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[/] [am9080_cpu_based_on_microcoded_am29xx_bit-slices/] [trunk/] [prog/] [ALTMON.ASM] - Rev 11

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;  ALTMON.ASM - 1K ROM monitor for the Altair 8800.
;     This monitor is based on the 2.0C monitor from Vector Graphic. The
;     original version has been updated to use Altair 2SIO serial ports
;     for I/O and several commands have been added and/or modified. 
;     A typical location for this PROM in an Altair is at F800, though
;     it can be assembled at most any address. The stack is typically
;     placed at the top of the minimum RAM you expect to have in your
;     system.
;  Version     Date     Author
;  -------  ----------  ---------------------------------------
;    1.0    01/10/2016  Mike Douglas  (Original)
;    1.1    02/29/2016  Mike Douglas
;               Fix bug in DUMP code that caused improper range of bytes
;               to display. Also in DUMP, display '.' for all characters
;               7Fh or above.
;               Initialize 2nd 2SIO port so that loading of Intel HEX
;               files works over the 2nd port. Only flush hex file
;               input on the console serial port to free up code space
;               and because it's not really required for the 2nd port.
;   Following is a summary of changes from the original VG 2.0c monitor:
;       All commands immediately echo a full command name as soon as the 
;       first command letter is typed (e.g., typing "M" immediately
;       displays "MOVE"). This makes it easier to identify commands 
;       without a list of commands present.
;       The ESC key can be pressed to abort input or commands as in
;       the later 4.x monitors from VG. The original ctrl-c abort is
;       still present as well.
;       The B (boot) command jumps to the Altair disk boot loader PROM
;       at FF00 instead of the North Star boot ROM.
;       A (ASCII dump) command removed and D (hex dump) updated to display
;       both hex and ASCII.
;       X (exchange) command changed to the E command.
;       H command added to load Intel hex file via either serial port
;       on a 2SIO. The L (load and go from tape) does a hex file load
;       as well (all tape commands eliminated).
;       J treated as jump (i.e., go to) command instead of jump to North
;       Star DOS.
;       K treated as fill memory with "K"onstant instead of jump to zero
;       (was the Z command which has been removed).
;       R command sizes RAM (i.e., runs the N non-destructive memory test)
;       Was previously a read from cassette command. All cassette commands
;       have been removed.
;       The Y command (Vector Graphic relocating loader) command has been
;       removed.
;       The T test memory command skips the 256 byte page the stack is on
;       to prevent crashing the program. A "." pacifier is displayed 
;       after each cycle through the memory test range is completed
;  Command Summary:
;       B jump to Altair disk boot loader (FF00)
;       C SSSS FFFF CCCC compare blocks
;       D SSSS FFFF dump in hex and ASCII
;       E SSSS FFFF DDDD exchange block
;       F SSSS FFFF DD DD find two byte sequence
;       G SSSS go to and execute
;       H P load Intel hex file from 2SIO port 0 or 1
;       I PP input from I/O port
;       J SSSS go to and execute (G)
;       K SSSS FFFF DD fill with "K"onstant
;       L P load Intel hex file from 2SIO port 0 or 1
;       M SSSS FFFF DDDD move block
;       N non destructive memory test (size RAM)
;       O PP DD output to port
;       P LLLL program memory
;       Q SSSS FFFF compute checksum
;       R non destructive memory test (size RAM)
;       S SSSS FFFF DD search for single byte sequence
;       T SSSS FFFF test memory
; Memory location equates

        org     00400h          ;ROM location

SPTR    equ     0ffffh          ;stack pointer (use 256 byte boundary)
SIOPORT equ     SPTR-32         ;2SIO port used for hex load
BOOT    equ     0ff00h          ;Altair disk boot loader ROM

; 88-2SIO equates

CONS    equ     10h             ;console status port
COND    equ     11h             ;console data port
TBE     equ     2               ;transmit buffer entry
RDA     equ     1               ;receive data available

; Misc Equates

CR      equ     13              ;ASCII carriage return
LF      equ     10              ;ASCII line feed
CTRLC   equ     3               ;ASCII control-c
ESC     equ     27              ;ASCII ESCAPE

;  monit - monitor entry point
monit   mvi     a,3             ;reset 6850 uart
        out     CONS
        out     CONS+2          ;2nd 2SIO port as well
        mvi     a,11h           ;8N2
        out     CONS
        out     CONS+2          ;2nd 2SIO port as well

        lxi     sp,SPTR
        call    dspMsg          ;display welcome banner
        db      CR,LF,LF,'ALTMON 1.','1'+80h

; start - command processing loop

start   lxi     sp,SPTR         ;re-init stack pointer
        lxi     h,start         ;RET's go back to start
        push    h

        call    crlf            ;display '*' prompt after CR/LF
        mvi     a,'*'
        call    ptcn

        call    getCon          ;read command from keyboard
        ani     05FH            ;lower case to upper case
        cpi     'B'
        rc                      ;too small
        cpi     'U'
        rnc                     ;too large

        lxi     h,cmdTbl+100h-2*'B'     ;'B' indexes to start of cmdtbl
        add     a               ;2 bytes per entry
        add     l
        mov     l,a

        mov     e,m             ;e=lsb of jump address
        inx     h
        mov     d,m             ;d=high byte of jump address
        pchl                    ;away we go

; Command Table

cmdTbl  dw      doboot          ;B jump to Altair disk boot loader
        dw      compr           ;C SSSS FFFF CCCC compare blocks
        dw      disp            ;D SSSS FFFF dump in hex
        dw      exchg           ;E SSSS FFFF DDDD exchange block
        dw      srch2           ;F SSSS FFFF DD DD two byte search
        dw      exec            ;G SSSS go to and execute
        dw      hexLoad         ;H P load Intel hex file from port
        dw      pinpt           ;I PP input from I/O port
        dw      exec            ;J SSSS jump to and execute (G)
        dw      fill            ;K SSSS FFFF DD fill RAM with "k"onstant
        dw      hexLoad         ;L P load Intel hex file from port
        dw      moveb           ;M SSSS FFFF DDDD move block
        dw      ndmt            ;N non destructive memory test (RAM size)
        dw      poutp           ;O PP DD output to port
        dw      pgm             ;P LLLL program memory
        dw      chksum          ;Q SSSS FFFF compute checksum
        dw      ndmt            ;R non destructive memory test (RAM size)
        dw      srch1           ;S SSSS FFFF DD search for single byte
        dw      tmem            ;T SSSS FFFF test memory

; exec (G or J) - execute the program at the address
exec    call    dspMsg
        db      'GOT','O'+80h

        call    ahex            ;read address from keyboard

; doBoot (B) - boot floppy disk by jumping to DBL PROM at FF00
doBoot  call    dspMsg
        db      'BOO','T'+80h

        jmp     BOOT

; chksum (Q) - compute checksum
chksum  call    dspMsg
        db      'CSU','M'+80h

        call    tahex
        mvi     b,0             ;start checksum = 0

csloop  mov     a,m             ;get data from memory
        add     b               ;add to checksum
        mov     b,a
        call    bmp
        jnz     csloop          ;repeat loop

        mov     a,b             ;a=checksum
        jmp     pt2             ;print checksum and exit

; tmem (T) - memory test routine
tmem    call    dspMsg
        db      'TES','T'+80h

        call    tahex           ;read addresses
        lxi     b,05a5ah        ;init b,c

cycl    mvi     a,'.'           ;display '.' before each cycle
        call    ptcn
        call    rndm
        push    b               ;keep all registers
        push    h
        push    d

tlop    mov     a,h             ;on stack page?
        cpi     (SPTR shr 8)-1  ;compare to msb of stack
        jz      skipWr          ;in stack, skip write
        call    rndm
        mov     m,b             ;write in memory
skipWr  call    bmp
        jnz     tlop            ;repeat loop

        pop     d               
        pop     h               ;restore original
        pop     b               ;values
        push    h
        push    d

rlop    mov     a,h             ;on stack page?
        cpi     (SPTR shr 8)-1  ;compare to msb of stack
        jz      skipRd          ;in stack, skip the read
        call    rndm            ;generate new sequence
        mov     a,m             ;read memory
        cmp     b               ;compare memory
        cnz     err             ;call error routine
skipRd  call    bmp
        jnz     rlop

        pop     d
        pop     h
        call    pause
        jmp     cycl

; rndm - this routine generates random numbers

rndm    mov     a,b             ;look at b
        ani     0b4h            ;mask bits
        ana     a               ;clear carry
        jpe     peve            ;jump if even
peve    mov     a,c             ;look at c
        ral                     ;rotate carry in
        mov     c,a             ;restore c
        mov     a,b             ;look at b
        ral                     ;rotate carry in
        mov     b,a             ;restore b
        ret                     ;return with new b,c

; disp (D) - display memory contents
disp    call    dspMsg
        db      'DUM','P'+80h

        call    tahex           ;read addresses

dmpLine push    h               ;save address at start of line
        mvi     c,16            ;16 locations per line
        call    ptad            ;print current address

; dump line in hex

dmpHex  mov     a,m             ;a=byte to display
        call    pt2             ;display it
        call    spce
        inx     h       
        dcr     c               ;decrement line byte count
        jnz     dmpHex          ;loop until 16 bytes done

; dump line in ASCII

        call    spce
        pop     h               ;hl->start of line
        mvi     c,16            ;16 locations per line

dmpAsc  mov     a,m             ;a=byte to display
        cpi     7Fh             ;test if >= 7Fh
        jnc     dspDot          ;non printable, show '.'

        cpi     ' '             ;displayable character?
        jnc     dspAsc          ;yes, go display it

dspDot  mvi     a,'.'           ;display '.' instead

dspAsc  call    ptcn            ;display the character
        call    bmp             ;increment hl, possibly de
        dcr     c               ;decrement line byte count
        jnz     dmpAsc          ;loop until 16 bytes done

        call    bmp             ;done?
        rz                      ;yes
        dcx     h               ;undo extra bump of hl
        jmp     dmpLine         ;do another line        

; pgm (P) - program memory
pgm     call    dspMsg
        db      'PG','M'+80h

        call    ahex            ;read address
        call    crlf
pglp    mov     a,m             ;read memory
        call    pt2             ;print 2 digits
        mvi     a,'-'           ;load dash
        call    ptcn            ;print dash

crig    call    rdcn            ;get user input
        cpi     ' '             ;space
        jz      con2            ;skip if space
        cpi     CR              ;skip if CR
        jnz     con1
        call    crlf            ;print CR,LF
        jmp     crig            ;back for more

con1    xchg                    ;HL->DE
        lxi     h,0             ;get 16 bit zero
        mvi     c,2             ;count 2 digits
        call    ahexNr          ;convert to hex (no read)
        mov     m,e
con2    inx     h
        jmp     pglp

; fill (K) - fill memory with a constant
fill    call    dspMsg
        db      'FIL','L'+80h

        call    tahex           ;read addresses
        push    h               ;start addr on stack
        mvi     c,2             ;reading 2 digits
        call    ahe0            ;input fill byte
        xchg                    ;byte to write from e to l
        xthl                    ;hl=start addr, stack=fill byte
        pop     b               ;c=fill byte from stack
zloop   mov     m,c             ;write into memory
        call    bmp             ;compare address, increment h
        jmp     zloop

; moveb (M) - move a block of memory
; exchg (E) - exhange block of memory
moveb   call    dspMsg
        db      'MOV','E'+80h
        xra     a               ;a=0 means "move" command
        jmp     doMove

exchg   call    dspMsg
        db      'EXC','H'+80h
                                ;a returned <> 0 means "exchange" command
doMove  mov     b,a             ;save move/exchange flag in b
        call    tahex           ;read addresses
        push    h
        call    ahex
        xthl                    ;HL->start, DE->end, stack has dest

mloop   mov     c,m             ;c=byte from source
        xthl                    ;hl->destination

        mov     a,b             ;move or exchange?
        ora     a
        jz      nexch           ;0 means move only

        mov     a,m             ;a=from destination
        xthl                    ;hl->source
        mov     m,a             ;move destination to source
        xthl                    ;hl->destination

nexch   mov     m,c             ;move source to destination
        inx     h               ;increment destination
        xthl                    ;hl->source
        call    bmp             ;increment source and compare to end
        jnz     mloop

        pop     h               ;remove temp pointer from stack
        ret                     ;and exit

; ndmt (N or R) - non destructive memory test (size RAM)
ndmt    call    dspMsg
        db      'RAMTO','P'+80h

        lxi     h,0ffffh        ;start at zero

ndlop   inx     h
        mov     a,m             ;read from address in hl
        mov     b,a             ;save original value in b
        cma                     ;form and write inverted value
        mov     m,a
        cmp     m               ;read and compare
        mov     m,b             ;restore original value
        jz      ndlop           ;keep going if still RAM

        jmp     err             ;display end of RAM

; compr (C) - compare two blocks of memory
compr   call    dspMsg
        db      'COM','P'+80h

        call    tahex           ;read addresses
        push    h               ;source start on stack
        call    ahex
        xchg                    ;de=source end, hl=compare start

vmlop   mov     a,m             ;a=compare byte
        inx     h
        xthl                    ;hl->source byte
        cmp     m               ;same?
        mov     b,m             ;b=source byte
        cnz     err             ;display the error
        call    bmp             ;increment pointers
        xthl                    ;hl->compare byte
        jnz     vmlop

        pop     h               ;remove temp pointer from stack
        ret                     ;and exit

; srch1 (S) - search for one byte
; srch2 (F) - search for two bytes
srch1   call    dspMsg
        db      'FIND','1'+80h
        xra     a               ;zero flag means one byte search
        jmp     doSrch

srch2   call    dspMsg
        db      'FIND','2'+80h
                                ;a returned <> 0 means two byte search

doSrch  push    psw             ;save 1/2 byte flag on stack
        call    tahex

        push    h               ;save h, getting 1st byte to find
        mvi     c,2             ;reading 2 hex digits
        call    ahe0            ;
        xchg                    ;h=code, d=f
        mov     b,l             ;put code in b
        pop     h               ;restore h

        pop     psw             ;a=one/two byte flag
        ora     a               ;zero true if one byte search
        push    psw
        jz      cont

        push    h               ;save h, getting 2nd byte to find
        mvi     c,2
        call    ahe0
        mov     c,l
        pop     h

cont    mov     a,m             ;read memory
        cmp     b               ;compare to code
        jnz     skp             ;skip if no compare

        pop     psw             ;a=one/two byte flag
        ora     a               ;zero true if one byte serach
        push    psw
        jz      obcp

        inx     h               ;two byte search
        mov     a,m
        dcx     h
        cmp     c
        jnz     skp

obcp    inx     h
        mov     a,m             ;read next byte
        dcx     h               ;decr address
        call    err             ;print data found

skp     call    bmp             ;check if done
        jnz     cont            ;back for more
        pop     psw             ;remove flag saved on stack

; poutp (O) - output data to a port
poutp   call    dspMsg
        db      'OU','T'+80h

        mvi     c,2
        call    ahe0            ;port number in e

        mvi     c,2
        call    ahe0            ;port to l, data in e

        mov     d,l             ;d=port
        lxi     h,SPTR-30h      ;form OUT nn, RET in memory at h
        mvi     m,0c9h          ;RET opcode
        dcx     h
        mov     m,d             ;output port for OUT instruction
        dcx     h
        mvi     m,0D3H          ;OUT opcode
        mov     a,e
        pchl                    ;call OUT, RET

; pinpt (I) - input data from a port
pinpt   call    dspMsg
        db      'I','N'+80h

        mvi     c,2
        call    ahe0            ;port number to e

        lxi     h,SPTR-30H      ;form IN nn, RET in memory at h
        mvi     m,0C9H          ;RET opcode
        dcx     h
        mov     m,e             ;input port of IN instruction
        dcx     h
        mvi     m,0DBH          ;IN opcode
        call    SPTR-32H
        jmp     pt2

; hexLoad (H or L) - load intel hex through 2SIO serial port 0 or 1
hexload call    dspMsg
        db      'HEXLOA','D'+80h

        mvi     c,1             ;read one hex digit
        call    ahe0            ;digit is in e
        lxi     h,SIOPORT       ;hl->location on stack to save port
        mov     m,e             ;SIOPORT = 0 or 1

; rcvLine - receive a hex file line

rcvLine call    crlf
        mvi     c,0             ;clear echo character flag

wtMark  call    getChar         ;read next character
        sui     ':'             ;record marker?
        jnz     wtMark          ;no, keep looking

; Have start of new record. Save the byte count and load address.
;   The load address is echoed to the screen so the user can
;   see the file load progress.

        mov     d,a             ;init checksum in D to zero

        call    iByte           ;input two hex digits (byte count)
        mov     a,e             ;test for zero byte count
        ora     a
        jz      flush           ;count of 0 means end

        mov     b,e             ;B = byte count on line

        inr     c               ;set echo flag for address bytes
        call    iByte           ;get MSB of address
        mov     h,e             ;H = address MSB
        call    iByte           ;get LSB of address
        mov     l,e             ;L = address LSB
        dcr     c               ;clear echo flag

        call    iByte           ;ignore/discard record type

; Receive the data bytes of the record and move to memory

data    call    iByte           ;read a data byte (2 hex digits)
        mov     m,e             ;store in memory
        inx     h
        dcr     b
        jnz     data

; Validate checksum

        call    iByte           ;read and add checksum
        jz      rcvLine         ;checksum good, receive next line

        call    dspMsg          ;display error message
        db      ' ER','R'+80h
                                ;fall into flush

; flush - flush rest of file as it comes in until no characters
;    received for about 1/4 second to prevent incoming file
;    data looking like typed monitor commands. Only the console
;    port needs to be flushed. 

flush   in      COND            ;clear possible received char
        lxi     d,10417         ;.25s timeout for 48 cycle loop

flshLp  in      CONS            ;(10) look for character on console
        rrc                     ;(4) data flag in carry
        jc      flush           ;(10) data received, restart

        dcx     d               ;(5) decrement timeout
        mov     a,d             ;(5)
        ora     e               ;(4)
        jnz     flshLp          ;(10) loop until zero
        ret                     ;done

; iByte - read two ascii hex bytes and return binary
;    value in e. 
iByte   call    getChar         ;get a character
        call    asc2Bin         ;ascii hex digit to binary
        add     a               ;put in msn, zero lsn
        add     a
        add     a
        add     a
        mov     e,a             ;save byte with MSN in E

; 2nd byte (LSN)

        call    getChar         ;get a character
        call    asc2Bin         ;ascii hex digit to binary
        add     e               ;combine msn and lsn
        mov     e,a             ;save in EH
        add     d               ;add character to checksum
        mov     d,a

; asc2Bin - ASCII hex digit to binary conversion. Digit
;    passed in a, returned in a. Errors ignored as checksum
;    will eventually kick this out.
asc2Bin sui     '0'             ;'0' to 0
        cpi     10              ;0-9 ?

        sui     7               ;'A-F' to A-F

; getChar - read a character from the 2SIO port specified in
;    SIOPORT. The character is also echoed to the console port
;    if the echo flag (c) is set (non-zero)
getChar push    b               ;save b,c
        lda     SIOPORT         ;a=pseudo port to use
        ora     a               ;port zero?
        jnz     inWait1         ;no, use port 1

; in through 1st port (0) on 2SIO

inWait0 call    cntlc           ;test for character from console
        jz      inWait0
        jmp     haveChr

; in through 2nd port (1) on 2SIO, check for ctrl-c on console
;    while waiting

inWait1 call    cntlc           ;look for ctrl-c on console
        in      CONS+2          ;wait for character on 2nd 2SIO
        rrc                     ;data flag in carry
        jnc     inWait1
        in      COND+2          ;a=character read

; process new character in a. Echo to console if c is non-zero

haveChr mov     b,a             ;save character in b
        mov     a,c             ;echo flag (c) set?
        ora     a
        jz      noEcho          ;no echo

        mov     a,b             ;a=character to send
        pop     b               ;restore b,c
        jmp     ptcn            ;display character and exit

noEcho  mov     a,b             ;a=byte read
        pop     b               ;restore b,c

;  Type conversion, input, output subroutines

; tahex - read two 16 bit addresses. 1st returned in HL, 2nd in DE
tahex   call    ahex            ;get first address param
                                ;fall into ahex to get 2nd param

; ahex - read up to 4 hex digits to binary, return in de
ahex    mvi     c,4             ;count of 4 digits
ahe0    lxi     h,0             ;16 bit zero
ahe1    call    rdcn            ;read a byte
ahexNr  cpi     '0'
        jc      start           ;below '0', abort
        cpi     ':'
        cnc     alph
        dad     h
        dad     h
        dad     h
        dad     h
        sui     '0'             ;ascii bias
        cpi     10              ;digit 0-10
        jc      alf
        sui     7               ;alpha bias
alf     add     l
        mov     l,a
        dcr     c
        jnz     ahe1            ;keep reading
        xchg                    ;result in de
                                ;fall through to print a space
; spce - print a space
; ptcn - print character passed in a
spce    mvi     a,' '           ;print space
ptcn    push    psw

ptlop   in      CONS            ;wait for OK to transmit
        ani     TBE
        jz      ptlop

        pop     psw             ;recover a
        ani     07fh            ;get rid of msbit
        out     COND            ;and print it
        ret                     ;return from ptcn

; alph - verify valid hex digit, abort to command loop if not
alph    cpi     'A'
        jc      start
        ani     05fh
        cpi     'G'
        jnc     start

; crlf - print CR/LF
crlf    mvi     a,CR
        call    ptcn
        mvi     a,LF    
        jmp     ptcn

; err - display the address in hl followed by the value
;    in b, then the value in a.
err     push    psw             ;save A
        call    ptad            ;print address
        mov     a,b             ;print B
        call    pt2
        call    spce
        pop     psw             ;print A
pt2     push    psw
        call    binh
        pop     psw
        jmp     binl

; ptad - display the address in h
ptad    call    crlf            ;print cr,lf
        call    pause
        mov     a,h             ;print
        call    pt2             ;ascii
        mov     a,l             ;codes
        call    pt2             ;for
        call    spce            ;address

; binh - print MSN of byte passed in A
; binl - print LSN of byte passed in A
binh    rar
binl    ani     0fh             ;low 4 bits
        adi     '0'             ;ascii bias
        cpi     03ah            ;digit 0-9
        jc      ptcn
        adi     7               ;digit A-F
        jmp     ptcn

; dspMsg - display in-line message. String terminated by byte
;      with msbit set.
dspMsg  pop     h               ;hl->string to display

dspLoop mov     a,m             ;a=next character to display
        call    ptcn            ;display character
        ora     m               ;MSB set? (last byte)
        inx     h               ;point to next character
        jp      dspLoop         ;no, keep looping

        call    spce            ;display a trailing space
        pchl                    ;return past the string

; rdcn - read from console to A with echo to screen
; getCon - read from console to A without echo
rdcn    call    getCon          ;get character from console
        cpi     ESC             ;ESC confuses smart terminals
        rz                      ;    so don't echo escape
        jmp     ptcn            ;echo onto printer

getCon  in      CONS            ;read keyboard status
        rrc                     ;data available flag in carry
        jnc     getCon

        in      COND            ;read from keyboard
        ani     07fh            ;strip off msb

; pause - pause/resume with spacebar. Also look for a ctrl-c
;    or ESC to abort.
pause   call    cntlc           ;look for abort or other character
        cpi     ' '
        rnz                     ;return if not space or abort

ploop   call    cntlc           ;loop here until space or abort pressed
        cpi     ' '
        jnz     ploop

; cntlc - see if a character has been typed. If not, return
;   zero true. If ctrl-c or ESC typed, abort and return to 
;   the command loop. Otherwise, return the character typed.
cntlc   in      CONS            ;anything typed?
        ani     RDA
        rz                      ;no, exit with zero true

        in      COND            ;get the typed character
        ani     07fh
        cpi     CTRLC           ;abort with ctrl-c (2.0 style)
        jz      start
        cpi     ESC             ;or ESC (4.x style)
        jz      start

; bmp - compare address and increment h. Return zero true
;   if hl=de. Once hl=de, then de is incremented each time
;   so the comparison remains true for subsequent calls.
bmp     mov     a,e             ;compare lsb's of hl,de
        sub     l
        jnz     goon            ;not equal

        mov     a,d             ;compare msb's of hl,de
        sbb     h               ;gives zero true if equal

goon    inx     h               ;increment hl
        rnz                     ;exit if hl <> de yet

        inx     d               ;increase de as well so it will
        ret                     ;    still be equal next time


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