaddr_d1 <= ramwaddr;
      ramwaddr_d1 <= ramwaddr;
      if iram_wren = '1' then
      if iram_wren = '1' then
        -- pixel index in line
        -- end of line
        if pixel_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x)-1 then
        if pixel_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x)-1 then
          pixel_cnt <= (others => '0');
          pixel_cnt <= (others => '0');
          -- line counter
          -- absolute write line index
          line_cnt  <= line_cnt + 1;
          wr_line_idx <= wr_line_idx + 1;
          -- RAM is only 8 lines buffer
          if line_cnt(2 downto 0) = 8-1 then
          if wr_line_idx = unsigned(img_size_y)-1 then
            image_write_end <= '1';
          end if;
          -- memory line index
          if memwr_line_cnt = C_NUM_LINES-1 then
            memwr_line_cnt <= (others => '0');
            ramwaddr <= (others => '0');
            ramwaddr <= (others => '0');
            memwr_line_cnt <= memwr_line_cnt + 1;
            ramwaddr  <= ramwaddr + 1;
            ramwaddr  <= ramwaddr + 1;
          end if;
          end if;
          pixel_cnt <= pixel_cnt + 1;
          pixel_cnt <= pixel_cnt + 1;
          ramwaddr  <= ramwaddr + 1;
          ramwaddr  <= ramwaddr + 1;
Line 162... Line 188...
      end if;
      end if;
      if sof = '1' then
      if sof = '1' then
        pixel_cnt <= (others => '0');
        pixel_cnt <= (others => '0');
        ramwaddr  <= (others => '0');
        ramwaddr  <= (others => '0');
      end if;
        memwr_line_cnt <= (others => '0');
    end if;
        wr_line_idx    <= (others => '0');
  end process;
        image_write_end <= '0';
  write_block_cnt <= pixel_cnt(15 downto 3);
  -- lock written blocks, unlock after read
  p_mux6 : process(CLK, RST)
    if RST = '1' then
      block_lock <= (others => '0');
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
      if pixel_cnt(2 downto 0) = 8-1 then
        if line_cnt(2 downto 0) = 8-1 then
          block_lock(to_integer(write_block_cnt)) <= '1';
        end if;
      end if;
      if pix_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then
        if line_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then
          block_lock(to_integer(read_block_cnt)) <= '0';
        end if;
      end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  end process;
Line 200... Line 205...
    if RST = '1' then
    if RST = '1' then
      fdct_fifo_hf_full   <= '0';
      fdct_fifo_hf_full   <= '0';
      fifo_almost_full    <= '0';
      fifo_almost_full    <= '0';
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
      if block_lock(to_integer(read_block_cnt)) = '1' then
      if rd_line_idx + 8 <= wr_line_idx then
        fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '1';
        fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '1';
        fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '0';
        fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '0';
      end if;
      end if;
      if write_block_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x(15 downto 3))-1 then
      if wr_line_idx > rd_line_idx + C_NUM_LINES-1 then
        if block_lock(0) = '1' then
          fifo_almost_full <= '1';
          fifo_almost_full <= '0';
        end if;
      elsif block_lock(to_integer(write_block_cnt+1)) = '1' then
        fifo_almost_full <= '1';
        fifo_almost_full <= '1';
        fifo_almost_full <= '0';
        fifo_almost_full <= '0';
      end if;
      end if;
Line 227... Line 226...
  -- read side
  -- read side
  p_mux5 : process(CLK, RST)
  p_mux5 : process(CLK, RST)
    if RST = '1' then
    if RST = '1' then
      memrd_offs_cnt <= (others => '0');
      read_block_cnt <= (others => '0');
      read_block_cnt <= (others => '0');
      pix_inblk_cnt  <= (others => '0');
      pix_inblk_cnt  <= (others => '0');
      line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
      line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
      rd_line_idx    <= (others => '0');
      pix_inblk_cnt_d1  <= (others => '0');
      read_block_cnt_d1 <= (others => '0');
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
      pix_inblk_cnt_d1 <= pix_inblk_cnt;
      read_block_cnt_d1 <= read_block_cnt;
      -- BUF FIFO read
      if fdct_fifo_rd = '1' then
      if fdct_fifo_rd = '1' then
        -- last pixel in block
        if pix_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then
        if pix_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then
          pix_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
          pix_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
          -- last block in line
          --if read_block_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x(15 downto 3))-1 then
          --  rd_line_idx <= rd_line_idx + 1;
          --end if;
          -- last line in 8
          if line_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then
          if line_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then
            line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
            line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
            -- last block in last line
            if read_block_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x(15 downto 3))-1 then
            if read_block_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x(15 downto 3))-1 then
              read_block_cnt <= (others => '0');
              read_block_cnt <= (others => '0');
              rd_line_idx <= rd_line_idx + 8;
              if memrd_offs_cnt + 8 > C_NUM_LINES-1 then
                memrd_offs_cnt <= memrd_offs_cnt + 8 - C_NUM_LINES;
                memrd_offs_cnt <= memrd_offs_cnt + 8;
              end if;
              read_block_cnt <= read_block_cnt + 1;
              read_block_cnt <= read_block_cnt + 1;
            end if;
            end if;
            line_inblk_cnt <= line_inblk_cnt + 1;
            line_inblk_cnt <= line_inblk_cnt + 1;
          end if;
          end if;
          pix_inblk_cnt <= pix_inblk_cnt + 1;
          pix_inblk_cnt <= pix_inblk_cnt + 1;
        end if;
        end if;
      end if;
      end if;
      if memrd_offs_cnt + (line_inblk_cnt) > C_NUM_LINES-1 then
        memrd_line <= memrd_offs_cnt(memrd_line'range) + (line_inblk_cnt) - (C_NUM_LINES);
        memrd_line <= memrd_offs_cnt(memrd_line'range) + (line_inblk_cnt);
      end if;
      if sof = '1' then
      if sof = '1' then
        memrd_line     <= (others => '0');
        memrd_offs_cnt <= (others => '0');
        read_block_cnt <= (others => '0');
        read_block_cnt <= (others => '0');
        pix_inblk_cnt  <= (others => '0');
        pix_inblk_cnt  <= (others => '0');
        line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
        line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0');
        rd_line_idx    <= (others => '0');
      end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  end process;
Line 275... Line 308...
  p_mux4 : process(CLK, RST)
  p_mux4 : process(CLK, RST)
    if RST = '1' then
    if RST = '1' then
      ramraddr_int          <= (others => '0');
      ramraddr_int          <= (others => '0');
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
    elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then
      raddr_base_line <= line_inblk_cnt * unsigned(img_size_x);
      raddr_base_line <= (memrd_line) * unsigned(img_size_x);
      raddr_tmp       <= (read_block_cnt & "000") + pix_inblk_cnt;
      raddr_tmp       <= (read_block_cnt_d1 & "000") + pix_inblk_cnt_d1;
      ramraddr_int <= raddr_tmp + raddr_base_line;
      ramraddr_int <= raddr_tmp + raddr_base_line;
    end if;
    end if;
  end process;
  end process;

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