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Rev 35 Rev 40
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TimeQuest Timing Analyzer report for spw_fifo_ulight
TimeQuest Timing Analyzer report for spw_fifo_ulight
Fri Sep 15 08:19:10 2017
Mon Feb  5 00:59:04 2018
Quartus Prime Version 17.0.1 Build 598 06/07/2017 SJ Lite Edition
Quartus Prime Version 17.1.1 Internal Build 593 12/11/2017 SJ Lite Edition
; Table of Contents ;
; Table of Contents ;
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to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
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that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic
the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
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; TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Summary                                           ;
; TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Summary                                           ;
; Quartus Prime Version ; Version 17.0.1 Build 598 06/07/2017 SJ Lite Edition ;
; Quartus Prime Version ; Version 17.1.1 Internal Build 593 12/11/2017 SJ Lite Edition ;
; Timing Analyzer       ; TimeQuest                                           ;
; Timing Analyzer       ; TimeQuest                                           ;
; Revision Name         ; spw_fifo_ulight                                     ;
; Revision Name         ; spw_fifo_ulight                                     ;
; Device Family         ; Cyclone V                                           ;
; Device Family         ; Cyclone V                                           ;
; Device Name           ; 5CSEMA4U23C6                                        ;
; Device Name           ; 5CSEMA4U23C6                                        ;
; Timing Models         ; Final                                               ;
; Timing Models         ; Final                                               ;
; Delay Model           ; Combined                                            ;
; Delay Model           ; Combined                                            ;
; Rise/Fall Delays      ; Enabled                                             ;
; Rise/Fall Delays      ; Enabled                                             ;
; Parallel Compilation                     ;
; Parallel Compilation                     ;
; Processors                 ; Number      ;
; Processors                 ; Number      ;
; Number detected on machine ; 4           ;
; Number detected on machine ; 4           ;
; Maximum allowed            ; 2           ;
; Maximum allowed            ; 2           ;
;                            ;             ;
;                            ;             ;
; Average used               ; 1.48        ;
; Average used               ; 1.17        ;
; Maximum used               ; 2           ;
; Maximum used               ; 2           ;
;                            ;             ;
;                            ;             ;
; Usage by Processor         ; % Time Used ;
; Usage by Processor         ; % Time Used ;
;     Processor 1            ; 100.0%      ;
;     Processor 1            ; 100.0%      ;
;     Processor 2            ;  47.8%      ;
;     Processor 2            ;  17.2%      ;
; SDC File List                                                                                    ;
; SDC File List                                                                                    ;
; SDC File Path                                                ; Status ; Read at                  ;
; SDC File Path                                                ; Status ; Read at                  ;
; sdc/spw_fifo_ulight.out.sdc                                  ; OK     ; Fri Sep 15 08:18:31 2017 ;
; sdc/spw_fifo_ulight.out.sdc                                  ; OK     ; Mon Feb  5 00:57:55 2018 ;
; ulight_fifo/synthesis/submodules/altera_reset_controller.sdc ; OK     ; Fri Sep 15 08:18:31 2017 ;
; ulight_fifo/synthesis/submodules/altera_reset_controller.sdc ; OK     ; Mon Feb  5 00:57:55 2018 ;
; Clocks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
; Clocks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
; Clock Name                                                                 ; Type      ; Period ; Frequency  ; Rise  ; Fall  ; Duty Cycle ; Divide by ; Multiply by ; Phase ; Offset ; Edge List ; Edge Shift ; Inverted ; Master                                                  ; Source                                                                 ; Targets                                                                        ;
; Clock Name                                                                 ; Type      ; Period ; Frequency  ; Rise  ; Fall  ; Duty Cycle ; Divide by ; Multiply by ; Phase ; Offset ; Edge List ; Edge Shift ; Inverted ; Master                                                  ; Source                                                                 ; Targets                                                                        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; Base      ; 4.000  ; 250.0 MHz  ; 0.000 ; 2.000 ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i }              ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; Base      ; 10.000 ; 100.0 MHz ; 0.000 ; 5.000  ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i }                              ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; Base      ; 3.000  ; 333.33 MHz ; 0.000 ; 1.500 ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i }                  ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; Base      ; 2.500  ; 400.0 MHz ; 0.000 ; 1.250  ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i }                                  ;
; din_a                                                                      ; Base      ; 3.000  ; 333.33 MHz ; 0.000 ; 1.500 ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { din_a }                                                                      ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; Base      ; 4.000  ; 250.0 MHz ; 0.000 ; 2.000  ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { din_a }                                                                                      ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; Base      ; 10.000 ; 100.0 MHz  ; 0.000 ; 5.000 ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { FPGA_CLK1_50 }                                                               ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; Base      ; 20.000 ; 50.0 MHz  ; 0.000 ; 10.000 ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { FPGA_CLK1_50 }                                                                               ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; Base      ; 3.000  ; 333.33 MHz ; 0.000 ; 1.500 ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e } ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; Base      ; 4.000  ; 250.0 MHz ; 0.000 ; 2.000  ;            ;           ;             ;       ;        ;           ;            ;          ;                                                         ;                                                                        ; { spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e } ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; Generated ; 2.500  ; 400.0 MHz  ; 0.000 ; 1.250 ; 50.00      ; 1         ; 1           ;       ;        ;           ;            ; false    ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0] ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|vco0ph[0] ; { u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk }        ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; Generated ; 2.500  ; 400.0 MHz  ; 0.000 ; 1.250 ; 50.00      ; 1         ; 1           ;       ;        ;           ;            ; false    ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0] ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|vco0ph[0] ; { u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk }        ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; Generated ; 2.500  ; 400.0 MHz  ; 0.000 ; 1.250 ; 50.00      ; 2         ; 8           ;       ;        ;           ;            ; false    ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                            ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|refclkin                ; { u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0] }                    ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                                    ; Generated ; 2.500  ; 400.0 MHz ; 0.000 ; 1.250  ; 50.00      ; 2         ; 16          ;       ;        ;           ;            ; false    ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                            ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|refclkin                ; { u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0] }                                    ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Fmax Summary                 ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Fmax Summary                 ;
; Fmax       ; Restricted Fmax ; Clock Name   ; Note ;
; Fmax       ; Restricted Fmax ; Clock Name   ; Note ;
; 113.58 MHz ; 113.58 MHz      ; FPGA_CLK1_50 ;      ;
; 82.1 MHz   ; 82.1 MHz        ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ;      ;
; 123.85 MHz ; 123.85 MHz      ; din_a                                                                                      ;      ;
; 127.19 MHz ; 127.19 MHz      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ;      ;
; 145.58 MHz ; 145.58 MHz      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ;      ;
; 159.54 MHz ; 159.54 MHz      ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ;      ;
; 201.09 MHz ; 201.09 MHz      ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ;      ;
This panel reports FMAX for every clock in the design, regardless of the user-specified clock periods.  FMAX is only computed for paths where the source and destination registers or ports are driven by the same clock.  Paths of different clocks, including generated clocks, are ignored.  For paths between a clock and its inversion, FMAX is computed as if the rising and falling edges are scaled along with FMAX, such that the duty cycle (in terms of a percentage) is maintained. Altera recommends that you always use clock constraints and other slack reports for sign-off analysis.
This panel reports FMAX for every clock in the design, regardless of the user-specified clock periods.  FMAX is only computed for paths where the source and destination registers or ports are driven by the same clock.  Paths of different clocks, including generated clocks, are ignored.  For paths between a clock and its inversion, FMAX is computed as if the rising and falling edges are scaled along with FMAX, such that the duty cycle (in terms of a percentage) is maintained. Altera recommends that you always use clock constraints and other slack reports for sign-off analysis.
; Timing Closure Recommendations ;
; Timing Closure Recommendations ;
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; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary  ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary  ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 1.196 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; -4.369 ; -113.702      ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; -3.697 ; -1112.931     ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -3.138 ; -13.527       ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; -2.473 ; -27.460       ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; -2.037 ; -45.867       ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; -1.110 ; -2.017        ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary   ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary   ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.271 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.322 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.336 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.393 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 0.470 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 0.547 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.624 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS   ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS   ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 4.785 ; 0.000           ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -0.289 ; -4.795        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 5.248  ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 14.466 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.979 ; 0.000          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.563 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 1.308 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1.746 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                  ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                  ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; 0.538 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.533 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                      ; 0.597 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.575 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; 0.657 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 0.994 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; 0.679 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; 1.084 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 4.202 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1.301 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 3.952 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 9.195 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary ;
; Slow 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary ;
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.106 ns
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.091 ns
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Fmax Summary                  ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Fmax Summary                  ;
; Fmax       ; Restricted Fmax ; Clock Name   ; Note ;
; Fmax       ; Restricted Fmax ; Clock Name   ; Note ;
; 113.69 MHz ; 113.69 MHz      ; FPGA_CLK1_50 ;      ;
; 84.77 MHz  ; 84.77 MHz       ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ;      ;
; 127.58 MHz ; 127.58 MHz      ; din_a                                                                                      ;      ;
; 130.77 MHz ; 130.77 MHz      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ;      ;
; 149.1 MHz  ; 149.1 MHz       ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ;      ;
; 159.18 MHz ; 159.18 MHz      ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ;      ;
; 205.8 MHz  ; 205.8 MHz       ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ;      ;
This panel reports FMAX for every clock in the design, regardless of the user-specified clock periods.  FMAX is only computed for paths where the source and destination registers or ports are driven by the same clock.  Paths of different clocks, including generated clocks, are ignored.  For paths between a clock and its inversion, FMAX is computed as if the rising and falling edges are scaled along with FMAX, such that the duty cycle (in terms of a percentage) is maintained. Altera recommends that you always use clock constraints and other slack reports for sign-off analysis.
This panel reports FMAX for every clock in the design, regardless of the user-specified clock periods.  FMAX is only computed for paths where the source and destination registers or ports are driven by the same clock.  Paths of different clocks, including generated clocks, are ignored.  For paths between a clock and its inversion, FMAX is computed as if the rising and falling edges are scaled along with FMAX, such that the duty cycle (in terms of a percentage) is maintained. Altera recommends that you always use clock constraints and other slack reports for sign-off analysis.
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary   ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary   ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 1.204 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; -4.207 ; -109.829      ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; -3.461 ; -1038.103     ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -2.976 ; -12.650       ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; -2.359 ; -27.122       ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; -1.919 ; -41.436       ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; -0.765 ; -1.140        ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary    ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary    ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.253 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.211 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.325 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.388 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 0.478 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 0.530 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.599 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 4.852 ; 0.000          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -0.346 ; -5.707        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 5.377  ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 14.772 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.920 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.464 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 1.288 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1.777 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                   ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                   ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; 0.465 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.499 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                      ; 0.633 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.523 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; 0.663 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 0.986 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; 0.716 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; 1.117 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 4.284 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1.324 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 3.980 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 9.277 ; 0.000         ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary ;
; Slow 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary ;
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.241 ns
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.233 ns
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary  ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Setup Summary  ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 4.542 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -2.086 ; -3.029        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; -1.935 ; -13.800       ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; -1.826 ; -329.386      ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; -1.068 ; -12.429       ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; -0.558 ; -5.149        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; -0.405 ; -0.405        ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary   ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Hold Summary   ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.162 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.122 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.175 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 0.179 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.217 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 0.242 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.302 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS   ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS   ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 6.857 ; 0.000           ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.648  ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 6.842  ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 16.136 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Removal Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.574 ; 0.000          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.424 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 0.665 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.750 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                  ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                  ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; 0.799 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.732 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                      ; 0.812 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.833 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; 0.897 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 1.215 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; 0.920 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; 1.333 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1.480 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 4.076 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 4.240 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 9.073 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary ;
; Fast 1100mV 85C Model Metastability Summary ;
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 15.202 ns
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 14.729 ns
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary   ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Setup Summary   ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 5.038 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -1.794 ; -2.071        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; -1.717 ; -6.939        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; -1.507 ; -230.983      ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; -0.704 ; -5.641        ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; -0.395 ; -3.443        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; -0.113 ; -0.113        ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary    ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Hold Summary    ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.146 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.104 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 0.164 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.166 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.199 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 0.208 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.263 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Recovery Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS  ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 7.031 ; 0.000          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.654  ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 7.148  ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 16.628 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Removal Summary ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock        ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50 ; 0.524 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 0.327 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 0.616 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 0.684 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                   ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Minimum Pulse Width Summary                                                   ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; Clock                                                                      ; Slack ; End Point TNS ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; 0.793 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 0.757 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                      ; 0.828 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 0.823 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; 0.961 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; 0.969 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; 1.250 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; 1.399 ; 0.000         ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; 1.293 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 4.039 ; 0.000         ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1.525 ; 0.000         ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 4.335 ; 0.000         ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 9.039 ; 0.000         ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary ;
; Fast 1100mV 0C Model Metastability Summary ;
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 15.621 ns
Worst Case Available Settling Time: 15.223 ns
; Multicorner Timing Analysis Summary                                                                                                    ;
; Multicorner Timing Analysis Summary                                                                                                    ;
; Clock                                                                       ; Setup ; Hold  ; Recovery ; Removal ; Minimum Pulse Width ;
; Clock                                                                       ; Setup ; Hold  ; Recovery ; Removal ; Minimum Pulse Width ;
; Worst-case Slack                                                            ; 1.196 ; 0.146 ; 4.785    ; 0.524   ; 0.465               ;
; Worst-case Slack                                                                            ; -4.369    ; 0.104 ; -0.346   ; 0.327   ; 0.499               ;
;  FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 1.196 ; 0.146 ; 4.785    ; 0.524   ; 4.039               ;
;  FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; -1.110    ; 0.166 ; 14.466   ; 0.327   ; 9.039               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 1.084               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; -3.697    ; 0.164 ; 5.248    ; 0.616   ; 3.952               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.657               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; -4.369    ; 0.104 ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.523               ;
;  din_a                                                                      ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.597               ;
;  din_a                                                                                      ; -2.037    ; 0.208 ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.986               ;
;  spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.679               ;
;  spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -3.138    ; 0.263 ; -0.346   ; 0.684   ; 1.301               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.465               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; -2.473    ; 0.199 ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.499               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 1.250               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 1.250               ;
; Design-wide TNS                                                             ; 0.0   ; 0.0   ; 0.0      ; 0.0     ; 0.0                 ;
; Design-wide TNS                                                                             ; -1315.504 ; 0.0   ; -5.707   ; 0.0     ; 0.0                 ;
;  FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 0.000 ; 0.000 ; 0.000    ; 0.000   ; 0.000               ;
;  FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; -2.017    ; 0.000 ; 0.000    ; 0.000   ; 0.000               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; -1112.931 ; 0.000 ; 0.000    ; 0.000   ; 0.000               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; -113.702  ; 0.000 ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  din_a                                                                      ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  din_a                                                                                      ; -45.867   ; 0.000 ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; -13.527   ; 0.000 ; -5.707   ; 0.000   ; 0.000               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; -27.460   ; 0.000 ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
;  u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; N/A   ; N/A   ; N/A      ; N/A     ; 0.000               ;
; Board Trace Model Assignments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ;
; Board Trace Model Assignments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Near Tline Length ; Near Tline L per Length ; Near Tline C per Length ; Near Series R ; Near Differential R ; Near Pull-up R ; Near Pull-down R ; Near C ; Far Tline Length ; Far Tline L per Length ; Far Tline C per Length ; Far Series R ; Far Pull-up R ; Far Pull-down R ; Far C ; Termination Voltage ; Far Differential R ; EBD File Name ; EBD Signal Name ; EBD Far-end ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Near Tline Length ; Near Tline L per Length ; Near Tline C per Length ; Near Series R ; Near Differential R ; Near Pull-up R ; Near Pull-down R ; Near C ; Far Tline Length ; Far Tline L per Length ; Far Tline C per Length ; Far Series R ; Far Pull-up R ; Far Pull-down R ; Far C ; Termination Voltage ; Far Differential R ; EBD File Name ; EBD Signal Name ; EBD Far-end ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; open                ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; 100 Ohm            ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; open                ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; 100 Ohm            ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; open                ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; 100 Ohm            ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; open                ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; 100 Ohm            ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 in              ; 0 H/in                  ; 0 F/in                  ; short         ; -                   ; open           ; open             ; open   ; 0 in             ; 0 H/in                 ; 0 F/in                 ; short        ; open          ; open            ; open  ; 0 V                 ; -                  ; n/a           ; n/a             ; n/a         ;
Line 477... Line 542...
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 0c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 0c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.377 V                      ; -0.377 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.36e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.377 V                     ; -0.377 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.36e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.377 V                      ; -0.377 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.36e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.377 V                     ; -0.377 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.36e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.257 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.257 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.257 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.257 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.257 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.257 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.257 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.257 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.377 V                      ; -0.377 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.36e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.377 V                     ; -0.377 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.36e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.377 V                      ; -0.377 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.36e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.377 V                     ; -0.377 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.36e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.62e-07 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.153 V            ; 0.035 V                              ; 0.31 V                               ; 4.23e-10 s                  ; 1.59e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.62e-07 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.153 V           ; 0.035 V                             ; 0.31 V                              ; 4.23e-10 s                 ; 1.59e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.62e-07 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.153 V            ; 0.035 V                              ; 0.31 V                               ; 4.23e-10 s                  ; 1.59e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.62e-07 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.153 V           ; 0.035 V                             ; 0.31 V                              ; 4.23e-10 s                 ; 1.59e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.258 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.258 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.258 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.258 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.5e-07 V                    ; 3.14 V              ; -0.195 V            ; 0.158 V                              ; 0.394 V                              ; 4.46e-10 s                  ; 1.64e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.5e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V             ; -0.195 V           ; 0.158 V                             ; 0.394 V                             ; 4.46e-10 s                 ; 1.64e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.5e-07 V                    ; 3.14 V              ; -0.195 V            ; 0.158 V                              ; 0.394 V                              ; 4.46e-10 s                  ; 1.64e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.5e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V             ; -0.195 V           ; 0.158 V                             ; 0.394 V                             ; 4.46e-10 s                 ; 1.64e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.62e-07 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.153 V            ; 0.035 V                              ; 0.31 V                               ; 4.23e-10 s                  ; 1.59e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.62e-07 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.153 V           ; 0.035 V                             ; 0.31 V                              ; 4.23e-10 s                 ; 1.59e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.62e-07 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.153 V            ; 0.035 V                              ; 0.31 V                               ; 4.23e-10 s                  ; 1.59e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.62e-07 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.153 V           ; 0.035 V                             ; 0.31 V                              ; 4.23e-10 s                 ; 1.59e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.258 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.258 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.35e-07 V                   ; 3.14 V              ; -0.258 V            ; 0.13 V                               ; 0.399 V                              ; 4.27e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.35e-07 V                  ; 3.14 V             ; -0.258 V           ; 0.13 V                              ; 0.399 V                             ; 4.27e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
Line 497... Line 562...
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 85c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Slow 1100mv 85c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.343 V                      ; -0.343 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.4e-10 s                   ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.343 V                     ; -0.343 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.4e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.343 V                      ; -0.343 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.4e-10 s                   ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.343 V                     ; -0.343 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.4e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.136 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.167 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.12e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.136 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.167 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.12e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.136 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.167 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.12e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.136 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.167 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.12e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.136 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.167 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.12e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.136 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.167 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.12e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.136 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.167 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.12e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.136 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.167 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.12e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.343 V                      ; -0.343 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.4e-10 s                   ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.343 V                     ; -0.343 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.4e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.343 V                      ; -0.343 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.4e-10 s                   ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.343 V                     ; -0.343 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.4e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.61e-05 V                   ; 3.09 V              ; -0.0638 V           ; 0.034 V                              ; 0.099 V                              ; 5.12e-10 s                  ; 2.97e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.61e-05 V                  ; 3.09 V             ; -0.0638 V          ; 0.034 V                             ; 0.099 V                             ; 5.12e-10 s                 ; 2.97e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.61e-05 V                   ; 3.09 V              ; -0.0638 V           ; 0.034 V                              ; 0.099 V                              ; 5.12e-10 s                  ; 2.97e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.61e-05 V                  ; 3.09 V             ; -0.0638 V          ; 0.034 V                             ; 0.099 V                             ; 5.12e-10 s                 ; 2.97e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.133 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.169 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.13e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.133 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.169 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.13e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.133 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.169 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.13e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.133 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.169 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.13e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.32e-05 V                   ; 3.09 V              ; -0.11 V             ; 0.031 V                              ; 0.155 V                              ; 5.43e-10 s                  ; 3.14e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.32e-05 V                  ; 3.09 V             ; -0.11 V            ; 0.031 V                             ; 0.155 V                             ; 5.43e-10 s                 ; 3.14e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.32e-05 V                   ; 3.09 V              ; -0.11 V             ; 0.031 V                              ; 0.155 V                              ; 5.43e-10 s                  ; 3.14e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.32e-05 V                  ; 3.09 V             ; -0.11 V            ; 0.031 V                             ; 0.155 V                             ; 5.43e-10 s                 ; 3.14e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.61e-05 V                   ; 3.09 V              ; -0.0638 V           ; 0.034 V                              ; 0.099 V                              ; 5.12e-10 s                  ; 2.97e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.61e-05 V                  ; 3.09 V             ; -0.0638 V          ; 0.034 V                             ; 0.099 V                             ; 5.12e-10 s                 ; 2.97e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 2.61e-05 V                   ; 3.09 V              ; -0.0638 V           ; 0.034 V                              ; 0.099 V                              ; 5.12e-10 s                  ; 2.97e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 3.08 V                      ; 2.61e-05 V                  ; 3.09 V             ; -0.0638 V          ; 0.034 V                             ; 0.099 V                             ; 5.12e-10 s                 ; 2.97e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.133 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.169 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.13e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.133 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.169 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.13e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.08 V                       ; 3.19e-05 V                   ; 3.1 V               ; -0.133 V            ; 0.025 V                              ; 0.169 V                              ; 4.92e-10 s                  ; 3.13e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.08 V                      ; 3.19e-05 V                  ; 3.1 V              ; -0.133 V           ; 0.025 V                             ; 0.169 V                             ; 4.92e-10 s                 ; 3.13e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
Line 517... Line 582...
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 0c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 0c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.534 V                      ; -0.534 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.37e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.534 V                     ; -0.534 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.37e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.534 V                      ; -0.534 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.37e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.534 V                     ; -0.534 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.37e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.621 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.621 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.621 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.621 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.621 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.621 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.621 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.621 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.534 V                      ; -0.534 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.37e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.534 V                     ; -0.534 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.37e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.534 V                      ; -0.534 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.33e-10 s                  ; 1.37e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.534 V                     ; -0.534 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.33e-10 s                 ; 1.37e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 3.63e-06 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.326 V            ; 0.091 V                              ; 0.479 V                              ; 3.83e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 3.63e-06 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.326 V           ; 0.091 V                             ; 0.479 V                             ; 3.83e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 3.63e-06 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.326 V            ; 0.091 V                              ; 0.479 V                              ; 3.83e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 3.63e-06 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.326 V           ; 0.091 V                             ; 0.479 V                             ; 3.83e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.622 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.622 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.622 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.622 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.94e-06 V                   ; 3.69 V              ; -0.414 V            ; 0.134 V                              ; 0.585 V                              ; 4.19e-10 s                  ; 1.53e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.94e-06 V                  ; 3.69 V             ; -0.414 V           ; 0.134 V                             ; 0.585 V                             ; 4.19e-10 s                 ; 1.53e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.94e-06 V                   ; 3.69 V              ; -0.414 V            ; 0.134 V                              ; 0.585 V                              ; 4.19e-10 s                  ; 1.53e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.94e-06 V                  ; 3.69 V             ; -0.414 V           ; 0.134 V                             ; 0.585 V                             ; 4.19e-10 s                 ; 1.53e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 3.63e-06 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.326 V            ; 0.091 V                              ; 0.479 V                              ; 3.83e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 3.63e-06 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.326 V           ; 0.091 V                             ; 0.479 V                             ; 3.83e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 3.63e-06 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.326 V            ; 0.091 V                              ; 0.479 V                              ; 3.83e-10 s                  ; 1.5e-10 s                   ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 3.63e-06 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.326 V           ; 0.091 V                             ; 0.479 V                             ; 3.83e-10 s                 ; 1.5e-10 s                  ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.622 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.622 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 4.72e-06 V                   ; 3.7 V               ; -0.49 V             ; 0.117 V                              ; 0.622 V                              ; 3.84e-10 s                  ; 1.48e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 4.72e-06 V                  ; 3.7 V              ; -0.49 V            ; 0.117 V                             ; 0.622 V                             ; 3.84e-10 s                 ; 1.48e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
Line 537... Line 602...
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 85c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
; Signal Integrity Metrics (Fast 1100mv 85c Model)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; Pin       ; I/O Standard ; Board Delay on Rise ; Board Delay on Fall ; Steady State Voh at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Vol at FPGA Pin ; Voh Max at FPGA Pin ; Vol Min at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at FPGA Pin ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at FPGA Pin ; 10-90 Rise Time at FPGA Pin ; 90-10 Fall Time at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Rise at FPGA Pin ; Monotonic Fall at FPGA Pin ; Steady State Voh at Far-end ; Steady State Vol at Far-end ; Voh Max at Far-end ; Vol Min at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Rise at Far-end ; Ringback Voltage on Fall at Far-end ; 10-90 Rise Time at Far-end ; 90-10 Fall Time at Far-end ; Monotonic Rise at Far-end ; Monotonic Fall at Far-end ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.319 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.528 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.319 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.528 V                             ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[5]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.319 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.528 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.319 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.528 V                             ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.319 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.528 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.319 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.528 V                             ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[7]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.319 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.528 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.319 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.528 V                             ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; dout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a    ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000184 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.19 V             ; 0.019 V                              ; 0.425 V                              ; 4.44e-10 s                  ; 1.91e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000184 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.19 V            ; 0.019 V                             ; 0.425 V                             ; 4.44e-10 s                 ; 1.91e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[0]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000184 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.19 V             ; 0.019 V                              ; 0.425 V                              ; 4.44e-10 s                  ; 1.91e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000184 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.19 V            ; 0.019 V                             ; 0.425 V                             ; 4.44e-10 s                 ; 1.91e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.316 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.53 V                               ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.316 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.53 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[1]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.316 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.53 V                               ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.316 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.53 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000238 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.254 V            ; 0.052 V                              ; 0.543 V                              ; 4.59e-10 s                  ; 1.96e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000238 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.254 V           ; 0.052 V                             ; 0.543 V                             ; 4.59e-10 s                 ; 1.96e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[2]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000238 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.254 V            ; 0.052 V                              ; 0.543 V                              ; 4.59e-10 s                  ; 1.96e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000238 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.254 V           ; 0.052 V                             ; 0.543 V                             ; 4.59e-10 s                 ; 1.96e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000184 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.19 V             ; 0.019 V                              ; 0.425 V                              ; 4.44e-10 s                  ; 1.91e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000184 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.19 V            ; 0.019 V                             ; 0.425 V                             ; 4.44e-10 s                 ; 1.91e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[3]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000184 V                   ; 3.64 V              ; -0.19 V             ; 0.019 V                              ; 0.425 V                              ; 4.44e-10 s                  ; 1.91e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000184 V                  ; 3.64 V             ; -0.19 V            ; 0.019 V                             ; 0.425 V                             ; 4.44e-10 s                 ; 1.91e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.316 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.53 V                               ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.316 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.53 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
; LED[4]    ; 3.3-V LVTTL  ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 3.63 V                       ; 0.000229 V                   ; 3.65 V              ; -0.316 V            ; 0.041 V                              ; 0.53 V                               ; 4.29e-10 s                  ; 1.87e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; No                         ; 3.63 V                      ; 0.000229 V                  ; 3.65 V             ; -0.316 V           ; 0.041 V                             ; 0.53 V                              ; 4.29e-10 s                 ; 1.87e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; No                        ;
Line 552... Line 617...
; dout_a(n) ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; dout_a(n) ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a(n) ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; sout_a(n) ; LVDS         ; 0 s                 ; 0 s                 ; 0.488 V                      ; -0.488 V                     ; -                   ; -                   ; -                                    ; -                                    ; 1.41e-10 s                  ; 1.44e-10 s                  ; Yes                        ; Yes                        ; 0.488 V                     ; -0.488 V                    ; -                  ; -                  ; -                                   ; -                                   ; 1.41e-10 s                 ; 1.44e-10 s                 ; Yes                       ; Yes                       ;
; Setup Transfers                                                                                                                                                                                             ;
; Setup Transfers                                                                                                                                                                                             ;
; From Clock                                                                 ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths   ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths   ;
; From Clock                                                                 ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths   ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths   ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 10902      ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 15         ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 598        ; 18       ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 165        ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 1991       ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 1          ; 1        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; din_a                                                                      ; false path ; false path ; false path ; false path ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; din_a                                                                                      ; 275        ; 167      ; 12         ; 61       ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 30         ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 1          ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 8          ; 1        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 198264     ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 221232     ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 3          ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1          ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 34         ; 15       ; 4          ; 90       ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; false path ; false path ; false path ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 60         ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 1600       ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
; Hold Transfers                                                                                                                                                                                              ;
; Hold Transfers                                                                                                                                                                                              ;
; From Clock                                                                 ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths   ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths   ;
; From Clock                                                                 ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths   ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths   ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 10902      ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 15         ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 598        ; 18       ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 165        ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 1991       ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 1          ; 1        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; din_a                                                                      ; false path ; false path ; false path ; false path ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; din_a                                                                                      ; 275        ; 167      ; 12         ; 61       ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 30         ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 1          ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; din_a                                                                      ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; din_a                                                                                      ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 8          ; 1        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 198264     ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 221232     ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 3          ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 1          ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; 0          ; false path ; 0          ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 34         ; 15       ; 4          ; 90       ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; false path ; false path ; false path ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 60         ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk                        ; 1600       ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; false path ; 0          ; 0          ; 0          ;
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
; Recovery Transfers                                                                                                                                                                         ;
; Recovery Transfers                                                                                                                                                                         ;
; From Clock                                                    ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths ;
; From Clock                                                    ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 1258       ; 0        ; 0        ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 7          ; 0        ; 0        ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; din_a                                                                      ; 100        ; 0        ; 69         ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; din_a                                                                                      ; 58         ; 0        ; 17       ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 3102       ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 3051       ; 0        ; 0        ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; 0        ; false path ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 20         ; 0        ; 18       ; 0        ;
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
; Removal Transfers                                                                                                                                                                          ;
; Removal Transfers                                                                                                                                                                          ;
; From Clock                                                    ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths ;
; From Clock                                                    ; To Clock                                                                   ; RR Paths   ; FR Paths ; RF Paths   ; FF Paths ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i                              ; 1258       ; 0        ; 0        ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; false path ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                                  ; 7          ; 0        ; 0        ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; din_a                                                                      ; 100        ; 0        ; 69         ; 0        ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i ; din_a                                                                                      ; 58         ; 0        ; 17       ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; 3102       ; 0        ; 0          ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                                               ; 3051       ; 0        ; 0        ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; false path ; 0        ; false path ; 0        ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                  ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; 20         ; 0        ; 18       ; 0        ;
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
Entries labeled "false path" only account for clock-to-clock false paths and not path-based false paths. As a result, actual path counts may be lower than reported.
; Report TCCS ;
; Report TCCS ;
Line 660... Line 723...
; Property                        ; Setup ; Hold ;
; Property                        ; Setup ; Hold ;
; Illegal Clocks                  ; 0     ; 0    ;
; Illegal Clocks                  ; 0     ; 0    ;
; Unconstrained Clocks            ; 0     ; 0    ;
; Unconstrained Clocks            ; 0     ; 0    ;
; Unconstrained Input Ports       ; 2     ; 2    ;
; Unconstrained Input Ports       ; 2     ; 2    ;
; Unconstrained Input Port Paths  ; 36    ; 36   ;
; Unconstrained Input Port Paths  ; 34    ; 34   ;
; Unconstrained Output Ports      ; 10    ; 10   ;
; Unconstrained Output Ports      ; 10    ; 10   ;
; Unconstrained Output Port Paths ; 10    ; 10   ;
; Unconstrained Output Port Paths ; 10    ; 10   ;
; Clock Status Summary                                                                                                                                                              ;
; Clock Status Summary                                                                                                                                                              ;
; Target                                                                     ; Clock                                                                      ; Type      ; Status      ;
; Target                                                                     ; Clock                                                                      ; Type      ; Status      ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; FPGA_CLK1_50                                                               ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i              ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i                  ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; din_a                                                                      ; din_a                                                                      ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; din_a                                                                      ; din_a                                                                      ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e ; Base      ; Constrained ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; Generated ; Constrained ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk        ; Generated ; Constrained ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; Generated ; Constrained ;
; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]                    ; Generated ; Constrained ;
; Unconstrained Input Ports                                                                         ;
; Unconstrained Input Ports                                                                         ;
Line 742... Line 805...
; TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Messages ;
; TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Messages ;
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
Info: Running Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
    Info: Version 17.0.1 Build 598 06/07/2017 SJ Lite Edition
    Info: Version 17.1.1 Internal Build 593 12/11/2017 SJ Lite Edition
    Info: Processing started: Fri Sep 15 08:18:16 2017
    Info: Processing started: Mon Feb  5 00:57:45 2018
Info: Command: quartus_sta spw_fifo_ulight -c spw_fifo_ulight
Info: Command: quartus_sta spw_fifo_ulight -c spw_fifo_ulight
Info: qsta_default_script.tcl version: #1
Info: qsta_default_script.tcl version: #3
Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance.
Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines.  Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance.
Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 2 of the 2 processors detected
Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 2 of the 2 processors detected
Info (21077): Low junction temperature is 0 degrees C
Info (21077): Low junction temperature is 0 degrees C
Info (21077): High junction temperature is 85 degrees C
Info (21077): High junction temperature is 85 degrees C
Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
Info (332104): Reading SDC File: 'sdc/spw_fifo_ulight.out.sdc'
Info (332104): Reading SDC File: 'sdc/spw_fifo_ulight.out.sdc'
Info (332104): Reading SDC File: 'ulight_fifo/synthesis/submodules/altera_reset_controller.sdc'
Info (332104): Reading SDC File: 'ulight_fifo/synthesis/submodules/altera_reset_controller.sdc'
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|comb  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|comb  from: dataa  to: combout
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info: Analyzing Slow 1100mV 85C Model
Info: Analyzing Slow 1100mV 85C Model
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is 1.196
Critical Warning (332148): Timing requirements not met
    Info (11105): For recommendations on closing timing, run Report Timing Closure Recommendations in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is -4.369
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     1.196               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):    -4.369            -113.702 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.271
    Info (332119):    -3.697           -1112.931 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    -3.138             -13.527 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
    Info (332119):    -2.473             -27.460 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):    -2.037             -45.867 din_a
    Info (332119):    -1.110              -2.017 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.322
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.271               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.322               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is 4.785
    Info (332119):     0.336               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.393               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.470               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.547               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.624               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is -0.289
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     4.785               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):    -0.289              -4.795 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.979
    Info (332119):     5.248               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    14.466               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.563
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.979               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.563               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.538
    Info (332119):     1.308               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.746               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.533
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.538               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.533               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.597               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.575               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.657               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.994               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.679               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e
    Info (332119):     1.084               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     4.202               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     1.301               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 59 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332119):     3.952               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     9.195               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 49 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.106 ns
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.091 ns
    Info (332114):
    Info (332114):
Info: Analyzing Slow 1100mV 0C Model
Info: Analyzing Slow 1100mV 0C Model
Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|comb  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|comb  from: dataa  to: combout
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is 1.204
Critical Warning (332148): Timing requirements not met
    Info (11105): For recommendations on closing timing, run Report Timing Closure Recommendations in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is -4.207
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     1.204               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):    -4.207            -109.829 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.253
    Info (332119):    -3.461           -1038.103 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    -2.976             -12.650 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
    Info (332119):    -2.359             -27.122 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):    -1.919             -41.436 din_a
    Info (332119):    -0.765              -1.140 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.211
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.253               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.211               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is 4.852
    Info (332119):     0.325               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.388               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.478               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.530               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.599               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is -0.346
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     4.852               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):    -0.346              -5.707 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.920
    Info (332119):     5.377               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    14.772               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.464
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.920               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.464               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.465
    Info (332119):     1.288               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.777               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.499
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.465               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.499               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.633               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.523               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.663               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.986               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.716               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e
    Info (332119):     1.117               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     4.284               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     1.324               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 59 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332119):     3.980               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     9.277               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 49 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.241 ns
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 12.233 ns
    Info (332114):
    Info (332114):
Info: Analyzing Fast 1100mV 85C Model
Info: Analyzing Fast 1100mV 85C Model
Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|comb  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|comb  from: dataa  to: combout
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is 4.542
Critical Warning (332148): Timing requirements not met
    Info (11105): For recommendations on closing timing, run Report Timing Closure Recommendations in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is -2.086
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     4.542               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):    -2.086              -3.029 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.162
    Info (332119):    -1.935             -13.800 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    -1.826            -329.386 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    -1.068             -12.429 din_a
    Info (332119):    -0.558              -5.149 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):    -0.405              -0.405 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.122
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.162               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.122               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is 6.857
    Info (332119):     0.175               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.179               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.217               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.242               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.302               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is 0.648
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     6.857               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.648               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.574
    Info (332119):     6.842               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    16.136               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.424
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.574               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.424               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.799
    Info (332119):     0.665               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.750               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.732
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.799               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.732               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.812               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.833               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.897               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e
    Info (332119):     1.215               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.920               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     1.333               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.480               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
    Info (332119):     4.076               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     4.240               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 59 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332119):     9.073               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 49 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 15.202 ns
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 14.729 ns
    Info (332114):
    Info (332114):
Info: Analyzing Fast 1100mV 0C Model
Info: Analyzing Fast 1100mV 0C Model
Info (334003): Started post-fitting delay annotation
Info (334004): Delay annotation completed successfully
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
Info (332097): The following timing edges are non-unate.  TimeQuest will assume pos-unate behavior for these edges in the clock network.
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: A_SPW_TOP|SPW|RX|comb  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|always3~0  from: dataf  to: combout
    Info (332098): Cell: m_x|comb  from: dataa  to: combout
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): From: u0|hps_0|fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga|clk  to: ulight_fifo:u0|ulight_fifo_hps_0:hps_0|ulight_fifo_hps_0_fpga_interfaces:fpga_interfaces|hps2fpga~FF_3457
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter  from: vco0ph[0]  to: divclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|REFCLK_SELECT  from: clkin[0]  to: clkout
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
    Info (332098): Cell: u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll  from: refclkin  to: fbclk
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info (332152): The following assignments are ignored by the derive_clock_uncertainty command
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is 5.038
Critical Warning (332148): Timing requirements not met
    Info (11105): For recommendations on closing timing, run Report Timing Closure Recommendations in the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
Info (332146): Worst-case setup slack is -1.794
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     5.038               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):    -1.794              -2.071 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.146
    Info (332119):    -1.717              -6.939 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    -1.507            -230.983 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    -0.704              -5.641 din_a
    Info (332119):    -0.395              -3.443 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):    -0.113              -0.113 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case hold slack is 0.104
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.146               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.104               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is 7.031
    Info (332119):     0.164               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.166               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.199               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.208               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.263               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case recovery slack is 0.654
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     7.031               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.654               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.524
    Info (332119):     7.148               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):    16.628               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case removal slack is 0.327
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.524               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     0.327               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.793
    Info (332119):     0.616               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.684               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332146): Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is 0.757
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119):     Slack       End Point TNS Clock
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119): ========= =================== =====================
    Info (332119):     0.793               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.757               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     0.828               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     0.823               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|counter[0].output_counter|divclk
    Info (332119):     0.961               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_dout_e
    Info (332119):     0.969               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     1.250               0.000 u0|pll_0|altera_pll_i|cyclonev_pll|fpll_0|fpll|vcoph[0]
    Info (332119):     1.399               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     1.293               0.000 din_a
    Info (332119):     4.039               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
    Info (332119):     1.525               0.000 spw_ulight_con_top_x:A_SPW_TOP|top_spw_ultra_light:SPW|TX_SPW:TX|tx_fsm_m:tx_fsm|tx_dout_e
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 59 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332119):     4.335               0.000 clock_reduce:R_400_to_2_5_10_100_200_300MHZ|clk_100_reduced_i
    Info (332119):     9.039               0.000 FPGA_CLK1_50
Info (332114): Report Metastability: Found 49 synchronizer chains.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): The design MTBF is not calculated because there are no specified synchronizers in the design.
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 59
    Info (332114): Number of Synchronizer Chains Found: 49
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Shortest Synchronizer Chain: 2 Registers
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Fraction of Chains for which MTBFs Could Not be Calculated: 1.000
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 15.621 ns
    Info (332114): Worst Case Available Settling Time: 15.223 ns
    Info (332114):
    Info (332114):
Info (332102): Design is not fully constrained for setup requirements
Info (332102): Design is not fully constrained for setup requirements
Info (332102): Design is not fully constrained for hold requirements
Info (332102): Design is not fully constrained for hold requirements
Info: Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer was successful. 0 errors, 1 warning
Info: Quartus Prime TimeQuest Timing Analyzer was successful. 0 errors, 5 warnings
    Info: Peak virtual memory: 1351 megabytes
    Info: Peak virtual memory: 1444 megabytes
    Info: Processing ended: Fri Sep 15 08:19:10 2017
    Info: Processing ended: Mon Feb  5 00:59:04 2018
    Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:54
    Info: Elapsed time: 00:01:19
    Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:01:15
    Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:01:24

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