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--  This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY
--  Copyright (C) 2003, Gaisler Research
--  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
--  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
-- Entity: atahost_amba_slave 
-- File: atahost_amba_slave.vhd
-- Author:  Nils-Johan Wessman, Gaisler Research 
-- (Modified by E.Jagre Autumn 2006)
-- Description: ATA controller
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library grlib;
use grlib.amba.all;
use grlib.stdlib.all;
use grlib.devices.all;
library gaisler;
use gaisler.memctrl.all;
use gaisler.ata.all;
use work.ata_inf.all;
entity atahost_amba_slave is
  generic (
    hindex  : integer := 0;
    haddr   : integer := 0;
    hmask   : integer := 16#ff0#;
    pirq    : integer := 0;
    DeviceID   : integer := 0;
    RevisionNo : integer := 0;
    -- PIO mode 0 settings (@100MHz clock)
    PIO_mode0_T1 : natural := 6;                -- 70ns
    PIO_mode0_T2 : natural := 28;               -- 290ns
    PIO_mode0_T4 : natural := 2;                -- 30ns
    PIO_mode0_Teoc : natural := 23;             -- 240ns ==> T0 - T1 - T2 = 600 - 70 - 290 = 240
    -- Multiword DMA mode 0 settings (@100MHz clock)
    DMA_mode0_Tm : natural := 4;                -- 50ns
    DMA_mode0_Td : natural := 21;               -- 215ns
    DMA_mode0_Teoc : natural := 21              -- 215ns ==> T0 - Td - Tm = 480 - 50 - 215 = 215
  port (
    rst     : in  std_ulogic;
    arst    : in  std_ulogic;
    clk     : in  std_ulogic;
    ahbsi   : in  ahb_slv_in_type;
    ahbso   : out ahb_slv_out_type;
    cf_power: out std_logic;
    -- ata controller signals
    -- PIO control input
    PIOsel     : out std_logic;
    PIOtip,                                         -- PIO transfer in progress
    PIOack     : in std_logic;                      -- PIO acknowledge signal
    PIOq       : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);  -- PIO data input
    PIOpp_full : in std_logic;                      -- PIO write-ping-pong buffers full
    irq        : in std_logic;                      -- interrupt signal input
    PIOa       : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";
    PIOd       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    PIOwe      : out std_logic;
    -- DMA control inputs
--    DMAsel    : out std_logic;
    DMAtip,                                     -- DMA transfer in progress
--    DMAack,                                     -- DMA transfer acknowledge
    DMARxEmpty,                                 -- DMA receive buffer empty
    DMATxFull,                                  -- DMA transmit buffer full
    DMA_dmarq : in std_logic;                   -- wishbone DMA request
--    DMAq      : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    -- outputs
    -- control register outputs
    DMActrl_Bytesw,                             -- Jagre 2006-12-04, byte swap
    DMActrl_BeLeC1 : out std_logic;
    -- CMD port timing registers
    PIO_cmdport_Teoc    : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    PIO_cmdport_IORDYen : out std_logic;
    -- data-port0 timing registers
    PIO_dport0_Teoc    : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    PIO_dport0_IORDYen : out std_logic;
    -- data-port1 timing registers
    PIO_dport1_Teoc    : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    PIO_dport1_IORDYen : out std_logic;
    -- DMA device0 timing registers
    DMA_dev0_Teoc    : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    -- DMA device1 timing registers
    DMA_dev1_Teoc    : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
   -- Bus master edits     by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------start-----
   fr_BM : in bm_to_slv_type := BM_TO_SLV_RESET_VECTOR;
   to_BM : out slv_to_bm_type := SLV_TO_BM_RESET_VECTOR
   -- Bus master edits     by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------end-------
architecture rtl of atahost_amba_slave is
constant VERSION : amba_version_type := 0;
constant hconfig : ahb_config_type := (
  0 => ahb_device_reg(VENDOR_GAISLER, GAISLER_ATACTRL, 0, VERSION, pirq),  
  4 => ahb_iobar(haddr, hmask),
  others => zero32);
type PIOtiming_type is record
   T1,T2,T4,Teoc  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record;
type DMAtiming_type is record
   Tm,Td,Teoc  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record;
-- local registers
type reg_type is record
   -- AHB signal
   hready    : std_ulogic;                    -- Hready
   hsel      : std_ulogic;                    -- Hsel
   hmbsel    : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);      -- Mem map select
   haddr     : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Haddr
   hrdata    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Hreaddata
   hwdata    : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Hwritedata
   hwrite    : std_ulogic;                    -- Hwrite
   htrans    : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);  -- Htrans type
   hburst    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);  -- Hburst type
   hresp     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);  -- Hresp type
   size      : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);  -- Part of Hsize
   piosel    : std_logic;
   irq       : std_logic;
   irqv      : std_logic_vector(NAHBIRQ-1 downto 0);
   pioack    : std_logic;
   atasel    : std_logic;
   -- reg signal
   ctrlreg  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   statreg  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   pio_cmd  : PIOtiming_type;
   pio_dp0  : PIOtiming_type;
   pio_dp1  : PIOtiming_type;
   dma_dev0 : DMAtiming_type;
   dma_dev1 : DMAtiming_type;
   -- Bus master registers by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------start-----
   bmcmd  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --Bus master IDE command register
   bmvd0  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --Device specific (reserved)
   bmsta  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --Bus master IDE status register
   bmvd1  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --Device specific (reserved)
   prdtb  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --Bus master IDE PRD table address
   fr_BM  : bm_to_slv_type;
   -- Bus master registers by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------end-------
end record;
signal r, ri : reg_type;
--  ctrl : process(rst, ahbsi, r, PIOack, PIOtip, PIOpp_full, irq, PIOq, fr_BM) Jagre 2007-02-08
  ctrl : process(rst, ahbsi, r, PIOack, PIOtip, PIOpp_full, irq, PIOq, DMAtip, dma_dmarq, dmatxfull, dmarxempty, fr_BM)
  variable v      : reg_type;    -- local variables for registers
  variable int    : std_logic;
-- Variable default settings to avoid latches
   v := r; 
   v.hresp := HRESP_OKAY; 
   v.irqv := (others => '0');
   int := '1'; 
   v.irq := irq;
   v.irqv(pirq) := v.irq and not r.irq;
   v.pioack := PIOack;
   -- Bus master edits     by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------start-----
   v.fr_BM.err := fr_BM.err;
   v.fr_BM.done := fr_BM.done;
   v.bmvd1(15 downto 0):=fr_bm.cur_cnt;
   v.bmvd1(31 downto 15):=(others => '0');
   -- Bus master edits     by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------end-------
   if (ahbsi.hready = '1') and (ahbsi.hsel(hindex) and ahbsi.htrans(1)) = '1' then       
         v.size   := ahbsi.hsize(1 downto 0); 
         v.hwrite := ahbsi.hwrite;
         v.htrans := ahbsi.htrans; 
         v.hburst := ahbsi.hburst;
         v.hsel   := '1'; 
         v.haddr  := ahbsi.haddr;
         v.piosel := ahbsi.haddr(6);
         v.atasel := ahbsi.haddr(6);
         if ahbsi.hwrite = '0' or ahbsi.haddr(6) = '1' then -- Read or ATA 
            v.hready := '0';
         else                                         -- Write
            v.hready := '1';
         end if;
         v.hsel := '0';
         if PIOack = '1' then
            v.piosel := '0';
         end if;
         v.hready := r.pioack or not r.atasel;
         if r.pioack = '1' then
            v.atasel := '0';
         end if;
   end if;
   if r.hsel = '1' and r.atasel = '0' and r.hwrite = '1' then -- Write
      case r.haddr(5 downto 2) is
      when "0000" =>    -- Control register 0x0
         v.ctrlreg := ahbsi.hwdata;
      when "0001" =>    -- Status register 0x4
         int := ahbsi.hwdata(0); -- irq bit in status reg
      when "0010" =>    -- PIO Compatible timing register 0x8
         v.pio_cmd.T1 := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
         v.pio_cmd.T2 := ahbsi.hwdata(15 downto 8);
         v.pio_cmd.T4 := ahbsi.hwdata(23 downto 16);
         v.pio_cmd.Teoc := ahbsi.hwdata(31 downto 24);
      when "0011" =>    -- PIO Fast timing register device 0 0xc
         v.pio_dp0.T1 := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
         v.pio_dp0.T2 := ahbsi.hwdata(15 downto 8);
         v.pio_dp0.T4 := ahbsi.hwdata(23 downto 16);
         v.pio_dp0.Teoc := ahbsi.hwdata(31 downto 24);
      when "0100" =>    -- PIO Fast timing register device 1 0x10
         v.pio_dp1.T1 := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
         v.pio_dp1.T2 := ahbsi.hwdata(15 downto 8);
         v.pio_dp1.T4 := ahbsi.hwdata(23 downto 16);
         v.pio_dp1.Teoc := ahbsi.hwdata(31 downto 24);
      when "0101" =>    -- DMA timing register device 0 0x14
         v.dma_dev0.Tm := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
         v.dma_dev0.Td := ahbsi.hwdata(15 downto 8);
         v.dma_dev0.Teoc := ahbsi.hwdata(31 downto 24);
      when "0110" =>    -- DMA timing register device 1 0x18
         v.dma_dev1.Tm := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
         v.dma_dev1.Td := ahbsi.hwdata(15 downto 8);
         v.dma_dev1.Teoc := ahbsi.hwdata(31 downto 24);
      -- Bus master registers by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 -----------------start------
      when "0111" =>    -- Bus master IDE command register 0x1C
         v.bmcmd(7 downto 0) := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
      when "1000" =>    -- Device specific (reserved) 0x20
         v.bmvd0(7 downto 0) := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
      when "1001" =>    -- Bus master IDE status register 0x24
         v.bmsta(6 downto 1) := ahbsi.hwdata(6 downto 1); --bmsta(7) read only
         if (ahbsi.hwdata(2)='1') then v.bmsta(2):='0'; end if; --reset IRQ
         if (ahbsi.hwdata(1)='1') then v.bmsta(1):='0'; end if; --reset Error
      when "1010" =>    -- Device specific (reserved) 0x28
         v.bmvd1(7 downto 0) := ahbsi.hwdata(7 downto 0);
      when "1011" =>    -- Bus master IDE PRD table address 0x2C
         v.prdtb := ahbsi.hwdata;
      -- Bus master registers by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 -----------------end--------
      when others => null;
      end case;
   elsif r.hsel = '1' and r.atasel = '1' and r.hwrite = '1' then  -- ATA IO device 0x40-
      v.hwdata := ahbsi.hwdata;
   end if;
   if r.hsel = '1' and r.atasel = '0' and r.hwrite = '0' then -- Read
      case r.haddr(5 downto 2) is
      when "0000" =>    -- Control register 0x0
         v.hrdata := r.ctrlreg;
      when "0001" =>    -- Status register 0x4
         v.hrdata := r.statreg;
      when "0010" =>    -- PIO Compatible timing register 0x8
         v.hrdata := (r.pio_cmd.Teoc & r.pio_cmd.T4 & r.pio_cmd.T2 & 
      when "0011" =>    -- PIO Fast timing register device 0 0xc
         v.hrdata := (r.pio_dp0.Teoc & r.pio_dp0.T4 & r.pio_dp0.T2 & 
      when "0100" =>    -- PIO Fast timing register device 1 0x10
         v.hrdata := (r.pio_dp1.Teoc & r.pio_dp1.T4 & r.pio_dp1.T2 & 
      when "0101" =>    -- DMA timing register device 0 0x14
         v.hrdata := (r.dma_dev0.Teoc & x"00" & r.dma_dev0.Td & 
      when "0110" =>    -- DMA timing register device 1 0x18
         v.hrdata := (r.dma_dev1.Teoc & x"00" & r.dma_dev1.Td & 
      -- Bus master registers by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 -----------------start---
      when "0111" =>    -- Bus master IDE command register 0x1C
         v.hrdata := (others => '0'); --return 0 on reads
         v.hrdata(3) := r.bmcmd(3); --except for bit 3
      when "1000" =>    -- Device specific (reserved) 0x20
         v.hrdata(31 downto 0) := r.bmvd0; --Erik Jagre 2006-11-13
         --v.hrdata(31 downto 8) := (others => '0'); --return 0 on reads
         --v.hrdata(7 downto 0) := r.bmvd0;
      when "1001" =>    -- Bus master IDE status register 0x24
         v.hrdata(31 downto 8) := (others => '0'); --return 0 on reads
         v.hrdata(7 downto 0) := r.bmsta;
         v.hrdata(7) := '1'; --simplex only
         v.hrdata(4 downto 3) := (others => '0'); --return 0 on reads
      when "1010" =>    -- Device specific (reserved) 0x28
         v.hrdata(31 downto 0) := r.bmvd1; --Erik Jagre 2006-11-13
         --v.hrdata(31 downto 8) := (others => '0'); --return 0 on reads
         --v.hrdata(7 downto 0) := r.bmvd1;
      when "1011" =>    -- Bus master IDE PRD table address 0x2C
         v.hrdata := r.prdtb;
      -- Bus master registers by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------end----
      when others =>
         v.hrdata := x"aaaaaaaa";
      end case;
   elsif r.atasel = '1' then  -- ATA IO device 0x40-
      v.hrdata := (x"0000" & PIOq);
   end if;
   -- Status register
   v.statreg(31 downto 0)  := (others => '0');                -- clear all bits (read unused bits as '0')
   v.statreg(31 downto 28) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(DeviceId,4));    -- set Device ID
   v.statreg(27 downto 24) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(RevisionNo,4));  -- set revision number
   v.statreg(16) := irq; --Erik Jagre 20006-11-13
   v.statreg(15) := DMAtip;
   v.statreg(10) := DMARxEmpty;
   v.statreg(9)  := DMATxFull;
   v.statreg(8)  := DMA_dmarq;
   v.statreg(7)  := PIOtip;
   v.statreg(6)  := PIOpp_full;
   v.statreg(0)  := (r.statreg(0) or (v.irq and not r.irq)) and int;
   -- Bus master control   by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 -----------------start------
   if (v.fr_BM.err='1' and r.fr_BM.err='0') then
      v.bmsta(1):='1'; --set err on rising flank
   end if;
   if (v.irq='1' and r.irq='0') then
      v.bmsta(2):='1'; --set irq on rising flank
   end if;
   if ((v.fr_BM.done='1' and r.fr_BM.done='0') or  --BM done
   (v.bmcmd(0)='0' and r.bmcmd(0)='1') or --Reset by software
   (v.fr_BM.err='1' and r.fr_BM.err='0')) then --Error from BM
      v.bmsta(0):='0'; --clear active
   elsif (v.bmcmd(0)='1' and r.bmcmd(0)='0') then
      v.bmsta(0):='1'; --set active on rising start flank
   end if;
   -- Bus master control   by Erik Jagre 2006-10-03 ------------------end-------
-- reset
   if rst = '0' then
      v.ctrlreg := (0 => '1', others => '0');
      v.statreg(0) := '0';
      -- Bus master control   by Erik Jagre 2006-10-04 -----------------start---
      v.bmcmd := (others => '0');
      v.bmvd0 := (others => '0');
      v.bmsta := (7 => '1', others => '0');
      v.bmvd1 := (others => '0');
      v.prdtb := (others => '0');
      -- Bus master control   by Erik Jagre 2006-10-04 ------------------end----
      v.haddr := (others => '0');
      v.hwrite := '0';
      v.hready := '1';
      v.pioack := '0';
      v.atasel := '0';
      v.piosel := '0';
      v.pio_cmd.T1 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T1,8);
      v.pio_cmd.T2 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T2,8);
      v.pio_cmd.T4 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T4,8);
      v.pio_cmd.Teoc := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_Teoc,8);
      v.pio_dp0.T1 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T1,8);
      v.pio_dp0.T2 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T2,8);
      v.pio_dp0.T4 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T4,8);
      v.pio_dp0.Teoc := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_Teoc,8);
      v.pio_dp1.T1 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T1,8);
      v.pio_dp1.T2 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T2,8);
      v.pio_dp1.T4 := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_T4,8);
      v.pio_dp1.Teoc := conv_std_logic_vector(PIO_mode0_Teoc,8);
      v.dma_dev0.Tm := conv_std_logic_vector(DMA_mode0_Tm,8);
      v.dma_dev0.Td := conv_std_logic_vector(DMA_mode0_Td,8);
      v.dma_dev0.Teoc := conv_std_logic_vector(DMA_mode0_Teoc,8);
      v.dma_dev1.Tm := conv_std_logic_vector(DMA_mode0_Tm,8);
      v.dma_dev1.Td := conv_std_logic_vector(DMA_mode0_Td,8);
      v.dma_dev1.Teoc := conv_std_logic_vector(DMA_mode0_Teoc,8);
   end if;
   -- assign control bits
   cf_power             <= r.ctrlreg(31);
   DMActrl_DMAen        <= r.bmcmd(0); --r.ctrlreg(15); --Erik Jagre 2006-10-24
   DMActrl_dir          <= not r.bmcmd(3); --r.ctrlreg(13); --Jagre 2006-12-04
   DMActrl_Bytesw       <= r.ctrlreg(11); --Jagre 2006-12-04, byteswap ATA data
   DMActrl_BeLeC1       <= r.ctrlreg(9);
   DMActrl_BeLeC0       <= r.ctrlreg(8);
   IDEctrl_IDEen        <= r.ctrlreg(7);
   IDEctrl_FATR1        <= r.ctrlreg(6);
   IDEctrl_FATR0        <= r.ctrlreg(5);
   IDEctrl_ppen         <= r.ctrlreg(4);
   PIO_dport1_IORDYen   <= r.ctrlreg(3);
   PIO_dport0_IORDYen   <= r.ctrlreg(2);
   PIO_cmdport_IORDYen  <= r.ctrlreg(1);
   IDEctrl_rst          <= r.ctrlreg(0);
   -- CMD port timing
   PIO_cmdport_T1 <= r.pio_cmd.T1; PIO_cmdport_T2 <= r.pio_cmd.T2;
   PIO_cmdport_T4 <= r.pio_cmd.T4; PIO_cmdport_Teoc <= r.pio_cmd.Teoc;
   -- data-port0 timing
   PIO_dport0_T1 <= r.pio_dp0.T1; PIO_dport0_T2 <= r.pio_dp0.T2;
   PIO_dport0_T4 <= r.pio_dp0.T4; PIO_dport0_Teoc <= r.pio_dp0.Teoc;
   -- data-port1 timing
   PIO_dport1_T1 <= r.pio_dp1.T1; PIO_dport1_T2 <= r.pio_dp1.T2;
   PIO_dport1_T4 <= r.pio_dp1.T4; PIO_dport1_Teoc <= r.pio_dp1.Teoc;
   -- DMA device0 timing
   DMA_dev0_Tm <= r.dma_dev0.Tm; DMA_dev0_Td <= r.dma_dev0.Td;
   DMA_dev0_Teoc <= r.dma_dev0.Teoc;
   -- DMA device1 timing
   DMA_dev1_Tm <= r.dma_dev0.Tm; DMA_dev1_Td <= r.dma_dev0.Td;
   DMA_dev1_Teoc <= r.dma_dev0.Teoc;
   -- Bus master control   by Erik Jagre 2006-10-04 -----------------start---
   --assign BM signal
   -- to_BM.en<=r.bmcmd(0);Jagre 2007-1-15
   -- Bus master control   by Erik Jagre 2006-10-04 ------------------end----
   ri <= v; 
   PIOa   <= r.haddr(5 downto 2);
   PIOd   <= r.hwdata(15 downto 0);
   PIOsel <= r.piosel;
   PIOwe  <= r.hwrite;
--   DMAsel <= '0'; -- temp ***
   ahbso.hready  <= r.hready;
   ahbso.hresp   <= r.hresp;
   ahbso.hrdata  <= r.hrdata;
   ahbso.hconfig <= hconfig;
   ahbso.hcache  <= '0';
   ahbso.hirq    <= r.irqv;
   ahbso.hindex  <= hindex;
  end process;
  regs : process(clk,rst)
   if rising_edge(clk) then 
      r <= ri;
   end if;
    if rst = '0' then
    end if;
  end process;

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