Subversion Repositories 1000base-x
[/] [1000base-x/] [trunk/] [testbench/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [gmii_tx_model.v] - Rev 4
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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// File name "gmii_tx_model.v" //// //// //// //// This file is part of the : //// //// //// //// "1000BASE-X IEEE 802.3-2008 Clause 36 - PCS project" //// //// //// //// http://opencores.org/project,1000base-x //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - D.W.Pegler Cambridge Broadband Networks Ltd //// //// //// //// { peglerd@gmail.com, dwp@cambridgebroadand.com } //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2009 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "timescale_tb.v" module gmii_tx_model #( parameter DEBUG = 0, parameter full_duplex = 1, parameter REDUCED = 0, parameter out_delay = 5, parameter in_delay = 2 )( interface send_intf, input mii_txck_in, input gmii_txck_in, output txck_out, output gigabit_mode, output [7:0] txd, output tx_en, output tx_er, input crs, input col ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import ethernet_frame::EthernetFrame; import ethernet_frame::EthernetSpeed; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_preamble; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_inter_frame_gap; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_sfd; import ethernet_frame::ETH10; import ethernet_frame::ETH1000; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_back_off_limit; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_slot_time; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_jam_size; import ethernet_frame::ethernet_attempt_limit; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const int preamble_byte = (ethernet_preamble<<4) | ethernet_preamble; const int sfd_byte = (ethernet_sfd<<4) | ethernet_preamble; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2.5MHz 10baseT Tramsit clock ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg mii_txck_10baseT; initial begin mii_txck_10baseT <= 0; while(1) begin repeat(5) @(posedge mii_txck_in) mii_txck_10baseT <= 1; repeat(5) @(posedge mii_txck_in) mii_txck_10baseT <= 0; end end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EthernetSpeed speed = ETH1000; assign gigabit_mode = (speed == ETH1000); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire tmp_col, tmp_crs; reg tmp_tx_en, tmp_tx_er; reg [7:0] tmp_txd; assign #out_delay txd = (speed==ETH1000) ? tmp_txd[7:0] : tmp_txd[7:0] & 8'h0f; assign #out_delay tx_en = tmp_tx_en; assign #out_delay tx_er = tmp_tx_er; assign #in_delay tmp_crs = crs; assign #in_delay tmp_col = col; wire tx_clk = (speed==ETH1000) ? gmii_txck_in : (speed==ETH10) ? mii_txck_10baseT : mii_txck_in; assign txck_out = tx_clk; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Transmit queue ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EthernetFrame txq[$]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Send interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function automatic string send_intf.whoami(); string buffer; $sformat(buffer, "%m"); return buffer.substr(0, buffer.len()-17); endfunction // Queue frame for transmission. function automatic void send_intf.queue_frame(EthernetFrame frame); EthernetFrame f = frame; txq.push_back(f); endfunction // Tag the last frame in the queue with a post transmission delay. function automatic void send_intf.queue_delay(time delay); if(txq.size()!=0) txq[$].delay = delay; endfunction // Wait for all frames to be transmitted. task automatic send_intf.sleep(time timeout); time start_time = $time; time end_time = start_time + timeout; while(1) begin @(posedge tx_clk); if (txq.size()==0) begin if (DEBUG) $display( "%m: Finished transmit (after waiting %0t).", $time - start_time ); break; end if ($time > end_time) begin $display( "%m: Transmit Timeout."); break; end end endtask function automatic void send_intf.set_speed(EthernetSpeed m); speed = m; endfunction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // (G)MII transmit ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task automatic mii_transmit(); EthernetFrame frame; int raw_frame[]; int max_back_off, rnd, backoff, collision, index; int txbyte, chunk_size, chunk_count, attempts = 0; int min_gap_symbols = (speed==ETH1000) ? (ethernet_inter_frame_gap/8) : (ethernet_inter_frame_gap/4); // Wait until there is at least one frame queued to send. while(txq.size()==0) @(posedge tx_clk); // Pull frame from tx queue frame = txq[0]; if(DEBUG) begin $display("%m: Frame ready for transmit:"); $display("%s", frame.repr_verbose()); end while(1) begin // Backoff before retransmissions... if (attempts > 0) begin if (attempts == 1) max_back_off = 2; else if (attempts <= ethernet_back_off_limit) max_back_off = max_back_off * 2; rnd = $urandom_range(0, max_back_off-1); backoff = ethernet_slot_time*rnd; if (DEBUG) $display("%m: backing-off for %0d bit periods.", backoff); for (int i=0; i < (backoff/4); i++) @(posedge tx_clk); end attempts+=1; // If half duplex, wait until medium is idle. if (!full_duplex) begin while(tmp_crs) @(posedge tx_clk); if (DEBUG) $display("%m: Media idle."); end // Insert an inter-frame gap. for(int i=0; i<min_gap_symbols; i=i+1) @(posedge tx_clk); if (DEBUG) $display("%m: Finished interframe gap."); // Transmit the frame (preamble/SFD/DSA/payload/FCS): raw_frame = new[frame.len()+8]; for(int i=0; i<7; i++) raw_frame[i] = preamble_byte; raw_frame[7] = sfd_byte; for(int i=0; i<frame.len(); i++) raw_frame[i+8] = frame.raw[i]; tmp_tx_en = 1; collision = 0; for (index=0; index<raw_frame.size() && !collision; index++) begin txbyte = raw_frame[index]; chunk_size = (speed==ETH1000) ? 8 : 4; chunk_count = (speed==ETH1000) ? 1 : 2; if (REDUCED) begin chunk_size /= 2; chunk_count *= 2; end for (int i=0; i<chunk_count && !collision; i++) begin if((index>8) && !full_duplex && tmp_col) begin collision = 1; break; end tmp_txd = txbyte & ((1<<chunk_size)-1); txbyte >>= chunk_size; @(posedge tx_clk); end end if (~collision) begin tmp_tx_en = 0; break; end else begin if(index*8 > (ethernet_slot_time-64)) begin $display("%m: Error, late collision."); end // If there was a collision, transmit the jam sequence. $display("%m: Collision detected. Jamming."); tmp_txd = 'hff; for (int i=0; i < ethernet_jam_size/4; i++) @(posedge tx_clk); tmp_tx_en = 0; if (attempts > ethernet_attempt_limit) begin $display("%m: Attempt limit reached. Frame aborted."); break; end end end // Remove frame queue after transmission void'(txq.pop_front()); endtask initial begin tmp_txd = 1'b0; tmp_tx_en = 1'b0; tmp_tx_er = 1'b0; while(1) begin mii_transmit(); end end endmodule