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[/] [1000base-x/] [trunk/] [testbench/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [encoder_8b10b_threads.v] - Rev 4
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// File name "encoder_8b10b_threads.v" //// //// //// //// This file is part of the : //// //// //// //// "1000BASE-X IEEE 802.3-2008 Clause 36 - PCS project" //// //// //// //// http://opencores.org/project,1000base-x //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - D.W.Pegler Cambridge Broadband Networks Ltd //// //// //// //// { peglerd@gmail.com, dwp@cambridgebroadand.com } //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2009 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "timescale_tb.v" package encoder_8b10b_threads; import tb_utils::hexformat; import packet::Packet; import packet::PacketMailBox; import ethernet_frame::EthernetFrame; import ethernet_frame::FrameMailBox; typedef struct packed { reg [7:0] ABCDEFGH; reg k; reg [9:0] abcdeifghj; reg rd; } EbTb_Data; typedef mailbox #(EbTb_Data) Encoder8bMailBox; virtual class SendThread; virtual task run(Encoder8bMailBox mbx); endtask virtual task pass_to_checker(EbTb_Data EncoderData, Encoder8bMailBox mbx); mbx.put(EncoderData); endtask endclass virtual class CheckThread; virtual task run(Encoder8bMailBox expected_mbx); endtask endclass //****************************************************************************** // 8B/10B code tables //****************************************************************************** integer K_eb_table[12]; integer K_tb_table_RD[12]; integer K_tb_table_nRD[12]; integer D_tb_table_RD[256]; integer D_tb_table_nRD[256]; integer DEBUG = 1; function automatic void init(output reg encode_rd, output reg decode_rd, output int result); integer error = 0; integer File_P = $fopen("data/8b10b.dat", "r"); if (File_P) begin integer k, eb_symbol, tb_symbol, ntb_symbol, RD; integer d_count = 0; integer k_count = 0; while (!$feof(File_P) && !error) begin integer tfg = $fscanf(File_P, "%d %b %b %b %d", k, eb_symbol, tb_symbol, ntb_symbol, RD); if (DEBUG) $display("%m: Read %b, %b, %b, %b, %b", k, eb_symbol, tb_symbol, ntb_symbol, RD); if (k) begin if (k_count > 12) begin $display("%m: Error read too many Special (K) symbols from file"); error = 1; end K_eb_table[k_count] = eb_symbol; K_tb_table_RD[k_count] = tb_symbol; K_tb_table_nRD[k_count] = ntb_symbol; k_count += 1; end else begin if (d_count > 255) begin $display("%m: Error read too many Data (D) symbols from file"); error = 1; end D_tb_table_RD[d_count] = tb_symbol; D_tb_table_nRD[d_count] = ntb_symbol; d_count += 1; end end $fclose(File_P); end else $display("%m: unable to open file 8b10.txt"); if (DEBUG) begin $display("%m: 8B/10B Data Symbols"); for (int eb_symbol=0; eb_symbol < 256; eb_symbol++) $display("%m: Read 0x%02h, %10b, %10b", eb_symbol, D_tb_table_RD[eb_symbol], D_tb_table_nRD[eb_symbol]); $display("%m: 8B/10B Special (K) Symbols"); for (int eb_symbol=0; eb_symbol < 12; eb_symbol++) $display("%m: Read 0x%02h, %10b, %10b", K_eb_table[eb_symbol], K_tb_table_RD[eb_symbol], K_tb_table_nRD[eb_symbol]); end // On starup the transmitter (encoder) should assume -ve disparity encode_rd = 1'b0; // On startup, the receiver (decoder) should assume +ve or -ve disparity // See IEEE 802.3-2008 Clause 35 - // I've chosen positive disparity here decode_rd = 1'b1; result = ~error; endfunction // automatic //****************************************************************************** // 8B/10B random //****************************************************************************** function automatic void random(int seed=-1, output int value); if (seed >= 0) begin int tmp = $urandom(seed); end value = $urandom() & 'hff; endfunction //****************************************************************************** // 8B/10B disparity - calculate number 1's and 0's in a 10B symbol //****************************************************************************** function void disparity_calc(input reg [9:0] tb_symbol, output int count_0s, output int count_1s); count_0s = 0; count_1s = 0; for (int x=0; x < 10; x++) if ((tb_symbol >> x) & 1) count_1s +=1; else count_0s +=1; endfunction //****************************************************************************** // 8B/10B encode function //****************************************************************************** function automatic void encode(input reg [7:0] eb_symbol, input reg k, input reg encode_rd_in, output reg encode_rd_out, output reg [9:0] tb_symbol); int count0s = 0; int count1s = 0; tb_symbol = (~k & encode_rd_in) ? D_tb_table_nRD[eb_symbol] : (~k & ~encode_rd_in) ? D_tb_table_RD[eb_symbol] : ( k & encode_rd_in) ? K_tb_table_nRD[eb_symbol] : K_tb_table_RD[eb_symbol]; // Determine disparity of 10B symbol disparity_calc(tb_symbol, count0s, count1s); encode_rd_out = (count1s == count0s) ? encode_rd_in : (count1s < count0s) ? 0 : 1; endfunction //****************************************************************************** // 8B/10B decode function //****************************************************************************** function automatic void decode_K(input reg[9:0] tb_symbol_in, input reg decode_rd_in, output reg [7:0] eb_symbol, output reg decode_rd_out, output reg decode_rd_err, output reg K_match); reg K_tb_RD_match, K_tb_nRD_match; K_match = 0; decode_rd_err = 0; decode_rd_out = decode_rd_in; // Scan through all 12 Special (K) symbols to see if for (int x=0; x < 12; x++) begin // +ve disparity K 10B symbol match ? K_tb_RD_match = (K_tb_table_RD[x] == tb_symbol_in); // -ve disparity K 10B symbol match ? K_tb_nRD_match = (K_tb_table_nRD[x] == tb_symbol_in); // Is there a march in either the +ve or -ve disparity 10B Special (K) tables if (K_tb_RD_match | K_tb_nRD_match) begin int count0s = 0; int count1s = 0; disparity_calc(tb_symbol_in, count0s, count1s); if (count1s != count0s) begin // Yes, so determine if the disparity is as expected decode_rd_err = (decode_rd_in) ? K_tb_RD_match : K_tb_nRD_match; // Determine resultant RD decode_rd_out = (decode_rd_err) ? decode_rd_in : ~decode_rd_in; end else begin decode_rd_out = decode_rd_in; end // Return 8B symbol eb_symbol = K_eb_table[x]; K_match = 1'b1; break; end end endfunction function automatic void decode_D(input reg[9:0] tb_symbol_in, input reg decode_rd_in, output reg [7:0] eb_symbol_out, output reg decode_rd_out, output reg decode_rd_err, output reg D_match); reg D_tb_RD_match, D_tb_nRD_match; D_match = 0; decode_rd_err = 0; decode_rd_out = decode_rd_in; // Search for the tb_symbol in the current for (int eb_symbol = 0; eb_symbol < 256; eb_symbol++) begin // +ve disparity 10B Data symbol match ? D_tb_RD_match = (D_tb_table_RD[eb_symbol] == tb_symbol_in); // -ve disparity 10B Data symbol match ? D_tb_nRD_match = (D_tb_table_nRD[eb_symbol] == tb_symbol_in); // Is there a march in either the +ve or -ve disparity 10B Data tables if (D_tb_RD_match | D_tb_nRD_match) begin int count0s = 0; int count1s = 0; disparity_calc(tb_symbol_in, count0s, count1s); // If the number of 1's and 0's the same ? if (count1s != count0s) begin // No, so determine if a RD error has occured decode_rd_err = (decode_rd_in) ? D_tb_RD_match : D_tb_nRD_match; // Determine mre RD decode_rd_out = (decode_rd_err) ? decode_rd_in : ~decode_rd_in; end // Equal No 1's and 0's so Leave the RD the same - see IEEE 802.3-2006 Clause 36, c) else begin decode_rd_out = decode_rd_in; end // Return 8B symbol D_match = 1; eb_symbol_out = eb_symbol; break; end end endfunction function automatic void decode(input reg [9:0] tb_symbol_in, input reg decode_rd_in, output reg decode_rd_out, output reg K_out, output reg [7:0] eb_symbol_out, output reg decode_rd_err, output reg decode_code_err); reg K = 1'b0; reg D = 1'b0; decode_rd_out = decode_rd_in; // Attempt to decode this as a Special 10B Kx.y Symbol decode_K(tb_symbol_in, decode_rd_in, eb_symbol_out, decode_rd_out, decode_rd_err, K); // If not a Special 10B K Symbol, try and decode as a 10B Dx.y data symbol if (!K) decode_D(tb_symbol_in, decode_rd_in, eb_symbol_out, decode_rd_out, decode_rd_err, D); //$display("%m: K = %d, D = %d", K, D); // Determine if this is Kx.y symbol or a Dx.y symbol K_out = (K & ~D) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // Signal a decoding error. decode_code_err = (K ^ D) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; endfunction // automatic function automatic void split(input reg [7:0] eb_symbol, output reg [4:0] x, output reg [2:0] y); // Determine 3B/4B and 5B/6B symbol names (i.e. x and y = as in Dx.y or Kx.y) x = (eb_symbol & 8'b00011111); y = (eb_symbol >> 5); endfunction // automatic //****************************************************************************** // Encoder 8B Send Thread //****************************************************************************** class Encoder8bSendThread extends SendThread; virtual encoder_8b_send_intf sender; // Do nothing constructor. function new(); endfunction static function Encoder8bSendThread NEW( virtual encoder_8b_send_intf sender ); Encoder8bSendThread x = new(); x.sender = sender; return x; endfunction reg [15:0] config_reg_send = 16'hefbe; reg encoder_rd, decoder_rd, errors; enum logic [2:0] { XMIT_STATE_IDLE = 0, XMIT_STATE_CONFIGURATION = 1, XMIT_STATE_DATA = 2, XMIT_STATE_FRAME = 3} xmit_state; virtual task run(Encoder8bMailBox mbx); integer iteration = 0; int seed = -1; int random_number; while(1) begin // Generate burst of Ethernet frames xmit_state = (iteration >= 10) ? XMIT_STATE_FRAME : XMIT_STATE_IDLE; iteration = (iteration >= 10) ? 0 : iteration; case (xmit_state) XMIT_STATE_IDLE: begin // Does nothing - send model sends IDLEs when no data end XMIT_STATE_CONFIGURATION: begin // Push config reg to DUT sender.push_config(config_reg_send); // Pass encoder data to checker thread //pass_to_checker16(config_reg_send, mbx); end XMIT_STATE_DATA: begin reg [7:0] encoder_8B_symbol; for (int v=0; v < 100; v++) begin // Generate random data to send encoder_8b10b_threads::random(seed, encoder_8B_symbol); //$display("%m: pushing %8b", encoder_8B_symbol); // Push 8B data symbol to DUT via eb_send_intf interface sender.push_8B_symbol(encoder_8B_symbol); // Pass encoder data to checker thread //pass_to_checker8(encoder_8B_symbol, mbx); end end // case: XMIT_STATE_DATA XMIT_STATE_FRAME: begin integer num_frames; EthernetFrame frame; encoder_8b10b_threads::random(seed, num_frames); num_frames &='hf; for(int i=0; i<num_frames; i++) begin int len; encoder_8b10b_threads::random(seed, len); len &= 'hf; $display("\nSending Ethernet frame: %0d, length: %0d\n", i, len); frame = new(.length(len)); $display("Transmit: %s\n", frame.repr_verbose(/*len*/)); sender.queue_frame(EthernetFrame'(frame)); //pass_to_checker(frame, mbx); end end endcase; // case(xmit_state) // Sleep so that Idle symbols are transmitted sender.sleep(500); iteration += 1; end endtask virtual task pass_to_checker8(reg [7:0] encoder_8B_symbol, Encoder8bMailBox mbx); reg encoder_k = 0; EbTb_Data EncoderData; reg [9:0] encoder_tb_symbol; reg [4:0] x; reg[2:0] y; // Split 8B symbol into 3B/4B and 5B/6B components encoder_8b10b_threads::split(encoder_8B_symbol, x, y); // Encode 8B symbol -> 10B symbol encoder_8b10b_threads::encode(encoder_8B_symbol, encoder_k, encoder_rd, encoder_rd, encoder_tb_symbol); //$display("%m: Encoder [8B_symbol = %08b, K = %01b, RD = %01b 10B_symbol = %010b] : %s%02d.%01d", // encoder_8B_symbol, encoder_k, encoder_rd, encoder_tb_symbol, ((encoder_k) ? "K" : "D"), x, y); // Pack encoder data EncoderData = { encoder_8B_symbol, encoder_k, encoder_tb_symbol, encoder_rd } ; mbx.put(EncoderData); endtask virtual task pass_to_checker16(reg [15:0] symbol_16, Encoder8bMailBox mbx); pass_to_checker8(symbol_16[7:0], mbx); pass_to_checker8(symbol_16[15:8], mbx); endtask endclass //****************************************************************************** // 10B Check Thread //****************************************************************************** class Encoder10bCheckThread extends CheckThread; virtual encoder_10b_check_intf checkeri; // Do nothing constructor. function new(); endfunction static function Encoder10bCheckThread NEW( virtual encoder_10b_check_intf checkeri ); Encoder10bCheckThread x = new(); x.checkeri = checkeri; return x; endfunction virtual task run(Encoder8bMailBox expected_mbx); string mod_name = string'(checkeri.whoami()); // Encoder thread declarations reg [9:0] encoder_10B_symbol; reg [7:0] encoder_8B_symbol; reg encoder_k, encoder_rd; integer encoder_x, encoder_y; EbTb_Data encoder_data; // Checker declarations reg [9:0] checker_10B_symbol; reg [7:0] checker_8B_symbol; reg checker_k, checker_rd, checker_rd_err, checker_code_err; integer checker_x, checker_y, checker_errors; integer iteration = 0; reg null_rd; // Initialise checker 8B/10B generation encoder_8b10b_threads::init(null_rd, checker_rd, checker_errors); // Forever while(1) begin /* // Decode the 10B symbol from the checker model encoder_8b10b_threads::decode(checker_10B_symbol, checker_rd, checker_rd, checker_k, checker_8B_symbol, checker_rd_err, checker_code_err); // Pull data passed from Encoder thread expected_mbx.get(encoder_data); // Extract out data passed from Encoder thread {encoder_8B_symbol, encoder_k, encoder_10B_symbol, encoder_rd} = encoder_data; encoder_8b10b_threads::split(encoder_8B_symbol, encoder_x, encoder_y); encoder_8b10b_threads::split(checker_8B_symbol, checker_x, checker_y); $display("%m: %08d: Encoder [8B_symbol = %08b, K = %01b, RD = %01b 10B_symbol = %010b] --> Checker [RD = %01b, 8B_symbol = %08b, K = %01b, RD_err = %01b, CODE_err = %01b] : Encoder[%s%02d.%01d] Checker[%s%02d.%01d]", iteration, encoder_8B_symbol, encoder_k, encoder_rd, encoder_10B_symbol, checker_rd, checker_8B_symbol, checker_k, checker_rd_err, checker_code_err, ((encoder_k) ? "K" : "D"), encoder_x, encoder_y, ((checker_k) ? "K" : "D"), checker_x, checker_y,); iteration+=1; */ end // while (1) endtask endclass //****************************************************************************** // This structure specifies a traffic stream to be sent between two points. //****************************************************************************** typedef struct { SendThread sender; CheckThread checkeri; } FlowEntry; //****************************************************************************** // Traffic send/check task. //****************************************************************************** class Flow; FlowEntry flow_table[$]; function void add(SendThread s, CheckThread c); FlowEntry f = '{s, c}; $display("%m"); flow_table.push_back(f); endfunction function void clear(); flow_table = {}; endfunction task run(ref int errors); FlowEntry f; Encoder8bMailBox mbx; $display("%m: Starting traffic."); // Launch all the send/receive threads... for(int i=0; i<flow_table.size(); i++) begin f = flow_table[i]; mbx = new(); fork f.sender.run(mbx); //if (f.checker) begin f.checker.run(mbx); end join_none #0; // Wait for the forked threads to start before changing their parameters!!! end wait fork; $display("%m: %0t: All threads completed.", $time); endtask endclass endpackage