Line 12... |
Line 12... |
0.1.0 090201
0.1.0 090201
0.1.1 090304
0.1.1 090304
0.1.2 090511
0.1.2 090511
0.1.3 090604
0.1.3 090604
0.1.4 090828
-- Installation --
-- Installation --
The OR debug proxy application runs on multiple platforms only requiring
The OR debug proxy application runs on multiple platforms only requiring
Line 315... |
Line 315... |
necessary to restart both the proxy and GDB before being continuing.
necessary to restart both the proxy and GDB before being continuing.
This bug is perhaps caused by changing the file GDB is debugging during the
This bug is perhaps caused by changing the file GDB is debugging during the
same session.
same session.
TODO List:
TODO List:
* Explicit char and short reading and writing ability:
Currently only full word writing and reading is supported by the proxy.
It would be great if individual words and chars could be read also. It
is possible to receive such requests from GDB, so there's no reason why
they shouldn't be supported. It should be simple enough to implement.
* Correct organisation of non-word aligned reading
There's some problems when reading a word from a non-word aligned
boundary. This should be possible, for instance in GDB, doing something
like "x/4 0x101" should read the four bytes starting at address 0x101
and should display them LSB first. However this doesn't appear to
function as intended.
* USB<->JTAG Driver TODO: Increase speed of the proxy
* USB<->JTAG Driver TODO: Increase speed of the proxy
It appears that the current transfer rate of around 20k/s is due to
It appears that the current transfer rate of around 20k/s is due to
pauses in the driver. This was determined by profiling the proxy and
pauses in the driver. This was determined by profiling the proxy and
noticing that, over a 4-odd megabyte transfer from GDB, taking about 4
noticing that, over a 4-odd megabyte transfer from GDB, taking about 4
minutes, the proxy only executed for 2.5 seconds, and the three most
minutes, the proxy only executed for 2.5 seconds, and the three most