Line 65... |
Line 65... |
C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL : integer := 96;
C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL : integer := 96;
C_NR_STAGES_LOW : integer := 32;
C_NR_STAGES_LOW : integer := 32;
C_SPLIT_PIPELINE : boolean := true;
C_SPLIT_PIPELINE : boolean := true;
C_FIFO_DEPTH : integer := 32;
C_FIFO_DEPTH : integer := 32;
C_MEM_STYLE : string := "asym"; -- xil_prim, generic, asym are valid options
C_MEM_STYLE : string := "asym"; -- xil_prim, generic, asym are valid options
C_DEVICE : string := "xilinx" -- xilinx, altera are valid options
C_FPGA_MAN : string := "xilinx" -- xilinx, altera are valid options
clk : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
-- operand memory interface (plb shared memory)
-- operand memory interface (plb shared memory)
Line 120... |
Line 120... |
signal fifo_empty : std_logic;
signal fifo_empty : std_logic;
signal fifo_pop : std_logic;
signal fifo_pop : std_logic;
signal fifo_nopop : std_logic;
signal fifo_nopop : std_logic;
signal fifo_dout : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal fifo_dout : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- check the parameters
assert (C_MEM_STYLE="xil_prim" or C_MEM_STYLE="generic" or C_MEM_STYLE="asym")
report "C_MEM_STYLE incorrect!, it must be one of these: xil_prim, generic or asym" severity failure;
assert (C_FPGA_MAN="xilinx" or C_FPGA_MAN="altera")
report "C_FPGA_MAN incorrect!, it must be one of these: xilinx or altera" severity failure;
-- The actual multiplier
-- The actual multiplier
the_multiplier : mont_multiplier
the_multiplier : mont_multiplier
generic map(
generic map(
Line 148... |
Line 153... |
generic map(
generic map(
width => C_NR_BITS_TOTAL,
width => C_NR_BITS_TOTAL,
nr_op => nr_op,
nr_op => nr_op,
nr_m => nr_m,
nr_m => nr_m,
mem_style => C_MEM_STYLE,
mem_style => C_MEM_STYLE,
device => C_DEVICE
device => C_FPGA_MAN
port map(
port map(
data_in => data_in,
data_in => data_in,
data_out => data_out,
data_out => data_out,
rw_address => rw_address,
rw_address => rw_address,