Subversion Repositories ahbmaster
[/] [ahbmaster/] [trunk/] [test79_AHBmaster/] [component/] [work/] [top/] [CoreUARTapb_0/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [core/] [Rx_async.vhd] - Rev 3
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-- ******************************************************************** -- Actel Corporation Proprietary and Confidential -- Copyright 2008 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved. -- -- ANY USE OR REDISTRIBUTION IN PART OR IN WHOLE MUST BE HANDLED IN -- ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACTEL LICENSE AGREEMENT AND MUST BE APPROVED -- IN ADVANCE IN WRITING. -- -- Description: CoreUART/ CoreUARTapb UART core -- -- -- Revision Information: -- Date Description -- Jun09 Revision 4.1 -- Aug10 Revision 4.2 -- SVN Revision Information: -- SVN $Revision: 8508 $ -- SVN $Date: 2009-06-15 16:49:49 -0700 (Mon, 15 Jun 2009) $ -- -- Resolved SARs -- SAR Date Who Description -- 20741 2Sep10 AS Increased baud rate by ensuring fifo ctrl runs off -- sys clk (not baud clock). See note below. -- Notes: -- best viewed with tabstops set to "4" LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITY top_CoreUARTapb_0_Rx_async IS GENERIC ( SYNC_RESET : integer := 0; -- RX Parameters RX_FIFO : integer := 0); -- 0=without rx fifo, 1=with rx fifo PORT ( clk : IN std_logic; -- system clock baud_clock : IN std_logic; -- 8x baud clock pulse reset_n : IN std_logic; -- active low async reset bit8 : IN std_logic; -- if set to one 8 data bits otherwise 7 data bits parity_en : IN std_logic; -- if set to one parity is enabled otherwise disabled odd_n_even : IN std_logic; -- if set to one odd parity otherwise even parity read_rx_byte : IN std_logic; -- read rx byte register clear_parity : IN std_logic; -- clear parity error clear_framing_error : IN std_logic; -- clear framing error rx : IN std_logic; overflow : OUT std_logic; -- receiver overflow parity_err : OUT std_logic; -- parity error indicator on recieved data framing_error : OUT std_logic; -- framing error indicator (AS) rx_idle_out : OUT std_logic; -- used for framing error assignment (AS) stop_strobe : OUT std_logic; -- stop sync signal for RXRDY clear_framing_error_en : OUT std_logic; -- clear framing error enable clear_parity_en : OUT std_logic; -- clear parity error enable receive_full : OUT std_logic; -- receiver has a byte ready rx_byte : OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); fifo_write : OUT std_logic); END ENTITY top_CoreUARTapb_0_Rx_async; ARCHITECTURE translated OF top_CoreUARTapb_0_Rx_async IS -- TYPE receive_states: type receive_states is (rx_idle, rx_data_bits, rx_stop_bit, rx_wait_state); -- receive byte register SIGNAL rx_state : receive_states; -- receive state machine SIGNAL receive_count : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); -- counts bits received SIGNAL rx_filtered : std_logic; -- filtered rx data SIGNAL rx_shift : std_logic_vector(8 DOWNTO 0); -- receive shift register SIGNAL rx_parity_calc : std_logic; -- received parity, calculated SIGNAL rx_bit_cnt : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); -- count of received bits SIGNAL receive_full_int : std_logic; -- receiver has a byte ready SIGNAL samples : std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL overflow_int : std_logic; SIGNAL shift_choice : std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL parity_choice : std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL last_bit : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- receive state machine & byte register -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL overflow_xhdl1 : std_logic; SIGNAL parity_err_xhdl2 : std_logic; SIGNAL framing_error_i : std_logic; SIGNAL framing_error_int : std_logic; SIGNAL stop_strobe_i : std_logic; SIGNAL clear_parity_en_xhdl3 : std_logic; SIGNAL clear_framing_error_en_i : std_logic; -- AS: Added 07-29-09 SIGNAL receive_full_xhdl4 : std_logic; SIGNAL rx_byte_xhdl5 : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL last_bit_case : std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL fifo_write_xhdl6 : std_logic; SIGNAL aresetn : std_logic; SIGNAL sresetn : std_logic; BEGIN aresetn <= '1' WHEN (SYNC_RESET=1) ELSE reset_n; sresetn <= reset_n WHEN (SYNC_RESET=1) ELSE '1'; stop_strobe <= stop_strobe_i; framing_error <= framing_error_i; overflow <= overflow_xhdl1; parity_err <= parity_err_xhdl2; clear_parity_en <= clear_parity_en_xhdl3; receive_full <= receive_full_xhdl4; rx_byte <= rx_byte_xhdl5; fifo_write <= fifo_write_xhdl6; rx_idle_out <= '1' when (rx_state = rx_idle) else '0'; clear_framing_error_en <= clear_framing_error_en_i; last_bit_case <= bit8 & parity_en; -- filter the receive data -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The receive data filter is a simple majority voter that accepts three -- samples of the "raw" data and reports the most populus result. This -- provides a simple single-cycle glitch filter. -- This input needs to go to both the state machine start bit detector as -- well as the data shift register as this filter introduces a three-clock -- delay and we need to keep the phases lined up. -- majority : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN samples <= "111"; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN samples <= "111"; ELSE IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN samples(1 DOWNTO 0) <= samples(2 DOWNTO 1); samples(2) <= rx; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS majority; -- our voter PROCESS (samples) BEGIN CASE samples IS WHEN "000" => rx_filtered <= '0'; WHEN "001" => rx_filtered <= '0'; WHEN "010" => rx_filtered <= '0'; WHEN "011" => rx_filtered <= '1'; WHEN "100" => rx_filtered <= '0'; WHEN "101" => rx_filtered <= '1'; WHEN "110" => rx_filtered <= '1'; WHEN OTHERS => rx_filtered <= '1'; END CASE; END PROCESS; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- receive bit counter -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rcv_cnt : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN receive_count <= "0000"; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN receive_count <= "0000"; ELSE IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN -- no start bit yet or begin sample period for data IF ((baud_clock = '1' AND rx_state = rx_idle AND (rx_filtered = '1' OR receive_count = "1000")) OR (rx_state = rx_wait_state AND (receive_count = "0110"))) THEN receive_count <= "0000"; ELSE receive_count <= receive_count + "0001"; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS rcv_cnt; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- registering of the overflow signal -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_overflow : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN overflow_xhdl1 <= '0'; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN overflow_xhdl1 <= '0'; ELSE IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN IF (overflow_int = '1') THEN overflow_xhdl1 <= '1'; END IF; END IF; IF (read_rx_byte = '1') THEN overflow_xhdl1 <= '0'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS make_overflow; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- registering of the framing_error signal -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_framing_error : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN framing_error_i <= '0'; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN framing_error_i <= '0'; ELSE IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN IF (framing_error_int = '1') THEN framing_error_i <= '1'; ELSIF (clear_framing_error = '1') THEN framing_error_i <= '0'; END IF; ELSIF (clear_framing_error = '1') THEN framing_error_i <= '0'; ELSE framing_error_i <= framing_error_i; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS make_framing_error; make_last_bit : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF(aresetn = '0') THEN last_bit <= "1001"; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF(sresetn = '0') THEN last_bit <= "1001"; ELSE IF((baud_clock = '1') AND (rx_state = rx_idle) AND (receive_count = "1000")) THEN CASE(last_bit_case) IS WHEN "00" => last_bit <= "0111"; WHEN "01" => last_bit <= "1000"; WHEN "10" => last_bit <= "1000"; WHEN "11" => last_bit <= "1001"; WHEN OTHERS => last_bit <= "1001"; END CASE; ELSE last_bit <= last_bit; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; rcv_sm : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN rx_state <= rx_idle; rx_byte_xhdl5 <= "00000000"; overflow_int <= '0'; framing_error_int <= '0'; stop_strobe_i <= '0'; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN rx_state <= rx_idle; rx_byte_xhdl5 <= "00000000"; overflow_int <= '0'; framing_error_int <= '0'; stop_strobe_i <= '0'; ELSE IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN overflow_int <= '0'; framing_error_int <= '0'; stop_strobe_i <= '0'; CASE rx_state IS WHEN rx_idle => IF (receive_count = "1000") THEN rx_state <= rx_data_bits; ELSE rx_state <= rx_idle; END IF; WHEN rx_data_bits => IF (rx_bit_cnt = last_bit) THEN -- last bit has been received -- if receive_full is still active at this point, then overflow rx_state <= rx_stop_bit ; overflow_int <= receive_full_int; IF (receive_full_int = '0') THEN rx_byte_xhdl5 <= (bit8 AND rx_shift(7)) & rx_shift(6 DOWNTO 0); END IF; ELSE rx_state <= rx_data_bits; -- still clocking in bits END IF; WHEN rx_stop_bit => IF (receive_count = "1110") THEN IF (rx_filtered = '0') THEN framing_error_int <= '1'; END IF; ELSIF (receive_count = "1111") THEN stop_strobe_i <= '1'; rx_state <= rx_wait_state; ELSE rx_state <= rx_stop_bit; END IF; WHEN rx_wait_state => IF ((rx_filtered = '1') OR (receive_count = "0110")) THEN rx_state <= rx_idle; ELSE rx_state <= rx_wait_state; END IF; WHEN OTHERS => rx_state <= rx_idle; END CASE; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS rcv_sm; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- receive shift register and parity calculation -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- shift_choice <= bit8 & parity_en ; receive_shift : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN rx_shift(8 DOWNTO 0) <= "000000000"; rx_bit_cnt <= "0000"; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN rx_shift(8 DOWNTO 0) <= "000000000"; rx_bit_cnt <= "0000"; ELSE IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN IF (rx_state = rx_idle) THEN rx_shift(8 DOWNTO 0) <= "000000000"; rx_bit_cnt <= "0000"; ELSE IF (receive_count = "1111") THEN -- sample new data bit rx_bit_cnt <= rx_bit_cnt + "0001"; CASE shift_choice IS WHEN "00" => rx_shift(5 DOWNTO 0) <= rx_shift(6 DOWNTO 1); rx_shift(6) <= rx_filtered; WHEN "11" => rx_shift(7 DOWNTO 0) <= rx_shift(8 DOWNTO 1); rx_shift(8) <= rx_filtered; WHEN OTHERS => rx_shift(6 DOWNTO 0) <= rx_shift(7 DOWNTO 1); rx_shift(7) <= rx_filtered; END CASE; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS receive_shift; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- receiver parity calculation -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rx_par_calc : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN rx_parity_calc <= '0'; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN rx_parity_calc <= '0'; ELSE IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN IF (receive_count = "1111" AND parity_en = '1') THEN rx_parity_calc <= rx_parity_calc XOR rx_filtered; END IF; IF ((rx_state = rx_stop_bit)) THEN rx_parity_calc <= '0'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS rx_par_calc; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- latch parity error for even or odd parity -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- parity_choice <= bit8 & odd_n_even ; make_parity_err : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN parity_err_xhdl2 <= '0'; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN parity_err_xhdl2 <= '0'; ELSE IF ((baud_clock = '1' AND parity_en = '1') AND receive_count = "1111") THEN CASE parity_choice IS WHEN "00" => IF (rx_bit_cnt = "0111") THEN parity_err_xhdl2 <= rx_parity_calc XOR rx_filtered; END IF; WHEN "01" => IF (rx_bit_cnt = "0111") THEN parity_err_xhdl2 <= NOT (rx_parity_calc XOR rx_filtered); END IF; WHEN "10" => IF (rx_bit_cnt = "1000") THEN parity_err_xhdl2 <= rx_parity_calc XOR rx_filtered; END IF; WHEN "11" => IF (rx_bit_cnt = "1000") THEN parity_err_xhdl2 <= NOT (rx_parity_calc XOR rx_filtered); END IF; WHEN OTHERS => parity_err_xhdl2 <= '0'; END CASE; END IF; -- if (read_rx_byte == 1'b1) IF (clear_parity = '1') THEN parity_err_xhdl2 <= '0'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS make_parity_err; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- receive full indicator process -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- receive_full_indicator : PROCESS (clk, aresetn) BEGIN IF (aresetn = '0') THEN receive_full_int <= '0'; fifo_write_xhdl6 <= '1'; clear_parity_en_xhdl3 <= '0'; clear_framing_error_en_i <= '0'; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (sresetn = '0') THEN receive_full_int <= '0'; fifo_write_xhdl6 <= '1'; clear_parity_en_xhdl3 <= '0'; clear_framing_error_en_i <= '0'; ELSE fifo_write_xhdl6 <= '1'; clear_parity_en_xhdl3 <= '0'; clear_framing_error_en_i <= '0'; IF (baud_clock = '1') THEN -- last bit has been received IF (bit8 = '1') THEN IF (parity_en = '1') THEN IF (rx_bit_cnt = "1001" AND rx_state = rx_data_bits) THEN fifo_write_xhdl6 <= '0'; clear_parity_en_xhdl3 <= '1'; clear_framing_error_en_i <= '1'; IF (RX_FIFO = 2#0#) THEN receive_full_int <= '1'; END IF; END IF; ELSE IF (rx_bit_cnt = "1000" AND rx_state = rx_data_bits) THEN fifo_write_xhdl6 <= '0'; clear_parity_en_xhdl3 <= '1'; clear_framing_error_en_i <= '1'; IF (RX_FIFO = 2#0#) THEN receive_full_int <= '1'; END IF; END IF; END IF; ELSE IF (parity_en = '1') THEN IF (rx_bit_cnt = "1000" AND rx_state = rx_data_bits) THEN fifo_write_xhdl6 <= '0'; clear_parity_en_xhdl3 <= '1'; clear_framing_error_en_i <= '1'; IF (RX_FIFO = 2#0#) THEN receive_full_int <= '1'; END IF; END IF; ELSE IF (rx_bit_cnt = "0111" AND rx_state = rx_data_bits) THEN fifo_write_xhdl6 <= '0'; clear_parity_en_xhdl3 <= '1'; clear_framing_error_en_i <= '1'; IF (RX_FIFO = 2#0#) THEN receive_full_int <= '1'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF (read_rx_byte = '1') THEN receive_full_int <= '0'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS receive_full_indicator; receive_full_xhdl4 <= receive_full_int ; END ARCHITECTURE translated;