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[/] [neorv32/] [trunk/] [sim/] [neorv32_tb.vhd] - Diff between revs 45 and 47

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Rev 45 Rev 47
Line 71... Line 71...
  constant ext_mem_b_latency_c   : natural := 8; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1, max 255), plus 1 cycle initial delay
  constant ext_mem_b_latency_c   : natural := 8; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1, max 255), plus 1 cycle initial delay
  -- simulated external Wishbone memory C (can be used as external IO) --
  -- simulated external Wishbone memory C (can be used as external IO) --
  constant ext_mem_c_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"F0000000"; -- wishbone memory base address (default begin of EXTERNAL IO area)
  constant ext_mem_c_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"F0000000"; -- wishbone memory base address (default begin of EXTERNAL IO area)
  constant ext_mem_c_size_c      : natural := 64; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
  constant ext_mem_c_size_c      : natural := 64; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
  constant ext_mem_c_latency_c   : natural := 3; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1, max 255), plus 1 cycle initial delay
  constant ext_mem_c_latency_c   : natural := 3; -- latency in clock cycles (min 1, max 255), plus 1 cycle initial delay
  -- machine interrupt triggers --
  -- simulation interrupt trigger --
  constant msi_trigger_c         : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"FF000000"; -- machine software interrupt
  constant irq_trigger_c         : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"FF000000";
  constant mei_trigger_c         : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"FF000004"; -- machine external interrupt
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- internals - hands off! --
  -- internals - hands off! --
  constant int_imem_c : boolean := not ext_imem_c;
  constant int_imem_c : boolean := not ext_imem_c;
  constant int_dmem_c : boolean := not ext_dmem_c;
  constant int_dmem_c : boolean := not ext_dmem_c;
Line 107... Line 106...
  -- spi --
  -- spi --
  signal spi_data : std_ulogic;
  signal spi_data : std_ulogic;
  -- irq --
  -- irq --
  signal msi_ring, mei_ring : std_ulogic;
  signal msi_ring, mei_ring : std_ulogic;
  signal soc_firq_ring      : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
  -- Wishbone bus --
  -- Wishbone bus --
  type wishbone_t is record
  type wishbone_t is record
    addr  : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- address
    addr  : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- address
    wdata : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- master write data
    wdata : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- master write data
Line 122... Line 122...
    ack   : std_ulogic; -- transfer acknowledge
    ack   : std_ulogic; -- transfer acknowledge
    err   : std_ulogic; -- transfer error
    err   : std_ulogic; -- transfer error
    tag   : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0); -- tag
    tag   : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0); -- tag
    lock  : std_ulogic; -- locked/exclusive bus access
    lock  : std_ulogic; -- locked/exclusive bus access
  end record;
  end record;
  signal wb_cpu, wb_mem_a, wb_mem_b, wb_mem_c, wb_msi, wb_mei : wishbone_t;
  signal wb_cpu, wb_mem_a, wb_mem_b, wb_mem_c, wb_irq : wishbone_t;
  -- Wishbone memories --
  -- Wishbone memories --
  type ext_mem_a_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_a_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  type ext_mem_a_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_a_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  type ext_mem_b_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_b_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  type ext_mem_b_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_b_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  type ext_mem_c_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_c_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
  type ext_mem_c_ram_t is array (0 to ext_mem_c_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Line 188... Line 188...
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => true,          -- implement instruction stream sync.?
    CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => true,          -- implement instruction stream sync.?
    -- Extension Options --
    -- Extension Options --
    FAST_MUL_EN                  => false,         -- use DSPs for M extension's multiplier
    FAST_MUL_EN                  => false,         -- use DSPs for M extension's multiplier
    FAST_SHIFT_EN                => false,         -- use barrel shifter for shift operations
    FAST_SHIFT_EN                => false,         -- use barrel shifter for shift operations
    -- Physical Memory Protection (PMP) --
    -- Physical Memory Protection (PMP) --
    PMP_NUM_REGIONS              => 5,             -- number of regions (0..64)
    PMP_NUM_REGIONS              => 4,             -- number of regions (0..64)
    PMP_MIN_GRANULARITY          => 64*1024,       -- minimal region granularity in bytes, has to be a power of 2, min 8 bytes
    PMP_MIN_GRANULARITY          => 64*1024,       -- minimal region granularity in bytes, has to be a power of 2, min 8 bytes
    -- Hardware Performance Monitors (HPM) --
    -- Hardware Performance Monitors (HPM) --
    HPM_NUM_CNTS                 => 12,            -- number of inmplemnted HPM counters (0..29)
    HPM_NUM_CNTS                 => 12,            -- number of inmplemnted HPM counters (0..29)
    -- Internal Instruction memory --
    -- Internal Instruction memory --
    MEM_INT_IMEM_EN              => int_imem_c ,   -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
    MEM_INT_IMEM_EN              => int_imem_c ,   -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
Line 215... Line 215...
    IO_SPI_EN                    => true,          -- implement serial peripheral interface (SPI)?
    IO_SPI_EN                    => true,          -- implement serial peripheral interface (SPI)?
    IO_TWI_EN                    => true,          -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
    IO_TWI_EN                    => true,          -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
    IO_PWM_EN                    => true,          -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
    IO_PWM_EN                    => true,          -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
    IO_WDT_EN                    => true,          -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
    IO_WDT_EN                    => true,          -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
    IO_TRNG_EN                   => false,         -- trng cannot be simulated
    IO_TRNG_EN                   => false,         -- trng cannot be simulated
    IO_CFU0_EN                   => true,          -- implement custom functions unit 0 (CFU0)?
    IO_CFS_EN                    => true,          -- implement custom functions subsystem (CFS)?
    IO_CFU1_EN                   => true           -- implement custom functions unit 1 (CFU1)?
    IO_CFS_CONFIG                => (others => '0') -- custom CFS configuration generic
  port map (
  port map (
    -- Global control --
    -- Global control --
    clk_i       => clk_gen,         -- global clock, rising edge
    clk_i       => clk_gen,         -- global clock, rising edge
    rstn_i      => rst_gen,         -- global reset, low-active, async
    rstn_i      => rst_gen,         -- global reset, low-active, async
Line 253... Line 253...
    -- TWI --
    -- TWI --
    twi_sda_io  => twi_sda,         -- twi serial data line
    twi_sda_io  => twi_sda,         -- twi serial data line
    twi_scl_io  => twi_scl,         -- twi serial clock line
    twi_scl_io  => twi_scl,         -- twi serial clock line
    -- PWM --
    -- PWM --
    pwm_o       => open,            -- pwm channels
    pwm_o       => open,            -- pwm channels
    -- Custom Functions Subsystem IO --
    cfs_in_i    => (others => '0'), -- custom CFS inputs
    cfs_out_o   => open,            -- custom CFS outputs
    -- system time input from external MTIME (available if IO_MTIME_EN = false) --
    -- system time input from external MTIME (available if IO_MTIME_EN = false) --
    mtime_i     => (others => '0'), -- current system time
    mtime_i     => (others => '0'), -- current system time
    -- Interrupts --
    -- Interrupts --
    soc_firq_i  => soc_firq_ring,   -- fast interrupt channels
    mtime_irq_i => '0',             -- machine software interrupt, available if IO_MTIME_EN = false
    mtime_irq_i => '0',             -- machine software interrupt, available if IO_MTIME_EN = false
    msw_irq_i   => msi_ring,        -- machine software interrupt
    msw_irq_i   => msi_ring,        -- machine software interrupt
    mext_irq_i  => mei_ring         -- machine external interrupt
    mext_irq_i  => mei_ring         -- machine external interrupt
Line 345... Line 349...
  wb_mem_c.sel   <= wb_cpu.sel;
  wb_mem_c.sel   <= wb_cpu.sel;
  wb_mem_c.tag   <= wb_cpu.tag;
  wb_mem_c.tag   <= wb_cpu.tag;
  wb_mem_c.cyc   <= wb_cpu.cyc;
  wb_mem_c.cyc   <= wb_cpu.cyc;
  wb_mem_c.lock  <= wb_cpu.lock;
  wb_mem_c.lock  <= wb_cpu.lock;
  wb_msi.addr    <= wb_cpu.addr;
  wb_irq.addr    <= wb_cpu.addr;
  wb_msi.wdata   <= wb_cpu.wdata;
  wb_irq.wdata   <= wb_cpu.wdata;
  wb_msi.we      <= wb_cpu.we;
  wb_irq.we      <= wb_cpu.we;
  wb_msi.sel     <= wb_cpu.sel;
  wb_irq.sel     <= wb_cpu.sel;
  wb_msi.tag     <= wb_cpu.tag;
  wb_irq.tag     <= wb_cpu.tag;
  wb_msi.cyc     <= wb_cpu.cyc;
  wb_irq.cyc     <= wb_cpu.cyc;
  wb_msi.lock    <= wb_cpu.lock;
  wb_irq.lock    <= wb_cpu.lock;
  wb_mei.addr    <= wb_cpu.addr;
  wb_mei.wdata   <= wb_cpu.wdata;
  wb_mei.we      <= wb_cpu.we;
  wb_mei.sel     <= wb_cpu.sel;
  wb_mei.tag     <= wb_cpu.tag;
  wb_mei.cyc     <= wb_cpu.cyc;
  wb_mei.lock    <= wb_cpu.lock;
  -- CPU read-back signals (no mux here since peripherals have "output gates") --
  -- CPU read-back signals (no mux here since peripherals have "output gates") --
  wb_cpu.rdata <= wb_mem_a.rdata or wb_mem_b.rdata or wb_mem_c.rdata or wb_mei.rdata or wb_msi.rdata;
  wb_cpu.rdata <= wb_mem_a.rdata or wb_mem_b.rdata or wb_mem_c.rdata or wb_irq.rdata;
  wb_cpu.ack   <= wb_mem_a.ack   or wb_mem_b.ack   or wb_mem_c.ack   or wb_mei.ack   or wb_msi.ack;
  wb_cpu.ack   <= wb_mem_a.ack   or wb_mem_b.ack   or wb_mem_c.ack   or wb_irq.ack;
  wb_cpu.err   <= wb_mem_a.err   or wb_mem_b.err   or wb_mem_c.err   or wb_mei.err   or wb_msi.err;
  wb_cpu.err   <= wb_mem_a.err   or wb_mem_b.err   or wb_mem_c.err   or wb_irq.err;
  -- peripheral select via STROBE signal --
  -- peripheral select via STROBE signal --
  wb_mem_a.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_a_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_a_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_a_size_c)) else '0';
  wb_mem_a.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_a_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_a_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_a_size_c)) else '0';
  wb_mem_b.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_b_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_b_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_b_size_c)) else '0';
  wb_mem_b.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_b_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_b_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_b_size_c)) else '0';
  wb_mem_c.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_c_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_c_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_c_size_c)) else '0';
  wb_mem_c.stb <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr >= ext_mem_c_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(ext_mem_c_base_addr_c) + ext_mem_c_size_c)) else '0';
  wb_msi.stb   <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr = msi_trigger_c) else '0';
  wb_irq.stb   <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr =  irq_trigger_c) else '0';
  wb_mei.stb   <= wb_cpu.stb when (wb_cpu.addr = mei_trigger_c) else '0';
  -- Wishbone Memory A (simulated external IMEM) --------------------------------------------
  -- Wishbone Memory A (simulated external IMEM) --------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ext_mem_a_access: process(clk_gen)
  ext_mem_a_access: process(clk_gen)
Line 501... Line 496...
  -- Wishbone IRQ Triggers ------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Wishbone IRQ Triggers ------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  irq_trigger: process(clk_gen)
  irq_trigger: process(clk_gen)
    if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
    if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
      -- default --
      -- bus interface --
      wb_irq.rdata  <= (others => '0');
      wb_irq.ack    <= wb_irq.cyc and wb_irq.stb and wb_irq.we;
      wb_irq.err    <= '0';
      -- trigger IRQ using CSR.MIE bit layout --
      msi_ring     <= '0';
      msi_ring     <= '0';
      wb_msi.rdata <= (others => '0');
      wb_msi.ack   <= '0';
      wb_msi.err   <= '0';
      mei_ring     <= '0';
      mei_ring     <= '0';
      wb_mei.rdata <= (others => '0');
      soc_firq_ring <= (others => '0');
      wb_mei.ack   <= '0';
      if ((wb_irq.cyc and wb_irq.stb and wb_irq.we) = '1') then
      wb_mei.err   <= '0';
        msi_ring         <= wb_irq.wdata(03); -- machine software interrupt
        mei_ring         <= wb_irq.wdata(11); -- machine software interrupt
      -- machine software interrupt --
        soc_firq_ring(0) <= wb_irq.wdata(20); -- fast interrupt channel 4
      if ((wb_msi.cyc and wb_msi.stb and wb_msi.we) = '1') then
        soc_firq_ring(1) <= wb_irq.wdata(21); -- fast interrupt channel 5
        msi_ring   <= '1';
        soc_firq_ring(2) <= wb_irq.wdata(22); -- fast interrupt channel 6
        wb_msi.ack <= '1';
        soc_firq_ring(3) <= wb_irq.wdata(22); -- fast interrupt channel 7
      end if;
      -- machine external interrupt --
      if ((wb_mei.cyc and wb_mei.stb and wb_mei.we) = '1') then
        mei_ring   <= '1';
        wb_mei.ack <= '1';
      end if;
      end if;
    end if;
    end if;
  end process irq_trigger;
  end process irq_trigger;

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