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[/] [1000base-x/] [trunk/] [testbench/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [ethernet_threads.v] - Rev 4
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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// File name "ethernet_threads.v" //// //// //// //// This file is part of the : //// //// //// //// "1000BASE-X IEEE 802.3-2008 Clause 36 - PCS project" //// //// //// //// http://opencores.org/project,1000base-x //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - D.W.Pegler Cambridge Broadband Networks Ltd //// //// //// //// { peglerd@gmail.com, dwp@cambridgebroadand.com } //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2009 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "timescale_tb.v" `include "ge_1000baseX_constants.v" package ethernet_threads; import tb_utils::hexformat; import packet::Packet; import packet::PacketMailBox; import ethernet_frame::EthernetFrame; import ethernet_frame::FrameMailBox; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_address_t; `define VALID 1'b1 `define INVALID 1'b0 virtual class TxThread; virtual task run(PacketMailBox mbx); endtask virtual task pass_to_checker(Packet p, PacketMailBox mbx); mbx.put(p); endtask endclass virtual class RxThread; virtual task run(ref int errors, PacketMailBox mbx); endtask endclass function [15:0] reorder(input [15:0] x); reorder = {x[7:0], x[15:8]}; endfunction // byte_swap //****************************************************************************** // 8B/10B random //****************************************************************************** function automatic void random(int seed=-1, output int value); if (seed >= 0) begin int tmp = $urandom(seed); end value = $urandom() & 'hff; endfunction // random //****************************************************************************** // Ethernet frame sending thread... //****************************************************************************** class GmiiTxThread extends TxThread; virtual gmii_tx_if tx; ethernet_address_t dst_addr; ethernet_address_t src_addr; int length; int num_frames; int spacing; // Do nothing constructor. function new(); endfunction // Use a static function for construction so we can use :: notation. static function GmiiTxThread NEW( virtual gmii_tx_if tx, ethernet_address_t dst_addr, ethernet_address_t src_addr, int length, int num_frames, int spacing ); GmiiTxThread x = new(); x.tx = tx; x.dst_addr = dst_addr; x.src_addr = src_addr; x.length = length; x.num_frames = num_frames; x.spacing = spacing; return x; endfunction virtual task run(PacketMailBox mbx); EthernetFrame frame; for(int i=0; i<num_frames; i++) begin int len = length<0 ? i-length : length; $display("\nSending Ethernet frame: %0d, length: %0d", i, len); frame = new(dst_addr, src_addr, .length(len)); //$display("Transmit: %s", frame.repr_verbose(20,20)); $display("Transmit: %s", frame.dump()); tx.queue_frame(EthernetFrame'(frame)); pass_to_checker(frame, mbx); # spacing; end mbx.put(null); endtask endclass //****************************************************************************** // Ethernet frame checking thread... //****************************************************************************** class GmiiRxThread extends RxThread; virtual gmii_rx_if rx; ethernet_address_t dst_addr; time timeout_first; time timeout_rest; int dut_will_pad; // Do nothing constructor. function new(); endfunction // Use a static function for construction so we can use :: notation. static function GmiiRxThread NEW( input virtual gmii_rx_if rx, input ethernet_address_t dst_addr, input time timeout_first, input time timeout_rest, input int dut_will_pad=1 ); GmiiRxThread x = new(); x.rx = rx; x.dst_addr = dst_addr; x.timeout_first = timeout_first; x.timeout_rest = timeout_rest; x.dut_will_pad = dut_will_pad; return x; endfunction virtual task run(ref int errors, PacketMailBox mbx); string mod_name = string'(rx.whoami()); FrameMailBox rx_mbx = new(); Packet p; EthernetFrame expected_frames[$]; int finished = 0; EthernetFrame frame; time end_time; time timeout = timeout_first; int matched; int frames_matched = 0; rx.register_mailbox(ethernet_address_t'(dst_addr), FrameMailBox'(rx_mbx)); while(1) begin // Fetch the next cell to be matched from the FIFO... if(!finished) begin mbx.get(p); if(p==null) finished = 1; else begin EthernetFrame expected = EthernetFrame'(p); // If the DUT pads frames up to the minimum Ethernet frame size then // we must pad the expected frame also! if(dut_will_pad) expected.pad_up(); expected_frames.push_back(expected); end end if(expected_frames.size()==0) break; // Wait for a frame to be received end_time = $time + timeout; timeout = timeout_rest; while((rx_mbx.try_get(frame)==0) && ($time<end_time)) #100ns; if(frame==null) begin $display("%s: %0t: Error, frame timed out for address %s.", mod_name, $time, ethernet_frame::fmt_addr(dst_addr)); errors += 1; // A timeout probably means the link is broken, so don't waste too much time waiting... if(finished) begin void'(expected_frames.pop_back()); timeout_rest = timeout_rest / 2; end end else begin // Search the list of expected cells for one matching the received frames matched = 0; for(int i=0; i<expected_frames.size(); i++) if(frame.raw==expected_frames[i].raw) begin if(i==0) begin $display("%s: -> Frame matched O.K %03d", mod_name, frames_matched++); end else $display("%s: -> Frame did not match the next expected frame but did match frame number %0d.", mod_name, i); expected_frames.delete(i); matched = 1; break; end if(!matched) begin $display("%s: %0t: -> Unexpected frame received.", mod_name, $time); $display(" Rec: %s", frame.repr_verbose(25,10)); $display(" Exp: %s", expected_frames[0].repr_verbose(25,10)); errors += 1; end end end rx.unregister_mailbox(ethernet_address_t'(dst_addr)); $display("%s: GmiiRxThread for %s has completed.", mod_name, ethernet_frame::fmt_addr(dst_addr)); endtask endclass //****************************************************************************** // Ignore frames from the specified address. //****************************************************************************** task EtherIgnoreThread( virtual gmii_rx_intf rx, ethernet_address_t dst_addr ); FrameMailBox rx_mbx = new(); EthernetFrame frame; rx.register_mailbox(ethernet_address_t'(dst_addr), FrameMailBox'(rx_mbx)); while(1) rx_mbx.get(frame); endtask //****************************************************************************** // This structure specifies a traffic stream to be sent between two points. //****************************************************************************** typedef struct { TxThread tx; RxThread rxi; } EthernetFlowEntry; //****************************************************************************** // Traffic send/check task. //****************************************************************************** class EthernetFlow; EthernetFlowEntry flow_table[$]; function void create(TxThread s, RxThread c); EthernetFlowEntry f = '{s, c}; flow_table.push_back(f); endfunction function void clear(); flow_table = {}; endfunction task start(ref int errors); EthernetFlowEntry f; int local_errors = 0; $display("%m: Starting traffic flow."); // Launch all the send/receive threads... for(int i=0; i<flow_table.size(); i++) begin f = flow_table[i]; fork PacketMailBox mbx = new(); f.tx.run(mbx); if(f.rxi) f.rxi.run(local_errors, mbx); join_none #0; // Wait for the forked threads to start before changing their parameters!!! end wait fork; errors += local_errors; $display("%m: %0tns: All threads completed.", $time); endtask endclass endpackage