Subversion Repositories ao68000
[/] [ao68000/] [trunk/] [tests/] [compare_with_winuae/] [verilog/] [tb_ao68000.v] - Rev 16
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/* * Copyright 2010, Aleksander Osman, alfik@poczta.fm. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ `timescale 10ns / 1ns `define MICROPC_MAIN_LOOP 9'd53 module tb_ao68000(); // inputs reg clk; reg rst_n; reg [31:0] data_in; reg ack; wire err; wire rty; wire [2:0] ipl; // outputs wire cyc; wire [31:2] addr; wire [31:0] data_out; wire [3:0] sel; wire stb; wire we; wire sgl; wire blk; wire rmw; wire [2:0] cti; wire [1:0] bte; wire [2:0] fc; wire reset_output; wire blocked_output; ao68000 ao68000_m( .CLK_I(clk), .reset_n(rst_n), .DAT_I(data_in), .ACK_I(ack), .ERR_I(err), .RTY_I(rty), .CYC_O(cyc), .ADR_O(addr), .DAT_O(data_out), .SEL_O(sel), .STB_O(stb), .WE_O(we), .SGL_O(sgl), .BLK_O(blk), .RMW_O(rmw), .CTI_O(cti), .BTE_O(bte), .fc_o(fc), .ipl_i(ipl), .reset_o(reset_output), .blocked_o(blocked_output) ); initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever #5 clk = ~clk; end reg [87:0] string; reg [31:0] write_data_selected; always @(posedge clk) begin if(stb == 1'b1 && we == 1'b0 && addr == 30'd0 && ao68000_m.microcode_branch_m.micro_pc_0 == 9'd1) begin #5 data_in = get_argument("SSP"); ack = 1'b1; #10 data_in = 32'd0; ack = 1'b0; end else if(stb == 1'b1 && we == 1'b0 && addr == 30'd1 && ao68000_m.microcode_branch_m.micro_pc_0 == 9'd1) begin #5 data_in = get_argument("PC"); ack = 1'b1; #10 data_in = 32'd0; ack = 1'b0; end else if(stb == 1'b1 && we == 1'b0) begin $display("memory read: address=%h, select=%h", addr, sel); $sformat(string, "MEM%h", addr); #5 data_in = get_argument(string); ack = 1'b1; #10 data_in = 32'd0; ack = 1'b0; end else if(stb == 1'b1 && we == 1'b1) begin if(sel == 4'd0) write_data_selected = 32'd0; else if(sel == 4'd1) write_data_selected = { 24'd0, data_out[7:0] }; else if(sel == 4'd2) write_data_selected = { 16'd0, data_out[15:8], 8'd0 }; else if(sel == 4'd3) write_data_selected = { 16'd0, data_out[15:0] }; else if(sel == 4'd4) write_data_selected = { 8'd0, data_out[23:16], 16'd0 }; else if(sel == 4'd5) write_data_selected = { 8'd0, data_out[23:16], 8'd0, data_out[7:0] }; else if(sel == 4'd6) write_data_selected = { 8'd0, data_out[23:8], 8'd0 }; else if(sel == 4'd7) write_data_selected = { 8'd0, data_out[23:0] }; else if(sel == 4'd8) write_data_selected = { data_out[31:24], 24'd0 }; else if(sel == 4'd9) write_data_selected = { data_out[31:24], 16'd0, data_out[7:0] }; else if(sel == 4'd10) write_data_selected = { data_out[31:24], 8'd0, data_out[15:8], 8'd0 }; else if(sel == 4'd11) write_data_selected = { data_out[31:24], 8'd0, data_out[15:0] }; else if(sel == 4'd12) write_data_selected = { data_out[31:16], 16'd0 }; else if(sel == 4'd13) write_data_selected = { data_out[31:16], 8'd0, data_out[7:0] }; else if(sel == 4'd14) write_data_selected = { data_out[31:8], 8'd0 }; else if(sel == 4'd15) write_data_selected = data_out[31:0]; $display("memory write address=%h, select=%h: value=%h", addr, sel, write_data_selected); #5 ack = 1'b1; #10 ack = 1'b0; end end function [31:0] get_argument(input [87:0] name); reg [31:0] result; begin if( $value$plusargs({name, "=%h"}, result) == 0 ) begin $display("Missing argument: %s", name); $finish_and_return(-1); end get_argument = result; end endfunction task load_state; begin ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[0] = get_argument("A0"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[1] = get_argument("A1"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[2] = get_argument("A2"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[3] = get_argument("A3"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[4] = get_argument("A4"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[5] = get_argument("A5"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[6] = get_argument("A6"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[7] = get_argument("SSP"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.usp = get_argument("USP"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[0] = get_argument("D0"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[1] = get_argument("D1"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[2] = get_argument("D2"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[3] = get_argument("D3"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[4] = get_argument("D4"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[5] = get_argument("D5"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[6] = get_argument("D6"); ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[7] = get_argument("D7"); ao68000_m.registers_m.pc = get_argument("PC"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr = 16'd0; ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[0] = get_argument("C"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[1] = get_argument("V"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[2] = get_argument("Z"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[3] = get_argument("N"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[4] = get_argument("X"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[10:8] = get_argument("IPM"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[13] = get_argument("S"); ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[15] = get_argument("T"); end endtask task dump_state; begin $write("A0: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[0]); $write("A1: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[1]); $write("A2: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[2]); $write("A3: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[3]); $write("A4: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[4]); $write("A5: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[5]); $write("A6: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[6]); $write("SSP: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.an_ram_inst.mem_data[7]); $write("USP: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.usp); $write("D0: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[0]); $write("D1: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[1]); $write("D2: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[2]); $write("D3: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[3]); $write("D4: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[4]); $write("D5: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[5]); $write("D6: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[6]); $write("D7: %h\n", ao68000_m.memory_registers_m.dn_ram_inst.mem_data[7]); $write("PC: %h\n", ao68000_m.registers_m.pc_valid); $write("C: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[0]); $write("V: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[1]); $write("Z: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[2]); $write("N: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[3]); $write("X: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[4]); $write("IPM: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[10:8]); $write("S: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[13]); $write("T: %h\n", ao68000_m.alu_m.sr[15]); end endtask initial begin $display("Be sure to set the MICROPC_MAIN_LOOP define to proper value (taken from ao68000.v)"); $dumpfile("tb_ao68000.vcd"); $dumpvars(0); $dumpon(); rst_n = 1'b0; #10 rst_n = 1'b1; while(ao68000_m.microcode_branch_m.micro_pc_0 != `MICROPC_MAIN_LOOP) #10; load_state(); $display("START TEST"); while(ao68000_m.microcode_branch_m.micro_pc_0 == `MICROPC_MAIN_LOOP) #10; while(ao68000_m.microcode_branch_m.micro_pc_0 != `MICROPC_MAIN_LOOP) #10; dump_state(); $dumpoff(); $finish(); end initial begin #3000 if(blocked_output == 1'b1) begin dump_state(); $display("processor blocked: yes"); end else begin $display("Time limit exceeded."); end $finish(); end endmodule
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