Subversion Repositories ahbmaster
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-- ********************************************************************/ -- Actel Corporation Proprietary and Confidential -- Copyright 2008 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved. -- -- ANY USE OR REDISTRIBUTION IN PART OR IN WHOLE MUST BE HANDLED IN -- ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACTEL LICENSE AGREEMENT AND MUST BE APPROVED -- IN ADVANCE IN WRITING. -- -- Description: AMBA BFMs -- AHB Lite BFM -- -- Revision Information: -- Date Description -- 01Sep07 Initial Release -- 14Sep07 Updated for 1.2 functionality -- 25Sep07 Updated for 1.3 functionality -- 09Nov07 Updated for 1.4 functionality -- 08May08 2.0 for Soft IP Usage -- -- -- SVN Revision Information: -- SVN $Revision: 3474 $ -- SVN $Date: 2008-10-10 04:43:58 -0700 (Fri, 10 Oct 2008) $ -- -- -- Resolved SARs -- SAR Date Who Description -- -- -- Notes: -- -- *********************************************************************/ library IEEE; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; package bfm_misc is type INTEGER_ARRAY is array ( INTEGER range <>) of INTEGER; subtype NIBBLE is UNSIGNED ( 3 downto 0); subtype BYTE is UNSIGNED ( 7 downto 0); subtype WORD is UNSIGNED (15 downto 0); subtype DWORD is UNSIGNED (31 downto 0); subtype QWORD is UNSIGNED (63 downto 0); type BYTE_ARRAY is array ( INTEGER range <>) of BYTE; type WORD_ARRAY is array ( INTEGER range <>) of WORD; type DWORD_ARRAY is array ( INTEGER range <>) of DWORD; type TIME_ARRAY is array ( INTEGER range <>) of TIME; type BOOLEAN_ARRAY is array ( INTEGER range <>) of BOOLEAN; type BOOLEAN_VECTOR is array ( INTEGER range <>) of BOOLEAN; constant ZERO : DWORD := (others => '0'); constant ZERO16 : WORD := (others => '0'); constant ALLONES : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant UNKNOWN : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := (others => 'U'); procedure waitclocks(signal clock : std_logic; N : INTEGER); function to_std_logic( x: UNSIGNED ) return std_logic_vector; function to_std_logic( x: SIGNED ) return std_logic_vector; function to_unsigned( x: std_logic_vector ) return UNSIGNED; function to_signed( x: std_logic_vector ) return SIGNED; function to_std_logic( tmp : INTEGER ) return std_logic; function to_std_logic_invert( tmp : INTEGER ) return std_logic; function to_std_logic( tmp : BOOLEAN ) return std_logic; function to_std_logic_invert( tmp : BOOLEAN ) return std_logic; function to_boolean( tmp : integer ) return BOOLEAN; function to_boolean( tmp : std_logic ) return BOOLEAN; function to_boolean_invert( tmp : std_logic ) return BOOLEAN; function to_integer( tmp : boolean ) return INTEGER; function to_byte ( x : INTEGER ) return BYTE; function to_word ( x : INTEGER ) return WORD; function to_dword ( x : INTEGER ) return DWORD; function to_byte ( str : STRING ) return BYTE; function to_word ( str : STRING ) return WORD; function to_dword ( str : STRING ) return DWORD; function to_dword_signed ( str : STRING ) return SIGNED; function init_data( seed : INTEGER; size : INTEGER) return DWORD_ARRAY; function init_data( seed : STRING; size : INTEGER) return DWORD_ARRAY; function maxval (a,b : integer) return integer; function minval (a,b : integer) return integer; function absval (a : integer) return integer; function muxop ( s: boolean; a,b : integer) return integer; function is_hex( str : STRING ) return BOOLEAN; function to_uppercase( c : character) return character; function onoff( x : boolean) return string; function notonoff( x : boolean) return string; function decode_params( str : string ) return INTEGER_ARRAY; procedure getstring( para : out string; str : string; pos : inout integer); end bfm_misc; package body bfm_misc is --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handle SIGNED and UNSIGNED to std_logic_vector conversions -- function to_std_logic( x: UNSIGNED ) return std_logic_vector is variable y: std_logic_vector(x'range); begin for i in x'range loop y(i) := x(i); end loop; return(y); end to_std_logic; function to_unsigned( x: std_logic_vector ) return UNSIGNED is variable y: UNSIGNED(x'range); begin for i in x'range loop y(i) := x(i); end loop; return(y); end to_unsigned; function to_std_logic( x: SIGNED ) return std_logic_vector is variable y: std_logic_vector(x'range); begin for i in x'range loop y(i) := x(i); end loop; return(y); end to_std_logic; function to_signed( x: std_logic_vector ) return SIGNED is variable y: SIGNED(x'range); begin for i in x'range loop y(i) := x(i); end loop; return(y); end to_signed; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Miscellanous Conversions -- function to_integer( tmp : boolean ) return INTEGER is begin if tmp then return (1); else return (0); end if; end to_integer; function to_std_logic_invert( tmp : INTEGER ) return std_logic is begin if tmp=1 then return ('0'); else return ('1'); end if; end to_std_logic_invert; function to_std_logic( tmp : INTEGER ) return std_logic is begin if tmp=1 then return ('1'); else return ('0'); end if; end to_std_logic; function to_std_logic_invert( tmp : BOOLEAN ) return std_logic is begin if tmp then return ('0'); else return ('1'); end if; end to_std_logic_invert; function to_std_logic( tmp : BOOLEAN ) return std_logic is begin if tmp then return ('1'); else return ('0'); end if; end to_std_logic; function to_boolean_invert( tmp : std_logic ) return BOOLEAN is begin if to_X01(tmp)='0' then return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); end if; end to_boolean_invert; function to_boolean( tmp : std_logic ) return BOOLEAN is begin if to_X01(tmp)='1' then return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); end if; end to_boolean; function to_boolean( tmp : integer ) return BOOLEAN is begin if tmp/=0 then return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); end if; end to_boolean; procedure waitclocks(signal clock : std_logic; N : INTEGER) is begin if N>0 then for i in 1 to N loop wait until clock'event and clock='0'; end loop; end if; end waitclocks; function to_byte ( x : INTEGER ) return BYTE is variable x1 : BYTE; begin x1 := to_unsigned( x,8); return(x1); end to_byte; function to_word ( x : INTEGER ) return WORD is variable x1 : WORD; begin x1 := to_unsigned( x,16); return(x1); end to_word; function to_dword ( x : INTEGER ) return DWORD is variable x1 : DWORD; begin x1 := to_unsigned( x,32); return(x1); return(x1); end to_dword; function to_byte( str : STRING ) return BYTE is variable str1 : string ( 1 to 2); variable x : INTEGER; variable dw : byte; begin str1 := str; for i in 1 to 2 loop case str1(i) is when '0' to '9' => x:= CHARACTER'POS(str1(i)) - CHARACTER'POS('0'); when 'A' to 'F' => x:= 10 + CHARACTER'POS(str1(i)) - CHARACTER'POS('A'); when 'a' to 'z' => x:= 10 + CHARACTER'POS(str1(i)) - CHARACTER'POS('a'); when others => assert FALSE report "Illegal Character in the Hex String" severity failure; end case; dw(11- (i*4) downto 8 - (i*4) ) := to_unsigned(x,4); end loop; return(dw); end to_byte; function to_word( str : STRING ) return WORD is variable str1 : string (1 to 4); variable dw : word; begin str1 := str; dw(15 downto 8) := to_byte( str1(1 to 2)); dw( 7 downto 0) := to_byte( str1(3 to 4)); return(dw); end to_word; function to_dword( str : STRING ) return DWORD is variable str1 : string (1 to 8); variable dw : dword; begin str1 := str; dw(31 downto 16) := to_word( str1(1 to 4)); dw(15 downto 0) := to_word( str1(5 to 8)); return(dw); end to_dword; function to_dword_signed ( str : STRING ) return SIGNED is variable r_sign : SIGNED(31 downto 0); variable r_unsign : UNSIGNED(31 downto 0); begin r_unsign := to_dword(str); for i in r_sign'range loop r_sign(i) := r_unsign(i); end loop; return(r_sign); end to_dword_signed; function init_data( seed : INTEGER; size : INTEGER) return DWORD_ARRAY is variable xdata : DWORD_ARRAY (0 to 255); begin -- In case there are any 16#FFFFFFFF# type constants Causes VSS to complain assert seed>=0 report "INIT_DATA with integer Seed cannot be negative" severity failure; for i in 0 to size-1 loop xdata(i) := to_dword(seed+i); end loop; return(xdata(0 to size-1)); end init_data; function init_data( seed : STRING; size : INTEGER) return DWORD_ARRAY is variable xdata : DWORD_ARRAY (0 to 255); variable seedxx : DWORD; begin seedxx := to_dword(seed); for i in 0 to size-1 loop xdata(i) := seedxx +i ; end loop; return(xdata(0 to size-1)); end init_data; function maxval( a,b : integer) return integer is begin if (a>b) then return(a); else return(b); end if; end maxval; function minval( a,b : integer) return integer is begin if (a<b) then return(a); else return(b); end if; end minval; function absval( a : integer) return integer is begin if (a>0) then return(a); else return(-a); end if; end absval; function muxop ( s: boolean; a,b : integer) return integer is begin if s then return(a); else return(b); end if; end muxop; function is_hex( str : STRING ) return BOOLEAN is variable ok : boolean; variable str1 : string ( 1 to 2); begin ok := TRUE; str1 := str; for i in 1 to 2 loop case str1(i) is when '0' to '9' => when 'A' to 'F' => when 'a' to 'z' => when others => OK := FALSE; end case; end loop; return(ok); end is_hex; function to_uppercase( c : character) return character is variable ok : boolean; variable cuc : character; begin case c is when 'a' to 'z' => cuc := character'val(character'pos(c)-32); when others => cuc := c; end case; return(cuc); end to_uppercase; function onoff( x : boolean) return string is begin if X then return("On"); else return("Off"); end if; end onoff; function notonoff( x : boolean) return string is begin if not X then return("On"); else return("Off"); end if; end notonoff; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- returns no of params, para1, para2 etc function decode_params( str : string) return INTEGER_ARRAY is variable pos : INTEGER; variable PARAMS : INTEGER_ARRAY(0 to 9); variable i,x : INTEGER; variable ERR : BOOLEAN; variable BASE : INTEGER; variable c : Character; begin pos := 2; i := 0; ERR := FALSE; PARAMS := ( others => 0 ); while str(pos)/=NUL and not ERR loop while str(pos)=' ' loop pos := pos+1; end loop; x := 0; BASE := 10; c := str(pos); while c/=' ' and c/=NUL and c/=',' and not ERR loop case str(pos) is when '0' to '9' => x :=x * BASE + character'pos(c) - character'pos('0'); when 'A' to 'F' => BASE := 16; x :=x * BASE + 10 + character'pos(c) - character'pos('A'); when 'a' to 'f' => BASE := 16; x :=x * BASE + 10 + character'pos(c) - character'pos('a'); when '#' => BASE := 16; when others => ERR := TRUE; --printf("Illegal character POS %d:",fmt(pos)&fmt(str)); end case; pos := pos +1; c := str(pos); end loop; i := i + 1; PARAMS(i) := x; end loop; if ERR then PARAMS(0) := 0; else PARAMS(0) := i; end if; -- for i in 0 to PARAMS(0) loop -- printf("Got %d",fmt(params(i))); -- end loop; return(PARAMS); end decode_params; procedure getstring( para : out string; str : string; pos : inout integer) is variable i,x : INTEGER; variable ERR : BOOLEAN; variable BASE : INTEGER; variable c : Character; begin i := 1; ERR := FALSE; for i in para'range loop para(i) := NUL; end loop; while str(pos)=' ' loop pos := pos+1; end loop; while str(pos) /= ' ' and str(pos)/=',' and str(pos)/=NUL and str(pos)/=';' loop para(i) := str(pos); i := i + 1; pos := pos + 1; end loop; end getstring; end bfm_misc;