// Filename: llqspi.v
// Filename: llqspi.v
// Project: FPGA library development (Basys-3 development board)
// Project: Wishbone Controlled Quad SPI Flash Controller
// Purpose: Reads/writes a word (user selectable number of bytes) of data
// Purpose: Reads/writes a word (user selectable number of bytes) of data
// to/from a Quad SPI port. The port is understood to be
// to/from a Quad SPI port. The port is understood to be
// a normal SPI port unless the driver requests four bit mode.
// a normal SPI port unless the driver requests four bit mode.
// When not in use, unlike our previous SPI work, no bits will
// When not in use, unlike our previous SPI work, no bits will
// toggle.
// toggle.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Copyright: 2015
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
`define QSPI_IDLE 0
`define QSPI_IDLE 0
`define QSPI_START 1
`define QSPI_START 1
`define QSPI_BITS 2
`define QSPI_BITS 2
`define QSPI_READY 3
`define QSPI_READY 3
`define QSPI_STOP 4
`define QSPI_STOP 4
`define QSPI_STOP_B 5
`define QSPI_STOP_B 5
// Modes
// Modes
`define QSPI_MOD_SPI 2'b00
`define QSPI_MOD_SPI 2'b00
`define QSPI_MOD_QOUT 2'b10
`define QSPI_MOD_QOUT 2'b10
`define QSPI_MOD_QIN 2'b11
`define QSPI_MOD_QIN 2'b11
module llqspi(i_clk,
module llqspi(i_clk,
// Module interface
// Module interface
i_wr, i_hold, i_word, i_len, i_spd, i_dir,
i_wr, i_hold, i_word, i_len, i_spd, i_dir,
o_word, o_valid, o_busy,
o_word, o_valid, o_busy,
// QSPI interface
// QSPI interface
o_sck, o_cs_n, o_mod, o_dat, i_dat,
o_sck, o_cs_n, o_mod, o_dat, i_dat);
// Wbscope interface
input i_clk;
input i_clk;
// Chip interface
// Chip interface
// Can send info
// Can send info
// i_dir = 1, i_spd = 0, i_hold = 0, i_wr = 1,
// i_dir = 1, i_spd = 0, i_hold = 0, i_wr = 1,
// i_word = { 1'b0, 32'info to send },
// i_word = { 1'b0, 32'info to send },
// i_len = # of bytes in word-1
// i_len = # of bytes in word-1
input i_wr, i_hold;
input i_wr, i_hold;
input [31:0] i_word;
input [31:0] i_word;
input [1:0] i_len; // 0=>8bits, 1=>16 bits, 2=>24 bits, 3=>32 bits
input [1:0] i_len; // 0=>8bits, 1=>16 bits, 2=>24 bits, 3=>32 bits
input i_spd; // 0 -> normal QPI, 1 -> QSPI
input i_spd; // 0 -> normal QPI, 1 -> QSPI
input i_dir; // 0 -> read, 1 -> write to SPI
input i_dir; // 0 -> read, 1 -> write to SPI
output reg [31:0] o_word;
output reg [31:0] o_word;
output reg o_valid, o_busy;
output reg o_valid, o_busy;
// Interface with the QSPI lines
// Interface with the QSPI lines
output reg o_sck;
output reg o_sck;
output reg o_cs_n;
output reg o_cs_n;
output reg [1:0] o_mod;
output reg [1:0] o_mod;
output reg [3:0] o_dat;
output reg [3:0] o_dat;
input [3:0] i_dat;
input [3:0] i_dat;
output wire [22:0] o_dbg;
assign o_dbg = { state, spi_len, // 3+6+ 14
o_busy, o_valid, o_cs_n, o_sck, o_mod, o_dat, i_dat };
// Timing:
// Timing:
// 0 1 0/0 1 -
// 0 1 0/0 1 -
// 1 1 0/1 1 -
// 1 1 0/1 1 -
// 2 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 2 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 3 0 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 3 0 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 4 0 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 4 0 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 5 1 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 5 1 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 6 0 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 6 0 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 7 1 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 7 1 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 8 0 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 8 0 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 9 1 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 9 1 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 10 0 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 10 0 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 11 1 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 11 1 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 12 0 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 12 0 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 13 1 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 13 1 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 14 0 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 14 0 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 15 1 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 15 1 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 16 0 1/0 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 16 0 1/0 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 17 1 1/1 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 17 1 1/1 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 18 0 1/1 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 18 0 1/1 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 19 1 0/1 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 19 1 0/1 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 20 0 1/0/V 0 8 QSPI_BITS
// 20 0 1/0/V 0 8 QSPI_BITS
// 21 1 1/0 0 8 QSPI_BITS
// 21 1 1/0 0 8 QSPI_BITS
// 22 0 1/0 0 9 QSPI_BITS
// 22 0 1/0 0 9 QSPI_BITS
// 23 1 1/0 0 9 QSPI_BITS
// 23 1 1/0 0 9 QSPI_BITS
// 24 0 1/0 0 10 QSPI_BITS
// 24 0 1/0 0 10 QSPI_BITS
// 25 1 1/0 0 10 QSPI_BITS
// 25 1 1/0 0 10 QSPI_BITS
// 26 0 1/0 0 11 QSPI_BITS
// 26 0 1/0 0 11 QSPI_BITS
// 27 1 1/0 0 11 QSPI_BITS
// 27 1 1/0 0 11 QSPI_BITS
// 28 0 1/0 0 12 QSPI_BITS
// 28 0 1/0 0 12 QSPI_BITS
// 29 1 1/0 0 12 QSPI_BITS
// 29 1 1/0 0 12 QSPI_BITS
// 30 0 1/0 0 13 QSPI_BITS
// 30 0 1/0 0 13 QSPI_BITS
// 31 1 1/0 0 13 QSPI_BITS
// 31 1 1/0 0 13 QSPI_BITS
// 32 0 1/0 0 14 QSPI_BITS
// 32 0 1/0 0 14 QSPI_BITS
// 33 1 1/0 0 14 QSPI_BITS
// 33 1 1/0 0 14 QSPI_BITS
// 34 0 1/0 0 15 QSPI_READY
// 34 0 1/0 0 15 QSPI_READY
// 35 1 1/0 0 15 QSPI_READY
// 35 1 1/0 0 15 QSPI_READY
// 36 1 1/0/V 0 - QSPI_STOP
// 36 1 1/0/V 0 - QSPI_STOP
// 37 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_STOPB
// 37 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_STOPB
// 38 1 1/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 38 1 1/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 39 1 0/0 1 -
// 39 1 0/0 1 -
// Now, let's switch from single bit to quad mode
// Now, let's switch from single bit to quad mode
// 40 1 0/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 40 1 0/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 41 1 0/1 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 41 1 0/1 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 42 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 42 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 43 0 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 43 0 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 44 0 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 44 0 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 45 1 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 45 1 1/0 0 0 QSPI_BITS
// 46 0 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 46 0 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 47 1 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 47 1 1/0 0 1 QSPI_BITS
// 48 0 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 48 0 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 49 1 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 49 1 1/0 0 2 QSPI_BITS
// 50 0 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 50 0 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 51 1 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 51 1 1/0 0 3 QSPI_BITS
// 52 0 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 52 0 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 53 1 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 53 1 1/0 0 4 QSPI_BITS
// 54 0 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 54 0 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 55 1 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 55 1 1/0 0 5 QSPI_BITS
// 56 0 1/0 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 56 0 1/0 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 57 1 1/1/QR 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 57 1 1/1/QR 0 6 QSPI_BITS
// 58 0 1/1/QR 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 58 0 1/1/QR 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 59 1 0/1/QR 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 59 1 0/1/QR 0 7 QSPI_READY
// 60 0 1/0/?/V 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 60 0 1/0/?/V 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 61 1 1/0/? 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 61 1 1/0/? 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 62 0 1/0/? 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 62 0 1/0/? 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 63 1 1/0/? 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 63 1 1/0/? 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 64 1 1/0/?/V 0 - QSPI_STOP
// 64 1 1/0/?/V 0 - QSPI_STOP
// 65 1 1/0/? 0 - QSPI_STOPB
// 65 1 1/0/? 0 - QSPI_STOPB
// 66 1 1/0/? 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 66 1 1/0/? 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 67 1 0/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 67 1 0/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// Now let's try something entirely in Quad read mode, from the
// Now let's try something entirely in Quad read mode, from the
// beginning
// beginning
// 68 1 0/1/QR 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 68 1 0/1/QR 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 69 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 69 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 70 0 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 70 0 1/0 0 - QSPI_START
// 71 0 1/0 0 0-3 QSPI_BITS
// 71 0 1/0 0 0-3 QSPI_BITS
// 72 1 1/0 0 0-3 QSPI_BITS
// 72 1 1/0 0 0-3 QSPI_BITS
// 73 0 1/1/QR 0 4-7 QSPI_BITS
// 73 0 1/1/QR 0 4-7 QSPI_BITS
// 74 1 0/1/QR 0 4-7 QSPI_BITS
// 74 1 0/1/QR 0 4-7 QSPI_BITS
// 75 0 1/?/?/V 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 75 0 1/?/?/V 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 76 1 1/?/? 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 76 1 1/?/? 0 8-11 QSPI_BITS
// 77 0 1/1/QR 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 77 0 1/1/QR 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 78 1 0/1/QR 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 78 1 0/1/QR 0 12-15 QSPI_BITS
// 79 0 1/?/?/V 0 16-19 QSPI_BITS
// 79 0 1/?/?/V 0 16-19 QSPI_BITS
// 80 1 1/0 0 16-19 QSPI_BITS
// 80 1 1/0 0 16-19 QSPI_BITS
// 81 0 1/0 0 20-23 QSPI_BITS
// 81 0 1/0 0 20-23 QSPI_BITS
// 82 1 1/0 0 20-23 QSPI_BITS
// 82 1 1/0 0 20-23 QSPI_BITS
// 83 1 1/0/V 0 - QSPI_STOP
// 83 1 1/0/V 0 - QSPI_STOP
// 84 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_STOPB
// 84 1 1/0 0 - QSPI_STOPB
// 85 1 1/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 85 1 1/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 86 1 0/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
// 86 1 0/0 1 - QSPI_IDLE
wire i_miso;
wire i_miso;
assign i_miso = i_dat[1];
assign i_miso = i_dat[1];
reg r_spd, r_dir;
reg r_spd, r_dir;
reg [5:0] spi_len;
reg [5:0] spi_len;
reg [31:0] r_word;
reg [31:0] r_word;
reg [30:0] r_input;
reg [30:0] r_input;
reg [2:0] state;
reg [2:0] state;
initial state = `QSPI_IDLE;
initial state = `QSPI_IDLE;
initial o_sck = 1'b1;
initial o_sck = 1'b1;
initial o_cs_n = 1'b1;
initial o_cs_n = 1'b1;
initial o_dat = 4'hd;
initial o_dat = 4'hd;
initial o_valid = 1'b0;
initial o_valid = 1'b0;
initial o_busy = 1'b0;
initial o_busy = 1'b0;
initial r_input = 31'h000;
initial r_input = 31'h000;
always @(posedge i_clk)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((state == `QSPI_IDLE)&&(o_sck))
if ((state == `QSPI_IDLE)&&(o_sck))
o_cs_n <= 1'b1;
o_cs_n <= 1'b1;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b0;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
if (i_wr)
if (i_wr)
r_word <= i_word;
r_word <= i_word;
state <= `QSPI_START;
state <= `QSPI_START;
r_spd <= i_spd;
r_spd <= i_spd;
r_dir <= i_dir;
r_dir <= i_dir;
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8;
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8;
o_cs_n <= 1'b0;
o_cs_n <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
end else if (state == `QSPI_START)
end else if (state == `QSPI_START)
begin // We come in here with sck high, stay here 'til sck is low
begin // We come in here with sck high, stay here 'til sck is low
o_sck <= 1'b0;
o_sck <= 1'b0;
if (o_sck == 1'b0)
if (o_sck == 1'b0)
state <= `QSPI_BITS;
state <= `QSPI_BITS;
spi_len<= spi_len - ( (r_spd)? 6'h4 : 6'h1 );
spi_len<= spi_len - ( (r_spd)? 6'h4 : 6'h1 );
if (r_spd)
if (r_spd)
r_word <= { r_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
r_word <= { r_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
r_word <= { r_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
r_word <= { r_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
o_mod <= (r_spd) ? { 1'b1, r_dir } : `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_mod <= (r_spd) ? { 1'b1, r_dir } : `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_cs_n <= 1'b0;
o_cs_n <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
if (r_spd)
if (r_spd)
o_dat <= r_word[31:28];
o_dat <= r_word[31:28];
// r_word <= { r_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
// r_word <= { r_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
end else begin
end else begin
o_dat <= { 3'b110, r_word[31] };
o_dat <= { 3'b110, r_word[31] };
// r_word <= { r_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
// r_word <= { r_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
end else if (~o_sck)
end else if (~o_sck)
o_sck <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= ((state != `QSPI_READY)||(~i_wr));
o_busy <= ((state != `QSPI_READY)||(~i_wr));
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
end else if (state == `QSPI_BITS)
end else if (state == `QSPI_BITS)
// Should enter into here with at least a spi_len
// Should enter into here with at least a spi_len
// of one, perhaps more
// of one, perhaps more
o_sck <= 1'b0;
o_sck <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
if (r_spd)
if (r_spd)
o_dat <= r_word[31:28];
o_dat <= r_word[31:28];
r_word <= { r_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
r_word <= { r_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
spi_len <= spi_len - 6'h4;
spi_len <= spi_len - 6'h4;
if (spi_len == 6'h4)
if (spi_len == 6'h4)
state <= `QSPI_READY;
state <= `QSPI_READY;
end else begin
end else begin
o_dat <= { 3'b110, r_word[31] };
o_dat <= { 3'b110, r_word[31] };
r_word <= { r_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
r_word <= { r_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
spi_len <= spi_len - 6'h1;
spi_len <= spi_len - 6'h1;
if (spi_len == 6'h1)
if (spi_len == 6'h1)
state <= `QSPI_READY;
state <= `QSPI_READY;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
if (~o_mod[1])
if (~o_mod[1])
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso };
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso };
else if (o_mod[1])
else if (o_mod[1])
r_input <= { r_input[26:0], i_dat };
r_input <= { r_input[26:0], i_dat };
end else if (state == `QSPI_READY)
end else if (state == `QSPI_READY)
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_cs_n <= 1'b0;
o_cs_n <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
// This is the state on the last clock (both low and
// This is the state on the last clock (both low and
// high clocks) of the data. Data is valid during
// high clocks) of the data. Data is valid during
// this state. Here we chose to either STOP or
// this state. Here we chose to either STOP or
// continue and transmit more.
// continue and transmit more.
o_sck <= (i_hold); // Stay here on hold, no clocks
o_sck <= (i_hold); // Stay here on hold, no clocks
if((~o_busy)&&(i_wr))// Acknowledge a new request
if((~o_busy)&&(i_wr))// Acknowledge a new request
state <= `QSPI_BITS;
state <= `QSPI_BITS;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b0;
o_sck <= 1'b0;
// Read the new request off the bus
// Read the new request off the bus
r_spd <= i_spd;
r_spd <= i_spd;
r_dir <= i_dir;
r_dir <= i_dir;
// Set up the first bits on the bus
// Set up the first bits on the bus
o_mod <= (i_spd) ? { 1'b1, i_dir } : `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_mod <= (i_spd) ? { 1'b1, i_dir } : `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
if (i_spd)
if (i_spd)
o_dat <= i_word[31:28];
o_dat <= i_word[31:28];
r_word <= { i_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
r_word <= { i_word[27:0], 4'h0 };
// spi_len <= spi_len - 4;
// spi_len <= spi_len - 4;
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8
- 6'h4;
- 6'h4;
end else begin
end else begin
o_dat <= { 3'b110, i_word[31] };
o_dat <= { 3'b110, i_word[31] };
r_word <= { i_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
r_word <= { i_word[30:0], 1'b0 };
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8
- 6'h1;
- 6'h1;
// Read a bit upon any transition
// Read a bit upon any transition
o_valid <= 1'b1;
o_valid <= 1'b1;
if (~o_mod[1])
if (~o_mod[1])
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso };
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso };
o_word <= { r_input[30:0], i_miso };
o_word <= { r_input[30:0], i_miso };
end else if (o_mod[1])
end else if (o_mod[1])
r_input <= { r_input[26:0], i_dat };
r_input <= { r_input[26:0], i_dat };
o_word <= { r_input[27:0], i_dat };
o_word <= { r_input[27:0], i_dat };
end else if (i_hold)
end else if (i_hold)
begin // Stay here, holding the clock high, if the user
begin // Stay here, holding the clock high, if the user
// has more data, but it isn't ready yet.
// has more data, but it isn't ready yet.
o_busy <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b0;
end else begin
end else begin
o_sck <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
state <= `QSPI_STOP;
state <= `QSPI_STOP;
// Read a bit upon any transition
// Read a bit upon any transition
o_valid <= 1'b1;
o_valid <= 1'b1;
if (~o_mod[1])
if (~o_mod[1])
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso };
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso };
o_word <= { r_input[30:0], i_miso };
o_word <= { r_input[30:0], i_miso };
end else if (o_mod[1])
end else if (o_mod[1])
r_input <= { r_input[26:0], i_dat };
r_input <= { r_input[26:0], i_dat };
o_word <= { r_input[27:0], i_dat };
o_word <= { r_input[27:0], i_dat };
end else if (state == `QSPI_STOP)
end else if (state == `QSPI_STOP)
o_sck <= 1'b1; // Stop the clock
o_sck <= 1'b1; // Stop the clock
o_valid <= 1'b0; // Output may have just been valid, but no more
o_valid <= 1'b0; // Output may have just been valid, but no more
o_busy <= 1'b1; // Still busy till port is clear
o_busy <= 1'b1; // Still busy till port is clear
state <= `QSPI_STOP_B;
state <= `QSPI_STOP_B;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
end else if (state == `QSPI_STOP_B)
end else if (state == `QSPI_STOP_B)
o_cs_n <= 1'b1;
o_cs_n <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
// Do I need this????
// Do I need this????
// spi_len <= 3; // Minimum CS high time before next cmd
// spi_len <= 3; // Minimum CS high time before next cmd
state <= `QSPI_IDLE;
state <= `QSPI_IDLE;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
end else begin // Invalid states, should never get here
end else begin // Invalid states, should never get here
state <= `QSPI_STOP;
state <= `QSPI_STOP;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_cs_n <= 1'b1;
o_cs_n <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
o_sck <= 1'b1;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_mod <= `QSPI_MOD_SPI;
o_dat <= 4'hd;
o_dat <= 4'hd;