
Subversion Repositories neorv32

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Rev 64 Rev 65
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* :rocket: = release
* :rocket: = release
| Date (**) | Version | Comment |
| Date (**) | Version | Comment |
| 18.10.2021 | | :bug: `*_reduce_f` VHDL functions did not work for single-bit operands (see [PR #186]( |
| 18.10.2021 | | :sparkles: SPI: added option to configure _clock polarity_ - the SPI module now supports all standard clock modes (0,1,2,3) (see [PR #185](; logic optimization of SPI module |
| 17.10.2021 |[**:rocket:1.6.2**]( | **New release** |
| 17.10.2021 | | :warning: :warning: main software makefile: modified behavior of `MARCH` and `MABI` variables - the `-march` and `-mabi` flags are no longer required/allowed (example: overriding makefile's default `MARCH` is now done using `make MARCH=rv32imac ...`) ([see PR #184]( |
| 15.10.2021 | | :warning: Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS): removed `sleep` input (indicating CPU is in sleep mode); minor CPU control logic optimization |
| 15.10.2021 | | :sparkles: UARTs: added optional configurable RX and TX FIFOs, added fine-grained RX/TX IRQ configuration options (see [PR #183]( |
| 14.10.2021 | | :sparkles: SLINK: added fine-grained, per-link interrupt configuration (see [PR #182]( |
| 13.10.2021 | | :sparkles: NEOLED: added new control register bit _NEOLED_CTRL_IRQ_CONF_ to configure IRQ condition: `0` = IRQ if FIFO is less than half-full, `1` = IRQ if FIFO is empty; :information_source: IRQ behavior is fully backwards compatible if _NEOLED_CTRL_IRQ_CONF_ is ignored (kept zero) |
| 12.10.2021 | | added dedicated `half_o` signal to FIFO component (FIFO _at least_ half-full), simplifies half-full test logic in FIFO-utilizing modules (area footprint and critical path); minor logic/hardware optimization of NEOLED module |
| 09.10.2021 | | :warning: reworked _fast interrupt requests_ (FIRQ) CPU interrupt system: fast interrupt requests are now also high-level-triggered (like the RISC-V standard interrupts) and stay asserted until explicitly acknowledged by software ([PR #176]( |
| 06.10.2021 | | :bug: fixed bugs in signal assignments and processor configuration of `setups/radiant/UPduino_v3` setup; minor CPU HPM counter fix (architecture condition for "multi-cycle ALU wait cycle" HPM event) |
| 05.10.2021 | | :sparkles: :lock: the CPU now ensures that _all_ illegal instructions _do not commit_ any potential architecture state changes (like writing registers or triggering memory accesses); CPU logic optimization (smaller footprint) |
| 04.10.2021 | | moved CPU's comparator logic from register file unit to ALU unit (to allow easier replacement of register file design unit by technology-optimized one) |
| 03.10.2021 | | :bug: fixed UART signal connection in `rtl/system_integration` wrappers |
| 01.10.2021 | | :warning: removed `mstatus.TW` (timeout wait) bit, `wfi` instruction is now always allowed to be executed in less-privileged modes; minor CPU control unit logic optimizations |
| 01.10.2021 | | on-chip-debugger: `wfi` instruction acts as a simple `nop` when _in_ debug mode or during single-stepping |
| 28.09.2021 |[**:rocket:1.6.1**]( | **New release** |
| 28.09.2021 |[**:rocket:1.6.1**]( | **New release** |
| 28.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed _stupid_ bug in MTIME comparator logic (interrupt condition `mtime >= mtimecmp` was not always evaluated correctly) |
| 28.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed elementary bug in MTIME comparator logic (interrupt condition `mtime >= mtimecmp` was not always evaluated correctly) |
| 28.09.2021 | | fixed CPU's IRQ prioritization: (re-)enter debug mode interrupts have to be evaluated _before_ all other interrupts |
| 28.09.2021 | | fixed CPU's IRQ prioritization: (re-)enter debug mode interrupts have to be evaluated _before_ all other interrupts |
| 27.09.2021 | | :warning: `Zifencei` extension is _required_ for the on-chip debugger; executing `fence.i` without having the `Zifencei` extension enabled will now cause an illegal instruction exception |
| 27.09.2021 | | :warning: `Zifencei` extension is _required_ for the on-chip debugger; executing `fence.i` without having the `Zifencei` extension enabled will now cause an illegal instruction exception |
| 22.09.2021 | | reworked CPU/software handshake of external interrupt controller `XIRQ` to avoid "external IRQ -> CPU IRQ" race conditions |
| 22.09.2021 | | reworked CPU/software handshake of external interrupt controller `XIRQ` to avoid "external IRQ -> CPU IRQ" race conditions |
| 22.09.2021 | | if `CPU_CNT_WIDTH` generic (actual width of `[m]cycle` and `[m]instret` counters) is less than 64 the remaining bits are now just hardwired to zero ignoring any write access instead of causing an exception; minor CPU hardware optimizations |
| 22.09.2021 | | if `CPU_CNT_WIDTH` generic (actual width of `[m]cycle` and `[m]instret` counters) is less than 64 the remaining bits are now just hardwired to zero ignoring any write access instead of causing an exception; minor CPU hardware optimizations |
| 22.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug introduced in previous version: misaligned instruction address - PC and all instruction address-related registers need to have bit 0 hardwired to zero, misaligned instructions can only appear if NOT using `C` ISA extension |
| 22.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug introduced in previous version: misaligned instruction address - PC and all instruction address-related registers need to have bit 0 hardwired to zero, misaligned instructions can only appear if NOT using `C` ISA extension |
| 21.09.2021 | | :warning: **reworked CPU trap/exception system** (in order to comply with RISC-V specs.): removed non-maskable interrupt (`NMI`, top signal `nm_irq_i`); reworked CPU trap prioritization (sync before async); RISC-V interrupts (`MTI`, `MSI`, `MEI`) are now high-level-triggered and require to stay asserted until they are explicitly acknowledged; fixed minor bug in misaligned instruction check logic (PC(0) = '1' will always cause a misalignment exception); updated trap/interrupt-related documentation |
| 21.09.2021 | | :warning: **reworked CPU trap/exception system** (in order to comply with RISC-V specs.): removed non-maskable interrupt (`NMI`, top signal `nm_irq_i`); reworked CPU trap prioritization (sync before async); RISC-V interrupts (`MTI`, `MSI`, `MEI`) are now high-level-triggered and require to stay asserted until they are explicitly acknowledged; fixed minor bug in misaligned instruction check logic (PC(0) = '1' will always cause a misalignment exception); updated trap/interrupt-related documentation |
| 20.09.2021 | | the NEORV32's `misa`, `mip` and `mtval` CSRs are _read-only_; however, write accesses to these CSRs _do not raise an illegal instruction exception_ (anymore) to be compatibility to the RISC-V specs. |
| 20.09.2021 | | the NEORV32's `misa`, `mip` and `mtval` CSRs are _read-only_; however, write accesses to these CSRs _do not raise an illegal instruction exception_ (anymore) to be compatible to the RISC-V specs. |
| 19.09.2021 | | added `menvcfg[h]` CSRs (only available if `U` ISA extension is enabled; not used yet - hardwired to zero, but required by RISC-V spec.) |
| 19.09.2021 | | added `menvcfg[h]` CSRs (only available if `U` ISA extension is enabled; not used yet - hardwired to zero, but required by RISC-V spec.) |
| 18.09.2021 | | :warning: :warning: **major change** modified low-level hardware access (memory-mapped registers) [PR #158]( now using `struct`-based access concept (IO module = `struct`, interface registers = members of struct) instead of `#define` single-pointers (inspired by, format: `NEORV32_.`; renamed all control registers and bits from `*CT*` to `*CTRL*`; added `sw/lib/include/neorv32_legacy.h` compatibility layer (maps deprecated "defines" to according struct registers, provides old control register/bit names, _do not use for new designs!_) |
| 18.09.2021 | | :warning: :warning: **major change** modified low-level hardware access (memory-mapped registers) [PR #158]( now using `struct`-based access concept (IO module = `struct`, interface registers = members of struct) instead of `#define` single-pointers (inspired by, format: `NEORV32_.`; renamed all control registers and bits from `*CT*` to `*CTRL*`; added `sw/lib/include/neorv32_legacy.h` compatibility layer (maps deprecated "defines" to according struct registers, provides old control register/bit names, _do not use for new designs!_) |
| 16.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed another missing IRQ signal connection (NMI) in `system_integration` wrappers |
| 16.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed another missing IRQ signal connection (NMI) in `system_integration` wrappers |
| 15.09.2021 | | :warning: **split** processor-internal memory VHDL sources (IMEM and DMEM) into separated files ([#151]( entity-only (`rtl/core/neorv32_*mem.entity.vhd`) and _default_ architecture-only (`rtl/core/mem/neorv32_*mem.default.vhd`); allows easy replacement by optimized platform-specific architectures |
| 15.09.2021 | | :warning: **split** processor-internal memory VHDL sources (IMEM and DMEM) into separated files ([#151]( entity-only (`rtl/core/neorv32_*mem.entity.vhd`) and _default_ architecture-only (`rtl/core/mem/neorv32_*mem.default.vhd`); allows easy replacement by optimized platform-specific architectures |
| 13.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed missing IRQ signal assignments (MSW and XIRQ) in AXI4-lite top wrapper |
| 13.09.2021 | | :bug: fixed missing IRQ signal assignments (MSW and XIRQ) in AXI4-lite top wrapper |
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| 13.08.2021 | [**:rocket:1.5.9**]( | **New release** |
| 13.08.2021 | [**:rocket:1.5.9**]( | **New release** |
| 08.08.2021 | | reworked CPU register file logic: any write access to `x0` will be masked to actually write zero - no special treatment by the CPU control unit required anymore; slightly less hardware resources required; first instruction after hardware reset should write `x0` (_any_ value; implemented in start-up code `crt0.S`) |
| 08.08.2021 | | reworked CPU register file logic: any write access to `x0` will be masked to actually write zero - no special treatment by the CPU control unit required anymore; slightly less hardware resources required; first instruction after hardware reset should write `x0` (_any_ value; implemented in start-up code `crt0.S`) |
| 07.08.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in execution (trapping) of `xRET` instructions: `dret` (return from debug-mode handler) has to raise an illegal instruction exception if executed outside of debug-mode, `mret` (return from machine-mode handler) has to raise an illegal instruction exception if executed in lower-privileged modes (lower than machine-mode) |
| 07.08.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in execution (trapping) of `xRET` instructions: `dret` (return from debug-mode handler) has to raise an illegal instruction exception if executed outside of debug-mode, `mret` (return from machine-mode handler) has to raise an illegal instruction exception if executed in lower-privileged modes (lower than machine-mode) |
| 05.08.2021 | | :sparkles: added `mstatus.FS` and `mstatus.SD` CSR bits: control the state of the FPU (`Zfinx`) extension; supported states for `mstatus.FS`: `00` = _off_, `11` = _dirty_; writing other states will always set _dirty_ state; note that all FPU instructions including FPU CSR access instructions will raise an illegal instruction exception if `mstatus.FS` = _off_ |
| 05.08.2021 | | :sparkles: added `mstatus.FS` and `mstatus.SD` CSR bits: control the state of the FPU (`Zfinx`) extension; supported states for `mstatus.FS`: `00` = _off_, `11` = _dirty_; writing other states will always set _dirty_ state; note that all FPU instructions including FPU CSR access instructions will raise an illegal instruction exception if `mstatus.FS` = _off_ |
| 03.08.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in linker script [#134]( `.rodata.*` "sub"-sections were missing, caused wrong linking of implicit constants (like strings); added `mconfigptr` CSR (RISC-V priv. ISA spec. v1.12-draft ;read-only): holds a pointer to a platform/system configuration structure - not actually used yet |
| 03.08.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in linker script [#134]( `.rodata.*` "sub"-sections were missing, caused wrong linking of implicit constants (like strings); added `mconfigptr` CSR (RISC-V priv. ISA spec. v1.12-draft ;read-only): holds a pointer to a platform/system configuration structure - not actually used yet |
| 30.07.2021 | | fixed minor bug in top entity / AXI4 wrapper (Vivado "issue": generic defaults need a _fixed-size_ intialization value) [#113]( |
| 30.07.2021 | | fixed minor bug in top entity / AXI4 wrapper (Vivado "issue": generic defaults need a _fixed-size_ initialization value) [#113]( |
| 26.07.2021 | | :bug: **fixed major bug in CPU interrupt system**: interrupts during memory accesses (load/store instruction) terminated those memory accesses violating the crucial "instruction atomicity" concept: traps (interrupts and exceptions) must only intervene _between_ instructions |
| 26.07.2021 | | :bug: **fixed major bug in CPU interrupt system**: interrupts during memory accesses (load/store instruction) terminated those memory accesses violating the crucial "instruction atomicity" concept: traps (interrupts and exceptions) must only intervene _between_ instructions |
| 25.07.2021 | | :sparkles: added `mstauts.TW` CSR flag (when set executing `wfi` instruction outside of machine-mode will raise an illegal instruction exception); flag is hardwired to zero if user mode is not implemented |
| 25.07.2021 | | :sparkles: added `mstauts.TW` CSR flag (when set executing `wfi` instruction outside of machine-mode will raise an illegal instruction exception); flag is hardwired to zero if user mode is not implemented |
| 25.07.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in `E` ISA extension: extension could not be enabled due to missing generic propagation; clean-up of generic defaults: only the processor top entity provides defaults for the configuration generics |
| 25.07.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in `E` ISA extension: extension could not be enabled due to missing generic propagation; clean-up of generic defaults: only the processor top entity provides defaults for the configuration generics |
| 24.07.2021 | | machine-level interrupts (top entity signals; "external" `mext_irq_i`, "software" `msw_irq_i`, "mtime" `mtime_irq_i` and "non-maskable" `nm_irq_i`) now trigger on rising edges; exposed advanced external bus interface configuration options as new top entity generics (moved from package constants): `MEM_EXT_PIPE_MODE`, `MEM_EXT_BIG_ENDIAN`, `MEM_EXT_ASYNC_RX` |
| 24.07.2021 | | machine-level interrupts (top entity signals; "external" `mext_irq_i`, "software" `msw_irq_i`, "mtime" `mtime_irq_i` and "non-maskable" `nm_irq_i`) now trigger on rising edges; exposed advanced external bus interface configuration options as new top entity generics (moved from package constants): `MEM_EXT_PIPE_MODE`, `MEM_EXT_BIG_ENDIAN`, `MEM_EXT_ASYNC_RX` |
| 22.07.2021 | [**:rocket:1.5.8**]( | **New release** |
| 22.07.2021 | [**:rocket:1.5.8**]( | **New release** |
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| 15.06.2021 | | made bootloader more configuration-independent: bootloader now only uses the first 512 bytes of internal/external DMEM for runtime data - hence, the DMEM size is not further relevant as long as it greater than or equal to 512 bytes |
| 15.06.2021 | | made bootloader more configuration-independent: bootloader now only uses the first 512 bytes of internal/external DMEM for runtime data - hence, the DMEM size is not further relevant as long as it greater than or equal to 512 bytes |
| 14.06.2021 | | :sparkles: physical size of bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) is automatically determined during synthesis based on the size of the initialization image, max physical size is 32kB; simplified BOOTROM access check logic; added size check when using IMEM as ROM (check if application image fits); simplified linker script: _logical_ instruction address space 2GB now, no need to adapt this to hardware configuration, hardware checks if application fits into _physical_ memory size (which configured via generics) |
| 14.06.2021 | | :sparkles: physical size of bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) is automatically determined during synthesis based on the size of the initialization image, max physical size is 32kB; simplified BOOTROM access check logic; added size check when using IMEM as ROM (check if application image fits); simplified linker script: _logical_ instruction address space 2GB now, no need to adapt this to hardware configuration, hardware checks if application fits into _physical_ memory size (which configured via generics) |
| 13.06.2021 | | :warning: reworked boot configuration: removed `MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM` and `BOOTLOADER_EN` generics, replaced by single `INT_BOOTLOADER_EN` generic (type boolean): _true_ = implement processor-internal (default) bootloader, implement processor-internal IMEM (if implemented) as RAM; _false_ = boot from processor-internal IMEM implemented (if enabled) as pre-intialized ROM; reworked IMEM, DMEM and BOOTROM memory architecture; reworked image generator and generated application image files (now using unconstrained array as init images + unified array/memory types) |
| 13.06.2021 | | :warning: reworked boot configuration: removed `MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM` and `BOOTLOADER_EN` generics, replaced by single `INT_BOOTLOADER_EN` generic (type boolean): _true_ = implement processor-internal (default) bootloader, implement processor-internal IMEM (if implemented) as RAM; _false_ = boot from processor-internal IMEM implemented (if enabled) as pre-intialized ROM; reworked IMEM, DMEM and BOOTROM memory architecture; reworked image generator and generated application image files (now using unconstrained array as init images + unified array/memory types) |
| 12.06.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in instruction cache (cache controller might have missed resync/"clear-and-reload" requests from `fence.i` instructions); minor project/repo clean-ups |
| 12.06.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in instruction cache (cache controller might have missed resync/"clear-and-reload" requests from `fence.i` instructions); minor project/repo clean-ups |
| 08.06.2021 | | clean-up of Wishbone interface module (dead code removal); added new package constant `wb_rx_buffer_c` to configure SYNC (default) or ASYNC Wishbone RX path (allows trade-off between performance/latency and timing closure) |
| 08.06.2021 | | clean-up of Wishbone interface module (dead code removal); added new package constant `wb_rx_buffer_c` to configure SYNC (default) or ASYNC Wishbone RX path (allows trade-off between performance/latency and timing closure) |
| 06.06.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in PWM base address configuration; :warning: removed user-access HPM counter access via `hpmcounter3[h]`:`hpmcounter3[h]` CSRs, hardwaired according `mcounteren` bits to zero: HPM can only be used in machine mode; reworded 64-bit counters (`cycle`, `instret`, `hpmcounter` + `mtime`) overflow logic: now using dedicated CARRY chain instead of overflow detector (can improve timing); |
| 06.06.2021 | | :bug: fixed bug in PWM base address configuration; :warning: removed user-access HPM counter access via `hpmcounter3[h]`:`hpmcounter3[h]` CSRs, hardwired according `mcounteren` bits to zero: HPM can only be used in machine mode; reworded 64-bit counters (`cycle`, `instret`, `hpmcounter` + `mtime`) overflow logic: now using dedicated CARRY chain instead of overflow detector (can improve timing); |
| 05.06.2021 | | removed debug mode's `stepie` flag (used to allow interrupts during single-stepping) as the debugger can emulate interrupts |
| 05.06.2021 | | removed debug mode's `stepie` flag (used to allow interrupts during single-stepping) as the debugger can emulate interrupts |
| 04.06.2021 | | :warning: removed `IO_PWM_EN` generic, replaced by `IO_PWM_NUM_CH` generic - PWM controller now supports implementation of up to 60 channels via `IO_PWM_NUM_CH` (`IO_PWM_NUM_CH` = 0 will omit the PWM controller); :bug: fixed minor bug in `minstreth` counter logic |
| 04.06.2021 | | :warning: removed `IO_PWM_EN` generic, replaced by `IO_PWM_NUM_CH` generic - PWM controller now supports implementation of up to 60 channels via `IO_PWM_NUM_CH` (`IO_PWM_NUM_CH` = 0 will omit the PWM controller); :bug: fixed minor bug in `minstreth` counter logic |
| 04.06.2021 | | :warning: increased processor-internal IO size from 256 bytes to 512 bytes; relocated base adress of CFS |
| 04.06.2021 | | :warning: increased processor-internal IO size from 256 bytes to 512 bytes; relocated base address of CFS |
| 03.06.2021 | | :warning: The `B` ISA extension (bit manipulation) has been (temporarily) removed from the project. See [B ISA Extension]( project board. |
| 03.06.2021 | | :warning: The `B` ISA extension (bit manipulation) has been (temporarily) removed from the project. See [B ISA Extension]( project board. |
| 03.06.2021 | | CPU/HPM counter size configuration (`CPU_CNT_WIDTH` and `HPM_CNT_WIDTH` generics) can now be 0-bit (no counters implemented at all) to 64-bit (full-scale / RISC-V standard) wide |
| 03.06.2021 | | CPU/HPM counter size configuration (`CPU_CNT_WIDTH` and `HPM_CNT_WIDTH` generics) can now be 0-bit (no counters implemented at all) to 64-bit (full-scale / RISC-V standard) wide |
| 01.06.2021 | [**:rocket:**]( | **New release** |
| 01.06.2021 | [**:rocket:**]( | **New release** |
| 01.06.2021 | | :warning: fixed project's endianness inconsistency (issue [#50]( - CPU and processor are **little-endian**; changed image generator (`sw/image_gen`) and bootloader to generate/use little-endian executables; external memory interface is little-endian by default; removed `mstatus.ube` bit (reads as zero now); removed `mstatush` CSR |
| 01.06.2021 | | :warning: fixed project's endianness inconsistency (issue [#50]( - CPU and processor are **little-endian**; changed image generator (`sw/image_gen`) and bootloader to generate/use little-endian executables; external memory interface is little-endian by default; removed `mstatus.ube` bit (reads as zero now); removed `mstatush` CSR |
| 31.05.2021 | | `mret` instruction now clears `mstatus.mpp` (according to _new_ RISC-V privileged specs.) |
| 31.05.2021 | | `mret` instruction now clears `mstatus.mpp` (according to _new_ RISC-V privileged specs.) |
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| 20.11.2020 | | Removed deprecated "update_enable signal" from IMEM |
| 20.11.2020 | | Removed deprecated "update_enable signal" from IMEM |
| 11.11.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | Further optimized pipeline front-end: Jumps and branches are one cycle faster (+5% coremark performance); updated synthesis results; updated performance results; added `hello_world` example program |
| 11.11.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | Further optimized pipeline front-end: Jumps and branches are one cycle faster (+5% coremark performance); updated synthesis results; updated performance results; added `hello_world` example program |
| 07.11.2020 | | Updated bootloader (size optimization) and changed processor version output; added project logo; minor data sheet edits |
| 07.11.2020 | | Updated bootloader (size optimization) and changed processor version output; added project logo; minor data sheet edits |
| 03.11.2020 | | Removed SPI module's *buggy* "LSB-first mode", SPI module now always sends data MSB-first; removed SPI.CTRL `SPI_CT_DIR` bit; modfied bit order in SPI CTRL register; updated SPI SW library |
| 03.11.2020 | | Removed SPI module's *buggy* "LSB-first mode", SPI module now always sends data MSB-first; removed SPI.CTRL `SPI_CT_DIR` bit; modfied bit order in SPI CTRL register; updated SPI SW library |
| 02.11.2020 | | :warning: Fixed bug in CPU's illegal instruction detection logic; CPU rtl code optimizations - further reduced hardware footprint; rtl code clean-ups |
| 02.11.2020 | | :warning: Fixed bug in CPU's illegal instruction detection logic; CPU rtl code optimizations - further reduced hardware footprint; rtl code clean-ups |
| 01.11.2020 | | :warning: Fixed bug in `[m]instret[h]` and `[m]cycle[h]` carry logic; CPU hardware optimizations (area reduction, shortend critical path) |
| 01.11.2020 | | :warning: Fixed bug in `[m]instret[h]` and `[m]cycle[h]` carry logic; CPU hardware optimizations (area reduction, shortened critical path) |
| 29.10.2020 | | rtl code clean-up; made preparations for additional co-processors |
| 29.10.2020 | | rtl code clean-up; made preparations for additional co-processors |
| 25.10.2020 | | Added tag signal (`wb_tag_o`) to processor's Wishbone bus; removed processor's `priv_o` - privilege level is now encoded in Wishbone *tag* signal; added a more sophisticated **FreeRTOS** example ("full_demo") |
| 25.10.2020 | | Added tag signal (`wb_tag_o`) to processor's Wishbone bus; removed processor's `priv_o` - privilege level is now encoded in Wishbone *tag* signal; added a more sophisticated **FreeRTOS** example ("full_demo") |
| 24.10.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | Completely reworked external memory interface (WISHBONE), removed now-obsolete processor generic `MEM_EXT_REG_STAGES`; added processor wrapper with **AXI4-Lite master interface** |
| 24.10.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | Completely reworked external memory interface (WISHBONE), removed now-obsolete processor generic `MEM_EXT_REG_STAGES`; added processor wrapper with **AXI4-Lite master interface** |
| 22.10.2020 | | TWI: Added new control register flag to enable/disable SCL clock stretching by peripheral devices |
| 22.10.2020 | | TWI: Added new control register flag to enable/disable SCL clock stretching by peripheral devices |
| 22.10.2020 | | Added `i_bus_priv_o` and `d_bus_priv_o` signals to CPU_top and `priv_o` to Processor_top to show privilege level of bus access (from `mstatus` MPP); :warning: Fixed bug in external memory interface [WISHBONE] (non-standard Wishbone components were able to corrupt processor-internal ACK/ERR signal logic) |
| 22.10.2020 | | Added `i_bus_priv_o` and `d_bus_priv_o` signals to CPU_top and `priv_o` to Processor_top to show privilege level of bus access (from `mstatus` MPP); :warning: Fixed bug in external memory interface [WISHBONE] (non-standard Wishbone components were able to corrupt processor-internal ACK/ERR signal logic) |
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| 18.10.2020 | | Added new IO peripheral/Device: Second CFU (CFU1); renamed old CFU to CFU0; CFU VHDL files: `neorv32_cfu0.vhd` & `neorv32_cfu1.vhd`; removed CFU interrupt |
| 18.10.2020 | | Added new IO peripheral/Device: Second CFU (CFU1); renamed old CFU to CFU0; CFU VHDL files: `neorv32_cfu0.vhd` & `neorv32_cfu1.vhd`; removed CFU interrupt |
| 17.10.2020 | | New makefile target `upload` allows to directly upload an executable to the bootloader from the console |
| 17.10.2020 | | New makefile target `upload` allows to directly upload an executable to the bootloader from the console |
| 17.10.2020 | | Added new CPU/Processor generic `FAST_SHIFT_EN` (default = *false*) to enable implementation of a fast (but large) barrel shifter for accelerating CPU shift instructions; updated CoreMark performance results |
| 17.10.2020 | | Added new CPU/Processor generic `FAST_SHIFT_EN` (default = *false*) to enable implementation of a fast (but large) barrel shifter for accelerating CPU shift instructions; updated CoreMark performance results |
| 16.10.2020 | | Added read-only flag to custom `mzext` CSR to check if physical memory protection (PMP) is implemented; added [C] `mzext` CSR name aliases to neorv32.h |
| 16.10.2020 | | Added read-only flag to custom `mzext` CSR to check if physical memory protection (PMP) is implemented; added [C] `mzext` CSR name aliases to neorv32.h |
| 15.10.2020 | | Fixed "unprecise exceptions": `mtval` did not always reflect the correct value according to the instruction that caused the exceptions; fixed bug in RTE: Debug trap handler was not showing the correct `mepc` value |
| 15.10.2020 | | Fixed "unprecise exceptions": `mtval` did not always reflect the correct value according to the instruction that caused the exceptions; fixed bug in RTE: Debug trap handler was not showing the correct `mepc` value |
| 13.10.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | An official *open-soucre RISC-V architecture ID* was assigned to the project: decimal = `19`, 32-bit hexadecimal = `0x00000013` - software can retrieve the ID from the `marchid` CSR |
| 13.10.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | An official *open-source RISC-V architecture ID* was assigned to the project: decimal = `19`, 32-bit hexadecimal = `0x00000013` - software can retrieve the ID from the `marchid` CSR |
| 12.10.2020 | | Added *alignment flags* to makefiles: branch/jump/call targets are forced to be 32-bit aligned -> increases performance when using the `C` extension; added makefile flag listing to NEORV32.pdf; updated performance results for CPUs with `C` extension; `crt0.S` will initialize *all* registers with zero if not using `E` extension and not compiling bootloader |
| 12.10.2020 | | Added *alignment flags* to makefiles: branch/jump/call targets are forced to be 32-bit aligned -> increases performance when using the `C` extension; added makefile flag listing to NEORV32.pdf; updated performance results for CPUs with `C` extension; `crt0.S` will initialize *all* registers with zero if not using `E` extension and not compiling bootloader |
| 11.10.2020 | | Reworked pipeline frontend: Optimized fetch enginge, added issue engine, faster instruction fetch after taken branches + reduced hardware requirements; updated synthesis and performance results |
| 11.10.2020 | | Reworked pipeline frontend: Optimized fetch engine, added issue engine, faster instruction fetch after taken branches + reduced hardware requirements; updated synthesis and performance results |
| 11.10.2020 | | Added option to configure external memory interface (Wishbone) to either use *standard/classic protocol* (default) or *pipelined protocol* (for better timing): via `wb_pipe_mode_c` constant in VHDL package file (`rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd`); added help text to NEORV32.pdf section "3.4.4. Processor-External Memory Interface (WISHBONE)" |
| 11.10.2020 | | Added option to configure external memory interface (Wishbone) to either use *standard/classic protocol* (default) or *pipelined protocol* (for better timing): via `wb_pipe_mode_c` constant in VHDL package file (`rtl/core/neorv32_package.vhd`); added help text to NEORV32.pdf section "3.4.4. Processor-External Memory Interface (WISHBONE)" |
| 08.10.2020 | | Removed CPU's `BUS_TIMEOUT` and processor's `MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT` generics; instead, a global configuration `bus_timeout_c` in the VHDL package file is used now |
| 08.10.2020 | | Removed CPU's `BUS_TIMEOUT` and processor's `MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT` generics; instead, a global configuration `bus_timeout_c` in the VHDL package file is used now |
| 08.10.2020 | | Removed `DEVNULL` device; all simulation output options from this device are now available as `SIM_MODE` in the `UART`; `mcause` CSR can now also be written; FIXED: trying to write a read-only CSR will cause an illegal instruction exception; for compatibility reasons any write access to the misa CSR will be ignored and will NOT cause an exception |
| 08.10.2020 | | Removed `DEVNULL` device; all simulation output options from this device are now available as `SIM_MODE` in the `UART`; `mcause` CSR can now also be written; FIXED: trying to write a read-only CSR will cause an illegal instruction exception; for compatibility reasons any write access to the misa CSR will be ignored and will NOT cause an exception |
| 07.10.2020 | | Simplified ALU's set of core operations; removed co-processor data mux right after ALU -> shorter critical path; CPU control VHDL code clean-up and CSR write logic optimization; optimized IMEM/DMEM access logic; added note regarding alignment of IMEM/DMEM |
| 07.10.2020 | | Simplified ALU's set of core operations; removed co-processor data mux right after ALU -> shorter critical path; CPU control VHDL code clean-up and CSR write logic optimization; optimized IMEM/DMEM access logic; added note regarding alignment of IMEM/DMEM |
| 05.10.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | :warning: Fixed bug in external memory interface: Executing code from external memory was causing an instruction fetch stall |
| 05.10.2020 | [**:rocket:**]( | :warning: Fixed bug in external memory interface: Executing code from external memory was causing an instruction fetch stall |
Line 240... Line 256...
| 30.07.2020 | | :warning: Fixed bug(s) in PMP mask generation; `misa.Z` flag is not yet defined by the RISC-V specs., hence it is read-only and read as zero |
| 30.07.2020 | | :warning: Fixed bug(s) in PMP mask generation; `misa.Z` flag is not yet defined by the RISC-V specs., hence it is read-only and read as zero |
| 29.07.2020 | | Added user privilege level, enabled via new `CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_U` generic; :warning: fixed error in `mstatus(mpie)` logic; implemented RISC-V spec.-compliant Physical Memory Protection (PMP); allows up to 8 regions but only NAPOT mode is supported yet |
| 29.07.2020 | | Added user privilege level, enabled via new `CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_U` generic; :warning: fixed error in `mstatus(mpie)` logic; implemented RISC-V spec.-compliant Physical Memory Protection (PMP); allows up to 8 regions but only NAPOT mode is supported yet |
| 25.07.2020 | | `mcause` CSR is read-only now!; removed `CLIC`, added 4 fast IRQ channels to CPU with according flags in `mie` and `mip` and trap IDs; updated core libraries; updated NEORV32 RTE; highly reworked data sheet; updated synthesis and performance results |
| 25.07.2020 | | `mcause` CSR is read-only now!; removed `CLIC`, added 4 fast IRQ channels to CPU with according flags in `mie` and `mip` and trap IDs; updated core libraries; updated NEORV32 RTE; highly reworked data sheet; updated synthesis and performance results |
| 21.07.2020 | | Added doc section regarding the CPU's data and instruction interfaces; optimized CPU fetch engine; updated iCE40 synthesis results |
| 21.07.2020 | | Added doc section regarding the CPU's data and instruction interfaces; optimized CPU fetch engine; updated iCE40 synthesis results |
| 20.07.2020 | | Less penalty for taken branches and jumps (2 cycles faster) |
| 20.07.2020 | | Less penalty for taken branches and jumps (2 cycles faster) |
| 19.07.2020 | | CPU bus unit now has independent busses for instruction fetch and data access – merged into single processor bus via new bus switch unit; doubled speed of ALU shifter unit again; all bits of `mcause` CSR can now be modified by application program (full RISC-V-compliant); performance counters CSRs `[m]cycleh` and `[m]instreth` are only 20-bit wide; removed NEORV32-specific custom CSRs – all processor-related information can be obtained from the new `SYSINFO` IO module (CPU is now more independent from processor configuration); changed IO address of `DEVNULL`; fixed bug in bootloader's trap handler; added `USER_CODE` generic to assign a custom user code that can be read by software (from `SYSINFO`) |
| 19.07.2020 | | CPU bus unit now has independent buses for instruction fetch and data access – merged into single processor bus via new bus switch unit; doubled speed of ALU shifter unit again; all bits of `mcause` CSR can now be modified by application program (full RISC-V-compliant); performance counters CSRs `[m]cycleh` and `[m]instreth` are only 20-bit wide; removed NEORV32-specific custom CSRs – all processor-related information can be obtained from the new `SYSINFO` IO module (CPU is now more independent from processor configuration); changed IO address of `DEVNULL`; fixed bug in bootloader's trap handler; added `USER_CODE` generic to assign a custom user code that can be read by software (from `SYSINFO`) |
| 14.07.2020 | | Added `fence_o` and `fencei_o` signals to top entity to show if a `fence` or `fencei` instruction is executed; added `mvendorid` and `marchid` CSRs (both are always zero); ALU shift unit is faster now; two lowest bits of `mtvec` are always zero; fixed wrong instruction exception priority; removed `HART_ID` generic – `mhartid` CSR is always read as zero; performance counters (`[m]cycle[h]`, `[m]instret[h]` and `time[h]`) are also available in embedded mode – but can be explicitly disabled via the `CSR_COUNTERS_USE` generic; mcause CSR only allows write access to bit 31 and bits 3:0; updated synthesis reports |
| 14.07.2020 | | Added `fence_o` and `fencei_o` signals to top entity to show if a `fence` or `fencei` instruction is executed; added `mvendorid` and `marchid` CSRs (both are always zero); ALU shift unit is faster now; two lowest bits of `mtvec` are always zero; fixed wrong instruction exception priority; removed `HART_ID` generic – `mhartid` CSR is always read as zero; performance counters (`[m]cycle[h]`, `[m]instret[h]` and `time[h]`) are also available in embedded mode – but can be explicitly disabled via the `CSR_COUNTERS_USE` generic; mcause CSR only allows write access to bit 31 and bits 3:0; updated synthesis reports |
| 10.07.2020 | | Non-taken branches are now 1 cycle faster; the `time[h]` CSR now correctly reflects the system time from the MTIME unit; fixed WFI instruction permanently stalling the CPU; `[m]cycle[h]` counters now stop counting when CPU is in sleep mode; `minstret[h]` and `mcycle[h]` now also allow write-access |
| 10.07.2020 | | Non-taken branches are now 1 cycle faster; the `time[h]` CSR now correctly reflects the system time from the MTIME unit; fixed WFI instruction permanently stalling the CPU; `[m]cycle[h]` counters now stop counting when CPU is in sleep mode; `minstret[h]` and `mcycle[h]` now also allow write-access |
| 09.07.2020 | | `X` flag of `misa` CSR is zero now; the default SPI flash boot address of the bootloader is now `0x0080000`; new exemplary FPGA utilization results for Intel, Lattice and Xilinx; `misa` CSR is read-only again, switching compressed extension on/off is pretty bad for the fetch engine; `mtval` and `mcause` CSRs now allow write accesses and are finally RISC-V-compliant; time low and high registers of `MTIME` peripheral can now also be written by user; `MTIME` registers only allow full-word write accesses |
| 09.07.2020 | | `X` flag of `misa` CSR is zero now; the default SPI flash boot address of the bootloader is now `0x0080000`; new exemplary FPGA utilization results for Intel, Lattice and Xilinx; `misa` CSR is read-only again, switching compressed extension on/off is pretty bad for the fetch engine; `mtval` and `mcause` CSRs now allow write accesses and are finally RISC-V-compliant; time low and high registers of `MTIME` peripheral can now also be written by user; `MTIME` registers only allow full-word write accesses |
| 06.07.2020 | | Added missing `fence` instruction; added new generic to enable optional Zifencei CPU extension for instruction stream synchronization |
| 06.07.2020 | | Added missing `fence` instruction; added new generic to enable optional Zifencei CPU extension for instruction stream synchronization |
| 05.07.2020 | | New CPU architecture: Fetch and execute engines; increased CPI; timer and counter CSRs are now all 64-bit wide; :warning: fixed CSR access errors; fixed `C.LW` decompression logic; `misa` flags `C` and `M` are now r/w – compressed mode and multiplier/divider support can be switched on/off during runtime; PC(0) is now always zero; :warning: fixed bug in multiplier/divider co-processor; renamed SPI signals; added RISC-V compliance check information – processor now passes the official RISC-V compliance tests |
| 05.07.2020 | | New CPU architecture: Fetch and execute engines; increased CPI; timer and counter CSRs are now all 64-bit wide; :warning: fixed CSR access errors; fixed `C.LW` decompression logic; `misa` flags `C` and `M` are now r/w – compressed mode and multiplier/divider support can be switched on/off during runtime; PC(0) is now always zero; :warning: fixed bug in multiplier/divider co-processor; renamed SPI signals; added RISC-V compliance check information – processor now passes the official RISC-V compliance tests |

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