Subversion Repositories ahb_system_generator
[/] [ahb_system_generator/] [trunk/] [src/] [ahb_master.vhd] - Rev 5
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--******************************************************************* --** **** --** AHB system generator **** --** **** --** Author: Federico Aglietti **** --** federico.aglietti\@opencores.org **** --** **** --******************************************************************* --** **** --** Copyright (C) 2004 Federico Aglietti **** --** federico.aglietti\@opencores.org **** --** **** --** This source file may be used and distributed without **** --** restriction provided that this copyright statement is not **** --** removed from the file and that any derivative work contains **** --** the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.**** --** **** --** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY **** --** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED **** --** TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS **** --** FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR **** --** OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, **** --** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES **** --** (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE **** --** GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR **** --** BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF **** --** LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT **** --** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT **** --** OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE **** --** POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **** --** **** --******************************************************************* library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_misc.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use work.ahb_funct.all; use work.ahb_package.all; entity ahb_master is generic ( fifohempty_level: in integer:= 2; fifohfull_level: in integer:= 6; fifo_length: in integer:= 8); port ( --*********************************************** --master ahb amba signals --*********************************************** hresetn: in std_logic; hclk: in std_logic; mst_in: in mst_in_t; mst_out: out mst_out_t; --*********************************************** --master<=>core interface: conf registers --*********************************************** dma_start: in start_type_t; --*********************************************** --master<=>core interface: program/data memories --*********************************************** m_wrap_out: out wrap_out_t; m_wrap_in: in wrap_in_t; --*********************************************** --master/slave/core signals --*********************************************** slv_running: in std_logic; mst_running: out std_logic; eot_int: out std_logic ); end ahb_master; architecture rtl of ahb_master is --*************************************************************** --component declaration --*************************************************************** component fifo generic ( fifohempty_level: in integer:= 1; fifohfull_level: in integer:= 7; fifo_length: in integer:= 8); port ( hresetn: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; fifo_reset: in std_logic; fifo_write: in std_logic; fifo_read: in std_logic; fifo_count: out std_logic_vector(nb_bits(fifo_length)-1 downto 0); fifo_full: out std_logic; fifo_hfull: out std_logic; fifo_empty: out std_logic; fifo_hempty: out std_logic; fifo_datain: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); fifo_dataout: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) ); end component; --*************************************************************** --configuration registers --*************************************************************** signal start_hprot: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal start_hsize: std_logic_Vector(2 downto 0); signal start_hburst: std_logic_Vector(2 downto 0); signal start_hwrite: std_logic; signal start_hlocked: std_logic; signal start_prior: std_logic; signal hbusreq_t, hlock_t: std_logic; --*************************************************************** --*************************************************************** signal r_mst_in, s_mst_in: mst_in_t; signal r_mst_out, s_mst_out: mst_out_t; type master_fsm is ( idle_phase, wait_phase, req_phase, addr, --A addr_data,--A+D data, --D retry_phase, error_phase, be_phase); signal mst_state, s_mst_state: master_fsm; signal fifo_full, fifo_hfull, fifo_empty, fifo_hempty: std_logic; signal fifo_count: std_logic_vector(nb_bits(fifo_length)-1 downto 0); signal fifo_datain, fifo_dataout: std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal fifo_hread, fifo_hwrite: std_logic; signal fifo_read, fifo_write: std_logic; signal fifo_reset: std_logic; signal next_fifo_empty: std_logic; signal dma_count: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); signal dma_count_s : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); signal right_count: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal data_trx: std_logic; signal tmp_htrans: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal next_fifo_full: std_logic; signal next_fifo_he: std_logic; signal next_fifo_hf: std_logic; signal mst_running_t:std_logic; signal dma_restart: std_logic; signal mst_req: std_logic; signal granted: std_logic; signal eot_int_reg:std_logic; signal prior_reg, prior_s: std_logic; signal int_addr, int_addr_s, int_addr_t : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal int_mod, int_mod_s : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); signal int_page_fault: std_logic; signal int_addr_incr: std_logic; signal page_attention: std_logic; signal page_fault: std_logic; signal pf_incr, pf_wrap4, pf_wrap8, pf_wrap16: std_logic; signal haddr_t : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal haddr_incr: std_logic; signal old_page_attention: std_logic; signal old_addr_incr: std_logic; signal old_addr, old_addr_s: std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); signal old_hburst, old_hburst_s: std_logic_Vector(2 downto 0); begin --*************************************************************** --component instantiation --*************************************************************** fifo_inst: fifo generic map( fifohempty_level => fifohempty_level, fifohfull_level => fifohfull_level, fifo_length => fifo_length) port map( hresetn => hresetn, clk => hclk, fifo_reset => fifo_reset, fifo_write => fifo_write, fifo_read => fifo_read, fifo_count => fifo_count, fifo_full => fifo_full, fifo_hfull => fifo_hfull, fifo_empty => fifo_empty, fifo_hempty => fifo_hempty, fifo_datain => fifo_datain, fifo_dataout => fifo_dataout ); --*************************** --****** master state ******* --*************************** master_pr:process( mst_state, mst_req, slv_running, prior_reg, dma_count, hbusreq_t, fifo_empty, page_fault, r_mst_out, mst_in ) begin s_mst_state <= mst_state; case mst_state is when idle_phase => if (dma_count>0 and (slv_running='0' or prior_reg=master)) then s_mst_state <= wait_phase; end if; when wait_phase => if mst_req='1' then s_mst_state <= req_phase; end if; when req_phase => if (hbusreq_t='1' and mst_in.hgrant='1' and mst_in.hready='1') then--master take bus ownership s_mst_state <= addr; end if; when addr => if (mst_in.hready='1') then if (page_fault='1' or mst_in.hgrant='0' or dma_count=1) then s_mst_state <= data; else s_mst_state <= addr_data; end if; end if; when addr_data => --end of transfer: ready+ok+no_busy_reg+count=1(idle/preidle or burstend) --page fault:ready+ok+no_busy_reg+count>1 (page_fault) --no_grant:ready+ok+busy+no_grant (page_fault) --retry/split:no_ready+retry/split (retry) --error:no_ready+error (error) if (mst_in.hready='1') then if (mst_in.hresp=ok_resp) then if (r_mst_out.htrans/=busy) then if (dma_count=1) then if (r_mst_out.hwrite='1') then s_mst_state <= data; else --r_mst_out.hwrite='0', count>1 s_mst_state <= data;--be_phase; end if; elsif (page_fault='1' or mst_in.hgrant='0') then s_mst_state <= data; end if; else -- r_mst_out.htrans=busy if (mst_in.hgrant='0') then assert false report "Protocol error: GRANT deasserted during BUSY!!!" severity error; s_mst_state <= data; end if; end if; end if; else--hready='0' case mst_in.hresp is when retry_resp|split_resp => s_mst_state <= retry_phase; when error_resp => s_mst_state <= error_phase; when others => s_mst_state <= addr_data; end case; end if; when data=> if (mst_in.hready='1') then if (mst_in.hresp=ok_resp and r_mst_out.htrans/=busy) then if (dma_count=0) then if (r_mst_out.hwrite='1') then s_mst_state <= idle_phase; else --r_mst_out.hwrite='0', count>1 s_mst_state <= be_phase; end if; else--collapse all this 'if-else' if (r_mst_out.hwrite='1') then s_mst_state <= idle_phase; else s_mst_state <= be_phase; end if; end if; end if; else case mst_in.hresp is when retry_resp|split_resp => s_mst_state <= retry_phase;--pay attention: grant removed and retry issued!!!!!! when error_resp => s_mst_state <= error_phase; when others => s_mst_state <= data; end case; end if; when retry_phase => if (mst_in.hready='1') then s_mst_state <= idle_phase; end if; when error_phase => if mst_in.hready='1' then s_mst_state <= idle_phase; end if; when be_phase =>--one of more cycle to empty fifo, settling core internal state if (fifo_empty ='1') then s_mst_state <= idle_phase; end if; when others => null; end case; end process; --synopsys translate_off assert not (hclk'event and hclk='1' and (mst_state=addr_data or mst_state=data) and (mst_in.hready='1' and mst_in.hresp/=ok_resp)) report "####PROTOCOL ERROR: in addr_data error/retry/split&&ready!!!!!" severity error; --synopsys translate_on process(hresetn, hclk) begin if hresetn='0' then mst_state <= idle_phase; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then mst_state <= s_mst_state after 1 ns; end if; end process; start_hlocked <= dma_start.hparams(0); start_hwrite <= dma_start.hparams(1); start_hprot <= dma_start.hparams(5 downto 2); start_hburst <= dma_start.hparams(8 downto 6); start_hsize <= dma_start.hparams(11 downto 9); start_prior <= dma_start.hparams(12); --*************************** --********** htrans ********* --*************************** --busy if: --write: --count>1 and fifo=1 and trans_reg/=busy and addr_data --count=1 and fifo_empty and addr_data --read: --fifo_hfull and addr_data s_mst_out.htrans <= tmp_htrans; tmp_htrans <= --busy when (mst_state=addr_data and granted='1' and page_fault='0' and dma_count>=2 and ((next_fifo_he='1' and r_mst_out.hwrite='1') or (next_fifo_hf='1' and r_mst_out.hwrite='0'))) else busy when (mst_state=addr_data and ( (dma_count>=2 and ((fifo_count<=1 and r_mst_out.hwrite='1') or (fifo_count>=fifo_length-1 and r_mst_out.hwrite='0'))) or (dma_count=1 and ((fifo_count<=1 and r_mst_out.hwrite='1') or (fifo_count=fifo_length and r_mst_out.hwrite='0'))))) else nonseq when (mst_state=addr) else seq when (mst_state=addr_data) else idle; --*************************** --******** granted bus ****** --*************************** process(hclk, hresetn) begin if hresetn='0' then granted <= '0'; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then granted <= '0' after 1 ns; if (mst_in.hready='1' and mst_in.hgrant='1') then granted <= '1' after 1 ns; end if; end if; end process; next_fifo_empty <= '1' when ((fifo_count=0 and (fifo_write='0' or (fifo_write=fifo_read))) or (fifo_count=1 and fifo_read='1' and fifo_write='0')) else '0'; next_fifo_full <= '1' when ((fifo_count=fifo_length and (fifo_read='0' or (fifo_write=fifo_read))) or (fifo_count=fifo_length-1 and fifo_read='0' and fifo_write='1')) else '0'; next_fifo_he <= '1' when ((fifo_count<=1 and (fifo_write='0' or (fifo_write=fifo_read))) or (fifo_count=2 and fifo_read='1' and fifo_write='0')) else '0'; next_fifo_hf <= '1' when ((fifo_count>=fifo_length-1 and (fifo_read='0' or (fifo_write=fifo_read))) or (fifo_count=fifo_length-2 and fifo_read='0' and fifo_write='1')) else '0'; --next_count_ge2 <= '1' when ((dma_count_ge2='1' and fifo_hwrite='0' and fifo_hread='0') or (dma_count_ge3='1' and (fifo_hwrite='1' or fifo_hread='1'))) else '0'; --*************************** --********* old_hburst ****** --*************************** process(hclk, hresetn) begin if hresetn='0' then old_hburst <= incr; prior_reg <= slave; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then old_hburst <= old_hburst_s after 1 ns; prior_reg <= prior_s after 1 ns; end if; end process; old_hburst_s <= start_hburst when (dma_start.start='1') else old_hburst; prior_s <= start_prior when (dma_start.start='1') else prior_reg; --*************************** --*************************** process(hclk,hresetn) begin if hresetn='0' then r_mst_out.haddr <= (others => '0'); r_mst_out.htrans <= "00"; r_mst_out.hlock <= '0'; r_mst_out.hwrite <= '0'; r_mst_out.hsize <= bits32; r_mst_out.hburst <= incr; r_mst_out.hprot <= "0011"; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then r_mst_out.haddr <= s_mst_out.haddr after 1 ns; r_mst_out.htrans <= s_mst_out.htrans after 1 ns; r_mst_out.hlock <= s_mst_out.hlock after 1 ns; r_mst_out.hwrite <= s_mst_out.hwrite after 1 ns; r_mst_out.hsize <= s_mst_out.hsize after 1 ns; r_mst_out.hburst <= s_mst_out.hburst after 1 ns; r_mst_out.hprot <= s_mst_out.hprot after 1 ns; end if; end process; s_mst_out.hlock <= start_hlocked when (dma_start.start='1') else r_mst_out.hlock; s_mst_out.hwrite <= start_hwrite when (dma_start.start='1') else r_mst_out.hwrite; s_mst_out.hsize <= start_hsize when (dma_start.start='1') else r_mst_out.hsize; s_mst_out.hburst <= start_hburst when (dma_start.start='1') else incr when (dma_restart='1') else r_mst_out.hburst; s_mst_out.hprot <= start_hprot when (dma_start.start='1') else r_mst_out.hprot; mst_out.hlock <= hlock_t; mst_out.hwrite <= r_mst_out.hwrite; mst_out.hsize <= r_mst_out.hsize; mst_out.hburst <= r_mst_out.hburst; mst_out.hprot <= r_mst_out.hprot; mst_out.haddr <= r_mst_out.haddr; mst_out.hwdata <= fifo_dataout;--not retimed! mst_out.hbusreq <= hbusreq_t; mst_out.htrans <= s_mst_out.htrans; --*************************** --********** haddr ********** --*************************** old_addr_pr:process(hclk, hresetn) begin if hresetn='0' then old_addr <= (others => '0'); elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then old_addr <= old_addr_s after 1 ns; end if; end process; old_addr_move:process(mst_state, mst_in, tmp_htrans, r_mst_out) begin if ((mst_state=addr or mst_state=addr_data or mst_state=data) and mst_in.hready='1' and tmp_htrans/=busy and r_mst_out.htrans/=busy) then old_addr_incr <= '1'; else old_addr_incr <= '0'; end if; end process; old_addr_s <= r_mst_out.haddr when (old_addr_incr='1') else dma_start.extaddr when (dma_start.start='1') else old_addr; page_fault <= '1' when (page_attention='1' and (pf_incr='1' or pf_wrap4='1' or pf_wrap8='1' or pf_wrap16='1')) else '0'; pf_incr <= '1' when (haddr_t(9 downto 2)=0) else '0'; pf_wrap4 <= '1' when (haddr_t(3 downto 2)=0 and old_hburst=wrap4) else '0'; pf_wrap8 <= '1' when (haddr_t(4 downto 2)=0 and old_hburst=wrap8) else '0'; pf_wrap16 <= '1' when (haddr_t(5 downto 2)=0 and old_hburst=wrap16) else '0'; with r_mst_out.hburst select page_attention <= '1' when incr|incr4|incr8|incr16, '0' when others; with old_hburst select old_page_attention <= '1' when incr|incr4|incr8|incr16, '0' when others; with r_mst_out.hburst select haddr_t(9 downto 2) <= r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 2)+1 when incr|incr4|incr8|incr16, r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 4)&(r_mst_out.haddr(3 downto 2)+"01") when wrap4, r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 5)&(r_mst_out.haddr(4 downto 2)+"001") when wrap8, r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 6)&(r_mst_out.haddr(5 downto 2)+"0001") when wrap16, r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 2) when others;--"000", --page increment if: --page fault and incr/incr4/incr8/incr16 and old_burst incr/incr4/incr8/incr16 s_mst_out.haddr(31 downto 10) <= dma_start.extaddr(31 downto 10) when (dma_start.start='1') else old_addr(31 downto 10) when (mst_state=retry_phase or mst_state=idle_phase) else (r_mst_out.haddr(31 downto 10)+1) when (page_attention='1' and old_page_attention='1' and pf_incr='1' and haddr_incr='1') else r_mst_out.haddr(31 downto 10); s_mst_out.haddr(1 downto 0) <= dma_start.extaddr(1 downto 0) when (dma_start.start='1') else r_mst_out.haddr(1 downto 0); s_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 2) <= dma_start.extaddr(9 downto 2) when (dma_start.start='1') else old_addr(9 downto 2) when (mst_state=retry_phase or mst_state=idle_phase) else r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 4)&"00" when (page_fault='1' and pf_wrap4='1' and haddr_incr='1') else r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 5)&"000" when (page_fault='1' and pf_wrap8='1' and haddr_incr='1') else r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 6)&"0000" when (page_fault='1' and pf_wrap16='1' and haddr_incr='1') else haddr_t(9 downto 2) when (haddr_incr='1') else r_mst_out.haddr(9 downto 2); --haddr_incr_pr:process(mst_state, mst_in, tmp_htrans, r_mst_out) --begin -- if ((mst_state=addr or mst_state=addr_data) and mst_in.hready='1' and tmp_htrans/=busy and r_mst_out.htrans/=busy) then-- or mst_state=data -- haddr_incr <= '1'; -- else -- haddr_incr <= '0'; -- end if; --end process; --haddr_incr <= '1' when --(mst_in.hready='1' and --(tmp_htrans=nonseq or --((tmp_htrans=seq or tmp_htrans=busy) and r_mst_out.htrans/=busy))) else '0'; haddr_incr <= '1' when (mst_in.hready='1' and (tmp_htrans=nonseq or tmp_htrans=seq or tmp_htrans=busy) and r_mst_out.htrans/=busy) else '0'; --*************************** --********* hbusreq ********* --*************************** hbusreq_t <= '1' when ( (dma_count>0 and mst_state=req_phase) or (dma_count>1 and (mst_state=addr or mst_state=addr_data)) ) else '0'; mst_req <= '1' when (r_mst_out.hwrite='0' or fifo_empty='0') else '0'; --start new master if: --read or --write and fifo_count>=2 or --write and fifo_count=1 and dma_count=1 --*************************** --********** hlock ********* --*************************** hlock_t <= hbusreq_t and r_mst_out.hlock;--for hlock behaviour different wrt hbusreq change ONLY here!! --*************************** --********* eot_int ********* --*************************** int_gen:process(hclk, hresetn) begin if hresetn='0' then eot_int_reg <= '0'; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then if (mst_state=idle_phase) then eot_int_reg <= '0' after 1 ns; elsif (s_mst_state=idle_phase and mst_running_t='1' and dma_count_s=0) then eot_int_reg <= '1' after 1 ns; end if; end if; end process; eot_int <= eot_int_reg; --*************************** --****** mst_running ***** --*************************** mst_running_t <= '0' when (mst_state=idle_phase or mst_state=wait_phase or mst_state=req_phase) else '1'; mst_running <= mst_running_t; --*************************** --******** dma_count ******** --*************************** dma_count_pr:process(hclk, hresetn) begin if hresetn='0' then dma_count <= (others => '0'); elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then dma_count <= dma_count_s after 1 ns; end if; end process; process(dma_start, start_hburst) begin if dma_start.start='1' then case start_hburst is when single => right_count(15 downto 0) <= "0000000000000001"; when incr => right_count(15 downto 0) <= dma_start.count; when wrap4|incr4 => right_count(15 downto 0) <= "0000000000000100"; when wrap8|incr8 => right_count(15 downto 0) <= "0000000000001000" ; when others =>--wrap16|incr16 right_count(15 downto 0) <= "0000000000010000"; end case; else right_count(15 downto 0) <= (others => '-'); end if; end process; dma_count_s <= (others=>'0') when fifo_reset='1' else -- dma_count-1 when (r_mst_out.hwrite='1' and fifo_hread='1') or (r_mst_out.hwrite='0' and fifo_hwrite='1') else dma_count-1 when ((mst_state=addr or mst_state=addr_data) and haddr_incr='1') else dma_count+1 when (mst_state=retry_phase and mst_in.hready='1') else right_count when (dma_start.start='1') else dma_count; dma_restart <= '1' when (mst_state=retry_phase or mst_state=data) else '0'; fifo_reset <= '1' when ( (mst_state=error_phase) or (mst_in.hresp=ok_resp and r_mst_out.htrans/=busy and r_mst_out.hwrite='1' and mst_in.hready='1' and mst_state=data and dma_count=0) ) else '0'; --*************************** --***** fifo interface ****** --*************************** fifo_write <= fifo_hwrite or m_wrap_in.ask_ok; fifo_read <= fifo_hread or m_wrap_in.take_ok; fifo_datain <= mst_in.hrdata when (fifo_hwrite='1') else m_wrap_in.rdata; m_wrap_out.wdata <= fifo_dataout; --transfer master => fifo fifo_hwrite <= '1' when (r_mst_out.hwrite='0' and data_trx='1' and fifo_full='0') else '0'; --transfer fifo => master fifo_hread <= '1' when (r_mst_out.hwrite='1' and data_trx='1' and fifo_empty='0') else '0'; data_trx <= '1' when (mst_in.hready='1' and mst_in.hresp=ok_resp and r_mst_out.htrans/=busy and (mst_state=addr_data or mst_state=data)) else '0'; --*********************************************** --master<=>core interface: program/data memories --*********************************************** --transfer fifo => core m_wrap_out.take <= '1' when (r_mst_out.hwrite='0' and fifo_empty='0') else '0'; --transfer core => fifo m_wrap_out.ask <= '1' when (r_mst_out.hwrite='1' and fifo_full='0' and (mst_running_t='1' or dma_count/=0)) else '0'; m_wrap_out.addr <= int_addr; process(hclk, hresetn) begin if hresetn='0' then int_addr <= (others => '0'); int_mod <= (others => '0'); elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then int_addr <= int_addr_s after 1 ns; int_mod <= int_mod_s after 1 ns; end if; end process; int_mod_s <= dma_start.intmod when (dma_start.start='1') else int_mod; int_page_fault <= '1' when (int_addr_t(9 downto 2)=0 and page_attention='1') else '0'; with r_mst_out.hburst select int_addr_t(9 downto 2) <= int_addr(9 downto 2)+int_mod(9 downto 2) when incr|incr4|incr8|incr16, int_addr(9 downto 4)&(int_addr(3 downto 2)+"01") when wrap4, int_addr(9 downto 5)&(int_addr(4 downto 2)+"001") when wrap8, int_addr(9 downto 6)&(int_addr(5 downto 2)+"0001") when wrap16, int_addr(9 downto 2) when others;--"000", int_addr_incr <= '1' when ((r_mst_out.hwrite='0' and m_wrap_in.take_ok='1') or (r_mst_out.hwrite='1' and m_wrap_in.ask_ok='1')) else '0'; int_addr_s(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0'); int_addr_s(15 downto 10) <= (int_addr(15 downto 10)+1) when (int_page_fault='1' and int_addr_incr='1') else dma_start.intaddr(15 downto 10) when (dma_start.start='1') else int_addr(15 downto 10); int_addr_s(1 downto 0) <= dma_start.intaddr(1 downto 0) when (dma_start.start='1') else int_addr(1 downto 0); int_addr_s(9 downto 2) <= int_addr_t(9 downto 2) when (int_addr_incr='1') else dma_start.intaddr(9 downto 2) when (dma_start.start='1') else int_addr(9 downto 2); end rtl;
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