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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Top Level testbench // // // // This file is part of the Amber project // // http://www.opencores.org/project,amber // // // // Description // // Instantiates the system, ddr3 memory model and tb_uart // // // // Author(s): // // - Conor Santifort, csantifort.amber@gmail.com // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG // // // // This source file may be used and distributed without // // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // // later version. // // // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // // details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps `include "system_config_defines.v" `include "global_defines.v" module tb(); `include "debug_functions.v" reg sysrst; `ifdef XILINX_VIRTEX6_FPGA reg clk_533mhz; `endif reg clk_200mhz; reg clk_25mhz; reg [31:0] clk_count = 'd0; integer log_file; `ifdef AMBER_LOAD_MAIN_MEM integer main_mem_file; reg [31:0] main_mem_file_address; reg [31:0] main_mem_file_data; reg [127:0] main_mem_file_data_128; integer main_mem_line_count; reg [22:0] mm_ddr3_addr; `endif integer boot_mem_file; reg [31:0] boot_mem_file_address; reg [31:0] boot_mem_file_data; integer boot_mem_line_count; integer fgets_return; reg [120*8-1:0] line; reg [120*8-1:0] aligned_line; wire [12:0] ddr3_addr; wire [2:0] ddr3_ba; wire ddr3_ck_p; wire ddr3_ck_n; wire [15:0] ddr3_dq; wire [1:0] ddr3_dqs_p; wire [1:0] ddr3_dqs_n; wire [1:0] ddr3_dm; wire ddr3_ras_n; wire ddr3_cas_n; wire ddr3_we_n; wire ddr3_cke; wire ddr3_odt; wire ddr3_reset_n; `ifdef XILINX_SPARTAN6_FPGA wire mcb3_rzq; wire mcb3_zio; `endif tri1 md_pad_io; wire uart0_cts; wire uart0_rx; wire uart0_rts; wire uart0_tx; // ====================================== // Instantiate FPGA // ====================================== system u_system ( // Clocks and resets .brd_rst ( sysrst ), .brd_clk_p ( clk_200mhz ), .brd_clk_n ( ~clk_200mhz ), `ifdef XILINX_VIRTEX6_FPGA .sys_clk_p ( clk_533mhz ), .sys_clk_n ( ~clk_533mhz ), `endif // UART 0 signals .o_uart0_cts ( uart0_cts ), .o_uart0_rx ( uart0_rx ), .i_uart0_rts ( uart0_rts ), .i_uart0_tx ( uart0_tx ), // DDR3 signals .ddr3_dq ( ddr3_dq ), .ddr3_addr ( ddr3_addr ), .ddr3_ba ( ddr3_ba ), .ddr3_ras_n ( ddr3_ras_n ), .ddr3_cas_n ( ddr3_cas_n ), .ddr3_we_n ( ddr3_we_n ), .ddr3_odt ( ddr3_odt ), .ddr3_reset_n ( ddr3_reset_n ), .ddr3_cke ( ddr3_cke ), .ddr3_dm ( ddr3_dm ), .ddr3_dqs_p ( ddr3_dqs_p ), .ddr3_dqs_n ( ddr3_dqs_n ), .ddr3_ck_p ( ddr3_ck_p ), .ddr3_ck_n ( ddr3_ck_n ), `ifdef XILINX_VIRTEX6_FPGA .ddr3_cs_n ( ddr3_cs_n ), `endif `ifdef XILINX_SPARTAN6_FPGA .mcb3_rzq ( mcb3_rzq ), .mcb3_zio ( mcb3_zio ), `endif // Ethernet MII signals .mtx_clk_pad_i ( clk_25mhz ), .mtxd_pad_o ( ), .mtxen_pad_o ( ), .mtxerr_pad_o ( ), .mrx_clk_pad_i ( clk_25mhz ), .mrxd_pad_i ( 4'd0 ), .mrxdv_pad_i ( 1'd0 ), .mrxerr_pad_i ( 1'd0 ), .mcoll_pad_i ( 1'd0 ), .mcrs_pad_i ( 1'd0 ), // Assert Carrier Sense from PHY .phy_reset_n ( ), // Ethernet MD signals .md_pad_io ( md_pad_io ), .mdc_pad_o ( ) ); // ====================================== // Instantiate DDR3 Memory Model // ====================================== `ifdef XILINX_FPGA ddr3_model_c3 #( .DEBUG ( 0 ) // Set to 1 to enable debug messages ) u_ddr3_model ( .ck ( ddr3_ck_p ), .ck_n ( ddr3_ck_n ), .cke ( ddr3_cke ), `ifdef XILINX_VIRTEX6_FPGA .cs_n ( ddr3_cs_n ), `else .cs_n ( 1'b0 ), `endif .ras_n ( ddr3_ras_n ), .cas_n ( ddr3_cas_n ), .we_n ( ddr3_we_n ), .dm_tdqs ( ddr3_dm ), .ba ( ddr3_ba ), .addr ( {1'd0, ddr3_addr} ), .dq ( ddr3_dq ), .dqs ( ddr3_dqs_p ), .dqs_n ( ddr3_dqs_n ), .tdqs_n ( ), .odt ( ddr3_odt ), .rst_n ( ddr3_reset_n ) ); `endif // ====================================== // Instantiate Testbench UART // ====================================== tb_uart u_tb_uart ( .i_uart_cts_n ( uart0_cts ), // Clear To Send .i_uart_rxd ( uart0_rx ), .o_uart_rts_n ( uart0_rts ), // Request to Send .o_uart_txd ( uart0_tx ) ); // ====================================== // Global module for xilinx hardware simulations // ====================================== `ifdef XILINX_FPGA `define GLBL glbl glbl(); `endif // ====================================== // Clock and Reset // ====================================== // 200 MHz clock initial begin clk_200mhz = 1'd0; // Time unit is pico-seconds forever #2500 clk_200mhz = ~clk_200mhz; end `ifdef XILINX_VIRTEX6_FPGA // 400 MHz clock initial begin clk_533mhz = 1'd0; // Time unit is pico-seconds forever #938 clk_533mhz = ~clk_533mhz; end `endif // 25 MHz clock initial begin clk_25mhz = 1'd0; forever #20000 clk_25mhz = ~clk_25mhz; end initial begin sysrst = 1'd1; #40000 sysrst = 1'd0; end // ====================================== // Counter of system clock ticks // ====================================== always @ ( posedge `U_SYSTEM.sys_clk ) clk_count <= clk_count + 1'd1; // ====================================== // Test Name // ====================================== initial begin $display("Test %s, log file %s",`AMBER_TEST_NAME, `AMBER_LOG_FILE); log_file = $fopen(`AMBER_LOG_FILE, "a"); end // ====================================== // Initialize Boot Memory // ====================================== `ifndef XILINX_FPGA initial begin $display("Load boot memory from %s", `BOOT_MEM_FILE); boot_mem_line_count = 0; boot_mem_file = $fopen(`BOOT_MEM_FILE, "r"); if (boot_mem_file == 0) begin `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE $display("ERROR: Can't open input file %s", `BOOT_MEM_FILE); end if (boot_mem_file != 0) begin fgets_return = 1; while (fgets_return != 0) begin fgets_return = $fgets(line, boot_mem_file); boot_mem_line_count = boot_mem_line_count + 1; aligned_line = align_line(line); // if the line does not start with a comment if (aligned_line[120*8-1:118*8] != 16'h2f2f) begin // check that line doesnt start with a '@' or a blank if (aligned_line[120*8-1:119*8] != 8'h40 && aligned_line[120*8-1:119*8] != 8'h00) begin $display("Format ERROR in input file %s, line %1d. Line must start with a @, not %08x", `BOOT_MEM_FILE, boot_mem_line_count, aligned_line[118*8-1:117*8]); `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE end if (aligned_line[120*8-1:119*8] != 8'h00) begin boot_mem_file_address = hex_chars_to_32bits (aligned_line[119*8-1:111*8]); boot_mem_file_data = hex_chars_to_32bits (aligned_line[110*8-1:102*8]); tb.u_system.u_boot_mem.u_mem.mem [boot_mem_file_address[12:2]] = boot_mem_file_data; `ifdef AMBER_LOAD_MEM_DEBUG $display ("Load Boot Mem: PAddr: 0x%08x, Data 0x%08x", boot_mem_file_address, boot_mem_file_data); `endif end end end $display("Read in %1d lines", boot_mem_line_count); end end `endif // ====================================== // Initialize Main Memory // ====================================== `ifdef AMBER_LOAD_MAIN_MEM initial begin $display("Load main memory from %s", `MAIN_MEM_FILE); `ifdef XILINX_FPGA // Wait for DDR3 initialization to complete $display("Wait for DDR3 initialization to complete before loading main memory"); #70000000 $display("Done waiting at %d ticks", `U_TB.clk_count); `endif main_mem_file = $fopen(`MAIN_MEM_FILE, "r"); // Read RAM File main_mem_line_count = 0; if (main_mem_file == 0) begin $display("ERROR: Can't open input file %s", `MAIN_MEM_FILE); `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE end if (main_mem_file != 0) begin fgets_return = 1; while (fgets_return != 0) begin fgets_return = $fgets(line, main_mem_file); main_mem_line_count = main_mem_line_count + 1; aligned_line = align_line(line); // if the line does not start with a comment if (aligned_line[120*8-1:118*8] != 16'h2f2f) begin // check that line doesnt start with a '@' or a blank if (aligned_line[120*8-1:119*8] != 8'h40 && aligned_line[120*8-1:119*8] != 8'h00) begin $display("Format ERROR in input file %s, line %1d. Line must start with a @, not %08x", `MAIN_MEM_FILE, main_mem_line_count, aligned_line[118*8-1:117*8]); `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE end if (aligned_line[120*8-1:119*8] != 8'h00) begin main_mem_file_address = hex_chars_to_32bits (aligned_line[119*8-1:111*8]); main_mem_file_data = hex_chars_to_32bits (aligned_line[110*8-1:102*8]); `ifdef XILINX_FPGA mm_ddr3_addr = {main_mem_file_address[13:11], main_mem_file_address[26:14], main_mem_file_address[10:4]}; main_mem_file_data_128 = tb.u_ddr3_model.memory [mm_ddr3_addr]; tb.u_ddr3_model.memory [mm_ddr3_addr] = insert_32_into_128 ( main_mem_file_address[3:2], main_mem_file_data_128, main_mem_file_data ); `ifdef AMBER_LOAD_MEM_DEBUG main_mem_file_data_128 = tb.u_ddr3_model.memory [mm_ddr3_addr]; $display ("Load DDR3: PAddr: 0x%08x, DDR3 Addr 0x%08h, Data 0x%032x", main_mem_file_address, mm_ddr3_addr, main_mem_file_data_128); `endif `else // Fast simulation model of main memory // U_RAM - Can either point to simple or Xilinx DDR3 model. // Set in hierarchy_defines.v main_mem_file_data_128 = `U_RAM [main_mem_file_address[31:4]]; `U_RAM [main_mem_file_address[31:4]] = insert_32_into_128 ( main_mem_file_address[3:2], main_mem_file_data_128, main_mem_file_data ); `ifdef AMBER_LOAD_MEM_DEBUG $display ("Load RAM: PAddr: 0x%08x, Data 0x%08x", main_mem_file_address, main_mem_file_data); `endif `endif end end end $display("Read in %1d lines", main_mem_line_count); end end `endif dumpvcd u_dumpvcd(); // ====================================== // Terminate Test // ====================================== `ifdef AMBER_A25_CORE `include "a25_localparams.v" `include "a25_functions.v" `else `include "a23_localparams.v" `include "a23_functions.v" `endif reg testfail; wire test_status_set; wire [31:0] test_status_reg; initial testfail = 1'd0; assign test_status_set = `U_TEST_MODULE.test_status_set; assign test_status_reg = `U_TEST_MODULE.test_status_reg; always @* begin if ( test_status_set || testfail ) begin if ( test_status_reg == 32'd17 && !testfail ) begin display_registers; $display("++++++++++++++++++++"); $write("Passed %s %0d ticks\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME, `U_TB.clk_count); $display("++++++++++++++++++++"); $fwrite(`U_TB.log_file,"Passed %s %0d ticks\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME, `U_TB.clk_count); $finish; end else begin display_registers; if ( testfail ) begin $display("++++++++++++++++++++"); $write("Failed %s\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME); $display("++++++++++++++++++++"); $fwrite(`U_TB.log_file,"Failed %s\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME); $finish; end else begin $display("++++++++++++++++++++"); if (test_status_reg >= 32'h8000) $write("Failed %s - with error 0x%08x\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME, test_status_reg); else $write("Failed %s - with error %1d\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME, test_status_reg); $display("++++++++++++++++++++"); if (test_status_reg >= 32'h8000) $fwrite(`U_TB.log_file,"Failed %s - with error 0x%08h\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME, test_status_reg); else $fwrite(`U_TB.log_file,"Failed %s - with error %1d\n", `AMBER_TEST_NAME, test_status_reg); $finish; end end end end // ====================================== // Timeout // ====================================== always @ ( posedge `U_SYSTEM.sys_clk ) if ( `AMBER_TIMEOUT != 0 ) if (`U_TB.clk_count >= `AMBER_TIMEOUT) begin `TB_ERROR_MESSAGE $display("Timeout Error"); end // ====================================== // Tasks // ====================================== task display_registers; begin $display(""); $display("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); $display("Amber Core"); case (`U_EXECUTE.status_bits_mode) FIRQ: $display(" User > FIRQ IRQ SVC"); IRQ: $display(" User FIRQ > IRQ SVC"); SVC: $display(" User FIRQ IRQ > SVC"); default: $display(" > User FIRQ IRQ SVC"); endcase $display("r0 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r0); $display("r1 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r1); $display("r2 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r2); $display("r3 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r3); $display("r4 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r4); $display("r5 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r5); $display("r6 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r6); $display("r7 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r7); $display("r8 0x%08x 0x%08x ", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r8, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r8_firq); $display("r9 0x%08x 0x%08x ", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r9, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r9_firq); $display("r10 0x%08x 0x%08x ", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r10, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r10_firq); $display("r11 0x%08x 0x%08x ", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r11, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r11_firq); $display("r12 0x%08x 0x%08x ", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r12, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r12_firq); $display("r13 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r13, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r13_firq, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r13_irq, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r13_svc); $display("r14 (lr) 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x", `U_REGISTER_BANK.r14, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r14_firq, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r14_irq, `U_REGISTER_BANK.r14_svc); $display("r15 (pc) 0x%08x", {6'd0,`U_REGISTER_BANK.r15,2'd0}); $display(""); $display("Status Bits: N=%d, Z=%d, C=%d, V=%d, IRQ Mask %d, FIRQ Mask %d, Mode = %s", `U_EXECUTE.status_bits_flags[3], `U_EXECUTE.status_bits_flags[2], `U_EXECUTE.status_bits_flags[1], `U_EXECUTE.status_bits_flags[0], `U_EXECUTE.status_bits_irq_mask, `U_EXECUTE.status_bits_firq_mask, mode_name (`U_EXECUTE.status_bits_mode) ); $display("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); $display(""); end endtask // ====================================== // Functions // ====================================== function [127:0] insert_32_into_128; input [1:0] pos; input [127:0] word128; input [31:0] word32; begin case (pos) 2'd0: insert_32_into_128 = {word128[127:32], word32}; 2'd1: insert_32_into_128 = {word128[127:64], word32, word128[31:0]}; 2'd2: insert_32_into_128 = {word128[127:96], word32, word128[63:0]}; 2'd3: insert_32_into_128 = {word32, word128[95:0]}; endcase end endfunction endmodule
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