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library IEEE, unisim; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use unisim.vcomponents.all; use work.common.all; package vga_pckg is component vga generic ( FREQ : natural := 50_000; -- master clock frequency (in KHz) CLK_DIV : natural := 1; -- FREQ / CLK_DIV = pixel clock PIXEL_WIDTH : natural := 8; -- pixel width: 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 bits PIXELS_PER_LINE : natural := 320; -- pixels per video scan line LINES_PER_FRAME : natural := 200; -- scan lines per video frame NUM_RGB_BITS : natural := 2; -- width of R, G and B color output buses (2 or 3 are only valid values) FIT_TO_SCREEN : boolean := true -- fit width x length to monitor screen ); port ( rst : in std_logic; -- reset clk : in std_logic; -- master clock wr : in std_logic; -- write-enable for pixel buffer pixel_data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- input databus to pixel buffer full : out std_logic; -- pixel buffer full eof : out std_logic; -- end of vga frame r, g, b : out std_logic_vector(NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto 0); -- R,G,B color output buses hsync_n : out std_logic; -- horizontal sync pulse vsync_n : out std_logic; -- vertical sync pulse blank : out std_logic -- blanking signal ); end component vga; end package vga_pckg; library ieee, unisim; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use unisim.vcomponents.all; package fifo_cc_pckg is component fifo_cc is port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; rd : in std_logic; wr : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); data_out : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); full : out std_logic; empty : out std_logic; level : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end component fifo_cc; end package fifo_cc_pckg; library IEEE, unisim; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use unisim.vcomponents.all; use work.common.all; entity vga is generic ( FREQ : natural := 50_000; -- master clock frequency (in KHz) CLK_DIV : natural := 1; -- FREQ / CLK_DIV = pixel clock PIXEL_WIDTH : natural := 8; -- pixel width: 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 bits PIXELS_PER_LINE : natural := 320; -- pixels per video scan line LINES_PER_FRAME : natural := 200; -- scan lines per video frame NUM_RGB_BITS : natural := 2; -- width of R, G and B color output buses FIT_TO_SCREEN : boolean := true -- fit width x length to monitor screen ); port ( rst : in std_logic; -- reset clk : in std_logic; -- master clock wr : in std_logic; -- write-enable for pixel buffer pixel_data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- input databus to pixel buffer full : out std_logic; -- pixel buffer full eof : out std_logic; -- end of vga frame r, g, b : out std_logic_vector(NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto 0); -- R,G,B color output buses hsync_n : out std_logic; -- horizontal sync pulse vsync_n : out std_logic; -- vertical sync pulse blank : out std_logic -- blanking signal ); end entity vga; architecture vga_arch of vga is constant NORM : natural := 1000; -- normalization factor for us * KHz -- video timing parameters for FIT_TO_SCREEN mode constant HSYNC_START_F : natural := (NORM * PIXELS_PER_LINE * CLK_DIV)/FREQ + 1; -- start of horiz. sync pulse with a scanline (us) constant HSYNC_PERIOD_F : natural := HSYNC_START_F + 6; -- horizontal scanline period (us) constant HSYNC_WIDTH_F : natural := 4; -- width of horiz. sync pulse (us) constant HSYNC_FREQ_F : natural := NORM / HSYNC_PERIOD_F; -- scanline frequency (KHz) constant VSYNC_START_F : natural := HSYNC_PERIOD_F * LINES_PER_FRAME + 340; -- start of vert. sync pulse within a frame (us) constant VSYNC_PERIOD_F : natural := VSYNC_START_F + 1084; -- video frame period (us) constant VSYNC_WIDTH_F : natural := 64; -- width of vert. sync pulse (us) -- video timing for 31 KHz horizontal, 60 Hz vertical screen refresh constant HSYNC_START : natural := 26; -- start of horiz. sync pulse with a scanline (us) constant HSYNC_PERIOD : natural := 32; -- horizontal scanline period (us) constant HSYNC_WIDTH : natural := 4; -- width of horiz. sync pulse (us) constant HSYNC_FREQ : natural := NORM / HSYNC_PERIOD; -- scanline frequency (KHz) constant VSYNC_START : natural := 15_700; -- start of vert. sync pulse within a frame (us) constant VSYNC_PERIOD : natural := 16_784; -- video frame period (us) constant VSYNC_WIDTH : natural := 64; -- width of vert. sync pulse (us) signal clk_div_cnt : unsigned(7 downto 0); signal cke : std_logic; signal line_cnt, pixel_cnt : unsigned(15 downto 0); -- current video line and pixel within line signal fifo_rst, fifo_empty : std_logic; signal fifo_level : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal eof_i, eof_x, eof_r : std_logic; signal v_gate, cke_v_gate : std_logic; signal h_blank, v_blank, visible : std_logic; constant PIX_PROC_DELAY : natural := 3; -- time delay to read a pixel from the FIFO and colormap it signal hsync_x, hsync_r : std_logic_vector(PIX_PROC_DELAY downto 1); signal blank_x, blank_r : std_logic_vector(PIX_PROC_DELAY downto 1); signal cke_rd, rd_x, rd_r : std_logic; signal pixel : std_logic_vector(PIXEL_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal pixel_data_x, pixel_data_r : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal pixel_data_out : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal rgb_x, rgb_r : std_logic_vector(3*NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto 0); component fifo_cc port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; rd : in std_logic; wr : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); data_out : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); full : out std_logic; empty : out std_logic; level : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end component fifo_cc; component sync generic ( FREQ : natural := 50_000; -- master clock frequency (in KHz) PERIOD : natural := 32; -- period of sync pulse (in us) START : natural := 26; -- time sync pulse starts within the period (in us) WIDTH : natural := 4; -- width of sync pulse (in us) VISIBLE : natural := 1024 -- number of visible pixels/line or lines/frame ); port ( rst : in std_logic; -- reset clk : in std_logic; -- master clock cke : in std_logic; -- clock-enable sync_n : out std_logic; -- sync pulse gate : out std_logic; -- single-clock pulse at start of sync pulse blank : out std_logic; -- blanking signal cnt : out unsigned(15 downto 0) -- output the timing counter value ); end component sync; begin -- clock divider for reducing the pixel clock rate process(clk, rst) begin if rst = YES then clk_div_cnt <= (others => '0'); cke <= YES; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if clk_div_cnt = CLK_DIV-1 then clk_div_cnt <= (others => '0'); cke <= YES; else clk_div_cnt <= clk_div_cnt + 1; cke <= NO; end if; end if; end process; -- pixel data buffer cke_rd <= rd_x and cke; fifo : fifo_cc port map ( clk => clk, rd => cke_rd, wr => wr, data_in => pixel_data_in, rst => fifo_rst, data_out => pixel_data_out, full => open, empty => fifo_empty, level => fifo_level ); full <= YES when fifo_level(7 downto 3) = "11111" else NO; -- the clock enable for the vertical sync module is also combined with a gate signal -- that is generated at the end of every scanline by the horizontal sync module cke_v_gate <= cke and v_gate; -- generate the horizontal and vertical sync pulses for FIT_TO_SCREEN mode gen_syncs_fit : if FIT_TO_SCREEN = true generate hsync : sync generic map ( FREQ => FREQ / CLK_DIV, -- master pixel-clock frequency PERIOD => HSYNC_PERIOD_F, -- scanline period (32 us) START => HSYNC_START_F, -- start of horizontal sync pulse in scan line WIDTH => HSYNC_WIDTH_F, -- width of horizontal sync pulse VISIBLE => PIXELS_PER_LINE ) port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, -- master clock cke => cke, -- a new pixel is output whenever the clock is enabled sync_n => hsync_x(1), -- send pulse through delay line gate => v_gate, -- send gate signal to increment vertical sync pulse generator once per scan line blank => h_blank, -- blanking signal within a scan line cnt => pixel_cnt -- current pixel within the scan line ); vsync : sync generic map ( FREQ => HSYNC_FREQ_F, -- scanline frequency PERIOD => VSYNC_PERIOD_F, -- image frame period START => VSYNC_START_F, -- start of vertical sync pulse in frame WIDTH => VSYNC_WIDTH_F, -- width of vertical sync pulse VISIBLE => LINES_PER_FRAME ) port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, -- master clock cke => cke_v_gate, -- enable clock once per horizontal scan line sync_n => vsync_n, -- send pulse through delay line gate => eof_x, -- indicate the end of a complete frame blank => v_blank, -- blanking signal within a frame cnt => line_cnt -- current scan line within a frame ); end generate; -- generate the horizontal and vertical sync pulses for 31 KHz horizontal, 60 Hz vertical screen refresh gen_syncs_nofit : if FIT_TO_SCREEN = false generate hsync : sync generic map ( FREQ => FREQ / CLK_DIV, -- master pixel-clock frequency PERIOD => HSYNC_PERIOD, -- scanline period (32 us) START => HSYNC_START, -- start of horizontal sync pulse in scan line WIDTH => HSYNC_WIDTH, -- width of horizontal sync pulse VISIBLE => PIXELS_PER_LINE ) port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, -- master clock cke => cke, -- clock always enabled so there is a new pixel output on every clock pulse sync_n => hsync_x(1), -- send pulse through delay line gate => v_gate, -- send gate signal to increment vertical sync pulse generator once per scan line blank => h_blank, -- blanking signal within a scan line cnt => pixel_cnt -- current pixel within the scan line ); vsync : sync generic map ( FREQ => HSYNC_FREQ, -- scanline frequency (KHz) PERIOD => VSYNC_PERIOD, -- image frame period START => VSYNC_START, -- start of vertical sync pulse in frame WIDTH => VSYNC_WIDTH, -- width of vertical sync pulse VISIBLE => LINES_PER_FRAME ) port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, -- master clock cke => cke_v_gate, -- enable clock once per horizontal scan line sync_n => vsync_n, -- send pulse through delay line gate => eof_x, -- indicate the end of a complete frame blank => v_blank, -- blanking signal within a frame cnt => line_cnt -- current scan line within a frame ); end generate; eof_i <= eof_x and not eof_r; -- shorten end-of-frame signal to a single clock cycle eof <= eof_i; fifo_rst <= eof_i or rst; -- clear the contents of the pixel buffer at the end of every frame visible <= h_blank nor v_blank; -- pixels are visible when horiz. & vertical blank are inactive blank_x(1) <= not visible; -- send blanking signal through delay line -- pass the horiz. and vert. syncs and blanking signal through delay lines to compensate for the -- processing delays incurred by the pixel data hsync_x(hsync_x'high downto 2) <= hsync_r(hsync_r'high-1 downto 1); hsync_n <= hsync_r(hsync_r'high); blank_x(blank_x'high downto 2) <= blank_r(blank_r'high-1 downto 1); blank <= blank_r(blank_r'high); -- get the current pixel from the word of pixel data or read more pixel data from the buffer get_pixel : process(visible, pixel_data_out, pixel_data_r, rd_r, pixel_cnt, fifo_empty) begin rd_x <= NO; -- by default, don't read next word of pixel data from the buffer -- shift pixel data depending on its width so the next pixel is in the LSBs of the pixel data shift register case PIXEL_WIDTH is when 1 => -- 1-bit pixels, 16 per pixel data word if (visible = YES) and (pixel_cnt(3 downto 0) = 0) then rd_x <= YES; -- read new pixel data from buffer every 16 clocks during visible portion of scan line end if; pixel_data_x <= "0" & pixel_data_r(15 downto 1); -- left-shift pixel data to move next pixel to LSB when 2 => -- 2-bit pixels, 8 per pixel data word if (visible = YES) and (pixel_cnt(2 downto 0) = 0) then rd_x <= YES; -- read new pixel data from buffer every 8 clocks during visible portion of scan line end if; pixel_data_x <= "00" & pixel_data_r(15 downto 2); -- left-shift pixel data to move next pixel to LSB when 4 => -- 4-bit pixels, 4 per pixel data word if (visible = YES) and (pixel_cnt(1 downto 0) = 0) then rd_x <= YES; -- read new pixel data from buffer every 4 clocks during visible portion of scan line end if; pixel_data_x <= "0000" & pixel_data_r(15 downto 4); -- left-shift pixel data to move next pixel to LSB when 8 => -- 8-bit pixels, 2 per pixel data word if (visible = YES) and (pixel_cnt(0 downto 0) = 0) then rd_x <= YES; -- read new pixel data from buffer every 2 clocks during visible portion of scan line end if; pixel_data_x <= "00000000" & pixel_data_r(15 downto 8); -- left-shift pixel data to move next pixel to LSB when others => -- any other width, then 1 per pixel data word if (visible = YES) then rd_x <= YES; -- read new pixel data from buffer every clock during visible portion of scan line end if; pixel_data_x <= pixel_data_r; end case; -- store the pixel data from the buffer instead of shifting the pixel data -- if a read operation was initiated in the previous cycle. if rd_r = YES then if fifo_empty = '1' then --ERIC pixel_data_x <= x"0000"; --ERIC else --ERIC pixel_data_x <= pixel_data_out; end if; --ERIC end if; -- the current pixel is in the lower bits of the pixel data shift register pixel <= pixel_data_r(pixel'range); end process get_pixel; -- map the current pixel to RGB values map_pixel : process(pixel, rgb_r, blank_r) begin if NUM_RGB_BITS=2 then case PIXEL_WIDTH is when 1 => -- 1-bit pixels map to black or white rgb_x <= (others => pixel(0)); when 2 => -- 2-bit pixels map to black, 2/3 gray, 1/3 gray, and white rgb_x <= pixel(1 downto 0) & pixel(1 downto 0) & pixel(1 downto 0); when 4 => -- 4-bit pixels map to 8 colors (ignore MSB) rgb_x <= pixel(2) & pixel(2) & pixel(1) & pixel(1) & pixel(0) & pixel(0); when 8 => -- 8-bit pixels map directly to RGB values rgb_x <= pixel(7 downto 6) & pixel(4 downto 1); when others => -- 16-bit pixels maps directly to RGB values rgb_x <= pixel(8) & pixel(7) & pixel(5) & pixel(4) & pixel(2) & pixel(1); end case; else -- NUM_RGB_BITS=3 case PIXEL_WIDTH is when 1 => -- 1-bit pixels map to black or white rgb_x <= (others => pixel(0)); when 2 => -- 2-bit pixels map to black, 5/7 gray, 3/7 gray, and 1/7 gray rgb_x <= pixel(1 downto 0) & '0' & pixel(1 downto 0) & '0' & pixel(1 downto 0) & '0'; when 4 => -- 4-bit pixels map to 8 colors (ignore MSB) rgb_x <= pixel(2) & pixel(2) & pixel(2) & pixel(1) & pixel(1) & pixel(1) & pixel(0) & pixel(0) & pixel(0); when 8 => -- 8-bit pixels map to RGB with reduced resolution in green component rgb_x <= pixel(7 downto 5) & pixel(4 downto 3) & '0' & pixel(2 downto 0); when others => -- 16-bit pixels map directly to RGB values rgb_x <= pixel(8 downto 0); end case; end if; -- just blank the pixel if not in the visible region of the screen if blank_r(blank_r'high-1) = YES then rgb_x <= (others => '0'); end if; -- break the pixel into its red, green and blue components r <= rgb_r(3*NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto 2*NUM_RGB_BITS); g <= rgb_r(2*NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto NUM_RGB_BITS); b <= rgb_r(NUM_RGB_BITS-1 downto 0); end process map_pixel; -- update registers update : process(rst, clk) begin if rst = YES then eof_r <= '0'; rd_r <= NO; hsync_r <= (others => '1'); blank_r <= (others => '0'); pixel_data_r <= (others => '0'); rgb_r <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then eof_r <= eof_x; -- end-of-frame signal goes at full clock rate to external system if cke = YES then rd_r <= rd_x; hsync_r <= hsync_x; blank_r <= blank_x; pixel_data_r <= pixel_data_x; rgb_r <= rgb_x; end if; end if; end process update; end architecture vga_arch; library IEEE, unisim; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use unisim.vcomponents.all; use work.common.all; -- Generate a sync pulse within a waveform PERIOD. -- Also output the value of the counter used for timing so that -- it can be used in generating an address for a video RAM. entity sync is generic ( FREQ : natural := 50_000; -- master clock frequency (in KHz) PERIOD : natural := 32; -- period of sync pulse (in us) START : natural := 26; -- time sync pulse starts within the period (in us) WIDTH : natural := 4; -- width of sync pulse (in us) VISIBLE : natural := 1024 -- number of visible pixels/line or lines/frame ); port ( rst : in std_logic; -- reset clk : in std_logic; -- master clock cke : in std_logic; -- clock-enable sync_n : out std_logic; -- sync pulse gate : out std_logic; -- single-clock pulse at start of sync pulse blank : out std_logic; -- blanking signal cnt : out unsigned(15 downto 0) -- output the timing counter value ); end entity sync; architecture sync_arch of sync is constant NORM : natural := 1000; -- normalization factor for us * KHz constant CYC_PERIOD : natural := (PERIOD * FREQ)/NORM; -- sync wave PERIOD in clock cycles constant CYC_START : natural := (START * FREQ)/NORM; -- sync pulse START in cycles constant CYC_WIDTH : natural := (WIDTH * FREQ)/NORM; -- sync pulse WIDTH in cycles constant CYC_END : natural := CYC_START + CYC_WIDTH; -- sync pulse end in cycles signal cnt_r, cnt_x : unsigned(cnt'range); -- counter for timing sync pulse waveform signal sync_r, sync_x : std_logic; -- sync register signal gate_r, gate_x : std_logic; -- gate register signal blank_r, blank_x : std_logic; -- blank register begin -- increment counter and wrap around to zero at end of period cnt_x <= (others => '0') when cnt_r = CYC_PERIOD-1 else cnt_r+1; -- generate sync pulse within waveform period sync_x <= LO when cnt_r = CYC_START-1 else HI when cnt_r = CYC_END-1 else sync_r; sync_n <= sync_r; -- generate gate signal at start of sync pulse gate_x <= YES when cnt_r = CYC_START-1 else NO; gate <= gate_r; -- generate blank signal after initial visible period blank_x <= YES when cnt_r = VISIBLE-1 else NO when cnt_r = CYC_PERIOD-1 else blank_r; blank <= blank_r; -- output counter value cnt <= cnt_r; -- update counter and registers update : process(rst, clk) begin if rst = YES then cnt_r <= (others => '0'); sync_r <= HI; gate_r <= NO; blank_r <= YES; elsif rising_edge(clk) then if cke = YES then cnt_r <= cnt_x; sync_r <= sync_x; gate_r <= gate_x; blank_r <= blank_x; end if; end if; end process update; end architecture sync_arch; library ieee, unisim; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity fifo_cc is port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; rd : in std_logic; wr : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); data_out : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); full : out std_logic; empty : out std_logic; level : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end entity fifo_cc; architecture arch of fifo_cc is signal full_i : std_logic; signal empty_i : std_logic; signal rd_addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000"; signal wr_addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000"; signal level_i : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000"; signal rd_allow : std_logic; signal wr_allow : std_logic; begin bram1 : RAMB4_S16_S16 port map (addra => rd_addr, addrb => wr_addr, dia => (others => '0'), dib => data_in, wea => '0', web => '1', clka => clk, clkb => clk, rsta => '0', rstb => '0', ena => rd_allow, enb => wr_allow, doa => data_out ); rd_allow <= rd and not empty_i; wr_allow <= wr and not full_i; process (clk, rst) begin if rst = '1' then rd_addr <= (others => '0'); wr_addr <= (others => '0'); level_i <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then if rd_allow = '1' then rd_addr <= rd_addr + '1'; end if; if wr_allow = '1' then wr_addr <= wr_addr + '1'; end if; if (wr_allow and not rd_allow and not full_i) = '1' then level_i <= level_i + '1'; elsif (rd_allow and not wr_allow and not empty_i) = '1' then level_i <= level_i - '1'; end if; end if; end process; full_i <= '1' when level_i = "11111111" else '0'; full <= full_i; empty_i <= '1' when level_i = "00000000" else '0'; empty <= empty_i; level <= level_i; end architecture arch;
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