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// //
// Amber 2 Core Instruction Test //
// //
// This file is part of the Amber project //
// http://www.opencores.org/project,amber //
// //
// Description //
// Tests the mul (multiply) instruction //
// //
// Uses a testset of 16 numbers and multiplies them //
// with eachother in every combination - 256 multiplications. //
// Checks each result against an expected result //
// //
// Author(s): //
// - Conor Santifort, csantifort.amber@gmail.com //
// //
// //
// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //
// //
// This source file may be used and distributed without //
// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //
// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //
// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //
// //
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //
// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //
// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //
// later version. //
// //
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //
// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //
// details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //
// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //
// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //
// //
#include "amber_registers.h"
.section .text
.globl main
@ -------------------------------
@ Test mul
@ -------------------------------
mov r6, #0
ldr r8, AdrTestset
loop: and r2, r6, #0xf
ldr r7, [r8, r2, lsl #2]
and r4, r6, #0xf0
ldr r5, [r8, r4, lsr #2]
mul r4, r7, r5
@ Check Result
@ -------------------------------
ldr r9, AdrAnswers
ldr r10, [r9, r6, lsl #2]
cmp r4, r10
bne testfail
add r6, r6, #1
cmp r6, #256
beq test2
b loop
@ Test Flags
@ Only the N and Z flags get set
@ the C and V flags can be unpredictable in v4
@ but this implementation leaves them at their
@ old values
@ -------------------------------
@ clear flags first
bic r2, r2, #0xf0000000
teqp pc, r2
mov r0, #1
mov r1, #-1
muls r2, r0, r1
mov r4, pc
and r4, r4, #0xf0000000 @ clear non-flag bits
cmp r4, #0x80000000
movne r10, #100
bne testfail2
cmp r2, #-1
movne r10, #110
bne testfail2
@ Test Flags
@ This time ensure that C and V retain their
@ old values
@ -------------------------------
@ clear flags first
mov r2, pc
ldr r7, PCMask
bic r2, r2, r7 @ clear pc bits
bic r2, r2, #0xf0000000 @ clear condition clags
orr r2, r2, #0x30000000 @ set C and V flags
teqp pc, r2
mov r0, #0
mov r1, #-1
muls r2, r0, r1
mov r4, pc
and r4, r4, #0xf0000000 @ clear non-flag bits
cmp r4, #0x70000000
movne r10, #120
bne testfail2
cmp r2, #0
movne r10, #130
bne testfail2
@ Test sequence of back-to-back MULs
@ where only some are executed
mov r0, #1
mov r1, #2
mov r2, #7
mov r3, #3
mov r4, #5
mov r5, #6
mov r7, #0
mov r8, #0
mov r9, #0
mov r10, #0
cmp r0, r1
mulne r7, r4, r5 @ executes
muleq r8, r2, r3 @ doesnt execute
mulne r9, r1, r4 @ executes
mulne r10, r3, r3 @ executes
cmp r7, #30
movne r10, #200
bne testfail2
cmp r8, #0
movne r10, #210
bne testfail2
cmp r9, #10
movne r10, #220
bne testfail2
cmp r10, #9
movne r10, #230
bne testfail2
@ Test sequence of back-to-back MULs
@ where only some are executed
@ and some change flags
mov r0, #0
mov r1, #-1
mov r2, #7
mov r3, #3
mov r4, #5
mov r5, #6
mov r7, #0
mov r8, #0
mov r9, #0
mov r10, #0
cmp r0, r1
mulnes r7, r0, r1 @ executes and changes flags
muleq r8, r2, r3 @ executes
mulne r9, r1, r4 @ doesnt execute
mulne r10, r3, r3 @ doesnt executes
cmp r7, #0
movne r10, #240
bne testfail2
cmp r8, #21
movne r10, #245
bne testfail2
cmp r9, #0
movne r10, #250
bne testfail2
cmp r10, #0
movne r10, #255
bne testfail2
@ Test tricky sequence of operations
mov r3, #1
mov r5, #0
mov r1, #7
cmp r1, #7
ldreq r2, Data1 @ 3
ldrne r3, Data2 @ 7, not loaded
muleq r4, r2, r3
ldrne r5, Data2
cmp r5, #0
movne r10, #150
bne testfail2
cmp r4, #3
movne r10, #160
bne testfail2
@ ------------------------------------------
@ ------------------------------------------
b testpass
ldr r11, AdrTestStatus
str r10, [r11]
b testfail2
ldr r11, AdrTestStatus
mov r10, #17
str r10, [r11]
b testpass
@ ------------------------------------------
@ ------------------------------------------
/* Write 17 to this address to generate a Test Passed message */
AdrTestStatus: .word ADR_AMBER_TEST_STATUS
AdrTestset: .word Testset
AdrAnswers: .word Answers
Data1: .word 0x3
Data2: .word 0x7
PCMask: .word 0x03fffffc
.word 0
.word 1
.word 2
.word 3
.word 27
.word 0x0000ffff
.word 0x40000000
.word 0x7fffffff
.word 0x7ffffffe
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0xfffffffd
.word 0xffffffe5
.word 0x8fff0000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x80000001
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000001
.word 0x00000002
.word 0x00000003
.word 0x0000001b
.word 0x0000ffff
.word 0x40000000
.word 0x7fffffff
.word 0x7ffffffe
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0xfffffffd
.word 0xffffffe5
.word 0x8fff0000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x80000001
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000002
.word 0x00000004
.word 0x00000006
.word 0x00000036
.word 0x0001fffe
.word 0x80000000
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0xfffffffc
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0xfffffffc
.word 0xfffffffa
.word 0xffffffca
.word 0x1ffe0000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000002
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000003
.word 0x00000006
.word 0x00000009
.word 0x00000051
.word 0x0002fffd
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x7ffffffd
.word 0x7ffffffa
.word 0xfffffffd
.word 0xfffffffa
.word 0xfffffff7
.word 0xffffffaf
.word 0xaffd0000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x80000003
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x0000001b
.word 0x00000036
.word 0x00000051
.word 0x000002d9
.word 0x001affe5
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x7fffffe5
.word 0x7fffffca
.word 0xffffffe5
.word 0xffffffca
.word 0xffffffaf
.word 0xfffffd27
.word 0x2fe50000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x8000001b
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x0000ffff
.word 0x0001fffe
.word 0x0002fffd
.word 0x001affe5
.word 0xfffe0001
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x7fff0001
.word 0x7ffe0002
.word 0xffff0001
.word 0xfffe0002
.word 0xfffd0003
.word 0xffe5001b
.word 0x70010000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x8000ffff
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x40000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x40000000
.word 0x40000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x40000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x7fffffff
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0x7ffffffd
.word 0x7fffffe5
.word 0x7fff0001
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x00000001
.word 0x80000002
.word 0x80000001
.word 0x00000002
.word 0x80000003
.word 0x8000001b
.word 0x70010000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x7ffffffe
.word 0xfffffffc
.word 0x7ffffffa
.word 0x7fffffca
.word 0x7ffe0002
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x80000002
.word 0x00000004
.word 0x80000002
.word 0x00000004
.word 0x80000006
.word 0x80000036
.word 0xe0020000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x7ffffffe
.word 0x00000000
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0xfffffffd
.word 0xffffffe5
.word 0xffff0001
.word 0xc0000000
.word 0x80000001
.word 0x80000002
.word 0x00000001
.word 0x00000002
.word 0x00000003
.word 0x0000001b
.word 0x70010000
.word 0x80000000
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.word 0x00000000
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.word 0xfffffffc
.word 0xfffffffa
.word 0xffffffca
.word 0xfffe0002
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.word 0x00000002
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.word 0x00000002
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.word 0x00000036
.word 0xe0020000
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.word 0xfffffff7
.word 0xffffffaf
.word 0xfffd0003
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.word 0x00000009
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.word 0x00000000
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.word 0xffffffaf
.word 0xfffffd27
.word 0xffe5001b
.word 0x40000000
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.word 0x0000001b
.word 0x00000036
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.word 0xd01b0000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x7fffffe5
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x8fff0000
.word 0x1ffe0000
.word 0xaffd0000
.word 0x2fe50000
.word 0x70010000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x70010000
.word 0xe0020000
.word 0x70010000
.word 0xe0020000
.word 0x50030000
.word 0xd01b0000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x8fff0000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x80000001
.word 0x00000002
.word 0x80000003
.word 0x8000001b
.word 0x8000ffff
.word 0x40000000
.word 0xffffffff
.word 0x7ffffffe
.word 0x7fffffff
.word 0xfffffffe
.word 0x7ffffffd
.word 0x7fffffe5
.word 0x8fff0000
.word 0x80000000
.word 0x00000001
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