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[/] [System09/] [rev_86/] [rtl/] [VHDL/] [ACIA_RX.vhd] - Rev 157
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--===========================================================================-- -- -- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E ACIA 6850 C O R E -- -- www.OpenCores.Org - January 2007 -- This core adheres to the GNU public license -- -- Design units : 6850 ACIA core for the System68/09 -- -- File name : ACIA_RX.vhd -- -- Purpose : Implements a 6850 ACIA device for communication purposes -- between the cpu68/09 cpu and the Host computer through -- an RS-232 communication protocol. -- -- Dependencies : ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- ieee.numeric_std.all; -- ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; -- unisim.vcomponents.all; -- --===========================================================================-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revision list -- Version Author Date Changes -- -- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas 15 January 2000 New model -- 2.0 Ovidiu Lupas 17 April 2000 samples counter cleared for bit 0 -- olupas@opencores.org -- -- 3.0 John Kent 5 January 2003 Added 6850 word format control -- 3.1 John Kent 12 January 2003 Significantly revamped receive code. -- 3.2 John Kent 10 January 2004 Rewrite of code. -- 4.0 John Kent 3 February 2007 Renamed to ACIA 6850 -- Removed input debounce -- 4.1 John Kent 4 February 2007 Cleaned up Rx state machine -- 4.2 John Kent 25 February 2007 Modified sensitivity lists -- -- dilbert57@opencores.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Description : Implements the receive unit of the ACIA_6850 core. -- Samples 16 times the RxD line and retain the value -- in the middle of the time interval. -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; --library unisim; -- use unisim.vcomponents.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity for the ACIA Receiver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity ACIA_RX is port ( Clk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal RxRst : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input RxRd : in Std_Logic; -- Read data strobe WdFmt : in Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0); -- word format BdFmt : in Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- baud format RxClk : in Std_Logic; -- RS-232 clock input RxDat : in Std_Logic; -- RS-232 data input RxFErr : out Std_Logic; -- Framing Error status RxOErr : out Std_Logic; -- Over Run Error Status RxPErr : out Std_logic; -- Parity Error Status RxRdy : out Std_Logic; -- Data Ready Status RxDout : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0) ); end ACIA_RX; --================== End of entity ==============================-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture for ACIA receiver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture rtl of ACIA_RX is type RxStateType is ( RxStart_State, RxData_state, RxParity_state, RxStop_state ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal RxDatDel0 : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Delayed Rx Data signal RxDatDel1 : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Delayed Rx Data signal RxDatDel2 : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Delayed Rx Data signal RxDatEdge : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Data Edge pulse signal RxClkDel : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Delayed Rx Input Clock signal RxClkEdge : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Input Clock Edge pulse signal RxStart : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Start request signal RxEnable : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Enabled signal RxClkCnt : Std_Logic_Vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Rx Baud Clock Counter signal RxBdClk : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Baud Clock signal RxBdDel : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Delayed Rx Baud Clock signal RxBdEdge : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Baud Clock Edge pulse signal RxReady : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Data Ready flag signal RxReq : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Data Valid signal RxAck : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Rx Data Valid signal RxParity : Std_Logic := '0'; -- Calculated RX parity bit signal RxState : RxStateType; -- receive bit state signal RxBitCount : Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Rx Bit counter signal RxShiftReg : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Shift Register begin --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver Clock Edge Detection --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A rising edge will produce a one clock cycle pulse -- -- acia_rx_clock_edge : process( Clk, RxRst, RxClk, RxClkDel ) acia_rx_clock_edge : process( RxRst, Clk ) begin if RxRst = '1' then RxClkDel <= '0'; RxClkEdge <= '0'; elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then RxClkDel <= RxClk; RxClkEdge <= (not RxClkDel) and RxClk; end if; end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver Data Edge Detection --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A falling edge will produce a pulse on RxClk wide -- -- acia_rx_data_edge : process(Clk, RxRst, RxClkEdge, RxDat, RxDatDel0, RxDatDel1, RxDatDel2 ) acia_rx_data_edge : process( RxRst, Clk ) begin if RxRst = '1' then RxDatDel0 <= '0'; RxDatDel1 <= '0'; RxDatDel2 <= '0'; RxDatEdge <= '0'; elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then -- if RxClkEdge = '1' then RxDatDel0 <= RxDat; RxDatDel1 <= RxDatDel0; RxDatDel2 <= RxDatDel1; RxDatEdge <= RxDatDel0 and (not RxDat); -- end if; end if; end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver Start / Stop --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enable the receive clock on detection of a start bit -- Disable the receive clock after a byte is received. -- -- acia_rx_start_stop : process( Clk, RxRst, RxDatEdge, RxAck, RxStart, RxEnable ) acia_rx_start_stop : process( RxRst, Clk ) begin if RxRst = '1' then RxEnable <= '0'; RxStart <= '0'; elsif Clk'event and Clk='0' then if (RxEnable = '0') and (RxDatEdge = '1') then -- Data Edge detected -- Request Start and Enable Receive Clock. RxEnable <= '1'; RxStart <= '1'; else if (RxStart = '1') and (RxAck = '1') then -- Data is being received -- reset start request RxStart <= '0'; else -- Data has now been received -- Disable Receiver until next start bit if (RxStart = '0') and (RxAck = '0') then RxEnable <= '0'; end if; end if; -- RxStart end if; -- RxDatEdge end if; -- clk / RxRst end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver Clock Divider --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Hold the Rx Clock divider in reset when the receiver is disabled -- Advance the count only on a rising Rx clock edge -- -- acia_rx_clock_divide : process( Clk, RxRst, RxEnable, RxClkEdge, RxClkCnt ) acia_rx_clock_divide : process( RxRst, Clk ) begin if RxRst = '1' then RxClkCnt <= (others => '0'); elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then -- if RxEnable = '0' then if RxDatEdge = '1' then RxClkCnt <= (others => '0'); -- reset on falling data edge else if RxClkEdge = '1' then -- increment count on Clock edge RxClkCnt <= RxClkCnt + "000001"; end if; -- RxClkEdge end if; -- RxState end if; -- clk / RxRst end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver Baud Clock Selector --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BdFmt -- 0 0 - Baud Clk divide by 1 -- 0 1 - Baud Clk divide by 16 -- 1 0 - Baud Clk divide by 64 -- 1 1 - Reset -- acia_rx_baud_clock_select : process( BdFmt, RxClk, RxClkCnt ) begin case BdFmt is when "00" => -- Div by 1 RxBdClk <= RxClk; when "01" => -- Div by 16 RxBdClk <= RxClkCnt(3); when "10" => -- Div by 64 RxBdClk <= RxClkCnt(5); when others => -- RxRst RxBdClk <= '0'; end case; end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver Baud Clock Edge Detect --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Generate one clock strobe on rising baud clock edge -- -- acia_rx_baud_clock_edge : process( Clk, RxRst, RxBdClk, RxBdDel ) acia_rx_baud_clock_edge : process( RxRst, Clk ) begin if RxRst = '1' then RxBdDel <= '0'; RxBdEdge <= '0'; elsif Clk'event and Clk = '0' then RxBdDel <= RxBdClk; RxBdEdge <= RxBdClk and (not RxBdDel); end if; end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver process --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WdFmt - Bits[4..2] -- 0 0 0 - 7 data, even parity, 2 stop -- 0 0 1 - 7 data, odd parity, 2 stop -- 0 1 0 - 7 data, even parity, 1 stop -- 0 1 1 - 7 data, odd parity, 1 stop -- 1 0 0 - 8 data, no parity, 2 stop -- 1 0 1 - 8 data, no parity, 1 stop -- 1 1 0 - 8 data, even parity, 1 stop -- 1 1 1 - 8 data, odd parity, 1 stop -- acia_rx_receive : process( Clk, RxRst, RxState, RxBdEdge, RxDatDel2, RxBitCount, RxReady, RxShiftReg ) acia_rx_receive : process( RxRst, Clk ) begin if RxRst = '1' then RxFErr <= '0'; RxOErr <= '0'; RxPErr <= '0'; RxShiftReg <= (others => '0'); -- Resert Shift register RxDOut <= (others => '0'); RxParity <= '0'; -- reset Parity bit RxAck <= '0'; -- Receiving data RxBitCount <= (others => '0'); RxState <= RxStart_state; elsif Clk'event and Clk='0' then if RxBdEdge = '1' then case RxState is when RxStart_state => RxShiftReg <= (others => '0'); -- Reset Shift register RxParity <= '0'; -- Parity bit if WdFmt(2) = '0' then -- WdFmt(2) = '0' => 7 data RxBitCount <= "110"; else -- WdFmt(2) = '1' => 8 data RxBitCount <= "111"; end if; if RxDatDel2 = '0' then -- look for start request RxState <= RxData_state; -- yes, read data end if; when RxData_state => -- data bits 0 to 6 RxShiftReg <= RxDatDel2 & RxShiftReg(7 downto 1); RxParity <= RxParity xor RxDatDel2; RxAck <= '1'; -- Flag receive in progress RxBitCount <= RxBitCount - "001"; if RxBitCount = "000" then if WdFmt(2) = '0' then -- WdFmt(2) = '0' => 7 data RxState <= RxParity_state; -- 7 bits always has parity else -- WdFmt(2) = '1' => 8 data if WdFmt(1) = '0' then RxState <= RxStop_state; -- WdFmt(1) = '0' no parity else RxState <= RxParity_state; -- WdFmt(1) = '1' parity end if; -- WdFmt(1) end if; -- WdFmt(2) end if; -- RxBitCount when RxParity_state => -- parity bit if WdFmt(2) = '0' then -- 7 data, shift right RxShiftReg <= RxDatDel2 & RxShiftReg(7 downto 1); -- 7 data + parity end if; if WdFmt(0) = '0' then -- parity polarity ? if RxParity = RxDatDel2 then -- check even parity RxPErr <= '1'; else RxPErr <= '0'; end if; else if RxParity = RxDatDel2 then -- check for odd parity RxPErr <= '0'; else RxPErr <= '1'; end if; end if; RxState <= RxStop_state; when RxStop_state => -- stop bit (Only one required for RX) RxAck <= '0'; -- Flag Receive Complete RxDOut <= RxShiftReg; if RxDatDel2 = '1' then -- stop bit expected RxFErr <= '0'; -- yes, no framing error else RxFErr <= '1'; -- no, framing error end if; if RxReady = '1' then -- Has previous data been read ? RxOErr <= '1'; -- no, overrun error else RxOErr <= '0'; -- yes, no over run error end if; RxState <= RxStart_state; when others => RxAck <= '0'; -- Flag Receive Complete RxState <= RxStart_state; end case; -- RxState end if; -- RxBdEdge end if; -- clk / RxRst end process; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Receiver Read process --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- acia_rx_read : process(Clk, RxRst, RxRd, RxReq, RxAck, RxReady ) acia_rx_read : process( RxRst, Clk, RxReady ) begin if RxRst = '1' then RxReady <= '0'; RxReq <= '0'; elsif Clk'event and Clk='0' then if RxRd = '1' then -- Data was read, Reset data ready -- Request more data RxReady <= '0'; RxReq <= '1'; else if RxReq = '1' and RxAck = '1' then -- Data is being received -- reset receive request RxReq <= '0'; else -- Data now received -- Flag RxReady and read Shift Register if RxReq = '0' and RxAck = '0' then RxReady <= '1'; end if; end if; -- RxReq end if; -- RxRd end if; -- clk / RxRst RxRdy <= RxReady; end process; end rtl; --==================== End of architecture ====================--
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