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[/] [ahbmaster/] [trunk/] [test79_AHBmaster/] [synthesis/] [synlog/] [AHBMASTER_FIC_fpga_mapper.srr] - Rev 3
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# Sat Jun 02 22:50:00 2018
Synopsys Microsemi Technology Mapper, Version mapact, Build 1920R, Built Nov 17 2016 09:40:34
Copyright (C) 1994-2016 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc. and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Product Version L-2016.09M-2
Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 98MB peak: 99MB)
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF667 |Clock conversion disabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 0" in the project file.)
Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 100MB)
Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 99MB peak: 100MB)
Starting Optimization and Mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 107MB peak: 109MB)
Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models
None Found
Finished RTL optimizations (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 107MB peak: 109MB)
Encoding state machine ahb_fsm_current_state[0:6] (in view: work.AHBMASTER_FIC(rtl))
original code -> new code
000 -> 0000001
001 -> 0000010
010 -> 0000100
011 -> 0001000
100 -> 0010000
101 -> 0100000
110 -> 1000000
@W: MO160 :"c:\actelprj\test79_ahbmaster\hdl\ahbmaster_fic.vhd":106:2:106:3|Register bit HSIZE[2] (in view view:work.AHBMASTER_FIC(rtl)) is always 0. To keep the instance, apply syn_preserve=1 on the instance.
@W: MO161 :"c:\actelprj\test79_ahbmaster\hdl\ahbmaster_fic.vhd":106:2:106:3|Register bit HSIZE[1] (in view view:work.AHBMASTER_FIC(rtl)) is always 1. To keep the instance, apply syn_preserve=1 on the instance.
@W: MO160 :"c:\actelprj\test79_ahbmaster\hdl\ahbmaster_fic.vhd":106:2:106:3|Register bit HSIZE[0] (in view view:work.AHBMASTER_FIC(rtl)) is always 0. To keep the instance, apply syn_preserve=1 on the instance.
Starting factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 108MB peak: 109MB)
Finished factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 109MB)
Finished gated-clock and generated-clock conversion (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 108MB peak: 109MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 109MB)
Starting Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 109MB)
Finished Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 109MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 109MB)
Finished preparing to map (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 109MB)
Finished technology mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
High Fanout Net Report
Driver Instance / Pin Name Fanout, notes
un1_HWDATA_0_sqmuxa_0 / Y 32
HADDR_int_0_sqmuxa / Y 32
HWDATA_int_0_sqmuxa_1 / Y 32
DATAOUT_0_sqmuxa_i / Y 32
un1_ahb_fsm_current_state_12_i / Y 32
HWDATA_1_sqmuxa_0_a4 / Y 33
v2v_pr_0.HADDR_7_sn_i0_i_i / Y 33
HRESETn_pad / Y 108 : 106 asynchronous set/reset
@N: FP130 |Promoting Net HRESETn_c on CLKBUF HRESETn_pad
@N: FP130 |Promoting Net HCLK_c on CLKBUF HCLK_pad
Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
Replicating Combinational Instance v2v_pr_0.HADDR_7_sn_i0_i_i, fanout 33 segments 2
Replicating Combinational Instance HWDATA_1_sqmuxa_0_a4, fanout 34 segments 2
Replicating Combinational Instance un1_ahb_fsm_current_state_12_i, fanout 32 segments 2
Replicating Combinational Instance DATAOUT_0_sqmuxa_i, fanout 32 segments 2
Replicating Combinational Instance HWDATA_int_0_sqmuxa_1, fanout 32 segments 2
Replicating Combinational Instance HADDR_int_0_sqmuxa, fanout 32 segments 2
Replicating Combinational Instance un1_HWDATA_0_sqmuxa_0, fanout 32 segments 2
Added 0 Buffers
Added 7 Cells via replication
Added 0 Sequential Cells via replication
Added 7 Combinational Cells via replication
Finished restoring hierarchy (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
@S |Clock Optimization Summary
Clock optimization not enabled
1 non-gated/non-generated clock tree(s) driving 170 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 gated/generated clock tree(s) driving 0 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 instances converted, 0 sequential instances remain driven by gated/generated clocks
=========================== Non-Gated/Non-Generated Clocks ============================
Clock Tree ID Driving Element Drive Element Type Fanout Sample Instance
@K:CKID0001 HCLK port 170 HADDR[0]
Start Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 108MB peak: 110MB)
Writing Analyst data base C:\Actelprj\test79_AHBmaster\synthesis\synwork\AHBMASTER_FIC_m.srm
Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files
Finished Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
Start final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
@W: MT420 |Found inferred clock AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK with period 10.00ns. Please declare a user-defined clock on object "p:HCLK"
# Timing Report written on Sat Jun 02 22:50:00 2018
Library name: PA3
Operating conditions: COMWCSTD ( T = 70.0, V = 1.42, P = 1.74, tree_type = balanced_tree )
Requested Frequency: 100.0 MHz
Wire load mode: top
Wire load model: proasic3
Paths requested: 5
Constraint File(s):
@N: MT320 |This timing report is an estimate of place and route data. For final timing results, use the FPGA vendor place and route report.
@N: MT322 |Clock constraints include only register-to-register paths associated with each individual clock.
Performance Summary
Worst slack in design: 0.679
Requested Estimated Requested Estimated Clock Clock
Starting Clock Frequency Frequency Period Period Slack Type Group
AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK 100.0 MHz 107.3 MHz 10.000 9.321 0.679 inferred Inferred_clkgroup_0
Clock Relationships
Clocks | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
Starting Ending | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack
AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK | 10.000 0.679 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths -
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
Interface Information
No IO constraint found
Detailed Report for Clock: AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK
Starting Points with Worst Slack
Starting Arrival
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
ahb_fsm_current_state[4] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1C0 Q ahb_fsm_current_state[4] 0.737 0.679
ahb_fsm_current_state[1] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1C0 Q ahb_fsm_current_state[1] 0.737 1.401
ahb_fsm_current_state[6] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1P0 Q ahb_fsm_current_state[6] 0.737 1.795
ahb_fsm_current_state[2] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1C0 Q ahb_fsm_current_state[2] 0.737 3.104
ahb_fsm_current_state[5] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1C0 Q ahb_fsm_current_state[5] 0.737 3.243
ahb_fsm_current_state[0] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1C0 Q ahb_fsm_current_state[0] 0.737 3.551
ahb_fsm_current_state[3] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1C0 Q ahb_fsm_current_state[3] 0.737 3.658
HADDR_int[0] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E1 Q HADDR_int[0] 0.737 6.526
HADDR_int[1] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E1 Q HADDR_int[1] 0.737 6.526
HADDR_int[2] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E1 Q HADDR_int[2] 0.737 6.526
Ending Points with Worst Slack
Starting Required
Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack
HADDR[10] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[10] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[11] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[11] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[12] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[12] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[13] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[13] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[14] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[14] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[15] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[15] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[16] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[16] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[17] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[17] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[18] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[18] 9.461 0.679
HADDR[19] AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK DFN1E0C0 D v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[19] 9.461 0.679
Worst Path Information
Path information for path number 1:
Requested Period: 10.000
- Setup time: 0.539
+ Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Required time: 9.461
- Propagation time: 8.782
- Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal)
= Slack (critical) : 0.679
Number of logic level(s): 3
Starting point: ahb_fsm_current_state[4] / Q
Ending point: HADDR[10] / D
The start point is clocked by AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK [rising] on pin CLK
The end point is clocked by AHBMASTER_FIC|HCLK [rising] on pin CLK
Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of
Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s)
ahb_fsm_current_state[4] DFN1C0 Q Out 0.737 0.737 -
ahb_fsm_current_state[4] Net - - 1.639 - 8
ahb_fsm_current_state_RNIFVDD[4] NOR2B A In - 2.376 -
ahb_fsm_current_state_RNIFVDD[4] NOR2B Y Out 0.514 2.890 -
HWDATA_1_sqmuxa_0 Net - - 2.218 - 17
v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7_sn_i0_i_i_0 NOR2 B In - 5.108 -
v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7_sn_i0_i_i_0 NOR2 Y Out 0.646 5.754 -
N_348_0 Net - - 2.218 - 17
v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[10] NOR2B A In - 7.972 -
v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[10] NOR2B Y Out 0.488 8.460 -
v2v_pr_0\.HADDR_7[10] Net - - 0.322 - 1
HADDR[10] DFN1E0C0 D In - 8.782 -
Total path delay (propagation time + setup) of 9.321 is 2.925(31.4%) logic and 6.396(68.6%) route.
Path delay compensated for clock skew. Clock skew is added to clock-to-out value, and is subtracted from setup time value
Timing exceptions that could not be applied
Finished final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
Finished timing report (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 109MB peak: 110MB)
Target Part: A3PN250_VQFP100_STD
Report for cell AHBMASTER_FIC.rtl
Core Cell usage:
cell count area count*area
AO1A 6 1.0 6.0
GND 1 0.0 0.0
MX2 33 1.0 33.0
NOR2 3 1.0 3.0
NOR2A 1 1.0 1.0
NOR2B 36 1.0 36.0
NOR3 1 1.0 1.0
NOR3A 1 1.0 1.0
NOR3B 1 1.0 1.0
NOR3C 4 1.0 4.0
OA1B 1 1.0 1.0
OAI1 1 1.0 1.0
OR2 6 1.0 6.0
OR2B 2 1.0 2.0
OR3 2 1.0 2.0
VCC 1 0.0 0.0
DFN1C0 6 1.0 6.0
DFN1E0C0 67 1.0 67.0
DFN1E1 64 1.0 64.0
DFN1E1C0 32 1.0 32.0
DFN1P0 1 1.0 1.0
----- ----------
TOTAL 270 268.0
IO Cell usage:
cell count
Core Cells : 268 of 6144 (4%)
IO Cells : 215
RAM/ROM Usage Summary
Block Rams : 0 of 8 (0%)
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 24MB peak: 110MB)
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Sat Jun 02 22:50:01 2018