Subversion Repositories ahb_system_generator
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--******************************************************************* --** **** --** AHB system generator **** --** **** --** Author: Federico Aglietti **** --** federico.aglietti\@opencores.org **** --** **** --******************************************************************* --** **** --** Copyright (C) 2004 Federico Aglietti **** --** federico.aglietti\@opencores.org **** --** **** --** This source file may be used and distributed without **** --** restriction provided that this copyright statement is not **** --** removed from the file and that any derivative work contains **** --** the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.**** --** **** --** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY **** --** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED **** --** TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS **** --** FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR **** --** OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, **** --** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES **** --** (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE **** --** GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR **** --** BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF **** --** LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT **** --** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT **** --** OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE **** --** POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **** --** **** --******************************************************************* library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use work.ahb_funct.all; use work.ahb_package.all; use work.ahb_configure.all; entity ahb_slave_wait is generic ( num_slv: in integer range 0 to 15:= 1; fifohempty_level: in integer:= 2; fifohfull_level: in integer:= 5; fifo_length: in integer:= 8); port( hresetn: in std_logic; hclk: in std_logic; remap: in std_logic; slv_in: in slv_in_t; slv_out: out slv_out_t; slv_err: out std_logic; mst_running: in std_logic; prior_in: in std_logic; slv_running: out std_logic; s_wrap_out: out wrap_out_t; s_wrap_in: in wrap_in_t); end ahb_slave_wait; architecture rtl of ahb_slave_wait is --parameters fixed for single-wait slave constant num_slvs: integer:= 1; constant num_ahb: integer:= 0; constant def_slv: integer:= 0; constant alg_number: integer range 0 to 2:= 0; type slv_fsm is (data_cycle,error_cycle); signal slv_state, s_slv_state: slv_fsm; signal r_slv_in_v, s_slv_in_v: slv_in_v_t(num_slvs-1 downto 0); signal hready_t, r_hready: std_logic; signal hresp_t: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal dec_error: std_logic; --*************************************************************** --arbitration signals --*************************************************************** signal s_grant_slave, grant_slave: integer range 0 to num_slvs-1; signal s_turn, turn: integer range 0 to num_slvs-1; signal req_ored: std_logic; signal slv_req: std_logic_vector(num_slvs-1 downto 0); signal addr_slv_matrix: addr_matrix_t(0 downto 0); begin addr_slv_matrix(0)(num_slvs-1 downto 0) <= slv_matrix(0)(num_slv downto num_slv) when (remap='0') else slv_matrix(1)(num_slv downto num_slv); --*************************** --******* slave state ******* --*************************** process(slv_state, dec_error) begin s_slv_state <= slv_state; case slv_state is when data_cycle => if (dec_error='1') then s_slv_state <= error_cycle; end if; when error_cycle => s_slv_state <= data_cycle; when others => end case; end process; process(hresetn, hclk) begin if hresetn='0' then r_hready <= '1'; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then r_hready <= hready_t after 1 ns; end if; end process; process(hresetn, hclk) begin if hresetn='0' then slv_state <= data_cycle; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then slv_state <= s_slv_state after 1 ns; end if; end process; process(addr_slv_matrix, r_slv_in_v, grant_slave) variable v_error: std_logic; begin v_error:= '0'; if (r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hsel='1') then if (r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hsize/=bits32) then v_error:= '1'; end if; if (r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).haddr(1 downto 0)/="00") then v_error:= '1'; end if; if (r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).haddr(31 downto 10)<conv_std_logic_vector(addr_slv_matrix(num_ahb)(grant_slave).low, 32)(31 downto 10)) then v_error:= '1'; end if; if (r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).haddr(31 downto 10)>conv_std_logic_vector(addr_slv_matrix(num_ahb)(grant_slave).high, 32)(31 downto 10)) then v_error:= '1'; end if; end if; dec_error <= v_error; end process; --*************************** --********** hready ********* --*************************** hready_t <= '1' when (slv_state=error_cycle or r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).htrans=idle or r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).htrans=busy or ((r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).htrans=nonseq or r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).htrans=seq) and dec_error='0' and ((r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hwrite='1' and s_wrap_in.take_ok='1') or (r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hwrite='0' and s_wrap_in.ask_ok='1')))) else '0'; --*************************** --********** hresp ********** --*************************** hresp_t <= error_resp when (dec_error='1' or slv_state=error_cycle) else ok_resp; slv_err <= '1' when (slv_state=error_cycle) else '0'; --*************************** --******* s_wrap_out ******** --*************************** process(r_slv_in_v, slv_in, slv_state, grant_slave, dec_error) begin s_wrap_out.addr <= r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).haddr;--to improve for LOW POWER!! s_wrap_out.wdata <= slv_in.hwdata;--to improve for LOW POWER!! s_wrap_out.take <= '0'; s_wrap_out.ask <= '0'; if (slv_state=data_cycle and dec_error='0' and slv_in.htrans/=busy and r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hsel='1' and (r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).htrans=nonseq or r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).htrans=seq)) then s_wrap_out.take <= r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hwrite; s_wrap_out.ask <= not r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hwrite; end if; end process; --*************************** --********** output ********* --*************************** process(s_wrap_in, hready_t, hresp_t, grant_slave, r_slv_in_v) begin for i in num_slvs-1 downto 0 loop slv_out.hsplit <= (others => '0'); slv_out.hrdata <= s_wrap_in.rdata; slv_out.hresp <= ok_resp; slv_out.hready <= '1'; if (i=grant_slave) then slv_out.hresp <= hresp_t; slv_out.hready <= hready_t; --easiest behaviour: wait for granting!! elsif (r_slv_in_v(i).hsel='1' and r_slv_in_v(i).htrans/=idle and r_slv_in_v(i).htrans/=busy) then slv_out.hready <= '0'; end if; end loop; end process; --*************************** --********** input ********** --*************************** process(hresetn, hclk) begin if hresetn='0' then for i in num_slvs-1 downto 0 loop r_slv_in_v(i).hsel <= '0'; r_slv_in_v(i).hready <= '0'; r_slv_in_v(i).haddr <= (others=>'0'); r_slv_in_v(i).hwrite <= '0'; r_slv_in_v(i).htrans <= idle; r_slv_in_v(i).hsize <= bits32; r_slv_in_v(i).hburst <= incr; r_slv_in_v(i).hprot <= "0011"; end loop; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then for i in num_slvs-1 downto 0 loop r_slv_in_v(i).hready <= slv_in.hready after 1 ns; if (slv_in.hready='1') then-- and slv_in.hsel='1' r_slv_in_v(i).hsel <= slv_in.hsel after 1 ns; r_slv_in_v(i).hburst <= slv_in.hburst after 1 ns; r_slv_in_v(i).hprot <= slv_in.hprot after 1 ns; r_slv_in_v(i).hsize <= slv_in.hsize after 1 ns; r_slv_in_v(i).hwrite <= slv_in.hwrite after 1 ns; end if; if (slv_in.hready='1' and r_slv_in_v(i).htrans/=busy) then-- and slv_in.hsel='1' r_slv_in_v(i).haddr <= slv_in.haddr after 1 ns; end if; if (slv_in.hready='1') then-- and slv_in.hsel='1' r_slv_in_v(i).htrans <= slv_in.htrans after 1 ns; end if; end loop; end if; end process; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SLAVES RESPONSES AND ARBITRATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- process(r_slv_in_v) begin for i in num_slvs-1 downto 0 loop slv_req(i) <= '0'; if (r_slv_in_v(i).hsel='1' and (r_slv_in_v(i).htrans=nonseq or r_slv_in_v(i).htrans=seq)) then slv_req(i) <= '1'; end if; end loop; end process; process(slv_req) variable v_req_ored: std_logic; begin v_req_ored := '0'; for i in num_slvs-1 downto 0 loop v_req_ored := v_req_ored or slv_req(i); end loop; req_ored <= v_req_ored; end process; update_pr:process(turn, grant_slave, r_hready, req_ored, slv_req, r_slv_in_v) variable t_turn, t_grant_slave: integer; begin t_turn := turn; t_grant_slave := grant_slave; if (r_hready='1' and req_ored='1' and r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).htrans/=busy and not(slv_req(grant_slave) and r_slv_in_v(grant_slave).hmastlock)='1') then case alg_number is when 0 => --fixed fixed_priority(t_turn, t_grant_slave, slv_req, turn); -- when 1 => --round robin -- round_robin(def_slv, t_turn, t_grant_slave, slv_req, turn); when others => --NOT IMPLEMENTED assert FALSE report "### NOT IMPLEMENTED!" severity FAILURE; end case; --else (no_ready) then SAME SLAVE end if; s_turn <= t_turn; s_grant_slave <= t_grant_slave; end process; process(hresetn, hclk) begin if hresetn='0' then grant_slave <= 0; turn <= 0; elsif hclk'event and hclk='1' then grant_slave <= s_grant_slave after 1 ns; turn <= s_turn after 1 ns; end if; end process; end rtl;
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