
Subversion Repositories an-fpga-implementation-of-low-latency-noc-based-mpsoc

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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2;
use Gtk2::Ex::Graph::GD;
use GD::Graph::Data;
use emulator;
use IO::CaptureOutput qw(capture qxx qxy);
use GD::Graph::colour qw/:colours/;
use Proc::Background;
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval nanosleep  clock_gettime clock_getres clock_nanosleep clock stat );
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw/make_path/;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find::Rule;
require ""; 
require ""; 
require ""; 
require ""; 
require "";
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
# hardware parameters taken from noc_emulator.v
use constant PCK_CNTw =>30;  # packet counter width in bits (results in maximum of 2^30 = 1  G packets)
use constant PCK_SIZw =>14;  # packet size width in bits (results in maximum packet size of 2^14 = 16 K flit)
use constant MAXXw    =>4;   # maximum nodes in x dimention is 2^MAXXw equal to 16 nodes in x dimention
use constant MAXYw    =>4;   # 16 nodes in y dimention : hence max emulator size is 16X16
use constant MAXCw    =>4;   # 16 message classes  
use constant RATIOw   =>7;   # log2(100)
use constant MAX_PATTERN => 124;  
use constant RAM_SIZE => (MAX_PATTERN+4);          
#use constant MAX_PCK_NUM => (2**PCK_CNTw)-1;
use constant MAX_PCK_NUM => (2**PCK_CNTw)-1;
use constant MAX_PCK_SIZ => (2**PCK_SIZw)-1; 
use constant MAX_SIM_CLKs=> 100000000; # simulation end at if clock counter reach this number           
use constant EMULATION_RTLS => "/mpsoc/src_emulate/rtl/noc_emulator.v , /mpsoc/src_peripheral/jtag/jtag_wb/ , /mpsoc/src_peripheral/ram/generic_ram.v, /mpsoc/src_noc/";
sub gen_chart {
	my $emulate=shift;	
	my $graph_w=$width/2.5;
	my $graph_h=$hight/2.5;
	my $graph = Gtk2::Ex::Graph::GD->new($graph_w, $graph_h, 'linespoints');
	my @x;
	my @legend_keys;    
	my $sample_num=$emulate->object_get_attribute("emulate_num",undef);
	my $scale= $emulate->object_get_attribute("graph_scale",undef);
	my @results;
	$results[1]= [0];
my $legend_info="This attribute controls placement of the legend within the graph image. The value is supplied as a two-letter string, where the first letter is placement (a B or an R for bottom or right, respectively) and the second is alignment (L, R, C, T, or B for left, right, center, top, or bottom, respectively). ";
my @ginfo = (
{ label=>"Graph Title", param_name=>"G_Title", type=>"Entry", default_val=>undef, content=>undef, info=>undef, param_parent=>'graph_param', ref_delay=>undef },  
{ label=>"Y Axix Title", param_name=>"Y_Title", type=>"Entry", default_val=>'Latency (clock)', content=>undef, info=>undef, param_parent=>'graph_param', ref_delay=>undef },
  { label=>"X Axix Title", param_name=>"X_Title", type=>"Entry", default_val=>'Load per router (flits/clock (%))', content=>undef, info=>undef, param_parent=>'graph_param',ref_delay=>undef },
  { label=>"legend placement", param_name=>"legend_placement", type=>'Combo-box', default_val=>'BL', content=>"BL,BC,BR,RT,RC,RB", info=>$legend_info, param_parent=>'graph_param', ref_delay=>undef},
 { label=>"Y min", param_name=>"Y_MIN", type=>'Spin-button', default_val=>0, content=>"0,1024,1", info=>"Y axix minimum value", param_parent=>'graph_param', ref_delay=> 5},
 { label=>"X min", param_name=>"X_MIN", type=>'Spin-button', default_val=>0, content=>"0,1024,1", info=>"X axix minimum value", param_parent=>'graph_param', ref_delay=> 5},
 { label=>"Line Width", param_name=>"LINEw", type=>'Spin-button', default_val=>3, content=>"1,20,1", info=>undef, param_parent=>'graph_param', ref_delay=> 5},
	if(defined  $sample_num){
		my @color;
		my $min_y=200;		
		for (my $i=1;$i<=$sample_num; $i++) {
			my $color_num=$emulate->object_get_attribute("sample$i","color");
			my $l_name= $emulate->object_get_attribute("sample$i","line_name");
			$legend_keys[$i-1]= (defined $l_name)? $l_name : "NoC$i";
			$color_num=$i+1 if(!defined $color_num);
			push(@color, "my_color$color_num");
			my $ref=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("sample$i","result");
			if(defined $ref) {
				push(@x, sort {$a<=>$b} keys $ref);		    	
	my  @x1;
	@x1 =  uniq(sort {$a<=>$b} @x) if (scalar @x);
	#print "\@x1=@x1\n";
	if (scalar @x1){
		for (my $i=1;$i<=$sample_num; $i++) {
			my $j=0;
			my $ref=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("sample$i","result");
			if(defined $ref){
				#print "$i\n";
				my %line=%$ref;
				foreach my $k (@x1){
					$min_y= $line{$k} if (defined $line{$k} && $line{$k}!=0 && $min_y > $line{$k});
			else {
	my $max_y=$min_y*$scale;
	my $graphs_info;
	foreach my $d ( @ginfo){
		$graphs_info->{$d->{param_name}}=$emulate->object_get_attribute( 'graph_param',$d->{param_name});
		$graphs_info->{$d->{param_name}}= $d->{default_val} if(!defined $graphs_info->{$d->{param_name}});
	$graph->set (
            	x_label         => $graphs_info->{X_Title},
               	y_label         => $graphs_info->{Y_Title},
               	y_max_value     => $max_y,
               	y_min_value	=> $graphs_info->{Y_MIN},
               	x_min_value     => $graphs_info->{X_MIN}, # dosent work?
               	title           => $graphs_info->{G_Title},
               	bar_spacing     => 1,
                shadowclr       => 'dred',
                transparent     => 0,
				line_width 		=> $graphs_info->{LINEw},
				cycle_clrs		=> 'blue',
				legend_placement => $graphs_info->{legend_placement},
	my $data = GD::Graph::Data->new(\@results) or die GD::Graph::Data->error;
        my $image = my_get_image($emulate,$graph,$data);
        my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (25, 10, FALSE);
		my $box = Gtk2::HBox->new (TRUE, 2);
		my $filename;
		$box->set_border_width (4);
		my   $align = Gtk2::Alignment->new (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
		my $frame = Gtk2::Frame->new;
		$frame->set_shadow_type ('in');
		$frame->add ($image);
		$align->add ($frame);
		my $plus = def_image_button('icons/plus.png',undef,TRUE);
		my $minues = def_image_button('icons/minus.png',undef,TRUE);
		my $setting = def_image_button('icons/setting.png',undef,TRUE);
		my $save = def_image_button('icons/save.png',undef,TRUE);
		$minues -> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
		$plus  -> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
			$emulate->object_add_attribute("graph_scale",undef,$scale-0.5) if( $scale>0.5);
		$setting -> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
			get_graph_setting ($emulate,\@ginfo);
		$save-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
			 my $G = $graph->{graph};
			 my @imags=$G->export_format();  
			save_graph_as ($emulate,\@imags);
		$table->attach_defaults ($align , 0, 9, 0, 25);
		my $row=0;
		$table->attach ($plus , 9, 10, $row, $row+1,'shrink','shrink',2,2); $row++;
		$table->attach ($minues, 9, 10, $row, $row+1,'shrink','shrink',2,2); $row++;
		$table->attach ($setting, 9, 10, $row,  $row+1,'shrink','shrink',2,2); $row++;
		$table->attach ($save, 9, 10, $row,  $row+1,'shrink','shrink',2,2); $row++;
		while ($row<10){
			my $tmp=gen_label_in_left('');
			$table->attach_defaults ($tmp, 9, 10, $row,  $row+1);$row++;
        return $table;
#	save_graph_as
sub save_graph_as {
	my ($emulate,$ref)=@_;
	my $file;
	my $title ='Save as';
	my @extensions=@$ref;
	my $open_in=undef;
	my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
            	'Save file', undef,
            	'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
            	'gtk-ok'     => 'ok',
	# if(defined $extension){
		foreach my $ext (@extensions){
			my $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new();
			$dialog->add_filter ($filter);
	# }
	  if(defined  $open_in){
		$dialog->set_current_folder ($open_in); 
		# print "$open_in\n";
	if ( "ok" eq $dialog->run ) {
	    		$file = $dialog->get_filename;
			my $ext = $dialog->get_filter;
			my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$file",qr"\..[^.]*$");
			$file = ($suffix eq ".$ext" )? $file : "$file.$ext";
sub my_get_image {
	my ($emulate,$self, $data) = @_;
	$self->{graphdata} = $data;
	my $graph = $self->{graph};
	my $gd1=$graph->plot($data) or warn $graph->error;
	my $loader = Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new;
	#my $gd2=$graph->plot([[0],[0]]) or warn $graph->error;
	#$gd2->copy( $gd1, 0, 20, 0, 20, 500, 230 );
	$loader->write ($gd1->png);
	my $save=$emulate->object_get_attribute("graph_save","save");
	$save=0 if (!defined $save);	
	if ($save ==1){
		my $file=$emulate->object_get_attribute("graph_save","name");
		my $ext=$emulate->object_get_attribute("graph_save","extension");
		open(my $out, '>', $file);
		if (tell $out )
			warn "Cannot open '$file' for write: $!";  
			#my @extens=$graph->export_format();
			binmode $out;
			print $out $gd1->$ext;# if($ext eq 'png');
			#print $out  $gd1->gif  if($ext eq 'gif');
			close $out;
	my $image = Gtk2::Image->new_from_pixbuf($loader->get_pixbuf);
	$self->{graphimage} = $image;
	my $hotspotlist;
	if ($self->{graphtype} eq 'bars' or
		$self->{graphtype} eq 'lines' or
		$self->{graphtype} eq 'linespoints') {
		foreach my $hotspot ($graph->get_hotspot) {
			push @$hotspotlist, $hotspot if $hotspot;
	$self->{hotspotlist} = $hotspotlist;
	my $eventbox = $self->{eventbox};
	my @children = $eventbox->get_children;
	foreach my $child (@children) {
	$eventbox->add ($image);
	$eventbox->signal_connect ('button-press-event' => 
		sub {
			my ($widget, $event) = @_;
			return TRUE;
			return FALSE unless $event->button == 3;
				undef, # parent menu shell
				undef, # parent menu item
				undef, # menu pos func
				undef, # data
	return $eventbox;
#	get_graph_setting
sub get_graph_setting {
	my ($emulate,$ref)=@_;
	my $window=def_popwin_size($width/3,$hight/3,'Graph Setting');
	my $table = def_table(10, 2, FALSE);
	my $row=0;
my @data=@$ref;
foreach my $d (@data) {
	$row=noc_param_widget ($emulate, $d->{label}, $d->{param_name}, $d->{default_val}, $d->{type}, $d->{content}, $d->{info}, $table,$row,1, $d->{param_parent}, $d->{ref_delay});
	my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
	$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
	my $ok = def_image_button('icons/select.png',' OK ');
	my $mtable = def_table(10, 1, FALSE);
	$window->add ($mtable);
	$ok-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
 # get_color_window
 sub get_color_window{
	 my ($emulate,$atrebute1,$atrebute2)=@_;     
	 my $window=def_popwin_size(800,600,"Select line color");
	 my ($r,$c)=(4,8);	 
	 my $table= def_table(5,6,TRUE);
	 for (my $col=0;$col<$c;$col++){
		  for (my $row=0;$row<$r;$row++){
			my $color_num=$row*$c+$col;
			my $color=def_colored_button("    ",$color_num);
			$table->attach_defaults ($color, $col, $col+1, $row, $row+1); 
			$color->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
				#print "$emulate->object_add_attribute($atrebute1,$atrebute2,$color_num);\n";
sub check_inserted_ratios {
		my $str=shift;
		my @ratios;
	    my @chunks=split(',',$str);
	    foreach my $p (@chunks){
			if($p !~ /^[0-9.:,]+$/){ message_dialog ("$p has invalid character(S)" ); return undef; }
			my @range=split(':',$p);
			my $size= scalar @range;
			if($size==1){ # its a number
				if ( $range[0] <= 0 || $range[0] >100  ) { message_dialog ("$range[0] is out of boundery (1:100)" ); return undef; }
			}elsif($size ==3){# its a range
				if ( $min <= 0 || $min >100  ) { message_dialog ("$min in  $p is out of boundery (1:100)" ); return undef; }
				if ( $max <= 0 || $max >100  ) { message_dialog ("$max in  $p is out of boundery (1:100)" ); return undef; }
				for (my $i=$min; $i<=$max; $i=$i+$step){
				 message_dialog ("$p has invalid format. The correct format for range is \$min:\$max:\$step" );
		my @r=uniq(sort {$a<=>$b} @ratios);
		return \@r;
sub get_injection_ratios{
		my ($emulate,$atrebute1,$atrebute2)=@_;
		my $box = Gtk2::HBox->new( FALSE, 0 );
		my $init=$emulate->object_get_attribute($atrebute1,$atrebute2);
		my $entry=gen_entry($init);
		my $button=def_image_button("icons/right.png",'Check');		
		$button->signal_connect("clicked" => sub {
			my $text= $entry->get_text();
			my $r=check_inserted_ratios($text);	
			if(defined 	$r){	
				my $all=  join (',',@$r);
				message_dialog ("$all" );
		$entry->signal_connect ("changed" => sub {	
			my $text= $entry->get_text();
		$box->pack_start( $entry, 1,1, 0);
		$box->pack_start( $button, 0, 1, 3);
		return 	$box;
sub get_noc_configuration{
	my ($emulate,$n) =@_;
	my $win=def_popwin_size($width/2.5,$hight*.8,"NoC configuration setting");
	my $table=def_table(10,2,FALSE);
	my $row=0;
	my $traffics="tornado,transposed 1,transposed 2,bit reverse,bit complement,random"; #TODO hot spot 
	my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
	my $open_in	  = abs_path("$ENV{PRONOC_WORK}/emulate/sof");	
	attach_widget_to_table ($table,$row,gen_label_in_left("SoF file:"),gen_button_message ("Select the SRAM Object File (sof) for this NoC configration.","icons/help.png"), get_file_name_object ($emulate,"sample$n","sof_file",'sof',$open_in)); $row++;
	my @siminfo = (
	{ label=>'Configuration name:', param_name=>'line_name', type=>'Entry', default_val=>"NoC$n", content=>undef, info=>"NoC configration name. This name will be shown in load-latency graph for this configuration", param_parent=>"sample$n", ref_delay=> undef},
  	{ label=>"Traffic name", param_name=>'traffic', type=>'Combo-box', default_val=>'random', content=>$traffics, info=>"Select traffic pattern", param_parent=>"sample$n", ref_delay=>undef},
{ label=>"Packet size in flit:", param_name=>'PCK_SIZE', type=>'Spin-button', default_val=>4, content=>"2,".MAX_PCK_SIZ.",1", info=>undef, param_parent=>"sample$n", ref_delay=>undef},
	{ label=>"Packet number limit:", param_name=>'PCK_NUM_LIMIT', type=>'Spin-button', default_val=>1000000, content=>"2,".MAX_PCK_NUM.",1", info=>"Each node stops sending packets when it reaches packet number limit  or simulation clock number limit", param_parent=>"sample$n", ref_delay=>undef},
{ label=>"Emulation clocks limit:", param_name=>'SIM_CLOCK_LIMIT', type=>'Spin-button', default_val=>MAX_SIM_CLKs, content=>"2,".MAX_SIM_CLKs.",1", info=>"Each node stops sending packets when it reaches packet number limit  or simulation clock number limit", param_parent=>"sample$n", ref_delay=>undef},
	foreach my $d ( @siminfo) {
	$row=noc_param_widget ($emulate, $d->{label}, $d->{param_name}, $d->{default_val}, $d->{type}, $d->{content}, $d->{info}, $table,$row,1, $d->{param_parent}, $d->{ref_delay});
		my $l= "Define injection ratios. You can define individual ratios seprating by comma (\',\') or define a range of injection ratios with \$min:\$max:\$step format.
			As an example defining 2,3,4:10:2 will result in (2,3,4,6,8,10) injection ratios." ;
		my $u=get_injection_ratios ($emulate,"sample$n","ratios");
attach_widget_to_table ($table,$row,gen_label_in_left("Injection ratios:"),gen_button_message ($l,"icons/help.png") , $u); $row++;
	my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
	$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
	my $ok = def_image_button('icons/select.png','OK');
	my $mtable = def_table(10, 1, TRUE);
	$mtable-> attach ($ok , 0, 1,  9, 10,'expand','shrink',2,2); 
	$win->add ($mtable);
	$ok->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
		#check if sof file has been selected
		my $s=$emulate->object_get_attribute("sample$n","sof_file");
		#check if injection ratios are valid
		my $r=$emulate->object_get_attribute("sample$n","ratios");
		if(defined $s && defined $r) {	
		} else {
			if(!defined $s){
				 message_dialog("Please select sof file!")
			} else {
				 message_dialog("Please define valid injection ratio(s)!")
#		gen_widgets_column
sub gen_emulation_column {
	my ($emulate,$title, $row_num,$info)=@_;
	my $table=def_table($row_num,10,FALSE);
	my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
	$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
	my $row=0;
	if(defined $title){
		my $title=gen_label_in_center($title);
		my $box=def_vbox(FALSE, 1);
		$box->pack_start( $title, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
		my $separator = Gtk2::HSeparator->new;
		$box->pack_start( $separator, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
		$table->attach_defaults ($box , 0, 10,  $row, $row+1); $row++;
	my $lb=gen_label_in_left("Number of emulations");
	my $spin= gen_spin_object ($emulate,"emulate_num",undef,"1,100,1",1,'ref','1');
    $table->attach_defaults ($lb, 0, 2, $row, $row+1);
    $table->attach_defaults ($spin, 2, 4, $row, $row+1);$row++;
	my @positions=(0,1,2,3,6,7);
	my $col=0;
	my @title=(" NoC configuration", "Line's color", "Clear Graph","  ");
	foreach my $t (@title){
		$table->attach_defaults (gen_label_in_center($title[$col]), $positions[$col], $positions[$col+1], $row, $row+1);$col++;
	my $traffics="Random,Transposed 1,Transposed 2,Tornado";
	my $sample_num=$emulate->object_get_attribute("emulate_num",undef);
	 if(!defined $sample_num){
	my $i=0;
	for ($i=1;$i<=$sample_num; $i++){
		my $sample="sample$i";
		my $n=$i;
		my $set=def_image_button("icons/setting.png");
		my $name=$emulate->object_get_attribute($sample,"line_name");
		my $l;
		if (defined $name){
		} else {
			$l=gen_label_in_center("Define NoC configuration");
			$l->set_markup("<span  foreground= 'red' ><b>Define NoC configuration</b></span>");			 
		my $box=def_pack_hbox(FALSE,0,(gen_label_in_left("$i- "),$l,$set));
		$table->attach ($box, $positions[$col], $positions[$col+1], $row, $row+1,'expand','shrink',2,2);$col++;
		$set->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
		my $color_num=$emulate->object_get_attribute($sample,"color");
		if(!defined $color_num){
			$color_num = $i+1;
		my $color=def_colored_button("    ",$color_num);
		$table->attach ($color, $positions[$col], $positions[$col+1], $row, $row+1,'expand','shrink',2,2);$col++;
		$color->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
		#clear line
		my $clear = def_image_button('icons/clear.png');
		$clear->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
			$emulate->object_add_attribute ($sample,'result',undef);
		$table->attach ($clear, $positions[$col], $positions[$col+1], $row, $row+1,'expand','shrink',2,2);$col++;
		my $run = def_image_button('icons/run.png','Run');
		$table->attach ($run, $positions[$col], $positions[$col+1], $row, $row+1,'expand','shrink',2,2);$col++;
		$run->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
			$emulate->object_add_attribute ($sample,"status","run");
			#start the emulator if it is not running	
			my $status= $emulate->object_get_attribute('status',undef);
			if($status ne 'run'){
		my $image = gen_noc_status_image($emulate,$i);
		$table->attach_defaults ($image, $positions[$col], $positions[$col+1], $row, $row+1);
	while ( $row<15){
		$table->attach_defaults (gen_label_in_left(' '), 0, 1, $row, $row+1); $row++;
	return $scrolled_win;
sub check_sample{
	my ($emulate,$i,$info)=@_;
	my $status=1;
	my $sof=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("sample$i","sof_file");
	# ckeck if sample have sof file
	if(!defined $sof){
		add_info($info, "Error: SoF file has not set for NoC$i!\n");
		$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","status","failed");	
	} else {
		# ckeck if sof file has info file 
		my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$sof",qr"\..[^.]*$");
		my $sof_info="$path$name.inf";	
		if(!(-f $sof_info)){
			add_info($info, "Could not find $name.inf file in $path. An information file is required for each sof file containig the device name and  NoC configuration. Press F4 for more help.\n");
			$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","status","failed");	
		}else { #add info
			my $pp= do $sof_info ;
			my $p=$pp->{'noc_param'};
			$status=0 if $@;
			message_dialog("Error reading: $@") if $@;
			if ($status==1){
				$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","noc_info",$p) ;
	return $status;
#  run external commands
sub run_cmd_in_back_ground
  my $command = shift;
  ### Start running the Background Job:
    my $proc = Proc::Background->new($command);
    my $PID = $proc->pid;
    my $start_time = $proc->start_time;
    my $alive = $proc->alive;
  ### While $alive is NOT '0', then keep checking till it is...
  #  *When $alive is '0', it has finished executing.
  while($alive ne 0)
    $alive = $proc->alive;
    # This while loop will cause Gtk2 to conti processing events, if
    # there are events pending... *which there are...
    while (Gtk2->events_pending) {
  my $end_time = $proc->end_time;
 # print "*Command Completed at $end_time, with PID = $PID\n\n";
  # Since the while loop has exited, the BG job has finished running:
  # so close the pop-up window...
 # $popup_window->hide;
  # Get the RETCODE from the Background Job using the 'wait' method
  my $retcode = $proc->wait;
  $retcode /= 256;
  print "\t*RETCODE == $retcode\n\n";
  ### Check if the RETCODE returned with an Error:
  if ($retcode ne 0) {
    print "Error: The Background Job ($command) returned with an Error...!\n";
    return 1;
  } else {
    #print "Success: The Background Job Completed Successfully...!\n";
    return 0;
sub run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout
	my $cmd=shift;
	my $exit;
	my ($stdout, $stderr);
	capture { $exit=run_cmd_in_back_ground($cmd) } \$stdout, \$stderr;
	return ($stdout,$exit,$stderr);
#  images
sub get_status_gif{
		my $emulate=shift;
		my $status= $emulate->object_get_attribute('status',undef);
		if($status eq 'ideal'){
			return show_gif ("icons/ProNoC.png");
		} elsif ($status eq 'run') {
			my $image=($width>=1600)? "icons/hamster_l.gif":
			          ($width>=1200)? "icons/hamster_m.gif": "icons/hamster_s.gif"; 
			return show_gif ($image);			
		} elsif ($status eq 'programer_failed') {
			return show_gif ("icons/Error.png");			
sub gen_noc_status_image {
	my ($emulate,$i)=@_;
	my   $status= $emulate->object_get_attribute ("sample$i","status");	
	 $status='' if(!defined  $status);
	my $image;
	my $vbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (TRUE,1);
	$image = Gtk2::Image->new_from_file ("icons/load.gif") if($status eq "run");
	$image = def_image("icons/button_ok.png") if($status eq "done");
	$image = def_image("icons/cancel.png") if($status eq "failed");
	#$image_file = "icons/load.gif" if($status eq "run");
	if (defined $image) {
		my $align = Gtk2::Alignment->new (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
     	my $frame = Gtk2::Frame->new;
		$frame->set_shadow_type ('in');
		# Animation
		$frame->add ($image);
		$align->add ($frame);
		$vbox->pack_start ($align, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	return $vbox;
#	run_emulator
sub run_emulator {
	my ($emulate,$info)=@_;
	#return if(!check_samples($emulate,$info));
	show_info($info, "start emulation\n");
	#search for available usb blaster
	my $cmd = "jtagconfig";
	my ($stdout,$exit)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout("$cmd");
	my @matches= ($stdout =~ /USB-Blaster.*/g);
	my $usb_blaster=$matches[0];
  	if (!defined $usb_blaster){
		add_info($info, "jtagconfig could not find any USB blaster cable: $stdout \n");
		add_info($info, "find $usb_blaster\n");
	my $sample_num=$emulate->object_get_attribute("emulate_num",undef);
	for (my $i=1; $i<=$sample_num; $i++){
		my $status=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("sample$i","status");	
		next if($status ne "run");
		next if(!check_sample($emulate,$i,$info));
		my $r= $emulate->object_get_attribute("sample$i","ratios");
		my @ratios=@{check_inserted_ratios($r)};
		#$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","status","run");			
		my $sof=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("sample$i","sof_file");		
		add_info($info, "Programe FPGA device using $sof\n");
		my $Quartus_bin=  $ENV{QUARTUS_BIN};
		my $cmd = "$Quartus_bin/quartus_pgm -c \"$usb_blaster\" -m jtag -o \"p;$sof\"";
		#my $output = `$cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null`;           # either with backticks
		my ($stdout,$exit)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout("$cmd");	
		if($exit){#programming FPGA board has failed
			add_info($info, "$stdout\n");
			$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","status","failed");	
		#print "$stdout\n";
		# read noc configuration 
		foreach  my $ratio_in (@ratios){						
		    	add_info($info, "Configure packet generators for  injection ratio of $ratio_in \% \n");
		    	next if(!programe_pck_gens($emulate,$i,$ratio_in,$info));
		    	my $avg=read_pack_gen($emulate,$i,$info);
			next if (!defined $avg);
		    	my $ref=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("sample$i","result");
		    	my %results;
		    	%results= %{$ref} if(defined $ref);
		    	$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","result",\%results);
		$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","status","done");	
	add_info($info, "End emulation!\n");
sub process_notebook_gen{
		my ($emulate,$info)=@_;
		my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new;
		$notebook->set_tab_pos ('left');
		my $page1=gen_emulation_column($emulate,"NoC Configuration",10,$info);
		$notebook->append_page ($page1,Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ("  _Run emulator  "));
		my $page2=get_noc_setting_gui ($emulate,$info);
		my $pp=$notebook->append_page ($page2,Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ("  _Generate sof   "));
		my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
		$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
		my $page_num=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("process_notebook","currentpage");		
		$notebook->set_current_page ($page_num) if(defined $page_num);
		$notebook->signal_connect( 'switch-page'=> sub{			
			$emulate->object_add_attribute ("process_notebook","currentpage",$_[2]);	#save the new pagenumber
		return $scrolled_win;
sub get_noc_setting_gui {
	my ($emulate,$info_text)=@_;
	my $table=def_table(20,10,FALSE);#	my ($row,$col,$homogeneous)=@_;
	my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
	$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
	my $row=noc_config ($emulate,$table);
	my @dirs = grep {-d} glob("../src_emulate/fpga/*");
	my $fpgas;
	foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
		my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$dir",qr"\..[^.]*$");
		$fpgas= (defined $fpgas)? "$fpgas,$name" : "$name";
	my @fpgainfo = (
	{ label=>'FPGA board', param_name=>'FPGA_BOARD', type=>'Combo-box', default_val=>undef, content=>$fpgas, info=>undef, param_parent=>'fpga_param', ref_delay=> undef},
  	{ label=>'Save as:', param_name=>'SAVE_NAME', type=>"Entry", default_val=>'emulate1', content=>undef, info=>undef, param_parent=>'fpga_param', ref_delay=>undef},
	{ label=>"Project directory", param_name=>"SOF_DIR", type=>"DIR_path", default_val=>"$ENV{'PRONOC_WORK'}/emulate", content=>undef, info=>"Define the working directory for generating .sof file", param_parent=>'fpga_param',ref_delay=>undef },
	foreach my $d (@fpgainfo) {
	$row=noc_param_widget ($emulate, $d->{label}, $d->{param_name}, $d->{default_val}, $d->{type}, $d->{content}, $d->{info}, $table,$row,1, $d->{param_parent}, $d->{ref_delay});
	    	my $generate = def_image_button('icons/gen.png','Generate');
		$table->attach ($generate, 0,3, $row, $row+1,'expand','shrink',2,2);
		$generate->signal_connect ('clicked'=> sub{
	    return $scrolled_win;	
sub generate_sof_file {
	my ($emulate,$info)=@_;	
		print "start compilation\n";
		my $fpga_board=  $emulate->object_get_attribute ('fpga_param',"FPGA_BOARD");
		#create work directory
		my $dir_name=$emulate->object_get_attribute ('fpga_param',"SOF_DIR");
		my $save_name=$emulate->object_get_attribute ('fpga_param',"SAVE_NAME"); 
		$save_name=$fpga_board if (!defined $save_name);
		$dir_name= "$dir_name/$save_name";
		show_info($info, "generate working directory: $dir_name\n");
		#copy all noc source codes
		my @files = split(/\s*,\s*/,EMULATION_RTLS);
		my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
		my $project_dir	  = abs_path("$dir/../../");
		my ($stdout,$exit)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout("mkdir -p $dir_name/src/" );
		foreach my $f(@files){
    			my $n="$project_dir/$f";
    			if (!(-f "$n") && !(-f "$f" ) && !(-d "$n") && !(-d "$f" )     ){
    			 	add_info ($info, " WARNING: file/folder  \"$f\" ($n)  dose not exists \n"); 
		#copy fpga board files
		($stdout,$exit)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout("cp -Rf \"$project_dir/mpsoc/src_emulate/fpga/$fpga_board\"/*    \"$dir_name/\""); 
		if($exit != 0 ){ 	print "$stdout\n"; 	message_dialog($stdout); return;}
		#generate parameters for emulator_top.v file
		my ($localparam, $pass_param)=gen_noc_param_v( $emulate);
		open(FILE,  ">$dir_name/src/noc_parameters.v") || die "Can not open: $!";
		print FILE $localparam;
		close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
		open(FILE,  ">$dir_name/src/pass_parameters.v") || die "Can not open: $!";
		print FILE $pass_param;
		close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
		#compile the code  
		my $Quartus_bin=  $ENV{QUARTUS_BIN};
		add_info($info, "Start Quartus compilation\n $stdout\n");
		my @compilation_command =("cd \"$dir_name/\" \n	xterm  	-e $Quartus_bin/quartus_map --64bit $fpga_board --read_settings_files=on ",
					  "cd \"$dir_name/\" \n	xterm  	-e $Quartus_bin/quartus_fit --64bit $fpga_board --read_settings_files=on ",
					  "cd \"$dir_name/\" \n	xterm  	-e $Quartus_bin/quartus_asm --64bit $fpga_board --read_settings_files=on ",
					  "cd \"$dir_name/\" \n	xterm  	-e $Quartus_bin/quartus_sta --64bit $fpga_board ");
		foreach my $cmd (@compilation_command){
			($stdout,$exit)=run_cmd_in_back_ground_get_stdout( $cmd);
			if($exit != 0){			
				print "Quartus compilation failed !\n";
				add_info($info, "Quartus compilation failed !\n$cmd\n $stdout\n");
			#save sof file
			my $sofdir="$ENV{PRONOC_WORK}/emulate/sof";
			open(FILE,  ">$sofdir/$fpga_board/$save_name.inf") || die "Can not open: $!";
			print FILE perl_file_header("$save_name.inf");
			my %pp;
			$pp{'noc_param'}= $emulate->{'noc_param'};
			$pp{'fpga_param'}= $emulate->{'fpga_param'};
			print FILE Data::Dumper->Dump([\%pp],["emulate_info"]);
			close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";	
			#find  $dir_name -name \*.sof -exec cp '{}' $sofdir/$fpga_board/$save_name.sof" 
			@files = File::Find::Rule->file()
                            ->name( '*.sof' )
                            ->in( "$dir_name" );
			copy($files[0],"$sofdir/$fpga_board/$save_name.sof") or do { 
				my $err= "Error copy($files[0] , $sofdir/$fpga_board/$save_name.sof";	
				print "$err\n"; 	
			message_dialog("sof file has been generated successfully");	
#	save_emulation
sub save_emulation {
	my ($emulate)=@_;
	# read emulation name
	my $name=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("emulate_name",undef);	
	my $s= (!defined $name)? 0 : (length($name)==0)? 0 :1;	
	if ($s == 0){
		message_dialog("Please set emulation name!");
		return 0;
	# Write object file
	open(FILE,  ">lib/emulate/$name.EML") || die "Can not open: $!";
	print FILE perl_file_header("$name.EML");
	print FILE Data::Dumper->Dump([\%$emulate],[$name]);
	close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
	message_dialog("Emulation saved as lib/emulate/$name.EML!");
	return 1;
#	load_emulation
sub load_emulation {
	my ($emulate,$info)=@_;
	my $file;
	my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
            	'Select a File', undef,
            	'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
            	'gtk-ok'     => 'ok',
	my $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new();
	$dialog->add_filter ($filter);
	my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
	$dialog->set_current_folder ("$dir/lib/emulate");		
	if ( "ok" eq $dialog->run ) {
		$file = $dialog->get_filename;
		my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$file",qr"\..[^.]*$");
		if($suffix eq '.EML'){
			my $pp= eval { do $file };
			if ($@ || !defined $pp){		
				add_info($info,"**Error reading  $file file: $@\n");
#    main
sub emulator_main{
	my $emulate= emulator->emulator_new();
	my $left_table = Gtk2::Table->new (25, 6, FALSE);
	my $right_table = Gtk2::Table->new (25, 6, FALSE);
	my $main_table = Gtk2::Table->new (25, 12, FALSE);
	my ($infobox,$info)= create_text();	
	my $refresh = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('ref');
	my $conf_box=process_notebook_gen($emulate,\$info);
	my $chart   =gen_chart  ($emulate);
	$main_table->set_row_spacings (4);
	$main_table->set_col_spacings (1);
	#my  $device_win=show_active_dev($soc,$soc,$infc,$soc_state,\$refresh,$info);
	my $generate = def_image_button('icons/forward.png','Run all');
	my $open = def_image_button('icons/browse.png','Load');
	my ($entrybox,$entry) = def_h_labeled_entry('Save as:',undef);
	$entry->signal_connect( 'changed'=> sub{
		my $name=$entry->get_text();
		$emulate->object_add_attribute ("emulate_name",undef,$name);	
	my $save = def_image_button('icons/save.png','Save');
	$entrybox->pack_end($save,   FALSE, FALSE,0);
	#$table->attach_defaults ($event_box, $col, $col+1, $row, $row+1);
	my $image = get_status_gif($emulate);
	$left_table->attach_defaults ($conf_box , 0, 6, 0, 20);
	$left_table->attach_defaults ($image , 0, 6, 20, 24);
	$left_table->attach ($open,0, 3, 24,25,'expand','shrink',2,2);
	$left_table->attach ($entrybox,3, 6, 24,25,'expand','shrink',2,2);
	$right_table->attach_defaults ($infobox  , 0, 6, 0,12);
	$right_table->attach_defaults ($chart , 0, 6, 12, 24);
	$right_table->attach ($generate, 4, 6, 24,25,'expand','shrink',2,2);
	$main_table->attach_defaults ($left_table , 0, 6, 0, 25);
	$main_table->attach_defaults ($right_table , 6, 12, 0, 25);
	#referesh the mpsoc generator 
	$refresh-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
		my $name=$emulate->object_get_attribute ("emulate_name",undef);	
		$entry->set_text($name) if(defined $name);
		$image = get_status_gif($emulate);
		$chart   =gen_chart  ($emulate);
		$left_table->attach_defaults ($image , 0, 6, 20, 24);
		$left_table->attach_defaults ($conf_box , 0, 6, 0, 12);
		$right_table->attach_defaults ($chart , 0, 6, 12, 24);
	#check soc status every 0.5 second. referesh device table if there is any changes 
	Glib::Timeout->add (100, sub{ 
		my ($state,$timeout)= get_gui_status($emulate);
		if ($timeout>0){
		elsif( $state ne "ideal" ){
			#my $saved_name=$mpsoc->mpsoc_get_mpsoc_name();
			#if(defined $saved_name) {$entry->set_text($saved_name);}
		return TRUE;
	} );
	$generate-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
		my $sample_num=$emulate->object_get_attribute("emulate_num",undef);
		for (my $i=1; $i<=$sample_num; $i++){
			$emulate->object_add_attribute ("sample$i","status","run");	
#	$wb-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
#		wb_address_setting($mpsoc);
#	});
	$open-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	$save-> signal_connect("clicked" => sub{ 
	my $sc_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
		$sc_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
	return $sc_win;

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