
Subversion Repositories an-fpga-implementation-of-low-latency-noc-based-mpsoc

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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use soc;
use File::Path;
use File::Find::Rule;
use File::Copy;
use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy);
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Verilog::EditFiles;
use Gtk2;
use List::MoreUtils qw( minmax );
#	Comile
sub is_capital_sensitive()
  my ($cell_layout, $cell, $tree_model, $iter, $data) = @_;
  my $sensitive = !$tree_model->iter_has_child($iter);
  $cell->set('sensitive', $sensitive);
sub gen_combo_model{
	my $ref=shift;
	my %inputs=%{$ref};
	my $store = Gtk2::TreeStore->new('Glib::String');
  	 for my $i (sort { $a cmp $b} keys %inputs ) {
    	 	my $iter = $store->append(undef);
    	 	$store->set($iter, 0, $i);
    		for my $capital (sort { $a cmp $b} keys %{$inputs{$i}}) {
      			my $iter2 = $store->append($iter);
       			$store->set($iter2, 0, $capital);
	return $store;
sub gen_tree_combo{
	my $model=shift;
	my $combo = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_with_model($model);
   	my $renderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new();
    	$combo->pack_start($renderer, TRUE);
    	$combo->set_attributes($renderer, "text", 0);
    	$combo->set_cell_data_func($renderer, \&is_capital_sensitive);
	return $combo;
sub get_range {
	my ($board,$self,$porttype,$assignname,$portrange,$portname) =@_;
	my $box= def_hbox(FALSE,0);
	my @range=$board->board_get_pin_range($porttype,$assignname);
	if ($range[0] ne '*undefine*'){
		my $content = join(",", @range); 
		my ($min, $max) = minmax @range;
		if  (length($portrange)!=0){
			my $range_hsb=gen_combobox_object($self,'compile_pin_range_hsb',$portname,$content,$max,undef,undef);
			$box->pack_start( $range_hsb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
			$box->pack_start(gen_label_in_center(':'),, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
		my $range_lsb=gen_combobox_object($self,'compile_pin_range_lsb',$portname,$content,$min,undef,undef);
		$box->pack_start( $range_lsb, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	return $box;
sub read_top_v_file{
	my $top_v=shift;
	my $board = soc->board_new(); 
	my $vdb=read_verilog_file($top_v);
	my @modules=sort $vdb->get_modules($top_v);
	my %Ptypes=get_ports_type($vdb,$modules[0]);
	my %Pranges=get_ports_rang($vdb,$modules[0]);
	foreach my $p (sort keys %Ptypes){
		my $Ptype=$Ptypes{$p};
		my $Prange=$Pranges{$p};		
		my $type=($Ptype eq "input")? "Input" : ($Ptype eq "output")? 'Output' : 'Bidir';
		if (  $Prange ne ''){
			my @r=split(":",$Prange);
			my $a=($r[0]<$r[1])? $r[0] : $r[1];
			my $b=($r[0]<$r[1])? $r[1] : $r[0];
			for (my $i=$a; $i<=$b; $i++){
				$board->board_add_pin ($type,"$p\[$i\]");
		else {$board->board_add_pin ($type,$p);}			
	return $board;
sub gen_top_v{
	my ($self,$board,$name,$top)=@_;
	my $top_v=get_license_header("Top.v");
	#read port list 
	my $vdb=read_verilog_file($top);
	my %port_type=get_ports_type($vdb,"${name}_top");
	my %port_range=get_ports_rang($vdb,"${name}_top");
	my $io='';
	my $io_def='';
	my $io_assign='';
	my %board_io;
	my $first=1;
	foreach my $p (sort keys %port_type){
		my $porttype=$port_type{$p};
		my $portrange=$port_range{$p};
		my $assign_type = $self->object_get_attribute('compile_assign_type',$p);
		my $assign_name = $self->object_get_attribute('compile_pin',$p);
		my $range_hsb   = $self->object_get_attribute('compile_pin_range_hsb',$p);
		my $range_lsb   = $self->object_get_attribute('compile_pin_range_lsb',$p);
		my $assign="\t";
		if (defined $assign_name){
			if($assign_name eq '*VCC'){
				$assign= (length($portrange)!=0)? '{32{1\'b1}}' : '1\'b1';
			} elsif ($assign_name eq '*GND'){
				$assign= (length($portrange)!=0)? '{32{1\'b0}}' : '1\'b0';
			}elsif ($assign_name eq '*NOCONNECT'){ 
				my $range = (defined $range_hsb) ? "[$range_hsb : $range_lsb]" : 
					    (defined $range_lsb) ?  "[ $range_lsb]" : " ";
				my $l=(defined $assign_type)? 
					($assign_type eq 'Direct') ? '' : '~' : '';
				$assign="$l $assign_name $range";
		$io_assign= ($first)? "$io_assign \t  .$p($assign)":"$io_assign,\n \t  .$p($assign)";		
	foreach my $p (sort keys %board_io){
			$io=($first)? "\t$p" : "$io,\n\t$p";
			my $dir=$board_io{$p};
			my $range;
			my $type= ($dir eq  'input') ? 'Input' : 
			  	  ($dir eq  'output')? 'Output' : 'Bidir';
			my @r= $board->board_get_pin_range($type,$p);
			if ($r[0] eq '*undefine*'){
			} else {
				my ($min, $max) = minmax @r;
				$range="\t[$max : $min]\t";
			$io_def = "$io_def \t $dir $range $p;\n";
module Top (
	${name}_top uut(	
	my ($fname,$fpath,$fsuffix) = fileparse("$top",qr"\..[^.]*$");
	my $board_top_file= "$fpath/Top.v";
sub select_compiler {
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func)=@_;
	my $window = def_popwin_size(40,40,"Step 1: Select Compiler",'percent');
	#get the list of boards located in "boards/*" folder
	my @dirs = grep {-d} glob("../boards/*");
	my ($fpgas,$init);
	foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
		my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$dir",qr"\..[^.]*$");
		$fpgas= (defined $fpgas)? "$fpgas,$name" : "$name";		
	my $table = def_table(2, 2, FALSE);
	my $col=0;
	my $row=0;
	my $compilers=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','compilers');#"QuartusII,Verilator,Modelsim"
	my $compiler=gen_combobox_object ($self,'compile','type',$compilers,"QuartusII",undef,undef);
	$table->attach(gen_label_in_center("Compiler tool"),$col,$col+1,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);$col++;
	my $old_board_name=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','board');
	my $old_compiler=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','type');
	my $compiler_options = ($old_compiler eq "QuartusII")? select_board  ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir): 
			       ($old_compiler eq "Modelsim")?  select_model_path  ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir): 
								gen_label_in_center(" ");
	$table->attach($compiler_options,$col,$col+2,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2); $row++;
	my $i;	
	for ($i=$row; $i<5; $i++){
		my $temp=gen_label_in_center(" ");
		$table->attach_defaults ($temp, 0, 1 , $i, $i+1);
	$window->add ($table);
	my $next=def_image_button('icons/right.png','Next');
	$next-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $compiler_type=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','type');
		if($compiler_type eq "QuartusII"){
			my $new_board_name=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','board');
			if(defined $old_board_name) {
				if ($old_board_name ne $new_board_name){
					my ($fname,$fpath,$fsuffix) = fileparse("$top",qr"\..[^.]*$");
					#delete file
					unlink "${fpath}../sw/"; file  
					unlink "${fpath}../";
				my ($fname,$fpath,$fsuffix) = fileparse("$top",qr"\..[^.]*$");
				my $board_top_file= "$fpath/Top.v";
				unlink $board_top_file if ($old_board_name ne $new_board_name);
			if($new_board_name eq "Add New Board") {add_new_fpga_board($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func);}
			else {get_pin_assignment($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func);}
		}elsif($compiler_type eq "Modelsim"){
	$compiler->signal_connect("changed" => sub{
		my $new_board_name=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','type');
		$compiler_options = ($new_board_name eq "QuartusII")? select_board  ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir):
				    ($new_board_name eq "Modelsim")?  select_model_path  ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir):
				 gen_label_in_center(" ");
sub select_board {
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir)=@_;
	#get the list of boards located in "boards/*" folder
	my @dirs = grep {-d} glob("../boards/*");
	my ($fpgas,$init);
	$fpgas="Add New Board";
	foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
		my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$dir",qr"\..[^.]*$");
		$fpgas= (defined $fpgas)? "$fpgas,$name" : "$name";	
	my $table = def_table(2, 2, FALSE);
	my $col=0;
	my $row=0;
	my $old_board_name=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','board');
	$table->attach(gen_label_help("The list of supported boards are obtained from \"mpsoc/boards/\" path. You can add your boards by adding its required files in aformentioned path. Note that currently only Altera FPGAs are supported. For boards from other vendors, you need to directly use their own compiler and call $name.v file in your top level module.",'Targeted Board:'),$col,$col+1,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);$col++;
	$table->attach(gen_combobox_object ($self,'compile','board',$fpgas,$init,undef,undef),$col,$col+1,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);$row++;
	my $bin = $self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_bin');
	my $Quartus_bin=  $ENV{QUARTUS_BIN};
	$self->object_add_attribute('compile','quartus_bin',$ENV{QUARTUS_BIN}) if (!defined $bin && defined $Quartus_bin);
	$table->attach(gen_label_help("Path to quartus/bin directory. You can set a default path as QUARTUS_BIN envirement variable in ~/.bashrc file.
e.g:  export QUARTUS_BIN=/home/alireza/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/bin",'Quartus  bin:'),$col,$col+1,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);$col++;
	$table->attach(get_dir_in_object ($self,'compile','quartus_bin',undef,undef,undef),$col,$col+1,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);$row++;
	return $table;
sub select_model_path {
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir)=@_;
	my $table = def_table(2, 2, FALSE);
	my $col=0;
	my $row=0;
	my $bin = $self->object_get_attribute('compile','modelsim_bin');
	my $modelsim_bin=  $ENV{MODELSIM_BIN};
	$self->object_add_attribute('compile','modelsim_bin',$modelsim_bin) if (!defined $bin && defined $modelsim_bin);
	$table->attach(gen_label_help("Path to modelsim/bin directory. You can set a default path as MODELSIM_BIN envirement variable in ~/.bashrc file.
e.g.  export MODELSIM_BIN=/home/alireza/altera/modeltech/bin",'Modelsim  bin:'),$col,$col+1,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);$col++;
	$table->attach(get_dir_in_object ($self,'compile','modelsim_bin',undef,undef,undef),$col,$col+1,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);$row++;
	return $table;
sub remove_pin_assignment{
	my $self=shift;
sub add_new_fpga_board{
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func)=@_;	
	my $window = def_popwin_size(50,80,"Add New FPGA Board",'percent');
	my $table = def_table(2, 2, FALSE);
	my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
	$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
	my $mtable = def_table(10, 10, FALSE);
	my $next=def_image_button('icons/plus.png','Add');
	my $back=def_image_button('icons/left.png','Previous');	
    my $auto=def_image_button('icons/advance.png','Auto-fill');	
	set_tip($auto, "Auto-fill JTAG configuration. The board must be powered on and be connecred to the PC.");
	my $widgets= add_new_fpga_board_widgets($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func);
	my ($Twin,$tview)=create_text();
	my $v1=gen_vpaned($widgets,0.3,$Twin);
	#$table->attach_defaults( $Twin,0,3,1,2); 	
	$back-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$next-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
		my $result = add_new_fpga_board_files($self);
		if(! defined $result ){
			message_dialog("The new board has been added successfully!");
		}else {
			show_info(\$tview," ");
	$auto-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
		my $pid;
		my $hw;
		my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
		my $project_dir	  = abs_path("$dir/../../"); #mpsoc directory address		
		my $command=  "$project_dir/mpsoc/src_c/jtag/jtag_libusb/list_usb_dev";
		my ($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout($command);
		if(length $stderr>1){			
			add_colored_info(\$tview,"$command was not run successfully!\n",'red');
		}else {
				add_colored_info(\$tview,"$command was not run successfully!\n",'red');
				my @a=split /vid=9fb/, $stdout; 
				if(defined $a[1]){
					my @b=split /pid=/, $a[1]; 
					my @c=split /\n/, $b[1]; 
					add_colored_info(\$tview,"Detected PID: $pid\n",'blue');
					add_colored_info(\$tview,"The Altera vendor ID of 9fb is not detected. Make sure You have connected your Altera board to your USB port\n",'red');
		$command=  "$ENV{QUARTUS_BIN}/jtagconfig";
		if(length $stderr>1){			
			add_colored_info(\$tview,"$command was not run successfully!\n",'red');
		}else {
				add_colored_info(\$tview,"$command was not run successfully!\n",'red');
				my @a=split /1\)\s+/, $stdout; 
				if(defined $a[1]){
					my @b=split /\s+/, $a[1]; 
					add_colored_info(\$tview,"Detected Hardware: $hw\n",'blue');
					my $qsf=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_qsf');	
					if(!defined $qsf ){
						add_colored_info (\$tview,"Cannot detect devce location in JTAG chin. Please enter the QSF file or fill in manually \n",'red'); 
						#search for device nam ein qsf file
						if (!(-f $qsf)){
							add_colored_info (\$tview, "Error Could not find $qsf file!\n");
						my $str=load_file($qsf);
						my $dw= capture_string_between(' DEVICE ',$str,"\n");
						if(defined $dw){
					    	add_colored_info(\$tview,"Device name in qsf file is: $dw\n",'blue');
					    	@b=split /\n/, $a[1];
					    	#capture device name in JTAG chain
							my @f=(0);
							foreach my $c (@b){
								my @e=split /\s+/, $c;
								push(@f,$e[2]) if(defined $e[2]);
							my $pos=find_the_most_similar_position($dw ,@f);
					    	add_colored_info(\$tview,"$dw has the most similarity with $f[$pos] in JTAG chain\n",'blue');
					    	add_colored_info (\$tview, "Could not find device name in the $qsf file!\n");
					#add_colored_info(\$tview,"The Altera vendor ID of 9fb is not detected. Make sure You have connected your Altera board to your USB port\n",'red');
		$widgets= add_new_fpga_board_widgets($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func);
		$v1-> pack1($widgets, TRUE, TRUE); 	
	 #	my $cmd=" $ENV{'QUARTUS_BIN'}"
	$window->add ($mtable);
sub add_new_fpga_board_widgets{
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func)=@_;	
	my $table = def_table(2, 2, FALSE);
	my $help1="FPGA Board name. Do not use any space in given name";
	my $help2="Path to FPGA board qsf file. In your Altra board installation CD or in the Internet search for a QSF file containing your FPGA device name with other necessary global project setting including the pin assignments (e.g DE10_Nano_golden_top.qsf).";
	my $help3="Path to FPGA_board_top.v file. In your Altra board installation CD or in the Internet search for a verilog file containing all your FPGA device IO ports (e.g DE10_Nano_golden_top.v).";
	my $help4="FPGA Borad USB-Blaster product ID (PID). Power on your FPGA board and connect it to your PC. Then press Auto-fill button to find PID. Optinally you can run mpsoc/
src_c/jtag/jtag_libusb/list_usb_dev to find your USB-Blaster PID. Search for PID of a device having 9fb (altera) Vendor ID (VID)";
	my $help5="Power on your FPGA board and connect it to your PC. Then press Auto-fill button to find your hardware name. Optinally you can run \$QUARTUS_BIN/jtagconfig to find your programming hardware name. 
an example of output from the 'jtagconfig' command:
\t  1) ByteBlasterMV on LPT1
\t       090010DD   EPXA10
\t       049220DD   EPXA_ARM922
\t   1) DE-SoC [1-3]
\t       48A00477   SOCVHP5 
\t       02D020DC   5CS(EBA6ES|XFC6c6ES)   
ByteBlasterMV \& DE-SoC are the programming hardware name.";
my $help6="Power on your FPGA board and connect it to your PC. Then press Auto-fill button to find your devive location in jtag chain. Optinally you can run \$QUARTUS_BIN/jtagconfig to find your target device location in jtag chain."; 
	my @info = (
	{ label=>"FPGA Borad name:",                   param_name=>'quartus_board', type=>"Entry",     default_val=>undef, content=>undef, info=>$help1, param_parent=>'compile', ref_delay=> undef},
  	{ label=>'FPGA board golden top QSF file:',    param_name=>'quartus_qsf',   type=>"FILE_path", default_val=>undef, content=>"qsf", info=>$help2, param_parent=>'compile', ref_delay=>undef},
	{ label=>"FPGA board golden top verilog file", param_name=>'quartus_v',     type=>"FILE_path", default_val=>undef, content=>"v", info=>$help3, param_parent=>'compile',ref_delay=>undef },
	my @usb = (
	{ label=>"FPGA Borad USB Blaster PID:",        param_name=>'quartus_pid',   type=>"Entry",     default_val=>undef, content=>undef, info=>$help4, param_parent=>'compile', ref_delay=> undef},
	{ label=>"FPGA Borad Programming Hardware Name:", param_name=>'quartus_hardware',   type=>"Entry",     default_val=>undef, content=>undef, info=>$help5, param_parent=>'compile', ref_delay=> undef},
	{ label=>"FPGA Borad Device location in JTAG chain:", param_name=>'quartus_device',   type=>"Spin-button",     default_val=>0, content=>"0,100,1", info=>$help6, param_parent=>'compile', ref_delay=> undef},
	my $col=0;
	my $row=0;
	foreach my $d (@info) {
		($row,$col)=add_param_widget ($self, $d->{label}, $d->{param_name}, $d->{default_val}, $d->{type}, $d->{content}, $d->{info}, $table,$row,$col,1, $d->{param_parent}, $d->{ref_delay},undef,"vertical");
	my $labl=def_pack_vbox(FALSE, 0,(Gtk2::HSeparator->new,gen_label_in_center("FPGA Board JTAG Configuration"),Gtk2::HSeparator->new));
	$table->attach( $labl,0,3,$row,$row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2); $row++; $col=0;
	foreach my $d (@usb) {
		($row,$col)=add_param_widget ($self, $d->{label}, $d->{param_name}, $d->{default_val}, $d->{type}, $d->{content}, $d->{info}, $table,$row,$col,1, $d->{param_parent}, $d->{ref_delay},undef,"vertical");
	return ($row, $col, $table);	
sub add_new_fpga_board_files{
	my $self=shift;
	#check the board name
	my $board_name=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_board');
	return "Please define the Board Name\n" if(! defined $board_name ); 
	return "Please define the Board Name\n" if(length($board_name) ==0 ); 
	my $r=check_verilog_identifier_syntax($board_name);	
	return "Error in given Board Name: $r\n" if(defined $r ); 
	#check qsf file 
	my $qsf=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_qsf');	
	return "Please define the QSF file\n" if(!defined $qsf );
	#check v file 
	my $top=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_v');
	return "Please define the verilog file file\n" if(!defined $top );
	#check PID
	my $pid=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_pid');
	return "Please define the PID\n" if(! defined $pid ); 
	return "Please define the PID\n" if(length($pid) ==0 ); 
	#check Hardware name
	my $hw=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_hardware');
	return "Please define the Hardware Name\n" if(! defined $hw ); 
	return "Please define the Hardware Name\n" if(length($hw) ==0 ); 
	#check Device name name
	my $dw=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_device');
	return "Please define targeted Device location in JTAG chain. The device location must be larger than zero.\n" if( $dw == 0 ); 
	#make board directory
	my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
	my $path="$dir/../boards/$board_name";
	return "Error cannot make $path path" if ((-d $path)==0);
	#generate new qsf file
	open my $file, "<", $qsf or return "Error Could not open $qsf file in read mode!";
	open my $newqsf, ">", "$path/$board_name.qsf" or return "Error Could not create $path/$board_name.qsf file in write mode!";
	#remove the lines contain following strings
	while (my $line = <$file>){
		if ($line =~ /\Q$p[0]\E/ || $line =~ /\Q$p[1]\E/ || $line =~ /\Q$p[2]\E/ ||  $line =~ /\Q$p[3]\E/ ||  $line =~ /\Q$p[4]\E/){#dont copy the line contain TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY
			print $newqsf $line;
	print $newqsf "\nset_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files\n";
	close $newqsf;
	close $file;
	open $file, ">", "$path/" or return "Error: Could not create $path/ file in write mode!";
	my $jtag;
	if($pid eq 6001 || $pid eq 6002 || $pid eq 6003){
		$jtag="JTAG_INTFC=\"\$PRONOC_WORK/toolchain/bin/jtag_libusb -a \$PRODUCT_ID\"";	
		$jtag="JTAG_INTFC=\"\$PRONOC_WORK/toolchain/bin/jtag_quartus_stp -a \$HARDWARE_NAME -b \$DEVICE_NAME\"";
	print $file "#!/bin/bash
	close $file;
	open $file, ">", "$path/" or return "Error: Could not create $path/ file in write mode!";
print $file "#!/bin/bash
#	bash  programming_file.sof
#programming file 
#given as an argument:  \$1
#Programming mode
#cable name. Connect the board to ur PC and then run jtagconfig in terminal to find the cable name
#device name
#programming command
if [ -n "${QUARTUS_BIN+set}" ]; then
  $QUARTUS_BIN/quartus_pgm -m $PROG_MODE -c "$NAME" -o "p;${1}${DEVICE}"
  quartus_pgm -m $PROG_MODE -c "$NAME" -o "p;${1}${DEVICE}"
close $file;	
	return undef;
sub  get_pin_assignment{
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func)=@_;	
	my $window = def_popwin_size(80,80,"Step 2: Pin Assignment",'percent');
	my $table = def_table(2, 2, FALSE);
	my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
	$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
	my $mtable = def_table(10, 10, FALSE);
	my $next=def_image_button('icons/right.png','Next');
	my $back=def_image_button('icons/left.png','Previous');	
	my $board_name=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','board');
	#copy board file 
	my ($fname,$fpath,$fsuffix) = fileparse("$top",qr"\..[^.]*$");
	my $m= $self->object_get_attribute('mpsoc_name',undef);
	if(defined $m){	# we are compiling a complete NoC-based mpsoc						
		 my ($nr,$ne,$router_p,$ref_tops)= get_noc_verilator_top_modules_info($self);
    	 for (my $tile_num=0;$tile_num<$ne;$tile_num++){
		    #print "$tile_num\n";
			my ($soc_name,$num)= $self->mpsoc_get_tile_soc_name($tile_num);
			next if(!defined $soc_name);
	#copy board file 
	#get boards pin list
	my $top_v= "../boards/$board_name/$board_name.v";
	if(!-f $top_v){
		message_dialog("Error: Could not load the board pin list. The $top_v does not exist!");
	my $board=read_top_v_file($top_v);
	# Write object file
	#open(FILE,  ">lib/soc/tttttttt") || die "Can not open: $!";
	#print FILE Data::Dumper->Dump([\%$board],['board']);
	#close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
	my @dirs = ('Input', 'Bidir', 'Output');
	my %models;
	foreach my $p (@dirs){
		my %pins=$board->board_get_pin($p);
	my $row=0;
	my $col=0;
	my @lables= ('Port Direction','Port Range     ','Port name      ','Assigment Type','Board Port name ','Board Port Range');
	foreach my $p (@lables){
		my $l=gen_label_in_left($p);		
		$l->set_markup("<b>  $p    </b>");
		$table->attach ($l, $col,$col+1, $row, $row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2); 
	#read port list 
	my $vdb=read_verilog_file($top);
	my %port_type=get_ports_type($vdb,"${name}_top");
	my %port_range=get_ports_rang($vdb,"${name}_top");
	my %param = $vdb->get_modules_parameters("${name}_top");
	foreach my $p (sort keys %port_type){
		my $porttype=$port_type{$p};
		my $portrange=$port_range{$p};
		if  (length($portrange)!=0){	
			#replace parameter with their values		
			my @a= split (/\b/,$portrange);
			foreach my $l (@a){
				my $value=$param{$l};
				if(defined $value){
					chomp $value;
					($portrange=$portrange)=~ s/\b$l\b/$value/g      if(defined $param{$l});
				#	print"($portrange=$portrange)=~ s/\b$l\b/$value/g      if(defined $param{$l})\n";
			$portrange = "[ $portrange ]" ;
		my $label1= gen_label_in_left("  $porttype");
		my $label2= gen_label_in_left("  $portrange");
		my $label3= gen_label_in_left("  $p");
		$table->attach($label1, 0,1, $row, $row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);
		$table->attach($label2, 1,2, $row, $row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2); 
		$table->attach($label3, 2,3, $row, $row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2); 
		my $assign_type= "Direct,Negate(~)";
		if ($porttype eq  'input') {
			my $assign_combo=gen_combobox_object($self,'compile_assign_type',$p,$assign_type,'Direct',undef,undef);
			$table->attach( $assign_combo, 3,4, $row, $row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2); 
		my $type= ($porttype eq  'input') ? 'Input' : 
			  ($porttype eq  'output')? 'Output' : 'Bidir';
		my $combo= gen_tree_combo($models{$type});
		my $saved=$self->object_get_attribute('compile_pin_pos',$p);
		my $box;
		my $loc=$row;
		if(defined $saved) {
			  my @indices=@{$saved};
			  my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_indices(@indices);
			  my $iter = $models{$type}->get_iter($path);
    			  undef $path;
			  $box->destroy if(defined $box);
			  my $text=$self->object_get_attribute('compile_pin',$p);
			  $box=get_range ($board,$self,$type,$text,$portrange,$p);
			  $table->attach($box, 5,6, $loc, $loc+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);			 
    		$combo->signal_connect("changed" => sub{ 
			#get and saved new value
			my $treeiter=  $combo->get_active_iter();
			my $text = $models{$type}->get_value($treeiter, 0);
			#get and saved value position in model
			my $treepath = $models{$type}->get_path ($treeiter);
			my @indices=   $treepath->get_indices();
			#update borad port range
			$box->destroy if(defined $box);
			$box=get_range ($board,$self,$type,$text,$portrange,$p);
			$table->attach($box, 5,6, $loc, $loc+1,'fill','shrink',2,2);
    		$table->attach($combo, 4,5, $row, $row+1,'fill','shrink',2,2); 
	$next-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$back-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$window->add ($mtable);
sub quartus_compilation{
	my ($self,$board,$name,$top,$target_dir,$end_func)=@_;
	my $run=def_image_button('icons/gate.png','Compile');
	my $back=def_image_button('icons/left.png','Previous');	
	my $regen=def_image_button('icons/refresh.png','Regenerate Top.v');	
	my $prog=def_image_button('icons/write.png','Program the board');	
	my ($fname,$fpath,$fsuffix) = fileparse("$top",qr"\..[^.]*$");
	my $board_top_file ="${fpath}Top.v";
	unless (-e $board_top_file ){ 
		gen_top_v($self,$board,$name,$top) ;		
	my ($app,$table,$tview,$window) = software_main($fpath,'Top.v');
	$table->attach ($run,6, 7, 1,2,'shrink','shrink',2,2);
	$regen-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new (my $window,
                                      'question', # message type
                                      'yes-no', # which set of buttons?
                                      "Are you sure you want to regenaret the Top.v file? Note that any changes you have made will be lost");
  		my $response = $dialog->run;
  		if ($response eq 'yes') {
	$back-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$run-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $load= show_gif("icons/load.gif");
		$table->attach ($load,8, 9, 1,2,'shrink','shrink',2,2);
		my $error = 0;
		add_info(\$tview,"CREATE: start creating Quartus project in $target_dir\n");
		#get list of source file
		add_info(\$tview,"        Read the list of all source files $target_dir/src_verilog\n");
		my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
                            ->name( '*.v','*.V','*.sv' )
                            ->in( "$target_dir/src_verilog" );
		#make sure source files have key word 'module' 
		my @sources;
		foreach my $p (@files){
			push (@sources,$p)	if(check_file_has_string($p,'module')); 
		my $files = join ("\n",@sources);
		#creat project qsf file
		my $qsf_file="$target_dir/${name}.qsf";
		save_file ($qsf_file,"# Generated using ProNoC\n");
		#append global assignets to qsf file
		my $board_name=$self->object_get_attribute('compile','board');
		my @qsfs =   glob("../boards/$board_name/*.qsf");
		if(!defined $qsfs[0]){
			message_dialog("Error: ../boards/$board_name folder does not contain the qsf file.!");
		my $assignment_file =  $qsfs[0];
		if(-f $assignment_file){
			merg_files ($assignment_file,$qsf_file);
		#add the list of source fils to qsf file
		my $s="\n\n\n set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY Top\n";
		foreach my $p (@sources){
			my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$p",qr"\..[^.]*$");
			$s="$s set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE $p\n" if ($suffix eq ".v");
			$s="$s set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE $p\n" if ($suffix eq ".sv");
		add_info(\$tview,"\n Qsf file has been created\n");
		#start compilation
		my $Quartus_bin= $self->object_get_attribute('compile','quartus_bin');;
		add_info(\$tview, "Start Quartus compilation.....\n");
		my @compilation_command =(
			"cd \"$target_dir/\" \n xterm -e bash -c '$Quartus_bin/quartus_map --64bit $name --read_settings_files=on; echo \$? > status' ",
			"cd \"$target_dir/\" \n xterm -e bash -c '$Quartus_bin/quartus_fit --64bit $name --read_settings_files=on; echo \$? > status' ",
			"cd \"$target_dir/\" \n xterm -e bash -c '$Quartus_bin/quartus_asm --64bit $name --read_settings_files=on; echo \$? > status' ",
			"cd \"$target_dir/\" \n xterm -e bash -c '$Quartus_bin/quartus_sta --64bit $name;echo \$? > status' ");
		foreach my $cmd (@compilation_command){
			unlink "$target_dir/status";
			my ($stdout,$exit)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout( $cmd);
			open(my $fh,  "<$target_dir/status") || die "Can not open: $!";
			read($fh,my $status,1);
			if("$status" != "0"){			
				($stdout,$exit)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout("cd \"$target_dir/output_files/\" \n grep -h \"Error (\" *");
				add_colored_info(\$tview,"$stdout\n Quartus compilation failed !\n",'red');
		add_colored_info(\$tview,"Quartus compilation is done successfully in $target_dir!\n", 'blue') if($error==0);
		if (defined $end_func){
			if ($error==0){
			}else {
				message_dialog("Error in Quartus compilation!",'error');	
	#Programe the board 
	$prog-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
		my $error = 0;
		my $sof_file="$target_dir/output_files/${name}.sof";
		my $bash_file="$target_dir/";
		add_info(\$tview,"Programe the board using quartus_pgm and $sof_file file\n");
		#check if the programming file exists
		unless (-f $sof_file) {
			add_colored_info(\$tview,"\tThe $sof_file does not exists! Make sure you have compiled the code successfully.\n", 'red');
		#check if the file exists
		unless (-f $bash_file) {
			add_colored_info(\$tview,"\tThe $bash_file does not exists! This file veries depend on your target board and must be available inside mpsoc/boards/[board_name].\n", 'red');
		return if($error);
		my $command = "bash $bash_file $sof_file";
		my ($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout($command);
		if(length $stderr>1){			
			add_colored_info(\$tview,"Board was not programed successfully!\n",'red');
		}else {
				add_colored_info(\$tview,"Board was not programed successfully!\n",'red');
				add_colored_info(\$tview,"Board is programed successfully!\n",'blue');
sub modelsim_compilation{
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir)=@_;
	#my $window = def_popwin_size(80,80,"Step 2: Compile",'percent');
	my $run=def_image_button('icons/run.png','run');
	my $back=def_image_button('icons/left.png','Previous');	
	my $regen=def_image_button('icons/refresh.png','Regenerate testbench.v');	
	#create testbench.v
	gen_modelsim_soc_testbench ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir) unless (-f "$target_dir/src_verilog/testbench.v");
	my ($app,$table,$tview,$window) = software_main("$target_dir/src_verilog",'testbench.v');
	$table->attach ($run,9, 10, 1,2,'shrink','shrink',0,0);
	$regen-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new (my $window,
                                      'question', # message type
                                      'yes-no', # which set of buttons?
                                      "Are you sure you want to regenaret the testbench.v file? Note that any changes you have made will be lost");
  		my $response = $dialog->run;
  		if ($response eq 'yes') {
      			gen_modelsim_soc_testbench ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir);
	$back-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	#creat modelsim dir
	add_info(\$tview,"creat Modelsim dir in $target_dir\n");
	my $model="$target_dir/Modelsim";
	#create modelsim.tcl file
my $tcl="#!/usr/bin/tclsh
transcript on
if {[file exists rtl_work]} {
	vdel -lib rtl_work -all
vlib rtl_work
vmap work rtl_work
#Get the list of  all verilog files in src_verilog folder
	add_info(\$tview,"Get the list of all verilog files in src_verilog folder\n");
	my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
        	->name( '*.v','*.V','*.sv' )
                ->in( "$target_dir/src_verilog" );
#make sure source files have key word 'module' 
	my @sources;
	foreach my $p (@files){
		my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$p",qr"\..[^.]*$");
			if ($suffix eq ".sv"){$tcl=$tcl."vlog -sv -work work +incdir+$path \{$p\}\n";}
			else {$tcl=$tcl."vlog -vlog01compat -work work +incdir+$path \{$p\}\n";}
vsim -t 1ps  -L rtl_work -L work -voptargs=\"+acc\"  testbench
add wave *
view structure
view signals
run -all
	add_info(\$tview,"Create run.tcl file\n");
	save_file ("$model/run.tcl",$tcl);
	$run -> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $modelsim_bin= $self->object_get_attribute('compile','modelsim_bin');		
		my $cmd="cd $target_dir; $modelsim_bin/vsim -do $model/run.tcl";
		my ($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout($cmd);
		if(length $stderr>1){	
		}else {
# source files : $target_dir/src_verilog
# work dir : $target_dir/src_verilog
sub verilator_compilation {
	my ($top_ref,$target_dir,$outtext)=@_;
	my %tops = %{$top_ref};
	#creat verilator dir
	add_info(\$outtext,"creat verilator dir in $target_dir\n");
	my $verilator="$target_dir/verilator";
	my @ff = ("$target_dir/src_verilog");
	push (@ff,"$target_dir/src_verilator") if (-d "$target_dir/src_verilator");
	#copy all verilog files in rtl_work folder
	add_info(\$outtext,"Copy all verilog files in rtl_work folder\n");
	my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()
        	->name( '*.v','*.V','*.sv','*.vh')
                ->in( @ff );
	foreach my $file (@files) {
	@files = File::Find::Rule->file()
        	->name( '*.sv','*.vh' )
            ->in( @ff );
	foreach my $file (@files) {
	#"split all verilog modules in separate  files"
	add_info(\$outtext,"split all verilog modules in separate files\n");
   	my $split = Verilog::EditFiles->new
       	(outdir => "$verilator/processed_rtl",
        translate_synthesis => 0,
        celldefine => 0,
	#run verilator
	#my $cmd= "cd \"$verilator/processed_rtl\" \n xterm -e bash -c ' verilator  --cc $name.v --profile-cfuncs --prefix \"Vtop\" -O3  -CFLAGS -O3'";
	foreach my $top (sort keys %tops) {
		add_colored_info(\$outtext,"Generate $top Verilator model from $tops{$top} file\n",'green');
		my $cmd= "cd \"$verilator/processed_rtl\" \n  verilator  --cc $tops{$top}  --prefix \"$top\" -O3  -CFLAGS -O3";
		my ($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout($cmd);
		if(length $stderr>1){			
		}else {
	#check if verilator model has been generated 
	foreach my $top (sort keys %tops) {
		if (-f "$verilator/processed_rtl/obj_dir/$top.cpp"){#succsess
		}else {
			return 0;
	#generate makefile
	return 1;
sub gen_verilator_makefile{
	my ($top_ref,$target_dir) =@_;
	my %tops = %{$top_ref};
	my $p='';
	my $q='';
	my $h='';
	my $l;
	my $lib_num=0;
	my $all_lib="";
	foreach my $top (sort keys %tops) {
		$p = "$p ${top}__ALL.a ";
		$q = $q."lib$lib_num:\n\t\$(MAKE) -f ${top}.mk\n"; 
		$h = "$h ${top}.h "; 
		$l = $top;
		$all_lib=$all_lib." lib$lib_num";
	my $make= "
default: sim
include $
lib: $all_lib
# Compile flags
ifeq (\$(CFG_WITH_CCWARN),yes)	# Local... Else don't burden users
CPPFLAGS += -W -Werror -Wall
# Linking final exe -- presumes have a sim_main.cpp
sim:	testbench.o \$(VK_GLOBAL_OBJS) $p
	\$(LINK) \$(LDFLAGS) -g \$^ \$(LOADLIBES) \$(LDLIBS) -o testbench \$(LIBS) -Wall -O3 2>&1 | c++filt
testbench.o: testbench.cpp $h
	rm *.o *.a testbench	
save_file ($target_dir,$make);
sub verilator_compilation_win {
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir)=@_;
	my $window = def_popwin_size(80,80,"Step 2: Compile",'percent');
	my $mtable = def_table(10, 10, FALSE);
	my ($outbox,$outtext)= create_text();
	my $next=def_image_button('icons/run.png','Next');
	my $back=def_image_button('icons/left.png','Previous');	
	my $load= show_gif("icons/load.gif");
	$mtable->attach_defaults ($outbox ,0, 10, 4,9);
	$back-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$next-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$window->add ($mtable);
	my $result;
	my $n= $self->object_get_attribute('soc_name',undef);
	if(defined $n){	#we are compiling a single tile as SoC
		my %tops;
		$tops{"Vtop"}= "$name.v";
		$result = verilator_compilation (\%tops,$target_dir,$outtext);	
	else { # we are compiling a complete NoC-based mpsoc
		$result = gen_mpsoc_verilator_model ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$outtext);		
	#check if verilator model has been generated 
	if ($result){
		add_colored_info(\$outtext,"Veriator model has been generated successfully!",'blue');
	}else {
		add_colored_info(\$outtext,"Verilator compilation failed!\n","red"); 
sub  gen_mpsoc_verilator_model{
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$outtext)=@_;	
	my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
	my $project_dir	  = abs_path("$dir/..");
	my $src_verilator_dir="$project_dir/src_verilator";
	my $target_verilog_dr ="$target_dir/src_verilog";
	my $target_verilator_dr ="$target_dir/src_verilator";
	my $sw_dir 	= "$target_dir/sw";
	my $src_noc_dir="$project_dir/src_noc";	
	#copy src_verilator files
	my @files_list = File::Find::Rule->file()
                            ->name( '*.v','*.V','*.sv' )
                            ->in( "$src_verilator_dir" );
	#make sure source files have key word 'module' 
	my @files;
	foreach my $p (@files_list){
		push (@files,$p)	if(check_file_has_string($p,'module')); 
	copy_file_and_folders (\@files,$project_dir,$target_verilator_dr);
	#copy src_noc files
	#my @files2;
	#push (@files2,$src_noc_dir);
	#copy_file_and_folders (\@files2,$project_dir,$target_verilog_dr);
	#create each tile top module 	
    my $processors_en=0;
    my $mpsoc=$self;    
    my $lisence= get_license_header("verilator_tiles"); 
	my $warning=autogen_warning();    
    my $verilator=$lisence.$warning;
    # generate NoC parameter file
	my ($noc_param,$pass_param)=gen_noc_param_v($self);
	my $noc_param_v= " \`ifdef     INCLUDE_PARAM \n \n 
	//simulation parameter	
\n \n \`endif" ; 
    my ($nr,$ne,$router_p,$ref_tops)= get_noc_verilator_top_modules_info($self);
    my %tops = %{$ref_tops};
    for (my $tile_num=0;$tile_num<$ne;$tile_num++){
		#print "$tile_num\n";
		my ($soc_name,$num)= $mpsoc->mpsoc_get_tile_soc_name($tile_num);
		my $soc=eval_soc($mpsoc,$soc_name,$outtext);
		my $top=$mpsoc->mpsoc_get_soc($soc_name);
		my $soc_num= $tile_num;		
		#update core id
		#update NoC param
		my $nocparam =$mpsoc->object_get_attribute('noc_param',undef);
		my ($NE, $NR, $RAw, $EAw, $Fw) = get_topology_info($mpsoc);
		my %y=%{$nocparam};
		$y{'EAw'} = $EAw;
		$y{'RAw'} = $RAw;
		$y{'Fw'}  = $Fw; 		
		my @nis=get_NI_instance_list($top);
		$soc->soc_add_instance_param($nis[0] ,\%y );
		my $tile=$tile_num;
		my $setting=$mpsoc->mpsoc_get_tile_param_setting($tile);
		my %params;
		if ($setting eq 'Custom'){
			 %params= $top->top_get_custom_soc_param($tile);
		my $sw_path 	= "$sw_dir/tile$tile_num";
		$verilator = $verilator.soc_generate_verilatore ($soc,$sw_path,"tile_$tile",\%params);	
		$tops{"Vtile$tile_num"}= "tile_$tile.v";
	save_file ("$target_verilator_dr/verilator_tiles.v",$verilator);
	my $result = verilator_compilation (\%tops,$target_dir,$outtext);
	return $result;
sub gen_verilator_soc_testbench {
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir)=@_;
	my $verilator="$target_dir/verilator";
	my $dir="$verilator/";
	my $soc_top= $self->soc_get_top ();
	my @intfcs=$soc_top->top_get_intfc_list();
	my %PP;
	my $top_port_info="IO type\t  port_size\t  port_name\n";
	foreach my $intfc (@intfcs){
		my $key= ( $intfc eq 'plug:clk[0]')? 'clk' : 
			 ( $intfc eq 'plug:reset[0]')? 'reset':
			 ( $intfc eq 'plug:enable[0]')? 'en' : 'other';
		my $key1="${key}1";
		my $key0="${key}0";
		my @ports=$soc_top->top_get_intfc_ports_list($intfc);
		foreach my $p (@ports){
			my($inst,$range,$type,$intfc_name,$intfc_port)= $soc_top->top_get_port($p);
			$PP{$key1}= (defined $PP{$key1})? "$PP{$key1} top->$p=1;\n" : "top->$p=1;\n";
			$PP{$key0}= (defined $PP{$key0})? "$PP{$key0} top->$p=0;\n" : "top->$p=0;\n";	
			$top_port_info="$top_port_info $type  $range  top->$p \n";
	my $main_c=get_license_header("testbench.cpp");
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <verilated.h>          // Defines common routines
#include \"Vtop.h\"               // From Verilating \"$name.v\" file
Vtop		 	*top;
int reset,clk;
unsigned int main_time = 0; // Current simulation time
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);   // Remember args
	top	= new Vtop;
	*	initialize input
	printf(\"Start Simulation\\n\");
	while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {
		if (main_time >= 10 ) { 
		if ((main_time & 1) == 0) {
			$PP{clk1}      // Toggle clock
			// you can change the inputs and read the outputs here in case they are captured at posedge of clock 
		main_time ++;		 
double sc_time_stamp () {       // Called by \$time in Verilog
	return main_time;
sub eval_soc{
	my ($mpsoc,$soc_name,$outtext)=@_;
	my $path=$mpsoc->object_get_attribute('setting','soc_path');	
	$path=~ s/ /\\ /g;
  	my $p = "$path/$soc_name.SOC";
	my ($soc,$r,$err) = regen_object($p);
	if ($r){		
		show_info(\$outtext,"**Error reading  $p file: $err\n");
	return $soc;	
sub gen_verilator_mpsoc_testbench {
	my ($mpsoc,$name,$top,$target_dir,$tview)=@_;
	my $verilator="$target_dir/verilator";
	my $dir="$verilator/";
	my $parameter_h=gen_noc_param_h($mpsoc);
	my ($nr,$ne,$router_p,$ref_tops,$includ_h)= get_noc_verilator_top_modules_info($mpsoc);
	my $libh="";
	my $inst= "";
	my $newinst="";
	my $tile_addr="";
	my $tile_flit_in="";
	my $tile_flit_in_l="";
	my $tile_credit="";
	my $noc_credit="";
	my $noc_flit_in="";
	my $noc_flit_in_l="";	
	my $noc_flit_in_wr="";
	my $noc_flit_in_wr_l="";
	my $tile_flit_in_wr="";	
	my $tile_flit_in_wr_l="";
	my $tile_eval="";
	my $tile_final=""; 	
	my $tile_reset="";	
	my $tile_clk="";	
	my $tile_en="";		
	my $top_port_info="IO type\t  port_size\t  port_name\n";	
	my $no_connected='';
	for (my $endp=0; $endp<$ne;$endp++){	
		my $e_addr=endp_addr_encoder($mpsoc,$endp);
		my $router_num = get_connected_router_id_to_endp($mpsoc,$endp);
		my $r_addr=router_addr_encoder($mpsoc,$router_num);
		my ($soc_name,$num)= $mpsoc->mpsoc_get_tile_soc_name($endp);		
		if(defined $soc_name) {#we have a conncted tile
			#get ni instance name
			my $ni_name;
			my $soc=eval_soc($mpsoc,$soc_name,$tview);
			my $soc_top=$soc->object_get_attribute('top_ip',undef);
			my @intfcs=$soc_top->top_get_intfc_list();
			my @instances=$soc->soc_get_all_instances();
			foreach my $id (@instances){
					my $category = $soc->soc_get_category($id);
					if ($category eq 'NoC') {
						 $ni_name=  $soc->soc_get_instance_name($id);
				$libh=$libh."#include \"Vtile${endp}.h\"\n";
				$inst=$inst."Vtile${endp}\t*tile${endp};\t  // Instantiation of tile${endp}\n";
				$newinst = $newinst."\ttile${endp}\t=\tnew Vtile${endp};\n"; 
				$tile_flit_in = $tile_flit_in . "\ttile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_in  = noc->ni_flit_out [${endp}];\n";	
				$tile_flit_in_l = $tile_flit_in_l . "\t\ttile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_in[j]  = noc->ni_flit_out [${endp}][j];\n";
				$tile_credit= $tile_credit."\ttile${endp}->${ni_name}_credit_in= noc->ni_credit_out[${endp}];\n";
				$noc_credit= $noc_credit."\tnoc->ni_credit_in[${endp}] = tile${endp}->${ni_name}_credit_out;\n";	
				$noc_flit_in=$noc_flit_in."\tnoc->ni_flit_in [${endp}]  = tile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_out;\n";
				$noc_flit_in_l=$noc_flit_in_l."\t\t\tnoc->ni_flit_in [${endp}][j]  = tile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_out[j];\n";
				$noc_flit_in_wr= $noc_flit_in_wr."\tif(tile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_out_wr) noc->ni_flit_in_wr = noc->ni_flit_in_wr | ((vluint64_t)1<<${endp});\n";
				$tile_flit_in_wr=$tile_flit_in_wr."\ttile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_in_wr= ((noc->ni_flit_out_wr >> ${endp}) & 0x01);\n";
				$noc_flit_in_wr_l= $noc_flit_in_wr_l."\tif(tile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_out_wr) MY_VL_SETBIT_W(noc->ni_flit_in_wr ,${endp});\n";
				$tile_flit_in_wr_l=$tile_flit_in_wr_l."\ttile${endp}->${ni_name}_flit_in_wr=   (VL_BITISSET_W(noc->ni_flit_out_wr,${endp})>0);\n";
				foreach my $intfc (@intfcs){
					my $key=($intfc eq 'plug:clk[0]')? 'clk' : 
			 				 ($intfc eq 'plug:reset[0]')? 'reset':
			 				 ($intfc eq 'plug:enable[0]')? 'en' : 
			 		my @ports=$soc_top->top_get_intfc_ports_list($intfc);
					foreach my $p (@ports){
						my($inst,$range,$type,$intfc_name,$intfc_port)= $soc_top->top_get_port($p);
						$tile_reset=$tile_reset."\t\ttile${endp}->$p=reset;\n" if $key eq 'reset';	
						$tile_clk=$tile_clk."\t\ttile${endp}->$p=clk;\n" if $key eq 'clk';		
						$tile_en=$tile_en."\t\ttile${endp}->$p=enable;\n" if $key eq 'en';	;		
						$top_port_info="$top_port_info $type  $range  tile${endp}->$p \n";
				$tile_addr= $tile_addr."\ttile${endp}->${ni_name}_current_r_addr=$r_addr; // noc->er_addr[${endp}];\n";
				$tile_addr= $tile_addr."\ttile${endp}->${ni_name}_current_e_addr=$e_addr;\n";
				#this tile is not connected to any ip. the noc input ports will be connected to ground
				$no_connected=$no_connected."\n // Tile:$endp ($e_addr)   is not assigned to any ip\n";
				$no_connected=$no_connected."\t\tnoc->ni_credit_in[${endp}]=0; \n";		
	my $main_c=get_license_header("testbench.cpp");
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <verilated.h>          // Defines common routines
#include \"Vnoc.h\"
Vnoc		 	*noc;
int reset,clk,enable;
#include \"parameter.h\"
unsigned int main_time = 0; // Current simulation time
void update_all_instances_inputs(void);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	int i,j,x,y;
	Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);   // Remember args
	Vrouter_new();             // Create instance
	noc								= new Vnoc;
	*	initialize input
	printf(\"Start Simulation\\n\");
	while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) {
		if (main_time >= 10 ) { 
		if ((main_time % 5) == 0) {
			clk = 1;       // Toggle clock
			// you can change the inputs and read the outputs here in case they are captured at posedge of clock 
			clk = 0;       // Toggle clock			
		noc-> clk = clk; 
		noc-> reset = reset;
		//eval instances
	// Simulation is done
double sc_time_stamp () {       // Called by \$time in Verilog
	return main_time;
void update_all_instances_inputs(void){
	int x,y,i,j;
#if (NC<=64)				
	noc->ni_flit_in_wr =0;
	for(j=0;j<(sizeof(noc->ni_flit_in_wr)/sizeof(noc->ni_flit_in_wr[0])); j++) noc->ni_flit_in_wr[j]=0;
	connect_all_routers_to_noc ();
#if (Fpay<=32)
	//tile[i]->flit_in  = noc->ni_flit_out [i];
	for(j=0;j<(sizeof(traffic[i]->flit_out)/sizeof(traffic[i]->flit_out[0])); j++){
		//traffic[i]->flit_in[j]  = noc->ni_flit_out [i][j];
	//traffic[i]->credit_in= noc->ni_credit_out[i];
	//noc->ni_credit_in[i] = traffic[i]->credit_out;
#if (Fpay<=32)				
	//noc->ni_flit_in [i]  = traffic[i]->flit_out;
	for(j=0;j<(sizeof(traffic[i]->flit_out)/sizeof(traffic[i]->flit_out[0])); j++){
		 //noc->ni_flit_in [i][j]  = traffic[i]->flit_out[j];
#if (NC<=64)			
		//if(traffic[i]->flit_out_wr) noc->ni_flit_in_wr = noc->ni_flit_in_wr | ((vluint64_t)1<<i);
		//traffic[i]->flit_in_wr= ((noc->ni_flit_out_wr >> i) & 0x01);
		//if(traffic[i]->flit_out_wr) MY_VL_SETBIT_W(noc->ni_flit_in_wr ,i);
		//traffic[i]->flit_in_wr=   (VL_BITISSET_W(noc->ni_flit_out_wr,i)>0);
sub soc_get_all_parameters {
	my $soc=shift;	
	my @instances=$soc->soc_get_all_instances();
	my %all_param; 
	foreach my $id (@instances){
		my $module 	=$soc->soc_get_module($id);
		my $category 	=$soc->soc_get_category($id);	
		my $inst   	= $soc->soc_get_instance_name($id);
		my %params	= $soc->soc_get_module_param($id);
		my $ip = ip->lib_new ();		
		my @param_order=$soc->soc_get_instance_param_order($id);
		foreach my $p (sort keys %params){
			my $inst_param= "$inst\_$p";
			#add instance name to parameter value
			my ($default,$type,$content,$info,$vfile_param_type,$redefine_param)= $ip->ip_get_parameter($category,$module,$p);
			$vfile_param_type= "Don't include" if (!defined $vfile_param_type );
			$vfile_param_type= "Parameter"  if ($vfile_param_type eq 1);
			$vfile_param_type= "Localparam" if ($vfile_param_type eq 0);		
			$all_param{ $inst_param} = 	$params{ $p} if($vfile_param_type eq "Parameter" || $vfile_param_type eq "Localparam"  );	
			#print"$all_param{ $inst_param} = 	$params{ $p} if($vfile_param_type eq \"Parameter\" || $vfile_param_type eq \"Localparam\"  );	\n";	
	return %all_param;
sub soc_get_all_parameters_order {
	my $soc=shift;	
	my @instances=$soc->soc_get_all_instances();
	my $ip = ip->lib_new ();		
	my @all_order; 
	foreach my $id (@instances){
		my $module 	=$soc->soc_get_module($id);
		my $category 	=$soc->soc_get_category($id);	
		my $inst   	= $soc->soc_get_instance_name($id);
		my @order	= $soc->soc_get_instance_param_order($id);
		foreach my $p ( @order){
			my $inst_param= "$inst\_$p";
			my ($default,$type,$content,$info,$vfile_param_type,$redefine_param)= $ip->ip_get_parameter($category,$module,$p);
			$vfile_param_type= "Don't include" if (!defined $vfile_param_type );
			$vfile_param_type= "Parameter"  if ($vfile_param_type eq 1);
			$vfile_param_type= "Localparam" if ($vfile_param_type eq 0);		
			push(@all_order, $inst_param) if($vfile_param_type eq "Parameter" || $vfile_param_type eq "Localparam"  );				
	return @all_order;
sub gen_modelsim_soc_testbench {
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir)=@_;
	my $dir="$target_dir/src_verilog";
	my $soc_top= $self->object_get_attribute('top_ip',undef);
	my @intfcs=$soc_top->top_get_intfc_list();
	my %PP;
	my $top_port_def="// ${name}.v IO definition \n";
	my $pin_assign;
	my $rst_inputs='';
	#add functions
	my $d = Cwd::getcwd();
	open my $file1, "<", "$d/lib/verilog/functions.v" or die;
	my $functions_all='';
	while (my $f1 = readline ($file1)) {	
		 $functions_all="$functions_all $f1 ";
	#get parameters
	my $params_v="";
	my $n= $self->object_get_attribute('soc_name',undef);
	if(defined $n){	#we are compiling a single tile as SoC
		my $core_id= $self->object_get_attribute('global_param','CORE_ID');
		my $sw_loc = $self->object_get_attribute('global_param','SW_LOC');	
		my %params=soc_get_all_parameters($self);
		my @order= soc_get_all_parameters_order($self);		
		foreach my $p (@order){
			add_text_to_string(\$params_v,"\tlocalparam  $p = $params{$p};\n") if(defined $params{$p} );			
	}else{ # we are simulating a mpsoc
		$params_v= gen_socs_param($self);
	foreach my $intfc (@intfcs){
		my $key= ( $intfc eq 'plug:clk[0]')? 'clk' : 
			 ( $intfc eq 'plug:reset[0]')? 'reset':
			 ( $intfc eq 'plug:enable[0]')? 'en' : 'other';
		my $key1="${key}1";
		my $key0="${key}0";
		my @ports=$soc_top->top_get_intfc_ports_list($intfc);
		my $f=1;
		foreach my $p (@ports){
			my($inst,$range,$type,$intfc_name,$intfc_port)= $soc_top->top_get_port($p);
			$PP{$key1}= (defined $PP{$key1})? "$PP{$key1} $p=1;\n" : "$p=1;\n";
			$PP{$key0}= (defined $PP{$key0})? "$PP{$key0} $p=0;\n" : "$p=0;\n";	
			if  (length($range)!=0){	
#				#replace parameter with their values		#
#				my @a= split (/\b/,$range);
#				print "a=@a\n";
#				foreach my $l (@a){
#					my $value=$params{$l};
#					if(defined $value){
#						chomp $value;
#						($range=$range)=~ s/\b$l\b/$value/g      if(defined $params{$l});
#						print "($range=$range)=~ s/\b$l\b/$value/g      if(defined $params{$l}); \n";
#					}
#				}
				$range = "[ $range ]" ;
			if($type eq 'input'){
				$top_port_def="$top_port_def  reg  $range  $p;\n" 
				$top_port_def="$top_port_def  wire  $range  $p;\n" 
			$pin_assign=(defined $pin_assign)? "$pin_assign,\n\t\t.$p($p)":  "\t\t.$p($p)";
			$rst_inputs= "$rst_inputs $p=0;\n" if ($key eq 'other' && $type eq 'input' );
my $test_v= get_license_header("testbench.v");
$test_v	="$test_v
`timescale	 1ns/1ps
module testbench;
	$name uut (
//clock defination
initial begin 
	forever begin 
	#5 $PP{clk0}
	#5 $PP{clk1}
initial begin 
	// reset $name module at the start up
	// deasert the reset after 200 ns
	// write your testbench here
sub verilator_testbench{
	my ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir)=@_;
	my $verilator="$target_dir/verilator";
	my $dir="$verilator";
	my ($app,$table,$tview,$window) = software_main($dir,'testbench.cpp');
	my $n= $self->object_get_attribute('soc_name',undef);
	if(defined $n){	#we are compiling a single tile as SoC
		gen_verilator_soc_testbench (@_) if((-f "$dir/testbench.cpp")==0); 		
	else { # we are compiling a complete NoC-based mpsoc
		gen_verilator_mpsoc_testbench (@_,$tview) if((-f "$dir/testbench.cpp")==0); 		
	#copy makefile
	#copy("../script/verilator_soc_make", "$verilator/processed_rtl/obj_dir/Makefile"); 
	my $make = def_image_button('icons/gen.png','Compile');
	my $regen=def_image_button('icons/refresh.png','Regenerate Testbench.cpp');	
	my $run = def_image_button('icons/run.png','Run');
	my $back=def_image_button('icons/left.png','Previous');	
	$table->attach ($back,1,2,1,2,'shrink','shrink',0,0);
	$table->attach ($regen,3,4,1,2,'shrink','shrink',0,0);
	$table->attach ($make,6, 7, 1,2,'shrink','shrink',0,0);	
	$table->attach ($run,9, 10, 1,2,'shrink','shrink',0,0);
	$back-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$regen-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new (my $window,
                                      'question', # message type
                                      'yes-no', # which set of buttons?
                                      "Are you sure you want to regenaret the testbench.cpp file? Note that any changes you have made will be lost");
  		my $response = $dialog->run;
  		if ($response eq 'yes') {
  			my $n= $self->object_get_attribute('soc_name',undef);
			if(defined $n){	#we are compiling a single tile as SoC
				gen_verilator_soc_testbench ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir); 		
			else { # we are compiling a complete NoC-based mpsoc
				gen_verilator_mpsoc_testbench ($self,$name,$top,$target_dir,$tview); 		
	$make -> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $load= show_gif("icons/load.gif");
		$table->attach ($load,8, 9, 1,2,'shrink','shrink',0,0);
		copy("$dir/testbench.cpp", "$verilator/processed_rtl/obj_dir/testbench.cpp"); 
		copy("$dir/parameter.h", "$verilator/processed_rtl/obj_dir/parameter.h") if(-f "$dir/parameter.h"); 
		my $tops_ref=$self->object_get_attribute('verilator','libs');
		my %tops=%{$tops_ref};
		my $lib_num=0;
		foreach my $top (sort keys %tops) { 
	$run -> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{
		my $bin="$verilator/processed_rtl/obj_dir/testbench";
		if (-f $bin){
			my $cmd= "cd \"$verilator/processed_rtl/obj_dir/\" \n xterm -e bash -c $bin";
			my ($stdout,$exit,$stderr)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout($cmd);
			if(length $stderr>1){			
			}else {
			add_colored_info(\$tview,"Cannot find $bin executable binary file! make sure you have compiled the testbench successfully\n", 'red')

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