
Subversion Repositories spi_master_slave

[/] [spi_master_slave/] [trunk/] [syn/] [spi_master_atlys_top.twr] - Diff between revs 20 and 22

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Rev 20 Rev 22
Release 13.1 Trace  (nt)
Release 13.1 Trace  (nt)
Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
C:\Xilinx\13.1\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt\unwrapped\trce.exe -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 2 -n
C:\Xilinx\13.1\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt\unwrapped\trce.exe -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 2 -n
3 -fastpaths -xml spi_master_atlys_top.twx spi_master_atlys_top.ncd -o
3 -fastpaths -xml spi_master_atlys_top.twx spi_master_atlys_top.ncd -o
spi_master_atlys_top.twr spi_master_atlys_top.pcf -ucf spi_master_atlys.ucf
spi_master_atlys_top.twr spi_master_atlys_top.pcf -ucf spi_master_atlys.ucf
Design file:              spi_master_atlys_top.ncd
Design file:              spi_master_atlys_top.ncd
Physical constraint file: spi_master_atlys_top.pcf
Physical constraint file: spi_master_atlys_top.pcf
Device,package,speed:     xc6slx45,csg324,C,-2 (PRODUCTION 1.18 2011-04-07)
Device,package,speed:     xc6slx45,csg324,C,-2 (PRODUCTION 1.18 2011-04-07)
Report level:             verbose report
Report level:             verbose report
Environment Variable      Effect
Environment Variable      Effect
--------------------      ------
--------------------      ------
NONE                      No environment variables were set
NONE                      No environment variables were set
INFO:Timing:2698 - No timing constraints found, doing default enumeration.
INFO:Timing:2698 - No timing constraints found, doing default enumeration.
INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths
INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths
   option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the
   option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the
   unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
   unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on
INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on
   a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model.  For the details of this model,
   a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model.  For the details of this model,
   and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions,
   and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions,
   please see the device datasheet.
   please see the device datasheet.
Data Sheet report:
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Setup/Hold to clock gclk_i
Setup/Hold to clock gclk_i
            |Max Setup to|  Process   |Max Hold to |  Process   |                  | Clock  |
            |Max Setup to|  Process   |Max Hold to |  Process   |                  | Clock  |
Source      | clk (edge) |   Corner   | clk (edge) |   Corner   |Internal Clock(s) | Phase  |
Source      | clk (edge) |   Corner   | clk (edge) |   Corner   |Internal Clock(s) | Phase  |
btn_i<0>    |    3.278(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.955(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<0>    |    3.220(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.908(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<1>    |    2.687(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.446(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<1>    |    2.732(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.473(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<2>    |    2.472(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.378(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<2>    |    2.624(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.423(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<3>    |    2.485(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.363(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<3>    |    2.466(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.367(R)|      SLOW  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<4>    |    3.029(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.604(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<4>    |    2.808(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.482(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<5>    |    2.674(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.430(R)|      SLOW  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
btn_i<5>    |    2.631(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.435(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<0>     |    4.100(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.174(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<0>     |    4.138(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.205(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<1>     |    5.263(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.981(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<1>     |    5.757(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.265(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<2>     |    5.340(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.970(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<2>     |    5.825(R)|      SLOW  |   -3.246(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<3>     |    4.839(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.685(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<3>     |    4.946(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.785(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<4>     |    3.689(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.001(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<4>     |    3.431(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.904(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<5>     |    4.210(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.310(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<5>     |    3.569(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.000(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<6>     |    4.396(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.450(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<6>     |    3.411(R)|      SLOW  |   -1.943(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<7>     |    4.807(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.644(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
sw_i<7>     |    5.265(R)|      SLOW  |   -2.971(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
Clock gclk_i to Pad
Clock gclk_i to Pad
            |Max (slowest) clk|  Process   |Min (fastest) clk|  Process   |                  | Clock  |
            |Max (slowest) clk|  Process   |Min (fastest) clk|  Process   |                  | Clock  |
Destination |  (edge) to PAD  |   Corner   |  (edge) to PAD  |   Corner   |Internal Clock(s) | Phase  |
Destination |  (edge) to PAD  |   Corner   |  (edge) to PAD  |   Corner   |Internal Clock(s) | Phase  |
dbg_o<4>    |        10.189(R)|      SLOW  |         4.245(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<4>    |         9.886(R)|      SLOW  |         4.102(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<5>    |        10.661(R)|      SLOW  |         4.525(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<5>    |         9.856(R)|      SLOW  |         4.079(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<7>    |        10.584(R)|      SLOW  |         4.515(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<7>    |        10.279(R)|      SLOW  |         4.343(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<8>    |        10.546(R)|      SLOW  |         4.517(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<8>    |        10.485(R)|      SLOW  |         4.438(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<9>    |        10.444(R)|      SLOW  |         4.424(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<9>    |        10.661(R)|      SLOW  |         4.583(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<10>   |        11.747(R)|      SLOW  |         5.263(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<10>   |        10.595(R)|      SLOW  |         4.516(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<11>   |        10.850(R)|      SLOW  |         4.663(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
dbg_o<11>   |        10.797(R)|      SLOW  |         4.632(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<0>    |         9.978(R)|      SLOW  |         4.140(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<0>    |        10.127(R)|      SLOW  |         4.227(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<1>    |         9.999(R)|      SLOW  |         4.146(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<1>    |         9.955(R)|      SLOW  |         4.135(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<2>    |         9.969(R)|      SLOW  |         4.128(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<2>    |        10.096(R)|      SLOW  |         4.211(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<3>    |         9.554(R)|      SLOW  |         3.890(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<3>    |         9.531(R)|      SLOW  |         3.887(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<4>    |        10.087(R)|      SLOW  |         4.246(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<4>    |        10.129(R)|      SLOW  |         4.244(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<5>    |        16.607(R)|      SLOW  |         8.007(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<5>    |        16.930(R)|      SLOW  |         8.194(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<6>    |        11.948(R)|      SLOW  |         5.282(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<6>    |        12.027(R)|      SLOW  |         5.407(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<7>    |        11.126(R)|      SLOW  |         4.792(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
led_o<7>    |        11.196(R)|      SLOW  |         4.818(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<0>   |         9.589(R)|      SLOW  |         3.927(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<0>   |         9.636(R)|      SLOW  |         3.930(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<1>   |         9.834(R)|      SLOW  |         4.096(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<1>   |         9.683(R)|      SLOW  |         3.987(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<2>   |         9.806(R)|      SLOW  |         4.063(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<2>   |         9.651(R)|      SLOW  |         3.945(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<3>   |         9.369(R)|      SLOW  |         3.801(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<3>   |         9.718(R)|      SLOW  |         4.091(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<4>   |         9.464(R)|      SLOW  |         3.837(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<4>   |         9.623(R)|      SLOW  |         4.055(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<5>   |         9.704(R)|      SLOW  |         4.008(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<5>   |         9.875(R)|      SLOW  |         4.135(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<6>   |         9.672(R)|      SLOW  |         3.966(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<6>   |         9.742(R)|      SLOW  |         4.088(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<7>   |         9.539(R)|      SLOW  |         3.912(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_do_o<7>   |         9.568(R)|      SLOW  |         4.000(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<0>|        11.606(R)|      SLOW  |         5.188(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<0>|        11.544(R)|      SLOW  |         5.167(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<1>|        11.499(R)|      SLOW  |         5.055(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<1>|        11.702(R)|      SLOW  |         5.283(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<2>|        11.467(R)|      SLOW  |         5.046(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<2>|        11.667(R)|      SLOW  |         5.272(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<3>|        11.607(R)|      SLOW  |         5.144(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
m_state_o<3>|        11.707(R)|      SLOW  |         5.314(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_miso_o  |        13.517(R)|      SLOW  |         5.528(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_miso_o  |        11.814(R)|      SLOW  |         5.115(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_mosi_o  |        13.405(R)|      SLOW  |         5.552(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_mosi_o  |        13.768(R)|      SLOW  |         5.317(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_sck_o   |        11.665(R)|      SLOW  |         5.240(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_sck_o   |        11.645(R)|      SLOW  |         5.148(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_ssel_o  |        12.854(R)|      SLOW  |         5.876(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
spi_ssel_o  |        12.580(R)|      SLOW  |         5.649(R)|      FAST  |gclk_i_BUFGP      |   0.000|
Clock to Setup on destination clock gclk_i
Clock to Setup on destination clock gclk_i
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
gclk_i         |    5.299|         |         |         |
gclk_i         |    4.888|         |         |         |
Analysis completed Wed Aug 10 22:57:08 2011
Analysis completed Mon Aug 29 00:08:54 2011
Trace Settings:
Trace Settings:
Trace Settings
Trace Settings
Peak Memory Usage: 180 MB
Peak Memory Usage: 177 MB

powered by: WebSVN 2.1.0

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