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[/] [System09/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [Spartan2/] [char_rom2k_b4.vhd] - Rev 156
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--===========================================================================-- -- -- -- Character generator ROM using 4KBit Block RAMs found in the Spartan 2 -- -- -- --===========================================================================-- -- -- File name : char_rom2k_b4.vhd -- -- Entity name : char_rom -- -- Purpose : 2KB Character Generator ROM for vdu8 -- using 4 x 4KBit Block RAMs -- 8 dots across [data( 7 dwonto 0)] -- 16 lines down [addr( 3 downto 0)] -- 127 character [addr(10 downto 4)] -- -- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164 -- ieee.std_logic_arith -- ieee.std_logic_unsigned -- unisim.vcomponents -- -- Author : John E. Kent -- dilbert57@opencores.org -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2010 John Kent -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- --===========================================================================-- -- Revision History: -- --===========================================================================-- -- -- Version Date Author Comments -- -- 0.1 2007-02-03 John Kent Initial Version -- 0.2 2010-08-27 John Kent Added header -- -- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; library unisim; use unisim.vcomponents.all; entity char_rom is Port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; cs : in std_logic; addr : in std_logic_vector (10 downto 0); rw : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); data_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ); end char_rom; architecture rtl of char_rom is signal we : std_logic; signal data_out0 : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal data_out1 : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal data_out2 : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal data_out3 : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal ena0 : std_logic; signal ena1 : std_logic; signal ena2 : std_logic; signal ena3 : std_logic; component RAMB4_S8 generic ( INIT_00, INIT_01, INIT_02, INIT_03, INIT_04, INIT_05, INIT_06, INIT_07, INIT_08, INIT_09, INIT_0A, INIT_0B, INIT_0C, INIT_0D, INIT_0E, INIT_0F : bit_vector (255 downto 0) := x"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ); port ( clk, we, en, rst : in std_logic; addr : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); di : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); do : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end component; begin MY_RAM0 : RAMB4_S8 generic map ( INIT_00 => x"0000000009090F09090038043840380000000000070404040400444C54644400", INIT_01 => x"00000000110A040A110078407040780000000000110A040A1100380438403800", INIT_02 => x"000000000D1215110E0078407040780000000000040404041F00784070407800", INIT_03 => x"000000000F080808080070487048700000000000090A0C0A0900487848483000", INIT_04 => x"00000000040404041F0044447C444400000000000E010E100E00704870487000", INIT_05 => x"00000000040404041F001028444444000000000010101E101F007C4040404000", INIT_06 => x"0000000011111E111E003C4040403C000000000008080E080F00404070407800", INIT_07 => x"00000000070202020700380438403800000000000E1111110E00380438403800", INIT_08 => x"00000000070202060200704848487000000000000F080E080F00704848487000", INIT_09 => x"000000000E0107020F00704848487000000000000F0806090700704848487000", INIT_0a => x"00000000090A0C0A0900444C546444000000000001010F090900704848487000", INIT_0b => x"000000000E090E090E0078407040780000000000111315191100380438403800", INIT_0c => x"000000001111151B110078407040780000000000111315191100384040403800", INIT_0d => x"000000000E1010100E00784070407800000000000E090E090E00380438403800", INIT_0e => x"000000000E010E100E00384858403800000000000E010E100E00404070407800", INIT_0f => x"000000000E010E100E00304848484800000000000E010E100E00485070487000" ) port map ( clk => clk, en => ena0, we => we, rst => rst, addr(8 downto 0) => addr(8 downto 0), di(7 downto 0) => data_in(7 downto 0), do(7 downto 0) => data_out0(7 downto 0) ); MY_RAM1 : RAMB4_S8 generic map ( INIT_00 => x"0000000008080000080808080808080000000000000000000000000000000000", INIT_01 => x"000000002424247E2424247E2424240000000000000000000000001212121200", INIT_02 => x"0000000043434020100804020161610000000000083E4909093E4848493E0800", INIT_03 => x"00000000000000000000002010080C00000000003D4244444438444444443800", INIT_04 => x"0000000020100804040404040810200000000000020408101010101008040200", INIT_05 => x"0000000000000808087F0808080000000000000000004122147F142241000000", INIT_06 => x"0000000000000000007F00000000000000402010181800000000000000000000", INIT_07 => x"0000000040404020100804020101010000000000181800000000000000000000", INIT_08 => x"000000003E080808080808082818080000000000081422414141414122140800", INIT_09 => x"000000003E410101010E010101413E00000000007F4020100804020141423C00", INIT_0a => x"000000003E410101615E404040407F000000000002020202027F22120A060200", INIT_0b => x"00000000404020100804020101017F00000000001E214141615E404040211E00", INIT_0c => x"000000003C420101013D434141423C00000000003E414141413E414141413E00", INIT_0d => x"0000402010181818000000181818000000000000001818180000001818180000", INIT_0e => x"00000000000000007F00007F0000000000000000010204081020100804020100", INIT_0f => x"00000000080800080808060101413E0000000000402010080402040810204000" ) port map ( clk => clk, en => ena1, we => we, rst => rst, addr(8 downto 0) => addr(8 downto 0), di(7 downto 0) => data_in(7 downto 0), do(7 downto 0) => data_out1(7 downto 0) ); MY_RAM2 : RAMB4_S8 generic map ( INIT_00 => x"0000000041414141417F414122140800000000001C224140404E494541221C00", INIT_01 => x"000000001E2141404040404041211E00000000007E212121213E212121217E00", INIT_02 => x"000000007F404040407C404040407F00000000007C2221212121212121227C00", INIT_03 => x"000000001E2141414147404040211E000000000040404040407C404040407F00", INIT_04 => x"000000003E0808080808080808083E000000000041414141417F414141414100", INIT_05 => x"00000000414244485060504844424100000000003C4202020202020202020700", INIT_06 => x"00000000414141414141494955634100000000007F4040404040404040404000", INIT_07 => x"000000003E4141414141414141413E0000000000414141434549495161414100", INIT_08 => x"000000003D4245494141414141413E000000000040404040407E414141417E00", INIT_09 => x"000000003E410101013E404040413E000000000041424448507E414141417E00", INIT_0a => x"000000003E414141414141414141410000000000080808080808080808087F00", INIT_0b => x"0000000022225555494941414141410000000000080814141422222241414100", INIT_0c => x"0000000008080808080814224141410000000000414141221408142241414100", INIT_0d => x"000000001E1010101010101010101E00000000007F4040201008040201017F00", INIT_0e => x"000000003C0404040404040404043C0000000000010101020408102040404000", INIT_0f => x"000000007F000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004122140800" ) port map ( clk => clk, en => ena2, we => we, rst => rst, addr(8 downto 0) => addr(8 downto 0), di(7 downto 0) => data_in(7 downto 0), do(7 downto 0) => data_out2(7 downto 0) ); MY_RAM3 : RAMB4_S8 generic map ( INIT_00 => x"000000003F41413F01013E000000000000000000000000000000000204081800", INIT_01 => x"000000001E21404040211E0000000000000000005E61616141615E4040404000", INIT_02 => x"000000003E40407F41413E0000000000000000003D43414141433D0101010100", INIT_03 => x"003C4202023E424242423D0100000000000000001010101010107C1010110E00", INIT_04 => x"000000003E0808080808180000080800000000004141414141615E4040404000", INIT_05 => x"00000000414448704844414040404000003C4202020202020202020000020200", INIT_06 => x"00000000414141494955220000000000000000001C0808080808080808081800", INIT_07 => x"000000003E41414141413E0000000000000000004141414141615E0000000000", INIT_08 => x"00010101013D434343433D000000000000404040405E616161615E0000000000", INIT_09 => x"000000003E01013E40403E0000000000000000002020202020314E0000000000", INIT_0a => x"000000003D4242424242420000000000000000000C12101010107C1010101000", INIT_0b => x"0000000022554949414141000000000000000000081414222241410000000000", INIT_0c => x"003C4202023A4642424242000000000000000000412214081422410000000000", INIT_0d => x"00000000070808081020100808080700000000007F20100804027F0000000000", INIT_0e => x"0000000070080808040204080808700000000000080808080800080808080800", INIT_0f => x"0000000049224922492249224922490000000000000000000000000046493100" ) port map ( clk => clk, en => ena3, we => we, rst => rst, addr(8 downto 0) => addr(8 downto 0), di(7 downto 0) => data_in(7 downto 0), do(7 downto 0) => data_out3(7 downto 0) ); my_char_rom2k_b4 : process ( cs, rw, addr, data_out0, data_out1, data_out2, data_out3 ) begin ena0 <= '0'; ena1 <= '0'; ena2 <= '0'; ena3 <= '0'; case addr(10 downto 9) is when "00" => ena0 <= cs; data_out <= data_out0; when "01" => ena1 <= cs; data_out <= data_out1; when "10" => ena2 <= cs; data_out <= data_out2; when "11" => ena3 <= cs; data_out <= data_out3; when others => null; end case; we <= not rw; end process; end;
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