Subversion Repositories ao486
[/] [ao486/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [soc/] [sound/] [sound_dsp.v] - Rev 2
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/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Aleksander Osman * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ module sound_dsp( input clk, input rst_n, output reg irq, //io slave 220h-22Fh input [3:0] io_address, input io_read, output [7:0] io_readdata_from_dsp, input io_write, input [7:0] io_writedata, //dma output dma_soundblaster_req, input dma_soundblaster_ack, input dma_soundblaster_terminal, input [7:0] dma_soundblaster_readdata, output [7:0] dma_soundblaster_writedata, //sample output sample_from_dsp_disabled, output sample_from_dsp_do, output [7:0] sample_from_dsp_value, //mgmt slave /* 0-255.[15:0]: cycles in period */ input [8:0] mgmt_address, input mgmt_write, input [31:0] mgmt_writedata ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reg io_read_last; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) io_read_last <= 1'b0; else if(io_read_last) io_read_last <= 1'b0; else io_read_last <= io_read; end wire io_read_valid = io_read && io_read_last == 1'b0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ assign io_readdata_from_dsp = (io_address == 4'hE)? { read_ready, 7'h7F } : (io_address == 4'hA && copy_cnt > 6'd0)? copyright_byte : (io_address == 4'hA)? read_buffer[15:8] : (io_address == 4'hC)? { write_ready, 7'h7F } : 8'hFF; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire highspeed_start = cmd_high_auto_dma_out || cmd_high_single_dma_out || cmd_high_auto_dma_input || cmd_high_single_dma_input; reg highspeed_mode; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) highspeed_mode <= 1'b0; else if(highspeed_reset) highspeed_mode <= 1'b0; else if(highspeed_start) highspeed_mode <= 1'b1; else if(dma_finished) highspeed_mode <= 1'b0; end reg midi_uart_mode; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) midi_uart_mode <= 1'b0; else if(midi_uart_reset) midi_uart_mode <= 1'b0; else if(cmd_midi_uart) midi_uart_mode <= 1'b1; end reg reset_reg; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) reset_reg <= 1'b0; else if(io_write && io_address == 4'h6 && ~(highspeed_mode)) reset_reg <= io_writedata[0]; end wire highspeed_reset = io_write && io_address == 4'h6 && highspeed_mode; wire midi_uart_reset = reset_reg && io_write && io_address == 4'h6 && ~(highspeed_mode) && midi_uart_mode && io_writedata[0] == 1'b0; wire sw_reset = reset_reg && io_write && io_address == 4'h6 && ~(highspeed_mode) && ~(midi_uart_mode) && io_writedata[0] == 1'b0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dummy input wire input_strobe = cmd_direct_input || dma_input; reg input_direction; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) input_direction <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) input_direction <= 1'b0; else if(input_strobe && ~(input_direction) && input_sample == 8'd254) input_direction <= 1'b1; else if(input_strobe && input_direction && input_sample == 8'd1) input_direction <= 1'b0; end reg [7:0] input_sample; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) input_sample <= 8'd128; else if(sw_reset) input_sample <= 8'd128; else if(input_strobe && ~(input_direction)) input_sample <= input_sample + 8'd1; else if(input_strobe && input_direction) input_sample <= input_sample - 8'd1; end assign dma_soundblaster_writedata = (dma_id_active)? dma_id_value : input_sample; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire cmd_single_byte = write_left == 2'd0 && io_write && io_address == 4'hC && ~(midi_uart_mode) && ~(highspeed_mode); wire cmd_wait_for_2byte = write_left == 2'd0 && io_write && io_address == 4'hC && ~(midi_uart_mode) && ~(highspeed_mode) && ( io_writedata == 8'h10 || //direct output io_writedata == 8'h38 || //midi output io_writedata == 8'h40 || //set time constant io_writedata == 8'hE0 || //dsp identification io_writedata == 8'hE4 || //write test register io_writedata == 8'hE2 //dma id ); wire cmd_wait_for_3byte = write_left == 2'd0 && io_write && io_address == 4'hC && ~(midi_uart_mode) && ~(highspeed_mode) && ( io_writedata == 8'h14 || //single cycle dma output io_writedata == 8'h16 || //single cycle dma 2 bit adpcm output io_writedata == 8'h17 || //single cycle dma 2 bit adpcm output with reference io_writedata == 8'h74 || //single cycle dma 4 bit adpcm output io_writedata == 8'h75 || //single cycle dma 4 bit adpcm output with reference io_writedata == 8'h76 || //single cycle dma 4 bit adpcm output io_writedata == 8'h77 || //single cycle dma 4 bit adpcm output with reference io_writedata == 8'h24 || //single cycle dma input io_writedata == 8'h48 || //set block size io_writedata == 8'h80 //pause dac ); wire cmd_multiple_byte = write_length > 2'd0 && write_left == 2'd0 && ~(midi_uart_mode) && ~(highspeed_mode); wire cmd_dsp_version = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hE1; wire cmd_direct_output = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd2 && write_buffer[15:8] == 8'h10; wire cmd_single_dma_output = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h14; wire cmd_single_2_adpcm_out = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h16; wire cmd_single_2_adpcm_out_ref = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h17; wire cmd_single_4_adpcm_out = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h74; wire cmd_single_4_adpcm_out_ref = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h75; wire cmd_single_3_adpcm_out = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h76; wire cmd_single_3_adpcm_out_ref = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h77; wire cmd_single_dma_input = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h24; wire cmd_auto_dma_out = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h1C; wire cmd_auto_dma_exit = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hDA; wire cmd_auto_2_adpcm_out_ref = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h1F; wire cmd_auto_3_adpcm_out_ref = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h7F; wire cmd_auto_4_adpcm_out_ref = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h7D; wire cmd_direct_input = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h20; wire cmd_auto_dma_input = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h2C; //wire cmd_midi_polling_input = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h30; //wire cmd_midi_interrupt_input = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h31; wire cmd_midi_uart = cmd_single_byte && { io_writedata[7:2], 2'b00 } == 8'h34; //wire cmd_midi_output = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd2 && write_buffer[15:8] == 8'h38; wire cmd_set_time_constant = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd2 && write_buffer[15:8] == 8'h40; wire cmd_set_block_size = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h48; wire cmd_pause_dac = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd3 && write_buffer[23:16] == 8'h80; wire cmd_high_auto_dma_out = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h90; wire cmd_high_single_dma_out = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h91; wire cmd_high_auto_dma_input = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h98; wire cmd_high_single_dma_input = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'h99; wire cmd_dma_pause_start = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hD0; wire cmd_dma_pause_end = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hD4; wire cmd_speaker_on = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hD1; wire cmd_speaker_off = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hD3; wire cmd_speaker_status = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hD8; wire cmd_dsp_identification = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd2 && write_buffer[15:8] == 8'hE0; wire cmd_f8_zero = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hF8; wire cmd_trigger_irq = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hF2; wire cmd_test_register_write = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd2 && write_buffer[15:8] == 8'hE4; wire cmd_test_register_read = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hE8; wire cmd_copyright = cmd_single_byte && io_writedata == 8'hE3; wire cmd_dma_id = cmd_multiple_byte && write_length == 2'd2 && write_buffer[15:8] == 8'hE2; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'weird dma identification' from DosBox reg [1:0] dma_id_count; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_id_count <= 2'd0; else if(sw_reset) dma_id_count <= 2'd0; else if(cmd_dma_id) dma_id_count <= dma_id_count + 2'd1; end reg [7:0] dma_id_value; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_id_value <= 8'hAA; else if(sw_reset) dma_id_value <= 8'hAA; else if(cmd_dma_id) dma_id_value <= dma_id_value + dma_id_q; end reg dma_id_active; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_id_active <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) dma_id_active <= 1'b0; else if(cmd_dma_id) dma_id_active <= 1'b1; else if(dma_soundblaster_ack) dma_id_active <= 1'b0; end wire [7:0] dma_id_q; simple_single_rom #( .widthad (10), .width (8), .datafile ("./../soc/sound/dsp_dma_identification_rom.hex") ) dma_id_rom_inst ( .clk (clk), .addr ({dma_id_count, io_writedata}), .q (dma_id_q) ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ copyright reg [5:0] copy_cnt; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) copy_cnt <= 6'd0; else if(cmd_copyright) copy_cnt <= 6'd45; else if(io_read_valid && io_address == 4'hA && copy_cnt > 6'd0) copy_cnt <= copy_cnt - 6'd1; end wire [7:0] copyright_byte = (copy_cnt == 6'd45 || copy_cnt == 6'd34 || copy_cnt == 6'd31 || copy_cnt == 6'd20)? 8'h43 : //C (copy_cnt == 6'd44 || copy_cnt == 6'd17 || copy_cnt == 6'd15)? 8'h4F : //O (copy_cnt == 6'd43)? 8'h50 : //P (copy_cnt == 6'd42 || copy_cnt == 6'd13)? 8'h59 : //Y (copy_cnt == 6'd41 || copy_cnt == 6'd30)? 8'h52 : //R (copy_cnt == 6'd40 || copy_cnt == 6'd26)? 8'h49 : //I (copy_cnt == 6'd39 || copy_cnt == 6'd14)? 8'h47 : //G (copy_cnt == 6'd38 || copy_cnt == 6'd19)? 8'h48 : //H (copy_cnt == 6'd37 || copy_cnt == 6'd27 || copy_cnt == 6'd22 || copy_cnt == 6'd10)? 8'h54 : //T (copy_cnt == 6'd36 || copy_cnt == 6'd32 || copy_cnt == 6'd23 || copy_cnt == 6'd12 || copy_cnt == 6'd7)? 8'h20 : //' ' (copy_cnt == 6'd35)? 8'h28 : //( (copy_cnt == 6'd33)? 8'h29 : //) (copy_cnt == 6'd29 || copy_cnt == 6'd24 || copy_cnt == 6'd21)? 8'h45 : //E (copy_cnt == 6'd28)? 8'h41 : //A (copy_cnt == 6'd25)? 8'h56 : //V (copy_cnt == 6'd18)? 8'h4E : //N (copy_cnt == 6'd16 || copy_cnt == 6'd11)? 8'h4C : //L (copy_cnt == 6'd13)? 8'h59 : //Y (copy_cnt == 6'd9)? 8'h44 : //D (copy_cnt == 6'd8)? 8'h2C : //, (copy_cnt == 6'd6)? 8'h31 : //1 (copy_cnt == 6'd5 || copy_cnt == 6'd4)? 8'h39 : //9 (copy_cnt == 6'd3)? 8'h32 : //2 (copy_cnt == 6'd2)? 8'h2E : //. 8'h00; //for copy_cnt == 6'd1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reg [7:0] test_register; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) test_register <= 8'd0; else if(cmd_test_register_write) test_register <= write_buffer[7:0]; end reg speaker_on; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) speaker_on <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) speaker_on <= 1'b0; else if(cmd_speaker_on) speaker_on <= 1'b1; else if(cmd_speaker_off) speaker_on <= 1'b0; end reg [15:0] block_size; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) block_size <= 16'd0; else if(sw_reset) block_size <= 16'd0; else if(cmd_set_block_size) block_size <= { write_buffer[7:0], write_buffer[15:8] }; end reg pause_dma; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) pause_dma <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) pause_dma <= 1'b0; else if(cmd_dma_pause_start) pause_dma <= 1'b1; else if(cmd_dma_pause_end || dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) pause_dma <= 1'b0; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pause dac wire pause_interrupt = pause_counter == 16'd0 && pause_period == 16'd1; reg pause_active; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) pause_active <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) pause_active <= 1'b0; else if(cmd_pause_dac) pause_active <= 1'b1; else if(pause_counter == 16'd0 && pause_period == 16'd0) pause_active <= 1'b0; end reg [15:0] pause_counter; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) pause_counter <= 16'd0; else if(sw_reset) pause_counter <= 16'd0; else if(cmd_pause_dac) pause_counter <= { write_buffer[7:0], write_buffer[15:8] }; else if(pause_period == 16'd0 && pause_counter > 16'd0) pause_counter <= pause_counter - 16'd1; end reg [15:0] pause_period; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) pause_period <= 16'd0; else if(sw_reset) pause_period <= 16'd0; else if(cmd_pause_dac) pause_period <= period_q; else if(pause_period == 16'd0 && pause_counter > 16'd0) pause_period <= period_q; else if(pause_period > 16'd0) pause_period <= pause_period - 16'd1; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire write_ready = midi_uart_mode || highspeed_mode; reg [1:0] write_length; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) write_length <= 2'd0; else if(sw_reset) write_length <= 2'd0; else if(cmd_midi_uart || highspeed_start) write_length <= 2'd0; else if(cmd_wait_for_2byte) write_length <= 2'd2; else if(cmd_wait_for_3byte) write_length <= 2'd3; else if(write_left == 2'd0) write_length <= 2'd0; end reg [1:0] write_left; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) write_left <= 2'd0; else if(sw_reset) write_left <= 2'd0; else if(cmd_midi_uart || highspeed_start) write_left <= 2'd0; else if(cmd_wait_for_2byte) write_left <= 2'd1; else if(cmd_wait_for_3byte) write_left <= 2'd2; else if(io_write && io_address == 4'hC && write_left > 2'd0) write_left <= write_left - 2'd1; end reg [23:0] write_buffer; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) write_buffer <= 24'd0; else if(sw_reset) write_buffer <= 24'd0; else if(cmd_wait_for_2byte || cmd_wait_for_3byte) write_buffer <= { write_buffer[15:0], io_writedata }; else if(io_write && io_address == 4'hC && write_left > 2'd0) write_buffer <= { write_buffer[15:0], io_writedata }; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wire read_ready = ~(midi_uart_mode) && read_buffer_size > 2'd0; reg [1:0] read_buffer_size; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) read_buffer_size <= 2'd0; else if(sw_reset) read_buffer_size <= 2'd1; else if(cmd_dsp_version) read_buffer_size <= 2'd2; else if(cmd_direct_input) read_buffer_size <= 2'd1; else if(cmd_midi_uart) read_buffer_size <= 2'd0; else if(cmd_speaker_status) read_buffer_size <= 2'd1; else if(cmd_dsp_identification) read_buffer_size <= 2'd1; else if(cmd_f8_zero) read_buffer_size <= 2'd1; else if(cmd_test_register_read) read_buffer_size <= 2'd1; else if(cmd_copyright) read_buffer_size <= 2'd0; else if(io_read_valid && io_address == 4'hA && read_buffer_size > 2'd0) read_buffer_size <= read_buffer_size - 2'd1; end reg [15:0] read_buffer; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) read_buffer <= 16'd0; else if(sw_reset) read_buffer <= { 8'hAA, 8'h00 }; else if(cmd_dsp_version) read_buffer <= { 8'h02, 8'h01 }; else if(cmd_direct_input) read_buffer <= { input_sample, 8'h00 }; else if(cmd_speaker_status) read_buffer <= { (speaker_on)? 8'hFF : 8'h00, 8'h00 }; else if(cmd_dsp_identification) read_buffer <= { ~(write_buffer[7:0]), 8'h00 }; else if(cmd_f8_zero) read_buffer <= { 8'h00, 8'h00 }; else if(cmd_test_register_read) read_buffer <= { test_register, 8'h00 }; else if(io_read_valid && io_address == 4'hA && read_buffer_size > 2'd0) read_buffer <= { read_buffer[7:0], 8'd0 }; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ irq always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) irq <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) irq <= 1'b0; else if(dma_finished || dma_auto_restart || pause_interrupt) irq <= 1'b1; else if(cmd_trigger_irq) irq <= 1'b1; else if(io_read_valid && io_address == 4'hE) irq <= 1'b0; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dma commands localparam [4:0] S_IDLE = 5'd0; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_8_BIT = 5'd1; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT = 5'd2; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT = 5'd3; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT = 5'd4; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT_REF = 5'd5; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT_REF = 5'd6; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT_REF = 5'd7; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_AUTO_8_BIT = 5'd8; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_AUTO_4_BIT_REF = 5'd9; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_AUTO_3_BIT_REF = 5'd10; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_AUTO_2_BIT_REF = 5'd11; localparam [4:0] S_IN_SINGLE = 5'd12; localparam [4:0] S_IN_AUTO = 5'd13; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_SINGLE_HIGH = 5'd14; localparam [4:0] S_OUT_AUTO_HIGH = 5'd15; localparam [4:0] S_IN_SINGLE_HIGH = 5'd16; localparam [4:0] S_IN_AUTO_HIGH = 5'd17; reg [4:0] dma_command; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_command <= S_IDLE; else if(sw_reset) dma_command <= S_IDLE; else if(cmd_single_dma_output) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_8_BIT; else if(cmd_single_4_adpcm_out) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT; else if(cmd_single_3_adpcm_out) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT; else if(cmd_single_2_adpcm_out) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT; else if(cmd_single_4_adpcm_out_ref) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT_REF; else if(cmd_single_3_adpcm_out_ref) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT_REF; else if(cmd_single_2_adpcm_out_ref) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT_REF; else if(cmd_auto_dma_out) dma_command <= S_OUT_AUTO_8_BIT; else if(cmd_auto_4_adpcm_out_ref) dma_command <= S_OUT_AUTO_4_BIT_REF; else if(cmd_auto_3_adpcm_out_ref) dma_command <= S_OUT_AUTO_3_BIT_REF; else if(cmd_auto_2_adpcm_out_ref) dma_command <= S_OUT_AUTO_2_BIT_REF; else if(cmd_single_dma_input) dma_command <= S_IN_SINGLE; else if(cmd_auto_dma_input) dma_command <= S_IN_AUTO; else if(cmd_high_single_dma_out) dma_command <= S_OUT_SINGLE_HIGH; else if(cmd_high_auto_dma_out) dma_command <= S_OUT_AUTO_HIGH; else if(cmd_high_single_dma_input) dma_command <= S_IN_SINGLE_HIGH; else if(cmd_high_auto_dma_input) dma_command <= S_IN_AUTO_HIGH; else if(dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) dma_command <= S_IDLE; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dma wire dma_single_start = dma_restart_possible && ( dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_8_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_IN_SINGLE || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_HIGH || dma_command == S_IN_SINGLE_HIGH ); wire dma_auto_start = dma_restart_possible && ( dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_8_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_4_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_3_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_2_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_IN_AUTO || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_HIGH || dma_command == S_IN_AUTO_HIGH ); wire dma_normal_req = dma_in_progress && dma_wait == 16'd0 && adpcm_wait == 2'd0 && ~(pause_dma); assign dma_soundblaster_req = dma_id_active || dma_normal_req; wire dma_valid = dma_normal_req && dma_soundblaster_ack && ~(dma_id_active); wire dma_output = ~(dma_is_input) && dma_valid; wire dma_input = dma_is_input && dma_valid; wire dma_finished = dma_in_progress && ~(dma_autoinit) && ( (dma_valid && dma_left == 17'd1 && adpcm_type == ADPCM_NONE) || (adpcm_output && dma_left == 17'd0 && adpcm_type != ADPCM_NONE && adpcm_wait == 2'd1) ); wire dma_auto_restart = dma_in_progress && dma_autoinit && ( (dma_valid && dma_left == 17'd1 && adpcm_type == ADPCM_NONE) || (adpcm_output && dma_left == 17'd0 && adpcm_type != ADPCM_NONE && adpcm_wait == 2'd1) ); wire dma_restart_possible = dma_wait == 16'd0 && (adpcm_wait == 2'd0 || (adpcm_type != ADPCM_NONE && adpcm_wait == 2'd1)) && (~(dma_in_progress) || dma_auto_restart || pause_dma); reg [16:0] dma_left; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_left <= 17'd0; else if(sw_reset) dma_left <= 17'd0; else if(dma_single_start) dma_left <= { write_buffer[7:0], write_buffer[15:8] } + 16'd1; else if(dma_auto_start || dma_auto_restart) dma_left <= block_size + 16'd1; else if(dma_valid && dma_left > 17'd0) dma_left <= dma_left - 17'd1; else if(dma_finished) dma_left <= 17'd0; end reg dma_in_progress; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_in_progress <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) dma_in_progress <= 1'b0; else if(dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) dma_in_progress <= 1'b1; else if(dma_finished) dma_in_progress <= 1'b0; end reg dma_is_input; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_is_input <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) dma_is_input <= 1'b0; else if((dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) && (dma_command == S_IN_SINGLE || dma_command == S_IN_AUTO || dma_command == S_IN_SINGLE_HIGH || dma_command == S_IN_AUTO_HIGH)) dma_is_input <= 1'b1; else if(dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) dma_is_input <= 1'b0; end reg dma_autoinit; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_autoinit <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) dma_autoinit <= 1'b0; else if(dma_single_start) dma_autoinit <= 1'b0; else if(dma_auto_start) dma_autoinit <= 1'b1; else if(cmd_auto_dma_exit) dma_autoinit <= 1'b0; end reg [15:0] dma_wait; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) dma_wait <= 16'd0; else if(sw_reset) dma_wait <= 16'd0; else if(dma_finished || dma_valid || adpcm_output || (~(dma_in_progress) && (dma_single_start || dma_auto_start))) dma_wait <= period_q; else if(dma_wait > 16'd0) dma_wait <= dma_wait - 16'd1; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ adpcm localparam [1:0] ADPCM_NONE = 2'd0; localparam [1:0] ADPCM_4BIT = 2'd1; localparam [1:0] ADPCM_3BIT = 2'd2; localparam [1:0] ADPCM_2BIT = 2'd3; wire adpcm_reference_start = (dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) && ( dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_2_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_3_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_4_BIT_REF ); wire adpcm_output = dma_wait == 16'd0 && adpcm_wait > 2'd0; reg adpcm_reference_awaiting; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_reference_awaiting <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) adpcm_reference_awaiting <= 1'b0; else if(adpcm_reference_start) adpcm_reference_awaiting <= 1'b1; else if(dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) adpcm_reference_awaiting <= 1'b0; else if(adpcm_reference_awaiting && dma_output) adpcm_reference_awaiting <= 1'b0; else if(dma_finished) adpcm_reference_awaiting <= 1'b0; end reg adpcm_reference_output; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_reference_output <= 1'b0; else adpcm_reference_output <= adpcm_reference_awaiting; end reg [1:0] adpcm_wait; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_wait <= 2'd0; else if(sw_reset) adpcm_wait <= 2'd0; else if(dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) adpcm_wait <= 2'd0; else if(adpcm_reference_awaiting && dma_output) adpcm_wait <= 2'd0; else if(dma_output && adpcm_type == ADPCM_2BIT) adpcm_wait <= 2'd3; else if(dma_output && adpcm_type == ADPCM_3BIT) adpcm_wait <= 2'd2; else if(dma_output && adpcm_type == ADPCM_4BIT) adpcm_wait <= 2'd1; else if(adpcm_output && adpcm_wait > 2'd0) adpcm_wait <= adpcm_wait - 2'd1; end reg [7:0] adpcm_sample; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_sample <= 8'd0; else if(sw_reset) adpcm_sample <= 8'd0; else if(dma_output) adpcm_sample <= dma_soundblaster_readdata; else if(adpcm_output && adpcm_type == ADPCM_2BIT) adpcm_sample <= { adpcm_sample[5:0], 2'b0 }; else if(adpcm_output && adpcm_type == ADPCM_3BIT) adpcm_sample <= { adpcm_sample[4:0], 3'b0 }; else if(adpcm_output && adpcm_type == ADPCM_4BIT) adpcm_sample <= { adpcm_sample[3:0], 4'b0 }; end reg adpcm_active; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_active <= 1'b0; else if(sw_reset) adpcm_active <= 1'b0; else if(adpcm_reference_awaiting && dma_output) adpcm_active <= 1'b0; else if(adpcm_type != ADPCM_NONE && dma_output) adpcm_active <= 1'b1; else if(adpcm_output) adpcm_active <= 1'b1; else adpcm_active <= 1'b0; end wire [7:0] adpcm_active_value = (adpcm_type == ADPCM_2BIT)? adpcm_2bit_reference_next : (adpcm_type == ADPCM_3BIT)? adpcm_3bit_reference_next : adpcm_4bit_reference_next; reg [1:0] adpcm_type; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_type <= ADPCM_NONE; else if(sw_reset) adpcm_type <= ADPCM_NONE; else if((dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) && (dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_2_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_2_BIT_REF)) adpcm_type <= ADPCM_2BIT; else if((dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) && (dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_3_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_3_BIT_REF)) adpcm_type <= ADPCM_3BIT; else if((dma_single_start || dma_auto_start) && (dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT_REF || dma_command == S_OUT_SINGLE_4_BIT || dma_command == S_OUT_AUTO_4_BIT_REF)) adpcm_type <= ADPCM_4BIT; else if((dma_single_start || dma_auto_start)) adpcm_type <= ADPCM_NONE; else if(dma_finished) adpcm_type <= ADPCM_NONE; end reg [2:0] adpcm_step; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_step <= 3'd0; else if(sw_reset) adpcm_step <= 3'd0; else if(adpcm_active && adpcm_type == ADPCM_2BIT) adpcm_step <= adpcm_2bit_step_next; else if(adpcm_active && adpcm_type == ADPCM_3BIT) adpcm_step <= adpcm_3bit_step_next; else if(adpcm_active && adpcm_type == ADPCM_4BIT) adpcm_step <= adpcm_4bit_step_next; else if(adpcm_reference_awaiting && dma_output) adpcm_step <= 3'd0; end reg [7:0] adpcm_reference; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) adpcm_reference <= 8'd0; else if(sw_reset) adpcm_reference <= 8'd0; else if(adpcm_active && adpcm_type == ADPCM_2BIT) adpcm_reference <= adpcm_2bit_reference_next; else if(adpcm_active && adpcm_type == ADPCM_3BIT) adpcm_reference <= adpcm_3bit_reference_next; else if(adpcm_active && adpcm_type == ADPCM_4BIT) adpcm_reference <= adpcm_4bit_reference_next; else if(adpcm_reference_awaiting && dma_output) adpcm_reference <= dma_soundblaster_readdata; end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ adpcm 2 bit wire [1:0] adpcm_2bit_sample = adpcm_sample[7:6]; wire [7:0] adpcm_2bit_reference_adjust = (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd0)? { 7'd0, adpcm_2bit_sample[0] } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd1)? { 6'd0, adpcm_2bit_sample[0], 1'b1 } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd2)? { 5'd0, adpcm_2bit_sample[0], 2'b10 } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd3)? { 4'd0, adpcm_2bit_sample[0], 3'b100 } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd4)? { 3'd0, adpcm_2bit_sample[0], 4'b1000 } : { 2'd0, adpcm_2bit_sample[0], 5'b10000 }; //adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd5 wire [8:0] adpcm_2bit_reference_sum = adpcm_reference + adpcm_2bit_reference_adjust; wire [8:0] adpcm_2bit_reference_sub = adpcm_reference - adpcm_2bit_reference_adjust; wire [7:0] adpcm_2bit_reference_next = (adpcm_2bit_sample[1] && adpcm_2bit_reference_sub[8])? 8'd0 : (adpcm_2bit_sample[1])? adpcm_2bit_reference_sub[7:0] : (adpcm_2bit_reference_sum[8])? 8'd255 : adpcm_2bit_reference_sum[7:0]; wire [2:0] adpcm_2bit_step_next = (adpcm_step < 3'd5 && adpcm_2bit_sample[0] == 1'b1)? adpcm_step + 3'd1 : (adpcm_step > 3'd0 && adpcm_2bit_sample[0] == 1'b0)? adpcm_step - 3'd1 : adpcm_step; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ adpcm 3 bit wire [2:0] adpcm_3bit_sample = adpcm_sample[7:5]; wire [7:0] adpcm_3bit_reference_adjust = (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd0)? { 6'd0, adpcm_3bit_sample[1:0] } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd1)? { 5'd0, adpcm_3bit_sample[1:0], 1'b1 } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd2)? { 4'd0, adpcm_3bit_sample[1:0], 2'b10 } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd3)? { 3'd0, adpcm_3bit_sample[1:0], 3'b100 } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd4 && adpcm_3bit_sample == 3'd0)? 8'd5 : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd4 && adpcm_3bit_sample == 3'd1)? 8'd15 : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd4 && adpcm_3bit_sample == 3'd2)? 8'd25 : 8'd35; wire [8:0] adpcm_3bit_reference_sum = adpcm_reference + adpcm_3bit_reference_adjust; wire [8:0] adpcm_3bit_reference_sub = adpcm_reference - adpcm_3bit_reference_adjust; wire [7:0] adpcm_3bit_reference_next = (adpcm_3bit_sample[2] && adpcm_3bit_reference_sub[8])? 8'd0 : (adpcm_3bit_sample[2])? adpcm_3bit_reference_sub[7:0] : (adpcm_3bit_reference_sum[8])? 8'd255 : adpcm_3bit_reference_sum[7:0]; wire [2:0] adpcm_3bit_step_next = (adpcm_step < 3'd4 && adpcm_3bit_sample[1:0] == 2'b11)? adpcm_step + 3'd1 : (adpcm_step > 3'd0 && adpcm_3bit_sample[1:0] == 2'b00)? adpcm_step - 3'd1 : adpcm_step; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ adpcm 4 bit wire [3:0] adpcm_4bit_sample = adpcm_sample[7:4]; wire [7:0] adpcm_4bit_reference_adjust = (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd0)? { 5'd0, adpcm_4bit_sample[2:0] } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd1)? { 4'd0, adpcm_4bit_sample[2:0], 1'b1 } : (adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd2)? { 3'd0, adpcm_4bit_sample[2:0], 2'b10 } : { 2'd0, adpcm_4bit_sample[2:0], 3'b100 }; //adpcm_step[2:0] == 3'd3 wire [8:0] adpcm_4bit_reference_sum = adpcm_reference + adpcm_4bit_reference_adjust; wire [8:0] adpcm_4bit_reference_sub = adpcm_reference - adpcm_4bit_reference_adjust; wire [7:0] adpcm_4bit_reference_next = (adpcm_4bit_sample[3] && adpcm_4bit_reference_sub[8])? 8'd0 : (adpcm_4bit_sample[3])? adpcm_4bit_reference_sub[7:0] : (adpcm_4bit_reference_sum[8])? 8'd255 : adpcm_4bit_reference_sum[7:0]; wire [2:0] adpcm_4bit_step_next = (adpcm_step < 3'd3 && adpcm_4bit_sample[2:0] >= 3'd5)? adpcm_step + 3'd1 : (adpcm_step > 3'd0 && adpcm_4bit_sample[2:0] == 3'd0)? adpcm_step - 3'd1 : adpcm_step; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reg [7:0] period_address; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(rst_n == 1'b0) period_address <= 8'd128; else if(sw_reset) period_address <= 8'd128; else if(cmd_set_time_constant) period_address <= write_buffer[7:0]; end wire [15:0] period_q; simple_ram #( .widthad (8), .width (16) ) period_ram_inst( .clk (clk), .wraddress (mgmt_address[7:0]), .wren (mgmt_write && mgmt_address[8] == 1'b0), .data (mgmt_writedata[15:0]), .rdaddress (period_address), .q (period_q) ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ assign sample_from_dsp_disabled = ~(speaker_on) || pause_active; assign sample_from_dsp_do = ~(sample_from_dsp_disabled) && ((dma_output && adpcm_type == ADPCM_NONE) || cmd_direct_output || adpcm_active || (~(adpcm_reference_awaiting) && adpcm_reference_output)); assign sample_from_dsp_value = (adpcm_reference_output)? adpcm_sample : (adpcm_active)? adpcm_active_value : (dma_output)? dma_soundblaster_readdata : write_buffer[7:0]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // synthesis translate_off wire _unused_ok = &{ 1'b0, mgmt_writedata[31:16], dma_soundblaster_terminal, 1'b0 }; // synthesis translate_on //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ endmodule