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[/] [System09/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [System09_Trenz_TE0141/] [clock_synthesis_50.vhd] - Rev 130
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-- -- Clock synthesis -- -- This module generates the 50 Mhz System Clock -- from the Trenz 30MHz clock using a DCM. -- The outputs are fed into BUFGs. -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.ALL; -- synopsys translate_off library UNISIM; use UNISIM.Vcomponents.ALL; -- synopsys translate_on entity clock_synthesis is port ( clk_30mhz : in std_logic; sys_clk_out : out std_logic; locked : out std_logic); end clock_synthesis; architecture BEHAVIORAL of clock_synthesis is signal clk_30mhz_ibufg : std_logic; signal sys_clkfb_in : std_logic; signal sys_clkfb_out : std_logic; signal sys_clk_in : std_logic; signal gnd1 : std_logic; component BUFG port ( I : in std_logic; O : out std_logic); end component; component IBUFG port ( I : in std_logic; O : out std_logic); end component; -- Period Jitter with noise (unit interval) for block DCM_INST = 0.04 UI -- Period Jitter with noise (Peak-to-Peak) for block DCM_INST = 0.86 ns component DCM generic( CLK_FEEDBACK : string := "1X"; CLKDV_DIVIDE : real := 2.000000; CLKFX_DIVIDE : integer := 1; CLKFX_MULTIPLY : integer := 4; CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 : boolean := FALSE; CLKIN_PERIOD : real := 10.000000; CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT : string := "NONE"; DESKEW_ADJUST : string := "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS"; DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE : string := "LOW"; DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE : string := "LOW"; DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION : boolean := TRUE; FACTORY_JF : bit_vector := x"C080"; PHASE_SHIFT : integer := 0; STARTUP_WAIT : boolean := TRUE; DSS_MODE : string := "NONE"); port ( CLKIN : in std_logic; CLKFB : in std_logic; RST : in std_logic; PSEN : in std_logic; PSINCDEC : in std_logic; PSCLK : in std_logic; DSSEN : in std_logic; CLK0 : out std_logic; CLK90 : out std_logic; CLK180 : out std_logic; CLK270 : out std_logic; CLKDV : out std_logic; CLK2X : out std_logic; CLK2X180 : out std_logic; CLKFX : out std_logic; CLKFX180 : out std_logic; STATUS : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); LOCKED : out std_logic; PSDONE : out std_logic); end component; begin GND1 <= '0'; sys_clkin_ibufg_inst : ibufg port map (i => clk_30mhz, o => clk_30mhz_ibufg); sys_clk_bufg_inst : bufg port map (i => sys_clk_in, o => sys_clk_out); sys_fb_bufg_inst : bufg port map (i => sys_clkfb_in, o => sys_clkfb_out); sys_clk_dcm : dcm generic map( clk_feedback => "1X", clkfx_divide => 6, clkfx_multiply => 10, clkin_divide_by_2 => FALSE, clkin_period => 33.333300, clkout_phase_shift => "NONE", deskew_adjust => "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS", dfs_frequency_mode => "LOW", dll_frequency_mode => "LOW", duty_cycle_correction => TRUE, factory_jf => x"C080", phase_shift => 0, startup_wait => FALSE) port map (clkfb => sys_clkfb_out, clkin => clk_30mhz_ibufg, dssen => gnd1, psclk => gnd1, psen => gnd1, psincdec => gnd1, rst => gnd1, clkdv => open, clkfx => sys_clk_in, clkfx180 => open, clk2x => open, clk2x180 => open, clk0 => sys_clkfb_in, clk90 => open, clk180 => open, clk270 => open, locked => locked, psdone => open, status => open); end;
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