Line 338... |
Line 338... |
-- result out
-- result out
r : out std_logic_vector((width+1) downto 0)
r : out std_logic_vector((width+1) downto 0)
end component last_stage;
end component last_stage;
-- counter_sync
-- counter with synchronous count enable. It generates an
-- overflow when max_value is reached
component counter_sync is
max_value : integer := 1024 -- maximum value (constraints the nr bits for counter)
reset_value : in integer; -- value the counter counts to
core_clk : in std_logic; -- clock input
ce : in std_logic; -- count enable
reset : in std_logic; -- reset input
overflow : out std_logic -- gets high when counter reaches reset_value
end component counter_sync;
-- stepping_logic
-- stepping logic for the pipeline, generates the start pulses for the
-- first stage and keeps track of when the last stages are done
component stepping_logic is
n : integer := 1536; -- max nr of steps required to complete a multiplication
t : integer := 192 -- total nr of steps in the pipeline
core_clk : in std_logic; -- clock input
start : in std_logic; -- start signal for pipeline (one multiplication)
reset : in std_logic; -- reset signal
t_sel : in integer range 0 to t; -- nr of stages in the pipeline piece
n_sel : in integer range 0 to n; -- nr of steps(bits in operands) required for a complete multiplication
start_first_stage : out std_logic; -- start pulse output for first stage
stepping_done : out std_logic -- done signal
end component stepping_logic;
component autorun_cntrl is
component autorun_cntrl is
port (
port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
Line 354... |
Line 394... |
buffer_din : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
buffer_din : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
buffer_empty : in std_logic
buffer_empty : in std_logic
end component autorun_cntrl;
end component autorun_cntrl;
component counter_sync is
max_value : integer := 1024
reset_value : in integer;
core_clk : in std_logic;
ce : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
overflow : out std_logic
end component counter_sync;
component fifo_primitive is
component fifo_primitive is
port (
port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
din : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
din : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
dout : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
dout : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
Line 538... |
Line 565... |
dina : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
dina : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
douta : out std_logic_vector(511 downto 0)
douta : out std_logic_vector(511 downto 0)
end component operands_sp;
end component operands_sp;
component stepping_logic is
n : integer := 1536; -- max nr of steps required to complete a multiplication
t : integer := 192 -- total nr of steps in the pipeline
core_clk : in std_logic;
start : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
t_sel : in integer range 0 to t; -- nr of stages in the pipeline piece
n_sel : in integer range 0 to n; -- nr of steps required for a complete multiplication
start_first_stage : out std_logic;
stepping_done : out std_logic
end component stepping_logic;
component systolic_pipeline is
component systolic_pipeline is
n : integer := 1536; -- width of the operands (# bits)
n : integer := 1536; -- width of the operands (# bits)
t : integer := 192; -- number of stages (divider of n) >= 2
t : integer := 192; -- number of stages (divider of n) >= 2
tl : integer := 64 -- best take t = sqrt(n)
tl : integer := 64 -- best take t = sqrt(n)