Subversion Repositories apbtoaes128
[/] [apbtoaes128/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [datapath.v] - Rev 8
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// AES CORE BLOCK //// //// //// //// This file is part of the APB to I2C project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/cores/apbi2c/ //// //// //// //// Description //// //// Implementation of APB IP core according to //// //// aes128_spec IP core specification document. //// //// //// //// To Do: Things are right here but always all block can suffer changes //// //// //// //// //// //// Author(s): - Felipe Fernandes Da Costa, fefe2560@gmail.com //// Julio Cesar //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2009 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module datapath ( // OUTPUTS output [31:0] col_bus, output [31:0] key_bus, output [31:0] iv_bus, output end_aes, // INPUTS input [31:0] bus_in, input [ 1:0] data_type, input [ 1:0] rk_sel, input [ 1:0] key_out_sel, input [ 3:0] round, input [ 2:0] sbox_sel, input [ 3:0] iv_en, input [ 3:0] iv_sel_rd, input [ 3:0] col_en_host, input [ 3:0] col_en_cnt_unit, input [ 3:0] key_host_en, input [ 3:0] key_en, input [ 1:0] key_sel_rd, input [ 1:0] col_sel, input [ 1:0] col_sel_host, input end_comp, input key_sel, input key_init, input bypass_rk, input bypass_key_en, input first_block, input last_round, input iv_cnt_en, input iv_cnt_sel, input enc_dec, input mode_ctr, input mode_cbc, input key_gen, input key_derivation_en, input rst_n, input clk ); //`include "include/control_unit_params.vh" //============================================================================= // SBOX SEL //============================================================================= localparam COL_0 = 3'b000; localparam COL_1 = 3'b001; localparam COL_2 = 3'b010; localparam COL_3 = 3'b011; localparam G_FUNCTION = 3'b100; //============================================================================= // RK_SEL //============================================================================= localparam COL = 2'b00; localparam MIXCOL_IN = 2'b01; localparam MIXCOL_OUT = 2'b10; //============================================================================= // KEY_OUT_SEL //============================================================================= localparam KEY_0 = 2'b00; localparam KEY_1 = 2'b01; localparam KEY_2 = 2'b10; localparam KEY_3 = 2'b11; //============================================================================= // COL_SEL //============================================================================= localparam SHIFT_ROWS = 2'b00; localparam ADD_RK_OUT = 2'b01; localparam INPUT = 2'b10; //============================================================================= // KEY_SEL //============================================================================= localparam KEY_HOST = 1'b0; localparam KEY_OUT = 1'b1; //============================================================================= // KEY_EN //============================================================================= localparam KEY_DIS = 4'b0000; localparam EN_KEY_0 = 4'b0001; localparam EN_KEY_1 = 4'b0010; localparam EN_KEY_2 = 4'b0100; localparam EN_KEY_3 = 4'b1000; localparam KEY_ALL = 4'b1111; //============================================================================= // COL_EN //============================================================================= localparam COL_DIS = 4'b0000; localparam EN_COL_0 = 4'b0001; localparam EN_COL_1 = 4'b0010; localparam EN_COL_2 = 4'b0100; localparam EN_COL_3 = 4'b1000; localparam COL_ALL = 4'b1111; //============================================================================= // IV_CNT_SEL //============================================================================= localparam IV_CNT = 1'b1; localparam IV_BUS = 1'b0; //============================================================================= // ENABLES //============================================================================= localparam ENABLE = 1'b1; localparam DISABLE = 1'b0; reg [31 : 0] col [0:3]; reg [31 : 0] key [0:3]; reg [31 : 0] key_host[0:3]; reg [31 : 0] bkp [0:3]; reg [31 : 0] bkp_1 [0:3]; reg [31 : 0] iv [0:3]; reg [127 : 0] col_in; reg [ 31 : 0] data_in; reg [ 31 : 0] add_rd_key_in; reg [ 31 : 0] sbox_input; reg [ 31 : 0] key_mux_out; reg [ 31 : 0] iv_mux_out; reg [ 31 : 0] bkp_mux_out; wire [127 : 0] key_in, key_out; wire [127 : 0] sr_input; wire [127 : 0] sr_enc, sr_dec; wire [ 31 : 0] add_rk_out; wire [ 31 : 0] sbox_out_enc; wire [ 31 : 0] sbox_out_dec; wire [ 31 : 0] g_in; wire [ 31 : 0] mix_out_enc; wire [ 31 : 0] mix_out_dec; wire [ 31 : 0] add_rd; wire [ 31 : 0] bus_swap; wire [ 31 : 0] iv_bkp_mux; wire [ 31 : 0] xor_input_bkp_iv; wire [ 31 : 0] sr_input_0; wire [ 31 : 0] sr_input_3; wire [ 3 : 0] key_en_sel; wire [ 3 : 0] bkp_en; wire [ 3 : 0] col_en; wire [ 1 : 0] key_mux_sel; wire [ 1 : 0] rk_sel_mux; wire [ 1 : 0] col_sel_w_bypass; wire [ 3 : 0] col_en_w_bypass; wire rk_out_sel; wire add_rk_sel; wire key_sel_mux; wire key1_mux_cnt; wire enc_dec_sbox; reg [31 : 0] sbox_pp2; reg [ 3 : 0] col_en_cnt_unit_pp1; reg [ 3 : 0] col_en_cnt_unit_pp2; reg [ 3 : 0] key_en_pp1; reg [ 3 : 0] round_pp1; reg [ 1 : 0] col_sel_pp1; reg [ 1 : 0] col_sel_pp2; reg [ 1 : 0] key_out_sel_pp1; reg [ 1 : 0] key_out_sel_pp2; reg [ 1 : 0] rk_sel_pp1; reg [ 1 : 0] rk_sel_pp2; reg key_sel_pp1; reg rk_out_sel_pp1, rk_out_sel_pp2; reg last_round_pp1, last_round_pp2; //reg end_aes_pp2;//end_aes_pp1, end_aes_pp2; assign key_bus = key_mux_out; assign iv_bus = iv_mux_out; // Input Swap Unit data_swap SWAP_IN ( .data_swap( bus_swap ), .data_in ( bus_in ), .swap_type( data_type ) ); // Output Swap Unit data_swap SWAP_OUT ( .data_swap( col_bus ), .data_in ( sbox_input ), .swap_type( data_type ) ); // IV and BKP Muxs always @(*) begin: IV_BKP_MUX integer i; iv_mux_out = {32{1'b0}}; bkp_mux_out = {32{1'b0}}; for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin if(col_en[i] | iv_sel_rd[i]) begin iv_mux_out = iv[i]; bkp_mux_out = bkp[i]; end end end assign iv_bkp_mux = (first_block && !mode_ctr) ? iv_mux_out : bkp_mux_out; assign xor_input_bkp_iv = ((enc_dec && !mode_ctr) ? bus_swap : add_rk_out) ^ iv_bkp_mux; always @(*) begin data_in = {32{1'b0}}; case(1'b1) mode_cbc: data_in = (enc_dec || last_round) ? xor_input_bkp_iv : bus_swap; mode_ctr: data_in = (last_round) ? xor_input_bkp_iv : iv_mux_out; default: data_in = bus_swap; endcase end assign bkp_en = ( {4{ mode_cbc && last_round && enc_dec}} & col_en_cnt_unit_pp2) | ( {4{(mode_cbc && !enc_dec) || mode_ctr}} & col_en_host ); // IV and BKP Registers generate genvar l; for(l = 0; l < 4;l=l+1) begin always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin iv[l] <= {32{1'b0}}; bkp[l] <= {32{1'b0}}; bkp_1[l] <= {32{1'b0}}; end else begin if(l == 3) begin if(iv_en[l] || iv_cnt_en) //iv[l] <= (iv_cnt_sel) ? iv[l] + 1'b1 : bus_in; iv[l] <= (iv_cnt_sel) ? iv[l] : bus_in; end else begin if(iv_en[l]) iv[l] <= bus_in; end if(bkp_en[l]) //bkp[l] <= (mode_ctr) ? bus_swap : ((mode_cbc && enc_dec) ? col_in : bkp_1[l]); bkp[l] <= (mode_ctr) ? bus_swap : ((mode_cbc && enc_dec)? col_in[32*(l + 1) - 1 : 32*l] : bkp_1[l]); if(bkp_en[l]) bkp_1[l] <= col_in[32*(l + 1) - 1 : 32*l]; end end end endgenerate assign col_sel_w_bypass = (bypass_rk) ? col_sel : col_sel_pp2; // Columns Input Multiplexors always @(*) begin col_in = {128{1'b0}}; case(col_sel_w_bypass) SHIFT_ROWS: col_in = (enc_dec) ? sr_enc : sr_dec; ADD_RK_OUT: col_in = {4{add_rk_out}}; INPUT: col_in = {4{data_in}}; endcase end assign col_en_w_bypass = (bypass_rk) ? col_en_cnt_unit : col_en_cnt_unit_pp2; assign col_en = col_en_host | col_en_w_bypass; // Columns Definition generate genvar i; for(i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) col[3 - i] <= {32{1'b0}}; else if(col_en[3 - i]) col[3 - i] <= col_in[32*(i + 1) - 1 : 32*i]; end endgenerate // Shift Rows Operation assign sr_input_3 = (enc_dec) ? add_rk_out : col[3]; assign sr_input_0 = (enc_dec) ? col[0] : add_rk_out; assign sr_input = {sr_input_0, col[1], col[2], sr_input_3}; shift_rows SHIFT_ROW ( .data_out_enc ( sr_enc ), .data_out_dec ( sr_dec ), .data_in ( sr_input ) ); //SBOX Input Multiplexor always @(*) begin sbox_input = {32{1'b0}}; case(sbox_sel | col_sel_host) COL_0: sbox_input = col[0]; COL_1: sbox_input = col[1]; COL_2: sbox_input = col[2]; COL_3: sbox_input = col[3]; G_FUNCTION: sbox_input = g_in; endcase end // 32 bits SBOX assign enc_dec_sbox = enc_dec | key_gen; sBox SBOX ( .sbox_out_enc ( sbox_out_enc ), .sbox_out_dec ( sbox_out_dec ), .sbox_in ( sbox_input ), .enc_dec ( enc_dec_sbox ), .clk ( clk ) ); // Second stage of pipeline always @(posedge clk) begin sbox_pp2 <= (enc_dec || mode_ctr) ? sbox_out_enc : sbox_out_dec ^ key_mux_out; end assign key_en_sel = (bypass_key_en) ? key_en : key_en_pp1; assign key_sel_mux = (bypass_key_en) ? key_sel : key_sel_pp1; // Key registers generate genvar j; for(j = 0; j < 4; j = j + 1) always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin key_host[3 - j] <= {32{1'b0}}; key[3 - j] <= {32{1'b0}}; end else begin if(key_host_en[3 - j] || key_derivation_en) key_host[3 - j] <= (key_derivation_en) ? key[3 - j] : bus_in; if(key_en_sel[3 - j] || key_init || key_host_en[3 - j]) key[3 - j] <= (key_sel_mux) ? key_out[32*(j + 1) - 1 : 32*j] : ( (key_host_en[3 - j]) ? bus_in : key_host[3 - j] ); end end endgenerate assign key_in = {key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3]}; assign key1_mux_cnt = bypass_key_en & enc_dec; key_expander KEY_EXPANDER ( .key_out ( key_out ), .g_in ( g_in ), .g_out ( sbox_out_enc ), .key_in ( key_in ), .round ( round_pp1 ), .add_w_out ( key1_mux_cnt ), .enc_dec ( enc_dec | key_gen) ); assign key_mux_sel = (bypass_key_en) ? key_out_sel : ( (enc_dec | mode_ctr) ? key_out_sel_pp2 : key_out_sel_pp1 ); // Key Expander Mux always @(*) begin key_mux_out = {32{1'b0}}; case(key_mux_sel | key_sel_rd) KEY_0: key_mux_out = key[0]; KEY_1: key_mux_out = key[1]; KEY_2: key_mux_out = key[2]; KEY_3: key_mux_out = key[3]; endcase end mix_columns MIX_COL ( .mix_out_enc ( mix_out_enc ), .mix_out_dec ( mix_out_dec ), .mix_in ( sbox_pp2 ) ); assign rk_sel_mux = (bypass_rk) ? rk_sel : rk_sel_pp2; always @(*) begin add_rd_key_in = {32{1'b0}}; case(rk_sel_mux) COL: add_rd_key_in = sbox_input; MIXCOL_IN: add_rd_key_in = sbox_pp2; MIXCOL_OUT: add_rd_key_in = mix_out_enc; endcase end // Add Round Key assign add_rd = add_rd_key_in ^ key_mux_out; assign rk_out_sel = (enc_dec | mode_ctr | bypass_rk); assign add_rk_sel = (bypass_rk) ? rk_out_sel : rk_out_sel_pp2; assign add_rk_out = (add_rk_sel) ? add_rd : (last_round_pp2 ? sbox_pp2 : mix_out_dec); assign end_aes = end_comp;//end_aes_pp2; // Pipeline Registers for Control Signals always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin //end_aes_pp1 <= DISABLE; //end_aes_pp2 <= DISABLE; col_sel_pp1 <= INPUT; col_sel_pp2 <= INPUT; col_en_cnt_unit_pp1 <= COL_DIS; col_en_cnt_unit_pp2 <= COL_DIS; key_sel_pp1 <= KEY_HOST; key_en_pp1 <= KEY_DIS; round_pp1 <= 4'b0000; key_out_sel_pp1 <= KEY_0; key_out_sel_pp2 <= KEY_0; rk_sel_pp1 <= COL; rk_sel_pp2 <= COL; rk_out_sel_pp1 <= 1'b1; rk_out_sel_pp2 <= 1'b1; last_round_pp1 <= 1'b1; last_round_pp2 <= 1'b0; end else begin col_sel_pp1 <= col_sel; col_sel_pp2 <= col_sel_pp1; if(!bypass_rk) begin col_en_cnt_unit_pp1 <= col_en_cnt_unit; col_en_cnt_unit_pp2 <= col_en_cnt_unit_pp1; end key_sel_pp1 <= key_sel; if(!bypass_key_en) key_en_pp1 <= key_en; round_pp1 <= round; key_out_sel_pp1 <= key_out_sel; key_out_sel_pp2 <= key_out_sel_pp1; rk_sel_pp1 <= rk_sel; rk_sel_pp2 <= rk_sel_pp1; rk_out_sel_pp1 <= rk_out_sel; rk_out_sel_pp2 <= rk_out_sel_pp1; last_round_pp1 <= last_round; last_round_pp2 <= last_round_pp1; //end_aes_pp1 <= end_comp; //end_aes_pp2 <= end_comp; end end endmodule
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