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[/] [astron_diagnostics/] [trunk/] [mms_diag_block_gen.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 2011 -- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <http://www.astron.nl/> -- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Purpose: Block generator for multiple parallel SOSI streams -- Description: -- . The mms_diag_block_gen provides a MM slave interface to an array of -- g_nof_streams diag_block_gen instances. -- . The waveform data is stored in RAM and can be pre-load with data from a -- file g_file_name_prefix. The stream index to the select the actual file -- is default I, but can be set via g_file_index_arr(I). The g_file_index_arr -- makes the relation between the instance index and file index flexible. -- . g_use_usr_input and g_use_bg -- When g_use_usr_input=FALSE the BG works standalone. -- When g_use_bg=FALSE then only the user input is used. -- When both g_use_usr_input=TRUE and g_use_bg=TRUE then default the user -- input is passed on when the BG is disabled. The dynamic selection between -- user input an BG output is done between blocks by the dp_mux using xon. -- -- . g_use_bg_buffer_ram -- When g_use_bg_buffer_ram=TRUE then each stream has a BG buffer RAM that -- can be accessed via the ram_bg_data MM port. Else when -- g_use_bg_buffer_ram= FALSE then the RAM is not implemented (to save -- RAM resources) and instead the RAM read address is used as data in the -- generated data block. Hence the data will then depend on mem_low_adrs, -- mem_high_adrs and samples_per_packet, so typically it will output the -- counter data (0:samples_per_packet-1) and the samedata foreach block. -- -- . g_use_tx_seq -- When g_use_tx_seq=TRUE then the diag_mms_tx_seq is instantiated. If the -- tx_seq is enabled then the data field is overwitten with tx seq counter -- or pseudo random data. The tx seq uses the valid as request for tx seq -- data, so it preserves the output valid, sop, eop framing. For more info -- on the tx_seq see mms_diag_tx_seq. If g_use_usr_input=FALSE and g_use_bg -- =FALSE and g_use_tx_seq=TRUE then only the tx_seq is instantiated and -- without input (c_use_tx_seq_input). -- -- Block diagram: -- -- g_use_bg -- g_use_bg_buffer_ram -- . -- . g_use_usr_input g_use_tx_seq -- . . g_usr_bypass_xonoff . -- . . . . -- . . . . -- . . . . -- . . ___ __ dp_mux . -- . . |dp | | \ . -- . usr----|xon|-->|0 \ . -- . |off| | \ . -- . |___| | |----------------->|\ -- . | / | | |---> out -- BG ctrl----------->|1 / \--> TX seq -->|/ -- BG data |__/ | -- || | -- || | -- MM ==================================================== -- -- The dp_mux is only there if both the usr input and the BG are used. -- -- Remark: -- . The diag_block_gen does not support back pressure, but it does support -- XON/XOFF flow control at block level via out_siso.xon. -- . Default input *_mosi = c_mem_mosi_rst to support using the BG with default -- control and memory settings and no MM interface -- . The BG does support xon flow control. -- . If the user input already supports xon then g_usr_bypass_xonoff can be -- set to TRUE. However if g_usr_bypass_xonoff=FALSE then this is fine to -- because an extra dp_xonoff stage merely causes the stream to resume one -- block later when xon goes active (see test bench tb_dp_xonoff). The -- diag_block_gen BG does already support xon. -- . A nice new feature would be to support BG data width > 32b, similar as in -- the DB mms_diag_data_buffer.vhd. -- . A nice new feature would be to support a BG burst of N blocks. LIBRARY IEEE, common_pkg_lib, common_ram_lib, technology_lib, dp_pkg_lib, dp_components_lib, dp_mux_lib, mm_lib; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; USE common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.ALL; USE common_ram_lib.common_ram_pkg.ALL; USE dp_pkg_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL; USE work.diag_pkg.ALL; USE technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.ALL; ENTITY mms_diag_block_gen IS GENERIC ( g_technology : NATURAL := c_tech_select_default; -- Generate configurations g_use_usr_input : BOOLEAN := FALSE; g_use_bg : BOOLEAN := TRUE; g_use_tx_seq : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- General g_nof_streams : POSITIVE := 1; -- BG settings g_use_bg_buffer_ram : BOOLEAN := TRUE; g_buf_dat_w : POSITIVE := 32; g_buf_addr_w : POSITIVE := 7; -- Waveform buffer size 2**g_buf_addr_w nof samples g_file_index_arr : t_nat_natural_arr := array_init(0, 128, 1); -- default use the instance index as file index 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... g_file_name_prefix : STRING := "data/bf_in_data"; -- Path to the hex files that contain the initial data for the memories. The sequence number and ".hex" are added within the entity. g_diag_block_gen_rst : t_diag_block_gen := c_diag_block_gen_rst; -- User input multiplexer option g_usr_bypass_xonoff : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- Tx_seq g_seq_dat_w : NATURAL := 32; -- >= 1, test sequence data width. Choose g_seq_dat_w <= g_buf_dat_w -- LOFAR Lofar style block sync that is active from SOP to EOP g_blk_sync : BOOLEAN := FALSE ); PORT ( -- System mm_rst : IN STD_LOGIC; -- reset synchronous with mm_clk mm_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; -- memory-mapped bus clock dp_rst : IN STD_LOGIC; -- reset synchronous with st_clk dp_clk : IN STD_LOGIC; -- streaming clock domain clock en_sync : IN STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- block generator enable sync pulse in ST dp_clk domain -- MM interface reg_bg_ctrl_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- BG control register (one for all streams) reg_bg_ctrl_miso : OUT t_mem_miso; ram_bg_data_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- BG buffer RAM (one per stream) ram_bg_data_miso : OUT t_mem_miso; reg_tx_seq_mosi : IN t_mem_mosi := c_mem_mosi_rst; -- Tx seq control (one per stream because c_reg_tx_seq_broadcast=FALSE) reg_tx_seq_miso : OUT t_mem_miso; -- ST interface usr_siso_arr : OUT t_dp_siso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); -- connect when g_use_usr_input=TRUE, else leave not connected usr_sosi_arr : IN t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>c_dp_sosi_rst); out_siso_arr : IN t_dp_siso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS=>c_dp_siso_rdy); -- Default xon='1' out_sosi_arr : OUT t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0) -- Output SOSI that contains the waveform data ); END mms_diag_block_gen; ARCHITECTURE rtl OF mms_diag_block_gen IS CONSTANT c_buf : t_c_mem := (latency => 1, adr_w => g_buf_addr_w, dat_w => g_buf_dat_w, nof_dat => 2**g_buf_addr_w, init_sl => '0'); CONSTANT c_post_buf_file : STRING := ".hex"; CONSTANT c_use_mux : BOOLEAN := g_use_usr_input AND g_use_bg; CONSTANT c_use_tx_seq_input : BOOLEAN := g_use_usr_input OR g_use_bg; CONSTANT c_mux_nof_input : NATURAL := 2; -- fixed CONSTANT c_reg_tx_seq_broadcast : BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- fixed use dedicated MM register per stream TYPE t_buf_dat_arr IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_buf_dat_w -1 DOWNTO 0); TYPE t_buf_adr_arr IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_buf_addr_w-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL st_addr_arr : t_buf_adr_arr(g_nof_streams -1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL st_rd_arr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams -1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL st_rdval_arr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(g_nof_streams -1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL st_rddata_arr : t_buf_dat_arr(g_nof_streams -1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL ram_bg_data_mosi_arr : t_mem_mosi_arr(g_nof_streams -1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL ram_bg_data_miso_arr : t_mem_miso_arr(g_nof_streams -1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL bg_ctrl : t_diag_block_gen; SIGNAL mux_ctrl : NATURAL RANGE 0 TO c_mux_nof_input-1; SIGNAL mux_snk_out_2arr_2 : t_dp_siso_2arr_2(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); -- [g_nof_streams-1:0][c_mux_nof_input-1:0] = [1:0] SIGNAL mux_snk_in_2arr_2 : t_dp_sosi_2arr_2(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); -- [g_nof_streams-1:0][c_mux_nof_input-1:0] = [1:0] SIGNAL usr_xflow_src_in_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); -- optionally use dp_xonoff to add siso.xon flow control to use input when g_usr_bypass_xonoff=FALSE SIGNAL usr_xflow_src_out_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL bg_src_in_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); -- BG has siso.xon flow control but no siso.ready flow control SIGNAL bg_src_out_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL mux_src_in_arr : t_dp_siso_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL mux_src_out_arr : t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_streams-1 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- no_bg : IF g_use_bg=FALSE GENERATE reg_bg_ctrl_miso <= c_mem_miso_rst; ram_bg_data_miso <= c_mem_miso_rst; bg_src_out_arr <= (OTHERS=>c_dp_sosi_rst); END GENERATE; gen_bg : IF g_use_bg=TRUE GENERATE mux_ctrl <= 0 WHEN bg_ctrl.enable='0' ELSE 1; u_bg_ctrl : ENTITY work.diag_block_gen_reg GENERIC MAP( g_cross_clock_domain => TRUE, -- use FALSE when mm_clk and st_clk are the same, else use TRUE to cross the clock domain g_diag_block_gen_rst => g_diag_block_gen_rst ) PORT MAP ( mm_rst => mm_rst, -- Clocks and reset mm_clk => mm_clk, dp_rst => dp_rst, dp_clk => dp_clk, mm_mosi => reg_bg_ctrl_mosi, mm_miso => reg_bg_ctrl_miso, bg_ctrl => bg_ctrl ); -- Combine the internal array of mm interfaces for the bg_data to one array that is connected to the port of the MM bus u_mem_mux_bg_data : ENTITY mm_lib.common_mem_mux GENERIC MAP ( g_nof_mosi => g_nof_streams, g_mult_addr_w => g_buf_addr_w ) PORT MAP ( mosi => ram_bg_data_mosi, miso => ram_bg_data_miso, mosi_arr => ram_bg_data_mosi_arr, miso_arr => ram_bg_data_miso_arr ); gen_streams : FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE no_buffer_ram : IF g_use_bg_buffer_ram=FALSE GENERATE ram_bg_data_miso_arr(I) <= c_mem_miso_rst; -- Use read address as read data with read latency 1 similar as for u_buffer_ram st_rdval_arr(I) <= st_rd_arr(I) WHEN rising_edge(dp_clk); st_rddata_arr(I) <= RESIZE_UVEC(st_addr_arr(I), g_buf_dat_w) WHEN rising_edge(dp_clk); END GENERATE; gen_buffer_ram : IF g_use_bg_buffer_ram=TRUE GENERATE u_buffer_ram : ENTITY common_ram_lib.common_ram_crw_crw GENERIC MAP ( g_technology => g_technology, g_ram => c_buf, -- Sequence number and ".hex" extension are added to the relative path in case a ram file is provided. g_init_file => sel_a_b(g_file_name_prefix = "UNUSED", g_file_name_prefix, g_file_name_prefix & "_" & NATURAL'IMAGE(g_file_index_arr(I)) & c_post_buf_file) ) PORT MAP ( -- MM side rst_a => mm_rst, clk_a => mm_clk, wr_en_a => ram_bg_data_mosi_arr(I).wr, wr_dat_a => ram_bg_data_mosi_arr(I).wrdata(c_buf.dat_w -1 DOWNTO 0), adr_a => ram_bg_data_mosi_arr(I).address(c_buf.adr_w-1 DOWNTO 0), rd_en_a => ram_bg_data_mosi_arr(I).rd, rd_dat_a => ram_bg_data_miso_arr(I).rddata(c_buf.dat_w -1 DOWNTO 0), rd_val_a => ram_bg_data_miso_arr(I).rdval, -- Waveform side rst_b => dp_rst, clk_b => dp_clk, wr_en_b => '0', wr_dat_b => (OTHERS =>'0'), adr_b => st_addr_arr(I), rd_en_b => st_rd_arr(I), rd_dat_b => st_rddata_arr(I), rd_val_b => st_rdval_arr(I) ); END GENERATE; u_diag_block_gen : ENTITY work.diag_block_gen GENERIC MAP ( g_blk_sync => g_blk_sync, g_buf_dat_w => g_buf_dat_w, g_buf_addr_w => g_buf_addr_w ) PORT MAP ( rst => dp_rst, clk => dp_clk, buf_addr => st_addr_arr(I), buf_rden => st_rd_arr(I), buf_rddat => st_rddata_arr(I), buf_rdval => st_rdval_arr(I), ctrl => bg_ctrl, en_sync => en_sync, out_siso => bg_src_in_arr(I), out_sosi => bg_src_out_arr(I) ); END GENERATE; END GENERATE; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No multiplexer, so only one input or no input at all --------------------------------------------------------------------------- no_dp_mux : IF c_use_mux=FALSE GENERATE -- so g_use_usr_input and g_use_bg are not both TRUE -- default pass on flow control usr_siso_arr <= mux_src_in_arr; bg_src_in_arr <= mux_src_in_arr; -- User input only, BG only or no input mux_src_out_arr <= usr_sosi_arr WHEN g_use_usr_input=TRUE ELSE bg_src_out_arr WHEN g_use_bg=TRUE ELSE (OTHERS=>c_dp_sosi_rst); END GENERATE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Multiplex user input and BG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gen_dp_mux : IF c_use_mux=TRUE GENERATE -- so g_use_usr_input and g_use_bg are both TRUE gen_streams : FOR I IN 0 TO g_nof_streams-1 GENERATE -- Add user xon flow control if the user input does not already support it u_dp_xonoff : ENTITY dp_components_lib.dp_xonoff GENERIC MAP ( g_bypass => g_usr_bypass_xonoff -- if the user input already has xon flow control then bypass using g_usr_bypass_xonoff=TRUE ) PORT MAP ( rst => dp_rst, clk => dp_clk, -- Frame in in_siso => usr_siso_arr(I), in_sosi => usr_sosi_arr(I), -- Frame out out_siso => usr_xflow_src_in_arr(I), -- flush control via out_siso.xon out_sosi => usr_xflow_src_out_arr(I) ); -- Multiplex the inputs: -- . [0] = usr input -- . [1] = BG usr_xflow_src_in_arr(I) <= mux_snk_out_2arr_2(I)(0); bg_src_in_arr(I) <= mux_snk_out_2arr_2(I)(1); mux_snk_in_2arr_2(I)(0) <= usr_xflow_src_out_arr(I); mux_snk_in_2arr_2(I)(1) <= bg_src_out_arr(I); u_dp_mux : ENTITY dp_mux_lib.dp_mux GENERIC MAP ( g_technology => g_technology, -- MUX g_mode => 4, -- g_mode=4 for framed input select via sel_ctrl g_nof_input => c_mux_nof_input, -- >= 1 g_append_channel_lo => FALSE, g_sel_ctrl_invert => TRUE, -- Use default FALSE when stream array IO are indexed (0 TO g_nof_input-1), else use TRUE when indexed (g_nof_input-1 DOWNTO 0) -- Input FIFO g_use_fifo => FALSE, g_fifo_size => array_init(1024, c_mux_nof_input), -- must match g_nof_input, even when g_use_fifo=FALSE g_fifo_fill => array_init( 0, c_mux_nof_input) -- must match g_nof_input, even when g_use_fifo=FALSE ) PORT MAP ( rst => dp_rst, clk => dp_clk, -- Control sel_ctrl => mux_ctrl, -- 0 = usr, 1 = BG -- ST sinks snk_out_arr => mux_snk_out_2arr_2(I), -- [c_mux_nof_input-1:0] snk_in_arr => mux_snk_in_2arr_2(I), -- [c_mux_nof_input-1:0] -- ST source src_in => mux_src_in_arr(I), src_out => mux_src_out_arr(I) ); END GENERATE; END GENERATE; no_tx_seq : IF g_use_tx_seq=FALSE GENERATE reg_tx_seq_miso <= c_mem_miso_rst; mux_src_in_arr <= out_siso_arr; out_sosi_arr <= mux_src_out_arr; END GENERATE; gen_tx_seq : IF g_use_tx_seq=TRUE GENERATE u_mms_diag_tx_seq : ENTITY work.mms_diag_tx_seq GENERIC MAP ( g_use_usr_input => c_use_tx_seq_input, g_mm_broadcast => c_reg_tx_seq_broadcast, g_nof_streams => g_nof_streams, g_seq_dat_w => g_seq_dat_w ) PORT MAP ( -- Clocks and reset mm_rst => mm_rst, mm_clk => mm_clk, dp_rst => dp_rst, dp_clk => dp_clk, -- MM interface reg_mosi => reg_tx_seq_mosi, reg_miso => reg_tx_seq_miso, -- DP streaming interface usr_snk_out_arr => mux_src_in_arr, -- connect when g_use_usr_input=TRUE, else leave not connected usr_snk_in_arr => mux_src_out_arr, tx_src_out_arr => out_sosi_arr, tx_src_in_arr => out_siso_arr ); END GENERATE; END rtl;
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