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[/] [hssdrc/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [hssdrc_decoder_state.v] - Rev 3
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// // Project : High-Speed SDRAM Controller with adaptive bank management and command pipeline // // Project Nick : HSSDRC // // Version : 1.0-beta // // Revision : $Revision: 1.1 $ // // Date : $Date: 2008-03-06 13:52:43 $ // // Workfile : hssdrc_decoder_state.v // // Description : sdram command sequence decoder // // HSSDRC is licensed under MIT License // // Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Denis V.Shekhalev (des00@opencores.org) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // `include "hssdrc_timescale.vh" `include "hssdrc_timing.vh" `include "hssdrc_define.vh" module hssdrc_decoder_state ( clk , reset , sclr , // ba_map_update , ba_map_clear , ba_map_pre_act_rw , ba_map_act_rw , ba_map_rw , ba_map_all_close , // arb_write , arb_read , arb_refr , arb_rowa , arb_cola , arb_ba , arb_burst , arb_chid , arb_ready , // dec_pre_all , dec_refr , dec_pre , dec_act , dec_read , dec_write , // dec_pre_all_enable, dec_refr_enable , dec_pre_enable , dec_act_enable , dec_read_enable , dec_write_enable , // dec_locked , dec_last , // dec_rowa , dec_cola , dec_ba , dec_chid , // dec_burst ); input wire clk ; input wire reset; input wire sclr ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bank map interface //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- output logic ba_map_update ; output logic ba_map_clear ; input wire ba_map_pre_act_rw ; input wire ba_map_act_rw ; input wire ba_map_rw ; input wire ba_map_all_close ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // interface from input arbiter //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- input wire arb_write ; input wire arb_read ; input wire arb_refr ; input rowa_t arb_rowa ; input cola_t arb_cola ; input ba_t arb_ba ; input burst_t arb_burst ; input chid_t arb_chid ; output logic arb_ready ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // inteface to output arbiter //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // logical commands output logic dec_pre_all ; output logic dec_refr ; output logic dec_pre ; output logic dec_act ; output logic dec_read ; output logic dec_write ; // logical commands en input wire dec_pre_all_enable ; input wire dec_refr_enable ; input wire dec_pre_enable ; input wire dec_act_enable ; input wire dec_read_enable ; input wire dec_write_enable ; // addititional signal output logic dec_locked ; output logic dec_last ; // control path output rowa_t dec_rowa ; output cola_t dec_cola ; output ba_t dec_ba ; output chid_t dec_chid ; // output sdram_burst_t dec_burst ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- localparam int cTrp_m1 = cTrp - 1; localparam int cTrcd_m1 = cTrcd - 1; typedef enum { STATE_RESET_BIT , // need for create simple true ready condition STATE_IDLE_BIT , STATE_DECODE_BIT , STATE_PRE_BIT , STATE_TRP_BIT , STATE_ACT_BIT , STATE_TRCD_BIT , STATE_RW_BIT , STATE_ADDR_INC_BIT, STATE_PRE_ALL_BIT , STATE_REFR_BIT } state_bits_e; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum bit [10:0] { STATE_RESET = (11'h1 << STATE_RESET_BIT) , STATE_IDLE = (11'h1 << STATE_IDLE_BIT) , STATE_DECODE = (11'h1 << STATE_DECODE_BIT) , STATE_PRE = (11'h1 << STATE_PRE_BIT) , STATE_TRP = (11'h1 << STATE_TRP_BIT) , STATE_ACT = (11'h1 << STATE_ACT_BIT) , STATE_TRCD = (11'h1 << STATE_TRCD_BIT) , STATE_RW = (11'h1 << STATE_RW_BIT) , STATE_ADDR_INC = (11'h1 << STATE_ADDR_INC_BIT) , STATE_PRE_ALL = (11'h1 << STATE_PRE_ALL_BIT) , STATE_REFR = (11'h1 << STATE_REFR_BIT) } state, next_state; logic refr_mode ; logic write_mode ; logic burst_done ; logic early_burst_done; cola_t cola_latched ; rowa_t rowa_latched ; ba_t ba_latched ; chid_t chid_latched ; logic [3:0] burst_latched ; logic [3:0] burst_shift_cnt ; logic [3:0] available_burst ; logic [3:0] remained_burst ; logic [1:0] remained_burst_high ; logic [1:0] remained_burst_low ; logic [1:0] remained_burst_low_latched; logic [3:0] last_used_burst; wire trp_cnt_done; wire trcd_cnt_done; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // use shift register instead of counter for trp time count //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (cTrp_m1 <= 1) begin : no_trp_cnt_generate assign trp_cnt_done = 1'b1; end else begin : trp_cnt_generate logic [cTrp_m1-2:0] trp_cnt; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin if (state [STATE_TRP_BIT]) trp_cnt <= (trp_cnt << 1) | 1'b1; else trp_cnt <= '0; end assign trp_cnt_done = trp_cnt [cTrp_m1-2]; end endgenerate //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // use shift register instead of counter for trcd time count //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (cTrcd_m1 <= 1) begin : no_trcd_cnt_generate assign trcd_cnt_done = 1'b1; end else begin : trcd_cnt_generate logic [cTrcd_m1-2:0] trcd_cnt; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin if (state [STATE_TRCD_BIT]) trcd_cnt <= (trcd_cnt << 1) | 1'b1; else trcd_cnt <= '0; end assign trcd_cnt_done = trcd_cnt [cTrcd_m1-2]; end endgenerate //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always_comb begin : fsm_jump_decode next_state = STATE_RESET; unique case (1'b1) state [STATE_RESET_BIT] : begin next_state = STATE_IDLE; end state [STATE_IDLE_BIT] : begin if (arb_write | arb_read | arb_refr) next_state = STATE_DECODE; else next_state = STATE_IDLE; end // // decode branch // state [STATE_DECODE_BIT] : begin if (refr_mode) begin : shorten_refresh_decode if (ba_map_all_close) next_state = STATE_REFR; else next_state = STATE_PRE_ALL; end else begin : mode_of_rw_decode if (ba_map_pre_act_rw) next_state = STATE_PRE; else if (ba_map_rw) next_state = STATE_RW; else // if (ba_map_act_rw) next_state = STATE_ACT; end end // // pre branch // state [STATE_PRE_BIT] : begin if (dec_pre_enable) if (cTrp_m1 == 0) next_state = STATE_ACT; else next_state = STATE_TRP; else next_state = STATE_PRE; end state [STATE_TRP_BIT] : begin if (trp_cnt_done) next_state = STATE_ACT; else next_state = STATE_TRP; end // // act branch // state [STATE_ACT_BIT] : begin if (dec_act_enable) if (cTrcd_m1 == 0) next_state = STATE_RW; else next_state = STATE_TRCD; else next_state = STATE_ACT; end state [STATE_TRCD_BIT] : begin if (trcd_cnt_done) next_state = STATE_RW; else next_state = STATE_TRCD; end // // data branch // state [STATE_RW_BIT] : begin if ((dec_write_enable & write_mode) | (dec_read_enable & ~write_mode)) begin : burst_done_decode if (burst_done) next_state = STATE_IDLE; else next_state = STATE_ADDR_INC; end else begin next_state = STATE_RW; end end state [STATE_ADDR_INC_BIT] : begin next_state = STATE_RW; end // // refresh breanch // state [STATE_PRE_ALL_BIT] : begin if (dec_pre_all_enable) next_state = STATE_REFR; else next_state = STATE_PRE_ALL; end state [STATE_REFR_BIT] : begin if (dec_refr_enable) next_state = STATE_IDLE; else next_state = STATE_REFR; end endcase end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always_ff @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin : fsm_register_process if (reset) state <= STATE_RESET; else if (sclr) state <= STATE_RESET; else state <= next_state; end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign arb_ready = state[STATE_IDLE_BIT]; assign dec_pre_all = state[STATE_PRE_ALL_BIT]; assign dec_refr = state[STATE_REFR_BIT]; assign dec_pre = state[STATE_PRE_BIT]; assign dec_act = state[STATE_ACT_BIT]; assign dec_read = state[STATE_RW_BIT] & ~write_mode; assign dec_write = state[STATE_RW_BIT] & write_mode; assign dec_last = state[STATE_RW_BIT] & burst_done ; // // instead of decode state_refr_bit & state_pre_all_bit we can use refresh mode register // assign dec_locked = refr_mode; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign ba_map_update = state[STATE_DECODE_BIT] & ~refr_mode; assign ba_map_clear = state[STATE_DECODE_BIT] & refr_mode; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin : mode_logic if (state [STATE_IDLE_BIT]) begin refr_mode <= arb_refr; write_mode <= arb_write; end end //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always_ff @(posedge clk) begin : addr_chid_logic if (state[STATE_IDLE_BIT]) begin rowa_latched <= arb_rowa; ba_latched <= arb_ba; chid_latched <= arb_chid; end if (state[STATE_IDLE_BIT]) cola_latched <= arb_cola; else if (state[STATE_ADDR_INC_BIT]) cola_latched <= cola_latched + last_used_burst; end assign dec_cola = cola_latched; assign dec_rowa = rowa_latched; assign dec_ba = ba_latched; assign dec_chid = chid_latched; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // alligned burst max cycles is 4 // burst [3:2] == 0 & burst[1:0] <= available_burst. 1 cycle is burst // burst [3:2] != 0 & burst[1:0] <= available_burst. 1 cycle is burst shift_cnt burst_done // burst [ 1.. 4] : encoded with [ 4'd0 : 4'd3] : cycle is 1 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b0000 1 // burst [ 5.. 8] : encoded with [ 4'd4 : 4'd7] : cycle is 2 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b0001 0 // burst [ 9..12] : encoded with [ 4'd8 : 4'd11] : cycle is 3 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b0010 0 // burst [13..16] : encoded with [4'd12 : 4'd15] : cycle is 4 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b0100 0 // // not alligned burst max cycles is 5 shift_cnt burst_done // burst [ 1.. 4] : encoded with [ 4'd0 : 4'd3] : cycle is 2 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b0001 0 // burst [ 5.. 8] : encoded with [ 4'd4 : 4'd7] : cycle is 3 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b0010 0 // burst [ 9..12] : encoded with [ 4'd8 : 4'd11] : cycle is 4 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b0100 0 // burst [13..16] : encoded with [4'd12 : 4'd15] : cycle is 5 : burst_shift_cnt = 4'b1000 0 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- always_ff @(posedge clk) begin : burst_latch_logic if (state[STATE_IDLE_BIT]) burst_latched = arb_burst; end // remember that burst has -1 offset // available burst has -1 offset too assign available_burst = 4'b0011 - {2'b00, cola_latched[1:0]}; assign remained_burst = burst_latched - available_burst - 1'b1; assign remained_burst_high = remained_burst[3:2]; assign remained_burst_low = remained_burst[1:0]; assign early_burst_done = burst_shift_cnt[0]; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin : burst_logic if (state[STATE_DECODE_BIT]) begin if (burst_latched <= available_burst) begin burst_shift_cnt <= '0; burst_done <= 1'b1; // only 1 transaction will be dec_burst <= burst_latched[1:0]; end else begin burst_shift_cnt <= '0; burst_shift_cnt[remained_burst_high] <= 1'b1; remained_burst_low_latched <= remained_burst_low; burst_done <= 1'b0; // more then 2 transaction will be dec_burst <= available_burst[1:0]; last_used_burst <= {2'b00, available_burst[1:0]} + 1'b1; // + 1 is compensation of -1 offset end end else if (state[STATE_ADDR_INC_BIT]) begin burst_shift_cnt <= burst_shift_cnt >> 1; burst_done <= early_burst_done; // if (early_burst_done) dec_burst <= remained_burst_low_latched; // no transaction any more else dec_burst <= 2'b11; // last_used_burst <= 4'b0011 + 1'b1; end end endmodule