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[/] [System68/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [testbench2.vhd] - Rev 4
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--===========================================================================-- -- -- CPU68 Microprocessor Test Bench 2 -- -- -- John Kent 21st October 2002 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity my_testbench is end my_testbench; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture for memio Controller Unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture behavior of my_testbench is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal uart_irq : Std_Logic; signal timer_irq : std_logic; -- Sequencer Interface signals signal SysClk : Std_Logic; signal cpu_reset : Std_Logic; signal cpu_rw : std_logic; signal cpu_vma : std_logic; signal cpu_addr : Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0); signal cpu_data_in : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); signal cpu_data_out: Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); constant width : integer := 8; constant memsize : integer := 64; type rom_array is array(0 to memsize-1) of std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); constant rom_data : rom_array := ( "10001110", "11111111", "11011101", -- FFC0 - 8E FFDD RESET LDS #$FFDD "11001110", "00010010", "00110100", -- FFC3 - CE 1234 LDX #$1234 "10001101", "00000100", -- FFC6 - 8D 04 BSR SAVGET "00100111", "11110110", -- FFC8 - 27 F6 REENT BEQ RESET "00100000", "11111110", -- FFCA - 20 FF BRA * "11111111", "11111111", "11110000", -- FFCC - FF FFF0 SAVGET STX $FFF0 "11111110", "11111111", "11011001", -- FFCF - FE FFD9 LDX $FFD9 "00110111", -- FFD2 - 37 PSHB "11100110", "00000001", -- FFD3 - E6 01 LDAB 1,X "11100001", "00000011", -- FFD5 - E1 03 CMPB 3,X "00110011", -- FFD7 - 33 PULB "00111001", -- FFD8 - 39 RTS "11111111", "11100000", -- FFD9 - FF E0 FDB $FFE0 "01010101", -- FFDB - 55 FCB $55 "11111111", "11001000", -- FFDC - FFC8 FDB REENT "00100000", "11100000", -- FFDE - 20 E0 BRA RESET "00000000", "00000000", -- FFE0 - 00 00 fcb $00,$00 "00000000", "00000000", -- FFE2 - 00 00 fcb $00,$00 "00000000", "00000000", -- FFE4 - 00 00 fcb $00,$00 "00000000", "00000000", -- FFE6 - 00 00 fcb $00,$00 "01001000", "01100101", "01101100", -- FFE8 - 48 65 6c MSG FCC "Hel" "01101100", "01101111", "00100000", -- FFEB - 6c 6f 20 FCC "lo " "01010111", "01101111", "01110010", -- FFEE - 57 6f 72 FCC "Wor" "01101100", "01100100", -- FFF1 - 6c 64 FCC "ld" "00001010", "00001101", "00000000", -- FFF3 - 0a 0d 00 FCB LF,CR,NULL "00000000", "00000000", -- FFF6 - 00 00 fcb null,null "11111111", "11000000", -- FFF8 - FF C0 fdb $FFC0 ; Timer irq "11111111", "11000000", -- FFFA - FF C0 fdb $FFC0 ; Ext IRQ "11111111", "11000000", -- FFFC - FF C0 fcb $FFC0 ; SWI "11111111", "11000000" -- FFFE - FF C0 fdb $FFC0 ; Reset ); component cpu68 port ( data_in: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); data_out: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); address: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); vma: out std_logic; rw: out std_logic; -- Asynchronous memory interface rst: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; irq: in std_logic; nmi: in std_logic ); end component cpu68; begin cpu : cpu68 port map ( data_in => cpu_data_in, data_out => cpu_data_out, address => cpu_addr(15 downto 0), vma => cpu_vma, rw => cpu_rw, rst => cpu_reset, clk => SysClk, irq => uart_irq, nmi => timer_irq ); -- *** Test Bench - User Defined Section *** tb : PROCESS variable count : integer; BEGIN cpu_reset <= '0'; SysClk <= '0'; uart_irq <= '0'; timer_irq <= '0'; for count in 0 to 256 loop SysClk <= '0'; if count = 0 then cpu_reset <= '1'; elsif count = 1 then cpu_reset <= '0'; end if; wait for 100 ns; SysClk <= '1'; wait for 100 ns; end loop; wait; -- will wait forever END PROCESS; -- *** End Test Bench - User Defined Section *** rom : PROCESS( cpu_addr ) begin cpu_data_in <= rom_data(conv_integer(cpu_addr(5 downto 0))); end process; end behavior; --===================== End of architecture =======================--
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