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[/] [System09/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [System09_Digilent_3S500E/] [System09_Digilent_3S500E.vhd] - Rev 161

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-- $Id: System09_Digilent_3S500E.vhd,v 2008/04/08 14:59:48 davidgb Exp $
--          System09 - SoC for the Digilent Spartan 3E Starter board
-- File name      : System09_Digilent_3S500E.vhd
-- Entity name    : my_system09
-- Purpose        : Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chip
--                  Designed with Xilinx XC3S500E Spartan 3E FPGA.
--                  Implemented With Digilent Xilinx Starter FPGA board,
-- Dependencies   : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
--                  ieee.std_logic_unsigned
--                  ieee.std_logic_arith
--                  ieee.numeric_std
-- Uses           : clock_div  (../vhdl/clock_div.vhd)      System clock divider
--                  flasher    (../vhdl/flasher.vhd)        LED flasher
--                  ram_32k    (../Spartan3/ram32k_b16.vhd) 32K block RAM
--                  cpu09      (../vhdl/cpu09.vhd)          CPU core
--                  mon_rom    (../spartan3/sys09bug_3se_rom2k_b16.vhd) Monitor ROM
--                  acia6850   (../vhdl/acia6850.vhd)       ACIA
--                  ACIA_Clock (../vhdl/ACIA_Clock.vhd)     ACIA Baud Clock Divider
--                  keyboard   (../vhdl/keyboard.vhd)       PS/2 Keyboard Interface
--                  vdu8       (../vhdl/vdu8.vhd)           80 x 25 Video Display
--                  timer      (../vhdl/timer.vhd)          Timer component
--                  pia_timer  (../vhdl/pia_timer.vhd)      PIA interrupt Timer cmponent
--                  trap	    (../vhdl/trap.vhd)           Hardware Breakpoint Bus Trap
--                  vdu8       (../vhdl/vdu8.vhd)           VDU
-- Author         : John E. Kent      
--	Memory Map     :
-- $0000 - $7FFF System Block RAM
-- $E000 - ACIA (SWTPc)
-- $E010 - Reserved for SWTPc FD-01 FD1771 FDC
-- $E020 - Keyboard
-- $E030 - VDU
-- $E040 - Reserved for SWTPc MP-T (was Compact Flash)
-- $E050 - Timer
-- $E060 - Bus Trap (Hardware Breakpoint Interrupt Logic)
-- $E070 - PIA Single Step Timer (was Reserved for Trace Buffer)
-- $E080 - Reserved for SWTPc MP-ID 6821 PIA (?)
-- $E090 - Reserved for SWTPc MP-ID 6840 PTM (?)
-- $E0A0 - reserved for SPP Printer Port
-- $E0B0 - Reserved
-- $E0C0 - Reserved
-- $E100 - $E13F Reserved IDE / Compact Flash Card
-- $E140 - $E17F Reserved for Ethernet MAC (XESS)
-- $E180 - $E1BF Reserved for Expansion Slot 0 (XESS)
-- $E1C0 - $E1FF Reserved for Expansion Slot 1 (XESS)
-- $E200 - $EFFF Dual Port RAM interface
-- $F000 - $F7FF Reserved SWTPc DMAF-2
-- $F800 - $FFFF Sys09bug ROM (Read only)
-- $FFF0 - $FFFF Reserved for DAT - Dynamic Address Translation (Write Only)
--  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2010 John Kent
--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
--                              Revision History:
-- Version 0.1 - 20 March 2003
-- Version 0.2 - 30 March 2003
-- Version 0.3 - 29 April 2003
-- Version 0.4 - 29 June 2003
-- Version 0.5 - 19 July 2003
-- prints out "Hello World"
-- Version 0.6 - 5 September 2003
-- Runs SBUG
-- Version 1.0- 6 Sep 2003 - John Kent
-- Inverted CLK_50MHZ
-- Initial release to Open Cores
-- Version 1.1 - 17 Jan 2004 - John Kent
-- Updated miniUart.
-- Version 1.2 - 25 Jan 2004 - John Kent
-- removed signals "test_alu" and "test_cc" 
-- Trap hardware re-instated.
-- Version 1.3 - 11 Feb 2004 - John Kent
-- Designed forked off to produce System09_VDU
-- Added VDU component
--	VDU runs at 25MHz and divides the clock by 2 for the CPU
-- UART Runs at 57.6 Kbps
-- Version 2.0 - 2 September 2004 - John Kent
-- ported to Digilent Xilinx Spartan3 starter board
--	removed Compaact Flash and Trap Logic.
-- Replaced SBUG with KBug9s
-- Version 3.0 - 22 April 2006 - John Kent
-- Port to Digilent Spartan 3E Starter board
-- Removed keyboard, vdu, timer, and trap logic
-- added PIA with counters attached.
-- Uses 32Kbytes of internal Block RAM
-- Version 4.0 - 8th April 2007 - John kent
-- Added VDU and PS/2 keyboard
-- Updated miniUART to ACIA6850
-- Reduce monitor ROM to 2KB
-- Re-assigned I/O port assignments so it is possible to run KBUG9
-- $E000 - ACIA
-- $E020 - Keyboard
-- $E030 - VDU
-- $E040 - Compact Flash (not implemented)
-- $E050 - Timer
-- $E060 - Bus trap
-- $E070 - Parallel I/O
-- Version 4.1 - July / september 2010
-- Updated VDU interface
-- and possible other changes.
-- Version 4.2 - 14th September 2010
-- Replaced ACIA_6850 with acia6850
-- Cleaned up decoding
-- Added Flasher component
-- Added Clock Divider component
library ieee;
   use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
   use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity my_system09 is
    CLK_50MHZ     : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock input
    BTN_SOUTH     : in  Std_Logic;
 	 -- PS/2 Keyboard
	 PS2_CLK      : inout Std_logic;
	 PS2_DATA     : inout Std_Logic;
	 -- CRTC output signals
	 VGA_VSYNC     : out Std_Logic;
    VGA_HSYNC     : out Std_Logic;
    VGA_BLUE      : out std_logic;
    VGA_GREEN     : out std_logic;
    VGA_RED       : out std_logic;
	 -- Uart Interface
	 RS232_DCE_RXD : in  std_logic;
    RS232_DCE_TXD : out std_logic;
	 -- LEDS & Switches
	 LED           : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end my_system09;
-- Architecture for System09
architecture my_computer of my_system09 is
  -- constants
  constant SYS_CLK_FREQ  : integer := 50000000;  -- FPGA System Clock
  constant VGA_CLK_FREQ  : integer := 25000000;  -- VGA Pixel Clock
  constant CPU_CLK_FREQ  : integer := 25000000;  -- CPU Clock
  constant BAUD_RATE     : integer := 57600;	  -- Baud Rate
  constant ACIA_CLK_FREQ : integer := BAUD_RATE * 16;
  -- Signals
  -- Clocks
  signal sys_clk        : std_logic;
  signal vga_clk        : std_logic;
  signal rom_cs         : Std_logic;
  signal rom_data_out   : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
  -- UART Interface signals
  signal uart_data_out  : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);  
  signal uart_cs        : Std_Logic;
  signal uart_irq       : Std_Logic;
  signal uart_clk       : Std_Logic;
  -- timer
  signal timer_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal timer_cs       : std_logic;
  signal timer_irq      : std_logic;
  -- trap
  signal trap_cs        : std_logic;
  signal trap_data_out  : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal trap_irq       : std_logic;
  -- PIA Interface signals
  signal pia_data_out   : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);  
  signal pia_cs         : Std_Logic;
  signal pia_irq_a      : Std_Logic;
  signal pia_irq_b      : Std_Logic;
  -- keyboard port
  signal kbd_data_out   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal kbd_cs         : std_logic;
  signal kbd_irq        : std_logic;
  -- Video Display Unit
  signal vdu_cs         : std_logic;
  signal vdu_data_out   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  -- RAM
  signal ram_cs         : std_logic; -- memory chip select
  signal ram_data_out   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  -- CPU Interface signals
  signal cpu_rst        : Std_Logic;
  signal cpu_clk        : Std_Logic;
  signal cpu_rw         : std_logic;
  signal cpu_vma        : std_logic;
  signal cpu_halt       : std_logic;
  signal cpu_hold       : std_logic;
  signal cpu_firq       : std_logic;
  signal cpu_irq        : std_logic;
  signal cpu_nmi        : std_logic;
  signal cpu_addr       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
  signal cpu_data_in    : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal cpu_data_out   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
--                     Clock generator
component clock_div
    clk_in      : in  std_Logic;  -- System Clock input
	 sys_clk     : out std_logic;  -- System Clock Out    (1/1)
	 vga_clk     : out std_logic;  -- VGA Pixel Clock Out (1/2)
    cpu_clk     : out std_logic   -- CPU Clock Out       (1/4)
end component;
--                      LED Flasher
component flasher
  port (
    clk      : in  std_logic;           -- Clock input
    rst      : in  std_logic;           -- Reset input (active high)
    LED      : out Std_Logic            -- LED output        
end component;
-- CPU09 CPU core
component cpu09
  port (    
	 clk      :	 in std_logic;
    rst      :  in std_logic;
    vma      :	out std_logic;
    addr     : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    rw       :	out std_logic;
	 data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    data_in  :  in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 irq      :  in std_logic;
	 nmi      :  in std_logic;
	 firq     :  in std_logic;
	 halt     :  in std_logic;
	 hold     :  in std_logic
end component;
-- Block RAM Monitor ROM
component mon_rom
    Port (
       clk      : in  std_logic;
		 rst      : in  std_logic;
		 cs       : in  std_logic;
		 rw       : in  std_logic;
       addr     : in  std_logic_vector (10 downto 0);
       data_in  : in  std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
       data_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
-- Block RAM Monitor
component ram_32k
    Port (
       clk      : in  std_logic;
		 rst      : in  std_logic;
		 cs       : in  std_logic;
       addr     : in  std_logic_vector (14 downto 0);
		 rw       : in  std_logic;
       data_in  : in  std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
       data_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
-- 6822 compatible PIA with counters
component pia_timer
	port (	
	 clk       : in    std_logic;
    rst       : in    std_logic;
    cs        : in    std_logic;
    addr      : in    std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    rw        : in    std_logic;
    data_in   : in    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 data_out  : out   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 irqa      : out   std_logic;
	 irqb      : out   std_logic
end component;
-- 6850 ACIA/UART
component acia6850
  port (
     clk      : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock
     rst      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Reset input (active high)
     cs       : in  Std_Logic;  -- miniUART Chip Select
     rw       : in  Std_Logic;  -- Read / Not Write
     addr     : in  Std_Logic;  -- Register Select
     data_in  : in  Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus In 
     data_out : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus Out
     irq      : out Std_Logic;  -- Interrupt
     RxC      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Receive Baud Clock
     TxC      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Transmit Baud Clock
     RxD      : in  Std_Logic;  -- Receive Data
     TxD      : out Std_Logic;  -- Transmit Data
	  DCD_n    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Data Carrier Detect
     CTS_n    : in  Std_Logic;  -- Clear To Send
     RTS_n    : out Std_Logic );  -- Request To send
end component;
-- ACIA Clock divider
component ACIA_Clock
  generic (
     SYS_CLK_FREQ  : integer :=  SYS_CLK_FREQ;
  port (
     clk      : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock Input
	  ACIA_clk : out Std_logic   -- ACIA Clock output
end component;
-- Timer module
component timer
  port (
     clk       : in  std_logic;
     rst       : in  std_logic;
     cs        : in  std_logic;
     addr      : in  std_logic;
     rw        : in  std_logic;
     data_in   : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	  data_out  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	  irq       : out std_logic 
end component;
-- Bus Trap logic
component trap
	port (	
	 clk        : in  std_logic;
    rst        : in  std_logic;
    cs         : in  std_logic;
    vma        : in  std_logic;
    rw         : in  std_logic;
    addr       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
    data_in    : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 data_out   : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
	 irq        : out std_logic
end component;
-- PS/2 Keyboard
component keyboard
    KBD_CLK_FREQ : integer := CPU_CLK_FREQ
    clk             : in    std_logic;
    rst             : in    std_logic;
    cs              : in    std_logic;
    addr            : in    std_logic;
    rw              : in    std_logic;
    data_in         : in    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    data_out        : out   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    irq             : out   std_logic;
    kbd_clk         : inout std_logic;
    kbd_data        : inout std_logic
end component;
-- Video Display Unit.
component vdu8
        VGA_CLK_FREQ           : integer := VGA_CLK_FREQ; -- 25MHz
	     VGA_HOR_CHARS          : integer := 80; -- CHARACTERS 25.6us
	     VGA_HOR_CHAR_PIXELS    : integer :=  8; -- PIXELS 0.32us
	     VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH    : integer := 16; -- PIXELS 0.64us (0.94us)
	     VGA_HOR_SYNC           : integer := 96; -- PIXELS 3.84us (3.77us)
	     VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH     : integer := 48; -- PIXELS 1.92us (1.89us)
	     VGA_VER_CHARS          : integer := 25; -- CHARACTERS 12.8ms
	     VGA_VER_CHAR_LINES     : integer := 16; -- LINES 0.512ms
	     VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH    : integer := 10; -- LINES 0.320ms
	     VGA_VER_SYNC           : integer :=  2; -- LINES 0.064ms
	     VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH     : integer := 34  -- LINES 1.088ms
		-- control register interface
      vdu_clk      : in  std_logic;	 -- CPU Clock - 12.5MHz
      vdu_rst      : in  std_logic;
		vdu_cs       : in  std_logic;
		vdu_rw       : in  std_logic;
		vdu_addr     : in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
      vdu_data_in  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      vdu_data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
      -- vga port connections
		vga_clk      : in  std_logic;	-- VGA Pixel Clock - 25 MHz
      vga_red_o    : out std_logic;
      vga_green_o  : out std_logic;
      vga_blue_o   : out std_logic;
      vga_hsync_o  : out std_logic;
      vga_vsync_o  : out std_logic
end component;
-- Instantiation of internal components
-- Clock generator
my_clock_div: clock_div port map (
    clk_in   => CLK_50MHZ,  -- Clock input
    sys_clk  => sys_clk,  -- System Clock Out        (1/1)
    vga_clk  => vga_clk,  -- CPU/VGA Pixel Clock Out (1/2)
    cpu_clk  => open      --                         (1/4)
-- LED Flasher
my_LED_flasher : flasher port map (
    clk      => cpu_clk,
    rst      => cpu_rst,
    LED      => LED(0)
-- 6809 compatible CPU
my_cpu : cpu09  port map (    
	 clk	     => cpu_clk,
    rst       => cpu_rst,
    vma       => cpu_vma,
    addr      => cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
    rw	     => cpu_rw,
	 data_out  => cpu_data_out,
    data_in   => cpu_data_in,
	 irq       => cpu_irq,
	 nmi       => cpu_nmi,
	 firq      => cpu_firq,
	 halt      => cpu_halt,
	 hold      => cpu_hold
my_rom : mon_rom port map (
       clk      => cpu_clk,
		 rst      => cpu_rst,
		 cs       => rom_cs,
       addr     => cpu_addr(10 downto 0),
		 rw       => '1',
       data_in  => cpu_data_out,
       data_out => rom_data_out
my_ram : ram_32k port map (
       clk      => cpu_clk,
		 rst      => cpu_rst,
		 cs       => ram_cs,
       addr     => cpu_addr(14 downto 0),
		 rw       => cpu_rw,
       data_in  => cpu_data_out,
       data_out => ram_data_out
my_pia  : pia_timer port map (
	 clk	     => cpu_clk,
	 rst       => cpu_rst,
    cs        => pia_cs,
    addr      => cpu_addr(1 downto 0),
	 rw        => cpu_rw,
	 data_in   => cpu_data_out,
	 data_out  => pia_data_out,
    irqa      => pia_irq_a,
    irqb      => pia_irq_b
-- ACIA/UART Serial interface
my_ACIA  : acia6850 port map (
	 clk	     => cpu_clk,
	 rst       => cpu_rst,
    cs        => uart_cs,
    addr      => cpu_addr(0),
	 rw        => cpu_rw,
	 data_in   => cpu_data_out,
	 data_out  => uart_data_out,
    irq       => uart_irq,
	 RxC       => uart_clk,
	 TxC       => uart_clk,
	 RxD       => RS232_DCE_RXD,
	 TxD       => RS232_DCE_TXD,
	 DCD_n     => '0',
	 CTS_n     => '0',
	 RTS_n     => open
-- ACIA Clock
my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock
  generic map(
  port map(
    clk        => sys_clk,
    acia_clk   => uart_clk
-- PS/2 Keyboard Interface
my_keyboard : keyboard
   generic map (
   port map(
	  clk          => cpu_clk,
	  rst          => cpu_rst,
	  cs           => kbd_cs,
	  addr         => cpu_addr(0),
	  rw           => cpu_rw,
	  data_in      => cpu_data_out(7 downto 0),
	  data_out     => kbd_data_out(7 downto 0),
	  irq          => kbd_irq,
	  kbd_clk      => PS2_CLK,
	  kbd_data     => PS2_DATA
-- Video Display Unit instantiation
my_vdu : vdu8 
  generic map(
      VGA_CLK_FREQ           => VGA_CLK_FREQ, -- HZ
	   VGA_HOR_CHARS          => 80, -- CHARACTERS
	   VGA_HOR_CHAR_PIXELS    =>  8,  -- PIXELS
	   VGA_HOR_SYNC           => 96, -- PIXELS
	   VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH     => 48, -- PIXELS
	   VGA_VER_CHARS          => 25, -- CHARACTERS
	   VGA_VER_CHAR_LINES     => 16, -- LINES
	   VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH    => 10, -- LINES
	   VGA_VER_SYNC           =>  2, -- LINES
	   VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH     => 34  -- LINES
  port map(
		-- Control Registers
		vdu_clk       => cpu_clk,					 -- 25 MHz System Clock in
      vdu_rst       => cpu_rst,
		vdu_cs        => vdu_cs,
		vdu_addr      => cpu_addr(2 downto 0),
		vdu_rw        => cpu_rw,
		vdu_data_in   => cpu_data_out,
		vdu_data_out  => vdu_data_out,
      -- vga port connections
      vga_clk       => vga_clk,					 -- 25 MHz VDU pixel clock
      vga_red_o     => vga_red,
      vga_green_o   => vga_green,
      vga_blue_o    => vga_blue,
      vga_hsync_o   => vga_hsync,
      vga_vsync_o   => vga_vsync
-- Timer Module
my_timer  : timer port map (
    clk       => cpu_clk,
	 rst       => cpu_rst,
    cs        => timer_cs,
	 rw        => cpu_rw,
    addr      => cpu_addr(0),
	 data_in   => cpu_data_out,
	 data_out  => timer_data_out,
    irq       => timer_irq
-- Bus Trap Interrupt logic
my_trap : trap port map (	
	 clk        => cpu_clk,
    rst        => cpu_rst,
    cs         => trap_cs,
    rw         => cpu_rw,
	 vma        => cpu_vma,
    addr       => cpu_addr,
    data_in    => cpu_data_out,
	 data_out   => trap_data_out,
	 irq        => trap_irq
-- Process to decode memory map
mem_decode: process( cpu_addr, cpu_rw, cpu_vma,
							vdu_data_out )
	rom_cs   <= '0';
	ram_cs   <= '0';
	uart_cs  <= '0';
	timer_cs <= '0';
	trap_cs  <= '0';
	pia_cs   <= '0';
	kbd_cs   <= '0';
	vdu_cs   <= '0';
      case cpu_addr(15 downto 12) is
		-- SBUG/KBUG/SYS09BUG Monitor ROM $F800 - $FFFF
		when "1111" => -- $F000 - $FFFF
		   cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out;
			rom_cs      <= cpu_vma;              -- read ROM
		-- IO Devices $E000 - $EFFF
		when "1110" => -- $E000 - $E7FF
		   case cpu_addr(7 downto 4) is
			-- UART / ACIA $E000
			when "0000" => -- $E000
		     cpu_data_in <= uart_data_out;
			  uart_cs     <= cpu_vma;
			-- WD1771 FDC sites at $E010-$E01F
			when "0001" => -- $E010
           cpu_data_in <= (others => '0');
         -- Keyboard port $E020 - $E02F
			when "0010" => -- $E020
           cpu_data_in <= kbd_data_out;
			  kbd_cs <= cpu_vma;
         -- VDU port $E030 - $E03F
			when "0011" => -- $E030
           cpu_data_in <= vdu_data_out;
			  vdu_cs      <= cpu_vma;
			-- Compact Flash $E040 - $E04F
			when "0100" => -- $E040
           cpu_data_in <= (others => '0');
         -- Timer $E050 - $E05F
			when "0101" => -- $E050
           cpu_data_in <= timer_data_out;
           timer_cs    <= cpu_vma;
         -- Bus Trap Logic $E060 - $E06F
			when "0110" => -- $E060
           cpu_data_in <= trap_data_out;
			  trap_cs     <= cpu_vma;
         -- PIA Timer $E070 - $E07F
			when "0111" => -- $E070
           cpu_data_in <= pia_data_out;
			  pia_cs      <= cpu_vma;
			when others => -- $E080 to $E7FF
           cpu_data_in <= (others => '0');
		   end case;
		-- $8000 to $DFFF = null
      when "1101" | "1100" | "1011" | "1010" |
		     "1001" | "1000" =>
		  cpu_data_in <= (others => '0');
		-- Everything else is RAM
		when others =>
		  cpu_data_in <= ram_data_out;
		  ram_cs      <= cpu_vma;
		end case;
end process;
-- Assign CPU clock, reset, interrupt, halt & hold signals
-- as well as LED signals
assign_signals : process( vga_clk, BTN_SOUTH, 
                      pia_irq_a, pia_irq_b, uart_irq, trap_irq, timer_irq, kbd_irq
    cpu_clk  <= vga_clk;
 	 cpu_rst  <= BTN_SOUTH; -- CPU reset is active high
    cpu_irq  <= uart_irq or kbd_irq;
	 cpu_nmi  <= pia_irq_a or trap_irq;
	 cpu_firq <= pia_irq_b or timer_irq;
	 cpu_halt <= '0';
    cpu_hold <= '0';
    -- LED outputs
    LED(7 downto 1) <= (others=>'1');
end process;
end my_computer; --===================== End of architecture =======================--

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