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[/] [System09/] [rev_86/] [rtl/] [VHDL/] [epp.vhd] - Rev 157
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--===========================================================================---- -- -- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E epp - Enhanced Parallel Port -- -- www.OpenCores.Org - September 2003 -- This core adheres to the GNU public license -- -- File name : epp.vhd -- -- Purpose : Simple Parallel Port for System09 -- -- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164 -- ieee.std_logic_unsigned -- -- Uses : None -- -- Author : John E. Kent -- dilbert57@opencores.org -- --===========================================================================---- -- -- Revision History: --===========================================================================-- -- -- Version 0.1 - 6th Sep 2008 -- Generated from ioport.vhd -- --=========================================================================== -- -- Parallel printer port pin assignment -- -- Pin No (DB25) SPP Signal EPP Signal Direction Register Bit Inverted -- 1 nStrobe Write_n Out Control-0 Yes -- 2 Data0 Data0 In/Out Data-0 No -- 3 Data1 Data1 In/Out Data-1 No -- 4 Data2 Data2 In/Out Data-2 No -- 5 Data3 Data3 In/Out Data-3 No -- 6 Data4 Data4 In/Out Data-4 No -- 7 Data5 Data5 In/Out Data-5 No -- 8 Data6 Data6 In/Out Data-6 No -- 9 Data7 Data7 In/Out Data-7 No -- 10 nAck Interrupt In Status-6 No -- 11 Busy Wait In Status-7 Yes -- 12 Paper-Out Spare In Status-5 No -- 13 Select Spare In Status-4 No -- -- 14 Linefeed Data_Strobe_n Out Control-1 Yes -- 15 nError Spare In Status-3 No -- 16 nInitialize Reset Out Control-2 No -- 17 nSelect-Printer Addr_Strobe_n Out Control-3 Yes -- 18-25 Ground Ground - - - -- -- Address MSB LSB -- Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -- Base (SPP Data port) Write Pin: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 -- Base+1 (SPP Status port) Read Pin: ~11 10 12 13 15 -- Base+2 (SPP Control port) Write Pin: ~17 16 ~14 ~1 -- Base+3 (EPP Address port) R/W -- Base+4 (EPP Data port) R/W -- -- ~ indicates a hardware inversion of the bit. -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity epp is port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; cs : in std_logic; rw : in std_logic; addr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); epp_data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); epp_stat : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 3); epp_ctrl : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); hold : out std_logic; irq : out std_logic ); end; architecture rtl of epp is constant CTRL_RW_BIT : integer := 0; constant CTRL_DS_BIT : integer := 1; constant CTRL_RS_BIT : integer := 2; constant CTRL_AS_BIT : integer := 3; constant STAT_IR_BIT : integer := 6; constant STAT_WT_BIT : integer := 7; signal epp_ctrl_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin -- -- Read / Write control -- epp_control : process( rst, clk, cs, rw, addr, epp_stat, epp_crl_reg, data_in ) begin if rst = '1' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1'; epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '1'; epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RS_BIT) <= '0'; epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '1'; epp_data <= (others=>'Z'); -- -- clock controls on rising edge -- elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RS_BIT) <= '1'; if cs = '1' then case addr is -- -- address register -- when "011" => -- -- set Data port direction -- if rw = '1' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1'; epp_data <= (others=>'Z'); else epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '0'; epp_data <= data_in; end if; -- -- initiale an address strobe -- if epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '0' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '0'; elsif epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '1' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '1'; end if; -- -- data register -- when "100" => -- -- set data port direction -- if rw = '1' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1'; epp_data <= (others=>'Z'); else epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '0'; epp_data <= data_in; end if; -- -- initiate a data strobe -- if epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '0' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '0'; elsif epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '1' then epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '1'; end if; when others => epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1'; epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '1'; epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '1'; epp_data <= (others=>'Z'); null; end case; -- addr end if; -- cs end if; -- clk / reset irq <= epp_stat(STAT_IR_BIT); hold <= not( epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) ) or not( epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) ); epp_ctrl <= epp_ctrl_reg; data_out <= epp_data; end process; end rtl;
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