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[/] [arm4u/] [trunk/] [hdl/] [barrelshift.vhd] - Rev 2
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-- This file is part of ARM4U CPU -- -- This is a creation of the Laboratory of Processor Architecture -- of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ( http://lap.epfl.ch ) -- -- barrelshift.vhd -- Describes the barrel shifter inside the execute pipeline stage -- -- Written By - Jonathan Masur and Xavier Jimenez (2013) -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any -- later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program. -- You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve -- what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding! library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.arm_types.all; entity barrelshift is port( c : in std_logic; exe_barrelshift_operand : in std_logic; exe_barrelshift_type : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); exe_literal_shift_amnt : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); exe_literal_data : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); exe_opb_is_literal : in std_logic; op_b_data : in unsigned(31 downto 0); op_c_data : in unsigned(31 downto 0); barrelshift_c : out std_logic; barrelshift_out : out unsigned(31 downto 0) ); end; -- Note : This architecture synthetizes poorly architecture rtl of barrelshift is begin -- barrel shifter barrelshift : process(exe_barrelshift_operand, exe_barrelshift_type, op_b_data, op_c_data, exe_opb_is_literal, exe_literal_shift_amnt, exe_literal_data, c) is variable shift_positions : integer range 0 to 31; variable shift_in : unsigned(31 downto 0); begin -- shift by register (opc) if exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' then shift_positions := to_integer(op_c_data(4 downto 0)); else -- shift by literal value shift_positions := to_integer(unsigned(exe_literal_shift_amnt)); end if; if exe_opb_is_literal = '1' then -- sign extend literal value shift_in := (31 downto 24 => exe_literal_data(23)) & unsigned(exe_literal_data); else shift_in := op_b_data; end if; case exe_barrelshift_type is -- LSR when "01" => -- shift by register > 32 -> overflows, all bits are out if exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) > x"20" then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= '0'; -- shift by register or literal, 32 positions elsif (exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) = x"20") or (exe_barrelshift_operand = '0' and exe_literal_shift_amnt = "00000") then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(31); -- shift by register = 0, opb passes through and C is unaffected elsif exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) = x"00" then barrelshift_out <= shift_in; barrelshift_c <= c; -- shift by literal or register, range 1..31 else barrelshift_out <= shift_in srl shift_positions; barrelshift_c <= shift_in(shift_positions - 1); end if; -- ASR when "10" => -- shift by register or literal >= 32 -> overflows, all bits are the sign bit -- shift by register or literal, 32 positions if (exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) >= x"20") or (exe_barrelshift_operand = '0' and exe_literal_shift_amnt = "00000") then barrelshift_out <= (others => shift_in(31)); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(31); -- shift by register = 0, opb passes through and C is unaffected elsif exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) = x"00" then barrelshift_out <= shift_in; barrelshift_c <= c; -- shift by literal or register, range 1..31 else barrelshift_out <= unsigned(shift_right(signed(shift_in), shift_positions)); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(shift_positions - 1); end if; -- ROR / RRX when "11" => -- RRX - 33 bit rotation with carry if exe_barrelshift_operand = '0' and exe_literal_shift_amnt = "00000" then barrelshift_out <= c & shift_in(31 downto 1); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(0); -- ROR by register = 0, opb passes through and C is unaffected elsif exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) = x"00" then barrelshift_out <= shift_in; barrelshift_c <= c; -- ROR by register = 32, 64, etc.... opb passes through but C is affected elsif exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(4 downto 0) = "00000" then barrelshift_out <= shift_in; barrelshift_c <= shift_in(31); -- ROR by literal or register, range 1..31 (if ROR by register, 33 => 1, 34 => 2, etc....) else barrelshift_out <= shift_in ror shift_positions; barrelshift_c <= shift_in(shift_positions - 1); end if; -- LSL when others => -- "00" -- shift by register > 32 -> overflows, all bits are out if exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) > x"20" then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= '0'; -- shift by register = 32 positions elsif exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) = x"20" then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(0); -- shift by register = 0 or literal = 0, opb passes through and C is unaffected elsif shift_positions = 0 then barrelshift_out <= shift_in; barrelshift_c <= c; -- shift by literal or register, range 1..31 else barrelshift_out <= shift_in sll shift_positions; barrelshift_c <= shift_in(32 - shift_positions); end if; end case; end process; end; -- optimized architecture expliciting all stages of the barrel shifter -- (individual shifters by power of 2 bits in series) -- synthetizes in something way better architecture optimized of barrelshift is signal shift_in : unsigned(31 downto 0); signal shift_amnt : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal stage1_dout, stage2_dout, stage3_dout, stage4_dout, stage5_dout : unsigned(31 downto 0); signal stage1_cout, stage2_cout, stage3_cout, stage4_cout, stage5_cout : std_logic; begin -- Barrelshifter made manually with 5 individual shift stages in series -- shift by 1 position stage1 : process(shift_in, c, shift_amnt, exe_barrelshift_type) is begin if shift_amnt(0) = '1' then case exe_barrelshift_type is when "00" => -- LSL #1 stage1_dout <= shift_in(30 downto 0) & '0'; stage1_cout <= shift_in(31); when "01" => -- LSR #1 stage1_dout <= '0' & shift_in(31 downto 1); stage1_cout <= shift_in(0); when "10" => -- ASR #1 stage1_dout <= shift_in(31) & shift_in(31 downto 1); stage1_cout <= shift_in(0); when others => -- ROR #1 stage1_dout <= shift_in(0) & shift_in(31 downto 1); stage1_cout <= shift_in(0); end case; else stage1_dout <= shift_in; stage1_cout <= c; end if; end process; -- shift by 2 positions stage2 : process(stage1_dout, stage1_cout, shift_amnt, exe_barrelshift_type) is begin if shift_amnt(1) = '1' then case exe_barrelshift_type is when "00" => -- LSL #2 stage2_dout <= stage1_dout(29 downto 0) & "00"; stage2_cout <= stage1_dout(30); when "01" => -- LSR #2 stage2_dout <= "00" & stage1_dout(31 downto 2); stage2_cout <= stage1_dout(1); when "10" => -- ASR #2 stage2_dout <= (1 downto 0 => stage1_dout(31)) & stage1_dout(31 downto 2); stage2_cout <= stage1_dout(1); when others => -- ROR #2 stage2_dout <= stage1_dout(1 downto 0) & stage1_dout(31 downto 2); stage2_cout <= stage1_dout(1); end case; else stage2_dout <= stage1_dout; stage2_cout <= stage1_cout; end if; end process; -- shift by 4 positions stage3 : process(stage2_dout, stage2_cout, shift_amnt, exe_barrelshift_type) is begin if shift_amnt(2) = '1' then case exe_barrelshift_type is when "00" => -- LSL #4 stage3_dout <= stage2_dout(27 downto 0) & "0000"; stage3_cout <= stage2_dout(28); when "01" => -- LSR #4 stage3_dout <= "0000" & stage2_dout(31 downto 4); stage3_cout <= stage2_dout(3); when "10" => -- ASR #4 stage3_dout <= (3 downto 0 => stage2_dout(31)) & stage2_dout(31 downto 4); stage3_cout <= stage2_dout(3); when others => -- ROR #4 stage3_dout <= stage2_dout(3 downto 0) & stage2_dout(31 downto 4); stage3_cout <= stage2_dout(3); end case; else stage3_dout <= stage2_dout; stage3_cout <= stage2_cout; end if; end process; -- shift by 8 positions stage4 : process(stage3_dout, stage3_cout, shift_amnt, exe_barrelshift_type) is begin if shift_amnt(3) = '1' then case exe_barrelshift_type is when "00" => -- LSL #8 stage4_dout <= stage3_dout(23 downto 0) & (7 downto 0 => '0'); stage4_cout <= stage3_dout(24); when "01" => -- LSR #8 stage4_dout <= (7 downto 0 => '0') & stage3_dout(31 downto 8); stage4_cout <= stage3_dout(7); when "10" => -- ASR #8 stage4_dout <= (7 downto 0 => stage3_dout(31)) & stage3_dout(31 downto 8); stage4_cout <= stage3_dout(7); when others => -- ROR #8 stage4_dout <= stage3_dout(7 downto 0) & stage3_dout(31 downto 8); stage4_cout <= stage3_dout(7); end case; else stage4_dout <= stage3_dout; stage4_cout <= stage3_cout; end if; end process; -- shift by 16 positions stage5 : process(stage4_dout, stage4_cout, shift_amnt, exe_barrelshift_type) is begin if shift_amnt(4) = '1' then case exe_barrelshift_type is when "00" => -- LSL #16 stage5_dout <= stage4_dout(15 downto 0) & (15 downto 0 => '0'); stage5_cout <= stage4_dout(15); when "01" => -- LSR #16 stage5_dout <= (15 downto 0 => '0') & stage4_dout(31 downto 16); stage5_cout <= stage4_dout(15); when "10" => -- ASR #16 stage5_dout <= (15 downto 0 => stage4_dout(31)) & stage4_dout(31 downto 16); stage5_cout <= stage4_dout(15); when others => -- ROR #16 stage5_dout <= stage4_dout(15 downto 0) & stage4_dout(31 downto 16); stage5_cout <= stage4_dout(15); end case; else stage5_dout <= stage4_dout; stage5_cout <= stage4_cout; end if; end process; -- Barelshifter control logic barrelshift : process(exe_barrelshift_operand, exe_barrelshift_type, op_b_data, op_c_data, exe_opb_is_literal, exe_literal_shift_amnt, exe_literal_data, c, shift_in, stage5_dout, stage5_cout) is begin -- shift by register (opc) if exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' then shift_amnt <= op_c_data(4 downto 0); else -- shift by literal value shift_amnt <= unsigned(exe_literal_shift_amnt); end if; if exe_opb_is_literal = '1' then -- sign extend literal value shift_in <= (31 downto 24 => exe_literal_data(23)) & unsigned(exe_literal_data); else shift_in <= op_b_data; end if; case exe_barrelshift_type is -- LSL when "00" => -- shift by register > 32 -> overflows, all bits are out if exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) > x"20" then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= '0'; -- shift by register = 32 positions elsif exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) = x"20" then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(0); -- shift by literal or register, range 0..31 else barrelshift_out <= stage5_dout; barrelshift_c <= stage5_cout; end if; -- LSR when "01" => -- shift by register > 32 -> overflows, all bits are out if exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) > x"20" then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= '0'; -- shift by register or literal = 0, 32 positions elsif (exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) = x"20") or (exe_barrelshift_operand = '0' and exe_literal_shift_amnt = "00000") then barrelshift_out <= (others => '0'); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(31); -- shift by literal or register, range 0..31 else barrelshift_out <= stage5_dout; barrelshift_c <= stage5_cout; end if; -- ASR when "10" => -- shift by register >= 32 or literal = 0, 32 positions -> overflows, all bits are the sign bit if (exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(7 downto 0) >= x"20") or (exe_barrelshift_operand = '0' and exe_literal_shift_amnt = "00000") then barrelshift_out <= (others => shift_in(31)); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(31); -- shift by literal or register, range 0..31 else barrelshift_out <= stage5_dout; barrelshift_c <= stage5_cout; end if; -- ROR / RRX when others => -- "11" -- RRX - 33 bit rotation with carry if exe_barrelshift_operand = '0' and exe_literal_shift_amnt = "00000" then barrelshift_out <= c & op_b_data(31 downto 1); barrelshift_c <= shift_in(0); -- ROR by register = 32, 64, etc.... opb passes through but C is affected elsif exe_barrelshift_operand = '1' and op_c_data(4 downto 0) = "00000" then barrelshift_out <= stage5_dout; barrelshift_c <= shift_in(31); -- ROR by literal or register, range 0..31 (if ROR by register, 33 => 1, 34 => 2, etc....) else barrelshift_out <= stage5_dout; barrelshift_c <= stage5_cout; end if; end case; end process; end;