Subversion Repositories ahb_master
[/] [ahb_master/] [trunk/] [src/] [base/] [axi_master.v] - Rev 12
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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Author: Eyal Hochberg //// //// eyal@provartec.com //// //// //// //// Downloaded from: http://www.opencores.org //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2010 Provartec LTD //// //// www.provartec.com //// //// info@provartec.com //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.//// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more//// //// details. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// // // General: // The AXI master has an internal master per ID. // These internal masters work simultaniously and an interconnect matrix connets them. // // // I/F : // idle - all internal masters emptied their command FIFOs // scrbrd_empty - all scoreboard checks have been completed (for random testing) // // // Tasks: // // enable(input master_num) // Description: Enables master // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // // enable_all() // Description: Enables all masters // // write_single(input master_num, input addr, input wdata) // Description: write a single AXI burst (1 data cycle) // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // addr - address // wdata - write data // // read_single(input master_num, input addr, output rdata) // Description: read a single AXI burst (1 data cycle) // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // addr - address // rdata - return read data // // check_single(input master_num, input addr, input expected) // Description: read a single AXI burst and gives an error if the data read does not match expected // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // addr - address // expected - expected read data // // write_and_check_single(input master_num, input addr, input data) // Description: write a single AXI burst read it back and compare the write and read data // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // addr - address // data - data to write and expect on read // // insert_wr_cmd(input master_num, input addr, input len, input size) // Description: add an AXI write burst to command FIFO // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // addr - address // len - AXI LEN (data strobe number) // size - AXI SIZE (data width) // // insert_rd_cmd(input master_num, input addr, input len, input size) // Description: add an AXI read burst to command FIFO // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // addr - address // len - AXI LEN (data strobe number) // size - AXI SIZE (data width) // // insert_wr_data(input master_num, input wdata) // Description: add a single data to data FIFO (to be used in write bursts) // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // wdata - write data // // insert_wr_incr_data(input master_num, input addr, input len, input size) // Description: add an AXI write burst to command FIFO will use incremental data (no need to use insert_wr_data) // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // addr - address // len - AXI LEN (data strobe number) // size - AXI SIZE (data width) // // insert_rand_chk(input master_num, input burst_num) // Description: add multiple commands to command FIFO. Each command writes incremental data to a random address, reads the data back and checks the data. Useful for random testing. // Parameters: master_num - number of internal master // burst_num - total number of bursts to check // // insert_rand(input burst_num) // Description: disperces burst_num between internal masters and calls insert_rand_chk for each master // Parameters: burst_num - total number of bursts to check (combined) // // // Parameters: // // For random testing: (changing these values automatically update interanl masters) // ahb_bursts - if set, bursts will only be of length 1, 4, 8 or 16. // len_min - minimum burst AXI LEN (length) // len_max - maximum burst AXI LEN (length) // size_min - minimum burst AXI SIZE (width) // size_max - maximum burst AXI SIZE (width) // addr_min - minimum address (in bytes) // addr_max - maximum address (in bytes) // ////////////////////////////////////// OUTFILE PREFIX.v INCLUDE def_axi_master.txt ITER IDX ID_NUM module PREFIX(PORTS); `include "prgen_rand.v" input clk; input reset; port GROUP_STUB_AXI; output idle; output scrbrd_empty; //random parameters integer GROUP_AXI_MASTER_RAND = GROUP_AXI_MASTER_RAND.DEFAULT; wire GROUP_STUB_AXI_IDX; wire idle_IDX; wire scrbrd_empty_IDX; always @(*) begin #FFD; PREFIX_singleIDX.GROUP_AXI_MASTER_RAND = GROUP_AXI_MASTER_RAND; end assign idle = CONCAT(idle_IDX &); assign scrbrd_empty = CONCAT(scrbrd_empty_IDX &); CREATE axi_master_single.v LOOP IDX ID_NUM PREFIX_single #(IDX, ID_BITS'bGROUP_AXI_ID[IDX], CMD_DEPTH) PREFIX_singleIDX( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .GROUP_STUB_AXI(GROUP_STUB_AXI_IDX), .idle(idle_IDX), .scrbrd_empty(scrbrd_empty_IDX) ); ENDLOOP IDX IFDEF TRUE(ID_NUM==1) assign GROUP_STUB_AXI.OUT = GROUP_STUB_AXI_0.OUT; assign GROUP_STUB_AXI_0.IN = GROUP_STUB_AXI.IN; ELSE TRUE(ID_NUM==1) CREATE ic.v \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL CONST(PREFIX) PREFIX) \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL MASTER_NUM ID_NUM) \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL SLAVE_NUM 1) \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL CONST(ID_BITS) ID_BITS) \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL CONST(CMD_DEPTH) CMD_DEPTH) \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL CONST(DATA_BITS) DATA_BITS) \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL CONST(ADDR_BITS) ADDR_BITS) \\ DEFCMD(DEFINE.GLOBAL UNIQUE_ID) \\ DEFCMD(SWAP.GLOBAL CONST(USER_BITS) 0) LOOP IDX ID_NUM STOMP NEWLINE DEFCMD(GROUP.GLOBAL MIDX_ID overrides { ) \\ DEFCMD(GROUP_AXI_ID[IDX]) \\ DEFCMD(}) ENDLOOP IDX PREFIX_ic PREFIX_ic( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .MIDX_GROUP_STUB_AXI(GROUP_STUB_AXI_IDX), .S0_GROUP_STUB_AXI(GROUP_STUB_AXI), STOMP , ); ENDIF TRUE(ID_NUM==1) task check_master_num; input [24*8-1:0] task_name; input [31:0] master_num; begin if (master_num >= ID_NUM) begin $display("FATAL ERROR: task %0s called for master %0d that does not exist.\tTime: %0d ns.", task_name, master_num, $time); end end endtask task enable; input [31:0] master_num; begin check_master_num("enable", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.enable = 1; endcase end endtask task enable_all; begin PREFIX_singleIDX.enable = 1; end endtask task write_single; input [31:0] master_num; input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] addr; input [DATA_BITS-1:0] wdata; begin check_master_num("write_single", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.write_single(addr, wdata); endcase end endtask task read_single; input [31:0] master_num; input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] addr; output [DATA_BITS-1:0] rdata; begin check_master_num("read_single", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.read_single(addr, rdata); endcase end endtask task check_single; input [31:0] master_num; input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] addr; input [DATA_BITS-1:0] expected; begin check_master_num("check_single", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.check_single(addr, expected); endcase end endtask task write_and_check_single; input [31:0] master_num; input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] addr; input [DATA_BITS-1:0] data; begin check_master_num("write_and_check_single", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.write_and_check_single(addr, data); endcase end endtask task insert_wr_cmd; input [31:0] master_num; input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] addr; input [LEN_BITS-1:0] len; input [SIZE_BITS-1:0] size; begin check_master_num("insert_wr_cmd", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.insert_wr_cmd(addr, len, size); endcase end endtask task insert_rd_cmd; input [31:0] master_num; input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] addr; input [LEN_BITS-1:0] len; input [SIZE_BITS-1:0] size; begin check_master_num("insert_rd_cmd", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.insert_rd_cmd(addr, len, size); endcase end endtask task insert_wr_data; input [31:0] master_num; input [DATA_BITS-1:0] wdata; begin check_master_num("insert_wr_data", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.insert_wr_data(wdata); endcase end endtask task insert_wr_incr_data; input [31:0] master_num; input [ADDR_BITS-1:0] addr; input [LEN_BITS-1:0] len; input [SIZE_BITS-1:0] size; begin check_master_num("insert_wr_incr_data", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.insert_wr_incr_data(addr, len, size); endcase end endtask task insert_rand_chk; input [31:0] master_num; input [31:0] burst_num; begin check_master_num("insert_rand_chk", master_num); case (master_num) IDX : PREFIX_singleIDX.insert_rand_chk(burst_num); endcase end endtask task insert_rand; input [31:0] burst_num; reg [31:0] burst_numIDX; integer remain; begin remain = burst_num; LOOP IDX ID_NUM if (remain > 0) begin burst_numIDX = rand(1, remain); remain = remain - burst_numIDX; insert_rand_chk(IDX, burst_numIDX); end ENDLOOP IDX end endtask endmodule
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