Line 70... |
Line 70... |
width : integer := 1536; -- width of the operands
width : integer := 1536; -- width of the operands
nr_op : integer := 4; -- nr of operand storages, has to be greater than nr_m
nr_op : integer := 4; -- nr of operand storages, has to be greater than nr_m
nr_m : integer := 2; -- nr of modulus storages
nr_m : integer := 2; -- nr of modulus storages
mem_style : string := "asym"; -- xil_prim, generic, asym are valid options
mem_style : string := "asym"; -- xil_prim, generic, asym are valid options
device : string := "altera" -- xilinx, altera are valid options
device : string := "xilinx" -- xilinx, altera are valid options
-- system clock
clk : in std_logic;
-- data interface (plb side)
-- data interface (plb side)
bus_clk : in std_logic;
data_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
rw_address : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
rw_address : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
write_enable : in std_logic;
write_enable : in std_logic;
-- operand interface (multiplier side)
-- operand interface (multiplier side)
core_clk : in std_logic;
op_sel : in std_logic_vector(log2(nr_op)-1 downto 0);
op_sel : in std_logic_vector(log2(nr_op)-1 downto 0);
xy_out : out std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0);
xy_out : out std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0);
m : out std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0);
m : out std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0);
result_in : in std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0);
result_in : in std_logic_vector((width-1) downto 0);
-- control signals
-- control signals
Line 130... |
Line 130... |
xil_prim_RAM : if mem_style="xil_prim" generate
xil_prim_RAM : if mem_style="xil_prim" generate
-- xy operand storage
-- xy operand storage
xy_ram_xil : operand_ram
xy_ram_xil : operand_ram
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
bus_clk => bus_clk,
core_clk => core_clk,
collision => collision,
collision => collision,
operand_addr => xy_addr_i,
operand_addr => xy_addr_i,
operand_in => xy_data_i,
operand_in => xy_data_i,
operand_in_sel => operand_in_sel_i,
operand_in_sel => operand_in_sel_i,
result_out => data_out,
result_out => data_out,
Line 147... |
Line 148... |
-- modulus storage
-- modulus storage
m_ram_xil : modulus_ram
m_ram_xil : modulus_ram
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
clk => bus_clk,
modulus_addr => m_addr_i,
modulus_addr => m_addr_i,
write_modulus => load_m,
write_modulus => load_m,
modulus_in => m_data_i,
modulus_in => m_data_i,
modulus_out => m
modulus_out => m
Line 163... |
Line 164... |
generic map(
generic map(
width => width,
width => width,
depth => nr_op
depth => nr_op
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
collision => collision,
collision => collision,
bus_clk => bus_clk,
operand_addr => xy_addr_i,
operand_addr => xy_addr_i,
operand_in => xy_data_i,
operand_in => xy_data_i,
operand_in_sel => operand_in_sel_i,
operand_in_sel => operand_in_sel_i,
result_out => data_out,
result_out => data_out,
write_operand => load_op,
write_operand => load_op,
operand_out => xy_out,
operand_out => xy_out,
operand_out_sel => op_sel,
operand_out_sel => op_sel,
result_dest_op => result_dest_op,
result_dest_op => result_dest_op,
core_clk => core_clk,
write_result => load_result,
write_result => load_result,
result_in => result_in
result_in => result_in
-- modulus storage
-- modulus storage
Line 184... |
Line 186... |
generic map(
generic map(
width => width,
width => width,
depth => nr_m
depth => nr_m
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
bus_clk => bus_clk,
modulus_in_sel => modulus_in_sel_i,
modulus_in_sel => modulus_in_sel_i,
modulus_addr => m_addr_i,
modulus_addr => m_addr_i,
write_modulus => load_m,
write_modulus => load_m,
modulus_in => m_data_i,
modulus_in => m_data_i,
core_clk => core_clk,
modulus_out => m,
modulus_out => m,
modulus_sel => modulus_sel
modulus_sel => modulus_sel
end generate;
end generate;
Line 203... |
Line 206... |
width => width,
width => width,
depth => nr_op,
depth => nr_op,
device => device
device => device
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
collision => collision,
collision => collision,
bus_clk => bus_clk,
operand_addr => xy_addr_i,
operand_addr => xy_addr_i,
operand_in => xy_data_i,
operand_in => xy_data_i,
operand_in_sel => operand_in_sel_i,
operand_in_sel => operand_in_sel_i,
result_out => data_out,
result_out => data_out,
write_operand => load_op,
write_operand => load_op,
operand_out => xy_out,
operand_out => xy_out,
operand_out_sel => op_sel,
operand_out_sel => op_sel,
result_dest_op => result_dest_op,
result_dest_op => result_dest_op,
core_clk => core_clk,
write_result => load_result,
write_result => load_result,
result_in => result_in
result_in => result_in
-- modulus storage
-- modulus storage
Line 225... |
Line 229... |
width => width,
width => width,
depth => nr_m,
depth => nr_m,
device => device
device => device
port map(
port map(
clk => clk,
bus_clk => bus_clk,
modulus_in_sel => modulus_in_sel_i,
modulus_in_sel => modulus_in_sel_i,
modulus_addr => m_addr_i,
modulus_addr => m_addr_i,
write_modulus => load_m,
write_modulus => load_m,
modulus_in => m_data_i,
modulus_in => m_data_i,
core_clk => core_clk,
modulus_out => m,
modulus_out => m,
modulus_sel => modulus_sel
modulus_sel => modulus_sel
end generate;
end generate;