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[/] [System09/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [System09_Trenz_TE0141/] [secd_ram_controller.vhd] - Rev 180
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-- secd_ram_controller.vhd -- -- Multiplex the external 16 bit SRAM to the 32 bit interface required -- by the CPU and provide for an 8 bit backside port for the 6809 to -- read and write SECD memory library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity secd_ram_controller is port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; secd_stopped : in std_logic; -- Internal interface to SECD (16k x 32) din32 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); dout32 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); addr32 : in std_logic_vector(13 downto 0); read32_enable : in std_logic; write32_enable : in std_logic; busy32 : out std_logic; -- Internal interface to 6809 (64k x 8) clk8 : in std_logic; din8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); dout8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); addr8 : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); rw8 : in std_logic; cs8_ram : in std_logic; hold8 : out std_logic; cs8_cf : in std_logic; -- External interface ram_oen : out std_logic; ram_cen : out std_logic; ram_wen : out std_logic; ram_io : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ram_a : out std_logic_vector(20 downto 1); ram_bhen : out std_logic; ram_blen : out std_logic ); end; architecture external_ram of secd_ram_controller is type hold_state_type is ( hold_release_state, hold_request_state ); signal cf_hold_state : hold_state_type; signal cf_release : std_logic; signal cf_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); type state_type is (idle, read32_high, read32_high_deselect, read32_low, read32_low_deselect, write32_high, write32_high_deselect, write32_low, write32_low_deselect, read8_ram, write8_ram, read8_cf, write8_cf ); signal state, next_state : state_type; signal read32_buff : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal read32_hen, read32_len : std_logic; begin secd_ram_process : process( state, read32_enable, write32_enable, addr32, din32, cs8_ram, rw8, addr8, din8 ) begin case state is when idle => ram_a(20 downto 1) <= (others => '0'); ram_cen <= '1'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '1'; ram_blen <= '1'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); if read32_enable = '1' then hold8 <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; next_state <= read32_high; elsif write32_enable = '1' then hold8 <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; next_state <= write32_high; elsif (cs8_ram = '1') and (rw8 = '1') then hold8 <= '1'; busy32 <= '1'; next_state <= read8_ram; elsif (cs8_ram = '1') and (rw8 = '0') then hold8 <= '1'; busy32 <= '1'; next_state <= write8_ram; elsif (cs8_cf = '1') and (rw8 = '1') then hold8 <= '1'; busy32 <= '1'; next_state <= read8_cf; elsif (cs8_cf = '1') and (rw8 = '0') then hold8 <= '1'; busy32 <= '1'; next_state <= write8_cf; else hold8 <= '0'; busy32 <= '0'; next_state <= idle; end if; when read32_high => ram_a(1) <= '0'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '0'; ram_oen <= '0'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '0'; ram_blen <= '0'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '1'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= read32_high_deselect; when read32_high_deselect => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '1'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '1'; ram_blen <= '1'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= read32_low; when read32_low => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '0'; ram_oen <= '0'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '0'; ram_blen <= '0'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '1'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= read32_low_deselect; when read32_low_deselect => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '1'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '1'; ram_blen <= '1'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '0'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= idle; when write32_high => ram_a(1) <= '0'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '0'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '0'; ram_bhen <= '0'; ram_blen <= '0'; ram_io <= din32(31 downto 16); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= write32_high_deselect; when write32_high_deselect => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '1'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '1'; ram_blen <= '1'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= write32_low; when write32_low => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '0'; ram_oen <= '0'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '0'; ram_blen <= '0'; ram_io <= din32(15 downto 0); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '0'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= write32_low_deselect; when write32_low_deselect => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 2) <= "00000" & addr32(13 downto 0); ram_cen <= '1'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '1'; ram_blen <= '1'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '0'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= cs8_ram; next_state <= idle; when read8_ram => ram_a(20 downto 1) <= "00000" & addr8(15 downto 1); ram_cen <= '0'; ram_oen <= '0'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= addr8(0); ram_blen <= not addr8(0); ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; if addr8(0) = '0' then dout8 <= ram_io(15 downto 8); else dout8 <= ram_io(7 downto 0); end if; hold8 <= '0'; -- Synchronize on the CPU clock if clk8 = '1' then next_state <= idle; else next_state <= read8_ram; end if; when write8_ram => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 1) <= "00000" & addr8(15 downto 1); ram_cen <= '0'; ram_oen <= '0'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= addr8(0); ram_blen <= not addr8(0); if addr8(0) = '0' then ram_io(15 downto 8) <= din8; ram_io( 7 downto 0) <= (others => 'Z'); else ram_io(15 downto 8) <= (others => 'Z'); ram_io( 7 downto 0) <= din8; end if; read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); hold8 <= '0'; -- Synchronize on the CPU clock if clk8 = '1' then next_state <= idle; else next_state <= write8_ram; end if; when read8_cf => ram_a(20 downto 1) <= "00000" & addr8(15 downto 1); ram_cen <= '1'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '1'; ram_blen <= '1'; ram_io <= (others => 'Z'); read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= ram_io(7 downto 0); if cf_release = '1' then hold8 <= '0'; next_state <= idle; else hold8 <= '1'; next_state <= read8_cf; end if; when write8_cf => ram_a(1) <= '1'; ram_a(20 downto 1) <= "00000" & addr8(15 downto 1); ram_cen <= '1'; ram_oen <= '1'; ram_wen <= '1'; ram_bhen <= '1'; ram_blen <= '1'; ram_io(15 downto 8) <= (others => '0'); ram_io( 7 downto 0) <= din8; read32_hen <= '0'; read32_len <= '0'; busy32 <= '1'; dout8 <= (others => '0'); if cf_release = '1' then hold8 <= '0'; next_state <= idle; else hold8 <= '1'; next_state <= write8_cf; end if; when others => null; end case; end process; -- -- RAM state machine -- clock state transitions -- and register 32 bit reads. -- -- Try experimenting with the clock edge -- The Clock edge should be the same -- as the transition edge of the -- 12.5 MHz 6809 clock. -- ram_state_machine : process( clk, reset, read32_buff ) begin if reset = '1' then state <= idle; read32_buff <= (others => '0'); elsif falling_edge( clk ) then state <= next_state; if read32_hen = '1' then read32_buff(31 downto 16) <= ram_io; end if; if read32_len = '1' then read32_buff(15 downto 0) <= ram_io; end if; end if; dout32 <= read32_buff; end process; -- -- Hold CF access for a few cycles -- synchronize with the CPU clock -- hold release is set on the rising edge -- of the CPU clock so that you have one -- VGA clock cycle to return to the idle state -- of the secd_ram_process state machine. -- cf_hold_proc: process( clk8, reset ) begin if reset = '1' then cf_release <= '0'; cf_count <= "0000"; cf_hold_state <= hold_release_state; elsif rising_edge( clk8 ) then case cf_hold_state is when hold_release_state => cf_release <= '0'; if cs8_cf = '1' then cf_count <= "0011"; cf_hold_state <= hold_request_state; end if; when hold_request_state => cf_count <= cf_count - "0001"; if cf_count = "0000" then cf_release <= '1'; cf_hold_state <= hold_release_state; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end process; end;
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