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[/] [astron_multiplier/] [trunk/] [altera_mf_components.vhd] - Rev 5
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-- Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions -- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic -- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing -- (including device programming or simulation files), and any -- associated documentation or information are expressly subject -- to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License -- Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, -- the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license -- agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for -- the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by -- Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please -- refer to the applicable agreement for further details. -- Quartus Prime 18.0.0 Build 219 04/25/2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ALtera Megafunction Component Declaration File ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; package altera_mf_components is type altera_mf_logic_2D is array (NATURAL RANGE <>, NATURAL RANGE <>) of STD_LOGIC; component lcell port ( a_in : in std_logic; a_out : out std_logic); end component; component altclklock generic ( inclock_period : natural := 10000; -- units in ps inclock_settings : string := "UNUSED"; valid_lock_cycles : natural := 5; invalid_lock_cycles : natural := 5; valid_lock_multiplier : natural := 5; invalid_lock_multiplier : natural := 5; operation_mode : string := "NORMAL"; clock0_boost : natural := 1; clock0_divide : natural := 1; clock0_settings : string := "UNUSED"; clock0_time_delay : string := "0"; clock1_boost : natural := 1; clock1_divide : natural := 1; clock1_settings : string := "UNUSED"; clock1_time_delay : string := "0"; clock2_boost : natural := 1; clock2_divide : natural := 1; clock2_settings : string := "UNUSED"; clock2_time_delay : string := "0"; clock_ext_boost : natural := 1; clock_ext_divide : natural := 1; clock_ext_settings : string := "UNUSED"; clock_ext_time_delay : string := "0"; outclock_phase_shift : natural := 0; -- units in ps intended_device_family : string := "Stratix" ; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altclklock" ); port( inclock : in std_logic; -- required port, input reference clock inclocken : in std_logic := '1'; -- PLL enable signal fbin : in std_logic := '1'; -- feedback input for the PLL clock0 : out std_logic; -- clock0 output clock1 : out std_logic; -- clock1 output clock2 : out std_logic; -- clock2 output clock_ext : out std_logic; -- external clock output locked : out std_logic ); -- PLL lock signal end component; component altlvds_rx generic ( number_of_channels : natural; deserialization_factor : natural; inclock_boost : natural:= 0; registered_output : string := "ON"; inclock_period : natural; cds_mode : string := "UNUSED"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; input_data_rate : natural:= 0; inclock_data_alignment : string := "UNUSED"; registered_data_align_input : string :="ON"; common_rx_tx_pll : string :="ON"; enable_dpa_mode : string := "OFF"; enable_dpa_pll_calibration : string := "OFF"; enable_dpa_calibration : string := "ON"; enable_dpa_fifo : string := "ON"; use_dpll_rawperror : string := "OFF"; use_coreclock_input : string := "OFF"; dpll_lock_count : natural:= 0; dpll_lock_window : natural:= 0; outclock_resource : string := "AUTO"; data_align_rollover : natural := 10; lose_lock_on_one_change : string := "OFF"; reset_fifo_at_first_lock : string := "ON"; use_external_pll : string := "OFF"; implement_in_les : string := "OFF"; buffer_implementation : string := "RAM"; port_rx_data_align : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_rx_channel_data_align : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; pll_operation_mode : string := "NORMAL"; x_on_bitslip : string := "ON"; use_no_phase_shift : string := "ON"; rx_align_data_reg : string := "RISING_EDGE"; inclock_phase_shift : integer := 0; enable_soft_cdr_mode : string := "OFF"; sim_dpa_output_clock_phase_shift : integer := 0; sim_dpa_is_negative_ppm_drift : string := "OFF"; sim_dpa_net_ppm_variation : natural := 0; enable_dpa_align_to_rising_edge_only : string := "OFF"; enable_dpa_initial_phase_selection : string := "OFF"; dpa_initial_phase_value :natural := 0; pll_self_reset_on_loss_lock : string := "OFF"; refclk_frequency : string := "UNUSED"; enable_clock_pin_mode : string := "UNUSED"; data_rate : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altlvds_rx"; clk_src_is_pll : string := "off" ); port ( rx_in : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0); rx_inclock : in std_logic := '0'; rx_syncclock : in std_logic := '0'; rx_dpaclock : in std_logic := '0'; rx_readclock : in std_logic := '0'; rx_enable : in std_logic := '1'; rx_deskew : in std_logic := '0'; rx_pll_enable : in std_logic := '1'; rx_data_align : in std_logic := '0'; rx_data_align_reset : in std_logic := '0'; rx_reset : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); rx_dpll_reset : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); rx_dpll_hold : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); rx_dpll_enable : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); rx_fifo_reset : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); rx_channel_data_align : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); rx_cda_reset : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); rx_coreclk : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); pll_areset : in std_logic := '0'; rx_data_reset : in std_logic := '0'; dpa_pll_recal : in std_logic := '0'; pll_phasedone : in std_logic := '1'; rx_dpa_lock_reset : in std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); rx_out : out std_logic_vector(deserialization_factor*number_of_channels -1 downto 0); rx_outclock : out std_logic; rx_locked : out std_logic; rx_dpa_locked : out std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0); rx_cda_max : out std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0); rx_divfwdclk : out std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0); dpa_pll_cal_busy : out std_logic; pll_phasestep : out std_logic; pll_phaseupdown : out std_logic; pll_phasecounterselect: out std_logic_Vector(3 downto 0); pll_scanclk : out std_logic); end component; component altlvds_tx generic ( number_of_channels : natural; deserialization_factor : natural:= 4; inclock_boost : natural := 0; outclock_divide_by : positive:= 1; registered_input : string := "ON"; multi_clock : string := "OFF"; inclock_period : natural; center_align_msb : string := "UNUSED"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; output_data_rate : natural:= 0; outclock_resource : string := "AUTO"; common_rx_tx_pll : string := "ON"; inclock_data_alignment : string := "EDGE_ALIGNED"; outclock_alignment : string := "EDGE_ALIGNED"; use_external_pll : string := "OFF"; implement_in_les : STRING := "OFF"; preemphasis_setting : natural := 0; vod_setting : natural := 0; differential_drive : natural := 0; outclock_multiply_by : natural := 1; coreclock_divide_by : natural := 2; outclock_duty_cycle : natural := 50; inclock_phase_shift : integer := 0; outclock_phase_shift : integer := 0; use_no_phase_shift : string := "ON"; pll_self_reset_on_loss_lock : string := "OFF"; refclk_frequency : string := "UNUSED"; enable_clock_pin_mode : string := "UNUSED"; data_rate : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altlvds_tx"; clk_src_is_pll : string := "off" ); port ( tx_in : in std_logic_vector(deserialization_factor*number_of_channels -1 downto 0); tx_inclock : in std_logic := '0'; tx_syncclock : in std_logic := '0'; tx_enable : in std_logic := '1'; sync_inclock : in std_logic := '0'; tx_pll_enable : in std_logic := '1'; pll_areset : in std_logic := '0'; tx_data_reset : in std_logic := '0'; tx_out : out std_logic_vector(number_of_channels-1 downto 0); tx_outclock : out std_logic; tx_coreclock : out std_logic; tx_locked : out std_logic ); end component; component altdpram generic ( width : natural; widthad : natural; numwords : natural := 0; lpm_file : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_hint : string := "USE_EAB=ON"; use_eab : string := "ON"; indata_reg : string := "INCLOCK"; indata_aclr : string := "ON"; wraddress_reg : string := "INCLOCK"; wraddress_aclr : string := "ON"; wrcontrol_reg : string := "INCLOCK"; wrcontrol_aclr : string := "ON"; rdaddress_reg : string := "OUTCLOCK"; rdaddress_aclr : string := "ON"; rdcontrol_reg : string := "OUTCLOCK"; rdcontrol_aclr : string := "ON"; outdata_reg : string := "UNREGISTERED"; outdata_aclr : string := "ON"; outdata_Sclr : string := "ON"; ram_block_type : string := "AUTO"; width_byteena : natural := 1; byte_size : natural := 5; read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports : string := "DONT_CARE"; maximum_depth : natural:= 2048; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; lpm_type : string := "altdpram" ); port( wren : in std_logic := '0'; data : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); wraddress : in std_logic_vector(widthad-1 downto 0); wraddressstall : in std_logic := '0'; inclock : in std_logic := '1'; inclocken : in std_logic := '1'; rden : in std_logic := '1'; rdaddress : in std_logic_vector(widthad-1 downto 0); rdaddressstall : in std_logic := '0'; byteena : in std_logic_vector(width_byteena-1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); outclock : in std_logic := '1'; outclocken : in std_logic := '1'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; sclr : in std_logic := '0'; q : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component alt3pram generic ( width : natural; widthad : natural; numwords : natural := 0; lpm_file : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_hint : string := "USE_EAB=ON"; indata_reg : string := "UNREGISTERED"; indata_aclr : string := "OFF"; write_reg : string := "UNREGISTERED"; write_aclr : string := "OFF"; rdaddress_reg_a : string := "UNREGISTERED"; rdaddress_aclr_a : string := "OFF"; rdaddress_reg_b : string := "UNREGISTERED"; rdaddress_aclr_b : string := "OFF"; rdcontrol_reg_a : string := "UNREGISTERED"; rdcontrol_aclr_a : string := "OFF"; rdcontrol_reg_b : string := "UNREGISTERED"; rdcontrol_aclr_b : string := "OFF"; outdata_reg_a : string := "UNREGISTERED"; outdata_aclr_a : string := "OFF"; outdata_reg_b : string := "UNREGISTERED"; outdata_aclr_b : string := "OFF"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; ram_block_type : string := "AUTO"; maximum_depth : integer := 0; lpm_type : string := "alt3pram" ); port ( wren : in std_logic := '0'; data : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); wraddress : in std_logic_vector(widthad-1 downto 0); inclock : in std_logic := '0'; inclocken : in std_logic := '1'; rden_a : in std_logic := '1'; rden_b : in std_logic := '1'; rdaddress_a : in std_logic_vector(widthad-1 downto 0); rdaddress_b : in std_logic_vector(widthad-1 downto 0); outclock : in std_logic := '0'; outclocken : in std_logic := '1'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; qa : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); qb : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component scfifo generic ( lpm_width : natural; lpm_widthu : natural; lpm_numwords : natural; lpm_showahead : string := "OFF"; lpm_hint : string := "USE_EAB=ON"; ram_block_type : string := "AUTO"; intended_device_family : string := "NON_STRATIX"; almost_full_value : natural := 0; almost_empty_value : natural := 0; overflow_checking : string := "ON"; underflow_checking : string := "ON"; allow_rwcycle_when_full : string := "OFF"; add_ram_output_register : string := "OFF"; use_eab : string := "ON"; lpm_type : string := "scfifo"; enable_ecc : string := "false"; maximum_depth : natural := 0 ); port ( data : in std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); clock : in std_logic; wrreq : in std_logic; rdreq : in std_logic; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; sclr : in std_logic := '0'; full : out std_logic; almost_full : out std_logic; empty : out std_logic; almost_empty : out std_logic; eccstatus : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); q : out std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); usedw : out std_logic_vector(lpm_widthu-1 downto 0) ); end component; component dcfifo_mixed_widths generic ( lpm_width : natural; lpm_widthu : natural; lpm_width_r : natural := 0; lpm_widthu_r : natural := 0; lpm_numwords : natural; lpm_showahead : string := "OFF"; lpm_hint : string := "USE_EAB=ON"; overflow_checking : string := "ON"; underflow_checking : string := "ON"; delay_rdusedw : natural := 1; delay_wrusedw : natural := 1; rdsync_delaypipe : natural := 0; wrsync_delaypipe : natural := 0; use_eab : string := "ON"; add_ram_output_register : string := "OFF"; add_width : natural := 1; clocks_are_synchronized : string := "FALSE"; ram_block_type : string := "AUTO"; add_usedw_msb_bit : string := "OFF"; read_aclr_synch : string := "OFF"; write_aclr_synch : string := "OFF"; lpm_type : string := "dcfifo_mixed_widths"; intended_device_family : string := "NON_STRATIX" ); port ( data : in std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); rdclk : in std_logic; wrclk : in std_logic; wrreq : in std_logic; rdreq : in std_logic; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; rdfull : out std_logic; wrfull : out std_logic; wrempty : out std_logic; rdempty : out std_logic; q : out std_logic_vector(lpm_width_r-1 downto 0); rdusedw : out std_logic_vector(lpm_widthu_r-1 downto 0); wrusedw : out std_logic_vector(lpm_widthu-1 downto 0) ); end component; component dcfifo generic ( lpm_width : natural; lpm_widthu : natural; lpm_numwords : natural; lpm_showahead : string := "OFF"; lpm_hint : string := "USE_EAB=ON"; overflow_checking : string := "ON"; underflow_checking : string := "ON"; delay_rdusedw : natural := 1; delay_wrusedw : natural := 1; rdsync_delaypipe : natural := 0; wrsync_delaypipe : natural := 0; use_eab : string := "ON"; add_ram_output_register : string := "OFF"; add_width : natural := 1; clocks_are_synchronized : string := "FALSE"; ram_block_type : string := "AUTO"; add_usedw_msb_bit : string := "OFF"; read_aclr_synch : string := "OFF"; write_aclr_synch : string := "OFF"; lpm_type : string := "dcfifo"; enable_ecc : string := "false"; intended_device_family : string := "NON_STRATIX" ); port ( data : in std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); rdclk : in std_logic; wrclk : in std_logic; wrreq : in std_logic; rdreq : in std_logic; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; rdfull : out std_logic; wrfull : out std_logic; wrempty : out std_logic; rdempty : out std_logic; eccstatus : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); q : out std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); rdusedw : out std_logic_vector(lpm_widthu-1 downto 0); wrusedw : out std_logic_vector(lpm_widthu-1 downto 0) ); end component; component altddio_in generic ( width : positive; -- required parameter invert_input_clocks : string := "OFF"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; power_up_high : string := "OFF"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altddio_in" ); port ( datain : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); inclock : in std_logic; inclocken : in std_logic := '1'; aset : in std_logic := '0'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; sset : in std_logic := '0'; sclr : in std_logic := '0'; dataout_h : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); dataout_l : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component altddio_out generic ( width : positive; -- required parameter power_up_high : string := "OFF"; oe_reg : string := "UNUSED"; extend_oe_disable : string := "UNUSED"; invert_output : string := "OFF"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altddio_out" ); port ( datain_h : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); datain_l : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); outclock : in std_logic; outclocken : in std_logic := '1'; aset : in std_logic := '0'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; sset : in std_logic := '0'; sclr : in std_logic := '0'; oe : in std_logic := '1'; dataout : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); oe_out : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component altddio_bidir generic( width : positive; -- required parameter power_up_high : string := "OFF"; oe_reg : string := "UNUSED"; extend_oe_disable : string := "UNUSED"; implement_input_in_lcell : string := "UNUSED"; invert_output : string := "OFF"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altddio_bidir" ); port ( datain_h : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); datain_l : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); inclock : in std_logic := '0'; inclocken : in std_logic := '1'; outclock : in std_logic; outclocken : in std_logic := '1'; aset : in std_logic := '0'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; sset : in std_logic := '0'; sclr : in std_logic := '0'; oe : in std_logic := '1'; dataout_h : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); dataout_l : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); combout : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); oe_out : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); dqsundelayedout : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); padio : inout std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component altshift_taps generic ( number_of_taps : integer := 4; tap_distance : integer := 3; width : integer := 8; power_up_state : string := "CLEARED"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altshift_taps"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix" ); port ( shiftin : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); clock : in std_logic; clken : in std_logic := '1'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; sclr : in std_logic := '0'; shiftout : out std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); taps : out std_logic_vector ((width*number_of_taps)-1 downto 0)); end component; component altmult_add generic ( WIDTH_A : integer := 1; WIDTH_B : integer := 1; WIDTH_RESULT : integer := 1; NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS : integer := 1; -- A inputs INPUT_REGISTER_A0 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_A0 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_A0 : string := "DATAA"; INPUT_REGISTER_A1 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_A1 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_A1 : string := "DATAA"; INPUT_REGISTER_A2 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_A2 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_A2 : string := "DATAA"; INPUT_REGISTER_A3 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_A3 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_A3 : string := "DATAA"; PORT_SIGNA : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; REPRESENTATION_A : string := "UNSIGNED"; SIGNED_REGISTER_A : string := "CLOCK0"; SIGNED_ACLR_A : string := "ACLR3"; SIGNED_PIPELINE_REGISTER_A : string := "CLOCK0"; SIGNED_PIPELINE_ACLR_A : string := "ACLR3"; -- B inputs INPUT_REGISTER_B0 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_B0 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_B0 : string := "DATAB"; INPUT_REGISTER_B1 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_B1 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_B1 : string := "DATAB"; INPUT_REGISTER_B2 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_B2 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_B2 : string := "DATAB"; INPUT_REGISTER_B3 : string := "CLOCK0"; INPUT_ACLR_B3 : string := "ACLR3"; INPUT_SOURCE_B3 : string := "DATAB"; PORT_SIGNB : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; REPRESENTATION_B : string := "UNSIGNED"; SIGNED_REGISTER_B : string := "CLOCK0"; SIGNED_ACLR_B : string := "ACLR3"; SIGNED_PIPELINE_REGISTER_B : string := "CLOCK0"; SIGNED_PIPELINE_ACLR_B : string := "ACLR3"; MULTIPLIER_REGISTER0 : string := "CLOCK0"; MULTIPLIER_ACLR0 : string := "ACLR3"; MULTIPLIER_REGISTER1 : string := "CLOCK0"; MULTIPLIER_ACLR1 : string := "ACLR3"; MULTIPLIER_REGISTER2 : string := "CLOCK0"; MULTIPLIER_ACLR2 : string := "ACLR3"; MULTIPLIER_REGISTER3 : string := "CLOCK0"; MULTIPLIER_ACLR3 : string := "ACLR3"; PORT_ADDNSUB1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_REGISTER1 : string := "CLOCK0"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_ACLR1 : string := "ACLR3"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_REGISTER1 : string := "CLOCK0"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_ACLR1 : string := "ACLR3"; PORT_ADDNSUB3 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_REGISTER3 : string := "CLOCK0"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_ACLR3 : string := "ACLR3"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_REGISTER3: string := "CLOCK0"; ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_ACLR3 : string := "ACLR3"; ADDNSUB1_ROUND_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; ADDNSUB1_ROUND_PIPELINE_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; ADDNSUB1_ROUND_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; ADDNSUB1_ROUND_PIPELINE_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; ADDNSUB3_ROUND_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; ADDNSUB3_ROUND_PIPELINE_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; ADDNSUB3_ROUND_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; ADDNSUB3_ROUND_PIPELINE_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; MULT01_ROUND_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; MULT01_ROUND_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; MULT01_SATURATION_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; MULT01_SATURATION_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; MULT23_ROUND_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; MULT23_ROUND_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; MULT23_SATURATION_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; MULT23_SATURATION_ACLR : string := "ACLR3"; multiplier1_direction : string := "ADD"; multiplier3_direction : string := "ADD"; OUTPUT_REGISTER : string := "CLOCK0"; OUTPUT_ACLR : string := "ACLR0"; -- StratixII parameters multiplier01_rounding : string := "NO"; multiplier01_saturation : string := "NO"; multiplier23_rounding : string := "NO"; multiplier23_saturation : string := "NO"; adder1_rounding : string := "NO"; adder3_rounding : string := "NO"; port_mult0_is_saturated : string := "UNUSED"; port_mult1_is_saturated : string := "UNUSED"; port_mult2_is_saturated : string := "UNUSED"; port_mult3_is_saturated : string := "UNUSED"; -- Stratix III parameters scanouta_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; scanouta_aclr : string := "NONE"; -- Rounding parameters output_rounding : string := "NO"; output_round_type : string := "NEAREST_INTEGER"; width_msb : integer := 17; output_round_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; output_round_aclr : string := "NONE"; output_round_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; output_round_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; chainout_rounding : string := "NO"; chainout_round_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; chainout_round_aclr : string := "NONE"; chainout_round_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; chainout_round_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; chainout_round_output_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; chainout_round_output_aclr : string := "NONE"; -- saturation parameters port_output_is_overflow : string := "PORT_UNUSED"; port_chainout_sat_is_overflow : string := "PORT_UNUSED"; output_saturation : string := "NO"; output_saturate_type : string := "ASYMMETRIC"; width_saturate_sign : integer := 1; output_saturate_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; output_saturate_aclr : string := "NONE"; output_saturate_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; output_saturate_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; chainout_saturation : string := "NO"; chainout_saturate_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; chainout_saturate_aclr : string := "NONE"; chainout_saturate_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; chainout_saturate_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; chainout_saturate_output_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; chainout_saturate_output_aclr : string := "NONE"; -- chainout parameters chainout_adder : string := "NO"; chainout_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; chainout_aclr : string := "NONE"; width_chainin : integer := 1; zero_chainout_output_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; zero_chainout_output_aclr : string := "NONE"; -- rotate & shift parameters shift_mode : string := "NO"; rotate_aclr : string := "NONE"; rotate_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; rotate_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; rotate_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; rotate_output_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; rotate_output_aclr : string := "NONE"; shift_right_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; shift_right_aclr : string := "NONE"; shift_right_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; shift_right_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; shift_right_output_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; shift_right_output_aclr : string := "NONE"; -- loopback parameters zero_loopback_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; zero_loopback_aclr : string := "NONE"; zero_loopback_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; zero_loopback_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; zero_loopback_output_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; zero_loopback_output_aclr : string := "NONE"; -- accumulator parameters accum_sload_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; accum_sload_aclr : string := "NONE"; accum_sload_pipeline_register : string := "UNREGISTERED"; accum_sload_pipeline_aclr : string := "NONE"; accum_direction : string := "ADD"; accumulator : string := "NO"; -- Stratix V parameters width_c : integer := 22; loadconst_value : integer := 64; preadder_mode : string := "SIMPLE"; preadder_direction_0 : string := "ADD"; preadder_direction_1 : string := "ADD"; preadder_direction_2 : string := "ADD"; preadder_direction_3 : string := "ADD"; input_register_c0 : string := "CLOCK0"; input_aclr_c0 : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel0_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel1_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel2_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel3_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel0_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel1_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel2_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel3_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; systolic_delay1 : string := "UNREGISTERED"; systolic_delay3 : string := "UNREGISTERED"; systolic_aclr1 : string := "NONE"; systolic_aclr3 : string := "NONE"; coef0_0 : integer := 0; coef0_1 : integer := 0; coef0_2 : integer := 0; coef0_3 : integer := 0; coef0_4 : integer := 0; coef0_5 : integer := 0; coef0_6 : integer := 0; coef0_7 : integer := 0; coef1_0 : integer := 0; coef1_1 : integer := 0; coef1_2 : integer := 0; coef1_3 : integer := 0; coef1_4 : integer := 0; coef1_5 : integer := 0; coef1_6 : integer := 0; coef1_7 : integer := 0; coef2_0 : integer := 0; coef2_1 : integer := 0; coef2_2 : integer := 0; coef2_3 : integer := 0; coef2_4 : integer := 0; coef2_5 : integer := 0; coef2_6 : integer := 0; coef2_7 : integer := 0; coef3_0 : integer := 0; coef3_1 : integer := 0; coef3_2 : integer := 0; coef3_3 : integer := 0; coef3_4 : integer := 0; coef3_5 : integer := 0; coef3_6 : integer := 0; coef3_7 : integer := 0; width_coef : integer := 18; EXTRA_LATENCY : integer :=0; DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY:string := "AUTO"; DSP_BLOCK_BALANCING : string := "AUTO"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altmult_add"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix" ); port ( dataa : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_A -1 downto 0); datab : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_B -1 downto 0); scanina : in std_logic_vector(width_a -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); scaninb : in std_logic_vector(width_b -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); sourcea : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); sourceb : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- clock ports clock3 : in std_logic := '1'; clock2 : in std_logic := '1'; clock1 : in std_logic := '1'; clock0 : in std_logic := '1'; aclr3 : in std_logic := '0'; aclr2 : in std_logic := '0'; aclr1 : in std_logic := '0'; aclr0 : in std_logic := '0'; ena3 : in std_logic := '1'; ena2 : in std_logic := '1'; ena1 : in std_logic := '1'; ena0 : in std_logic := '1'; -- control signals signa : in std_logic := 'Z'; signb : in std_logic := 'Z'; addnsub1 : in std_logic := 'Z'; addnsub3 : in std_logic := 'Z'; -- StratixII only input ports mult01_round : in std_logic := '0'; mult23_round : in std_logic := '0'; mult01_saturation : in std_logic := '0'; mult23_saturation : in std_logic := '0'; addnsub1_round : in std_logic := '0'; addnsub3_round : in std_logic := '0'; -- Stratix III only input ports output_round : in std_logic := '0'; chainout_round : in std_logic := '0'; output_saturate : in std_logic := '0'; chainout_saturate : in std_logic := '0'; chainin : in std_logic_vector (width_chainin - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); zero_chainout : in std_logic := '0'; rotate : in std_logic := '0'; shift_right : in std_logic := '0'; zero_loopback : in std_logic := '0'; accum_sload : in std_logic := '0'; -- Stratix V only input ports coefsel0 : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); coefsel1 : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); coefsel2 : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); coefsel3 : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); datac : in std_logic_vector (NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * width_c -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- output ports result : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH_RESULT -1 downto 0); scanouta : out std_logic_vector (WIDTH_A -1 downto 0); scanoutb : out std_logic_vector (WIDTH_B -1 downto 0); -- StratixII only output ports mult0_is_saturated : out std_logic := '0'; mult1_is_saturated : out std_logic := '0'; mult2_is_saturated : out std_logic := '0'; mult3_is_saturated : out std_logic := '0'; -- Stratix III only output ports overflow : out std_logic := '0'; chainout_sat_overflow : out std_logic := '0'); end component; component altmult_accum generic ( width_a : integer := 1; width_b : integer := 1; width_c : natural := 1; width_result : integer := 2; width_upper_data : integer := 1; input_source_a : string := "DATAA"; input_source_b : string := "DATAB"; input_reg_a : string := "CLOCK0"; input_aclr_a : string := "ACLR3"; input_reg_b : string := "CLOCK0"; input_aclr_b : string := "ACLR3"; port_addnsub : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; addnsub_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; addnsub_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; addnsub_pipeline_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; addnsub_pipeline_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_direction : string := "ADD"; accum_sload_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; accum_sload_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_sload_pipeline_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; accum_sload_pipeline_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; representation_a : string := "UNSIGNED"; port_signa : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; sign_reg_a : string := "CLOCK0"; sign_aclr_a : string := "ACLR3"; sign_pipeline_reg_a : string := "CLOCK0"; sign_pipeline_aclr_a : string := "ACLR3"; representation_b : string := "UNSIGNED"; port_signb : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; sign_reg_b : string := "CLOCK0"; sign_aclr_b : string := "ACLR3"; sign_pipeline_reg_b : string := "CLOCK0"; sign_pipeline_aclr_b : string := "ACLR3"; multiplier_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; multiplier_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; output_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; output_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; extra_multiplier_latency : integer := 0; extra_accumulator_latency : integer := 0; dedicated_multiplier_circuitry : string := "AUTO"; dsp_block_balancing : string := "AUTO"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altmult_accum"; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; multiplier_rounding : string := "NO"; multiplier_saturation : string := "NO"; accumulator_rounding : string := "NO"; accumulator_saturation : string := "NO"; port_mult_is_saturated : string := "UNUSED"; port_accum_is_saturated : string := "UNUSED"; mult_round_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; mult_round_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; mult_saturation_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; mult_saturation_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; accum_round_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_round_reg : string := "CLOCK3"; accum_round_pipeline_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_round_pipeline_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; accum_saturation_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_saturation_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; accum_saturation_pipeline_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_saturation_pipeline_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; accum_sload_upper_data_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_sload_upper_data_pipeline_aclr : string := "ACLR3"; accum_sload_upper_data_pipeline_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; accum_sload_upper_data_reg : string := "CLOCK0"; -- StratixV parameters preadder_mode : string := "SIMPLE"; loadconst_value : integer := 0; width_coef : integer := 0; loadconst_control_register : string := "CLOCK0"; loadconst_control_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel0_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel1_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel2_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel3_register : string := "CLOCK0"; coefsel0_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel1_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel2_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; coefsel3_aclr : string := "ACLR0"; preadder_direction_0 : string := "ADD"; preadder_direction_1 : string := "ADD"; preadder_direction_2 : string := "ADD"; preadder_direction_3 : string := "ADD"; systolic_delay1 : string := "UNREGISTERED"; systolic_delay3 : string := "UNREGISTERED"; systolic_aclr1 : string := "NONE"; systolic_aclr3 : string := "NONE"; -- coefficient storage coef0_0 : integer := 0; coef0_1 : integer := 0; coef0_2 : integer := 0; coef0_3 : integer := 0; coef0_4 : integer := 0; coef0_5 : integer := 0; coef0_6 : integer := 0; coef0_7 : integer := 0; coef1_0 : integer := 0; coef1_1 : integer := 0; coef1_2 : integer := 0; coef1_3 : integer := 0; coef1_4 : integer := 0; coef1_5 : integer := 0; coef1_6 : integer := 0; coef1_7 : integer := 0; coef2_0 : integer := 0; coef2_1 : integer := 0; coef2_2 : integer := 0; coef2_3 : integer := 0; coef2_4 : integer := 0; coef2_5 : integer := 0; coef2_6 : integer := 0; coef2_7 : integer := 0; coef3_0 : integer := 0; coef3_1 : integer := 0; coef3_2 : integer := 0; coef3_3 : integer := 0; coef3_4 : integer := 0; coef3_5 : integer := 0; coef3_6 : integer := 0; coef3_7 : integer := 0 ); port ( dataa : in std_logic_vector(width_a -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); datab : in std_logic_vector(width_b -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); scanina : in std_logic_vector(width_a -1 downto 0) := (others => 'Z'); scaninb : in std_logic_vector(width_b -1 downto 0) := (others => 'Z'); accum_sload_upper_data : in std_logic_vector(width_result -1 downto width_result - width_upper_data) := (others => '0'); sourcea : in std_logic := '1'; sourceb : in std_logic := '1'; -- control signals addnsub : in std_logic := 'Z'; accum_sload : in std_logic := '0'; signa : in std_logic := 'Z'; signb : in std_logic := 'Z'; -- clock ports clock0 : in std_logic := '1'; clock1 : in std_logic := '1'; clock2 : in std_logic := '1'; clock3 : in std_logic := '1'; ena0 : in std_logic := '1'; ena1 : in std_logic := '1'; ena2 : in std_logic := '1'; ena3 : in std_logic := '1'; aclr0 : in std_logic := '0'; aclr1 : in std_logic := '0'; aclr2 : in std_logic := '0'; aclr3 : in std_logic := '0'; -- round and saturation ports mult_round : in std_logic := '0'; mult_saturation : in std_logic := '0'; accum_round : in std_logic := '0'; accum_saturation : in std_logic := '0'; -- StratixV only input ports coefsel0 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); coefsel1 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); coefsel2 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); coefsel3 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- output ports result : out std_logic_vector(width_result -1 downto 0); overflow : out std_logic; scanouta : out std_logic_vector (width_a -1 downto 0); scanoutb : out std_logic_vector (width_b -1 downto 0); mult_is_saturated : out std_logic := '0'; accum_is_saturated : out std_logic := '0' ); end component; component altaccumulate generic ( width_in : integer:= 4; width_out : integer:= 8; lpm_representation : string := "UNSIGNED"; extra_latency : integer:= 0; use_wys : string := "ON"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altaccumulate" ); port ( -- Input ports cin : in std_logic := 'Z'; data : in std_logic_vector(width_in -1 downto 0); -- Required port add_sub : in std_logic := '1'; clock : in std_logic; -- Required port sload : in std_logic := '0'; clken : in std_logic := '1'; sign_data : in std_logic := '0'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; -- Output ports result : out std_logic_vector(width_out -1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); cout : out std_logic := '0'; overflow : out std_logic := '0' ); end component; component altsyncram generic ( operation_mode : string := "BIDIR_DUAL_PORT"; -- port a parameters width_a : integer := 1; widthad_a : integer := 1; numwords_a : integer := 0; -- registering parameters -- port a read parameters outdata_reg_a : string := "UNREGISTERED"; -- clearing parameters address_aclr_a : string := "NONE"; outdata_aclr_a : string := "NONE"; -- clearing parameters -- port a write parameters indata_aclr_a : string := "NONE"; wrcontrol_aclr_a : string := "NONE"; -- clear for the byte enable port reigsters which are clocked by clk0 byteena_aclr_a : string := "NONE"; -- width of the byte enable ports. if it is used, must be WIDTH_WRITE_A/8 or /9 width_byteena_a : integer := 1; -- port b parameters width_b : integer := 1; widthad_b : integer := 1; numwords_b : integer := 0; -- registering parameters -- port b read parameters rdcontrol_reg_b : string := "CLOCK1"; address_reg_b : string := "CLOCK1"; outdata_reg_b : string := "UNREGISTERED"; -- clearing parameters outdata_aclr_b : string := "NONE"; rdcontrol_aclr_b : string := "NONE"; -- registering parameters -- port b write parameters indata_reg_b : string := "CLOCK1"; wrcontrol_wraddress_reg_b : string := "CLOCK1"; -- registering parameter for the byte enable reister for port b byteena_reg_b : string := "CLOCK1"; -- clearing parameters indata_aclr_b : string := "NONE"; wrcontrol_aclr_b : string := "NONE"; address_aclr_b : string := "NONE"; -- clear parameter for byte enable port register byteena_aclr_b : string := "NONE"; -- StratixII only : to bypass clock enable or using clock enable clock_enable_input_a : string := "NORMAL"; clock_enable_output_a : string := "NORMAL"; clock_enable_input_b : string := "NORMAL"; clock_enable_output_b : string := "NORMAL"; -- width of the byte enable ports. if it is used, must be WIDTH_WRITE_A/8 or /9 width_byteena_b : integer := 1; -- clock enable setting for the core clock_enable_core_a : string := "USE_INPUT_CLKEN"; clock_enable_core_b : string := "USE_INPUT_CLKEN"; -- read-during-write-same-port setting read_during_write_mode_port_a : string := "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ"; read_during_write_mode_port_b : string := "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ"; -- ECC status ports setting enable_ecc : string := "FALSE"; ecc_pipeline_stage_enabled : string := "FALSE"; width_eccstatus : integer := 3; -- global parameters -- width of a byte for byte enables byte_size : integer := 0; read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports: string := "DONT_CARE"; -- ram block type choices are "AUTO", "M512", "M4K" and "MEGARAM" ram_block_type : string := "AUTO"; -- determine whether LE support is turned on or off for altsyncram implement_in_les : string := "OFF"; -- determine whether RAM would be power up to uninitialized or not power_up_uninitialized : string := "FALSE"; sim_show_memory_data_in_port_b_layout : string := "OFF"; -- general operation parameters init_file : string := "UNUSED"; init_file_layout : string := "UNUSED"; maximum_depth : integer := 0; intended_device_family : string := "Stratix"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altsyncram" ); port ( wren_a : in std_logic := '0'; wren_b : in std_logic := '0'; rden_a : in std_logic := '1'; rden_b : in std_logic := '1'; data_a : in std_logic_vector(width_a - 1 downto 0):= (others => '1'); data_b : in std_logic_vector(width_b - 1 downto 0):= (others => '1'); address_a : in std_logic_vector(widthad_a - 1 downto 0); address_b : in std_logic_vector(widthad_b - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); clock0 : in std_logic := '1'; clock1 : in std_logic := 'Z'; clocken0 : in std_logic := '1'; clocken1 : in std_logic := '1'; clocken2 : in std_logic := '1'; clocken3 : in std_logic := '1'; aclr0 : in std_logic := '0'; aclr1 : in std_logic := '0'; byteena_a : in std_logic_vector( (width_byteena_a - 1) downto 0) := (others => '1'); byteena_b : in std_logic_vector( (width_byteena_b - 1) downto 0) := (others => 'Z'); addressstall_a : in std_logic := '0'; addressstall_b : in std_logic := '0'; q_a : out std_logic_vector(width_a - 1 downto 0); q_b : out std_logic_vector(width_b - 1 downto 0); eccstatus : out std_logic_vector(width_eccstatus-1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ); end component; component altpll generic ( intended_device_family : string := "Stratix" ; operation_mode : string := "NORMAL" ; pll_type : string := "AUTO" ; qualify_conf_done : string := "OFF" ; compensate_clock : string := "CLK0" ; scan_chain : string := "LONG"; primary_clock : string := "inclk0" ; inclk0_input_frequency : natural; -- required parameter inclk1_input_frequency : natural := 0; gate_lock_signal : string := "NO"; gate_lock_counter : integer := 0; lock_high : natural := 1; lock_low : natural := 0; valid_lock_multiplier : natural := 1; invalid_lock_multiplier : natural := 5; switch_over_type : string := "AUTO"; switch_over_on_lossclk : string := "OFF" ; switch_over_on_gated_lock : string := "OFF" ; enable_switch_over_counter : string := "OFF"; switch_over_counter : natural := 0; feedback_source : string := "EXTCLK0" ; bandwidth : natural := 0; bandwidth_type : string := "UNUSED"; spread_frequency : natural := 0; down_spread : string := "0.0"; self_reset_on_gated_loss_lock : string := "OFF"; self_reset_on_loss_lock : string := "OFF"; lock_window_ui : string := "0.05"; width_clock : natural := 6; width_phasecounterselect : natural := 4; charge_pump_current_bits : natural := 9999; loop_filter_c_bits : natural := 9999; loop_filter_r_bits : natural := 9999; scan_chain_mif_file : string := "UNUSED"; -- simulation-only parameters simulation_type : string := "functional"; source_is_pll : string := "off"; skip_vco : string := "off"; -- internal clock specifications clk9_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk8_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk7_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk6_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk5_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk4_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk3_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk2_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk1_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk0_multiply_by : natural := 1; clk9_divide_by : natural := 1; clk8_divide_by : natural := 1; clk7_divide_by : natural := 1; clk6_divide_by : natural := 1; clk5_divide_by : natural := 1; clk4_divide_by : natural := 1; clk3_divide_by : natural := 1; clk2_divide_by : natural := 1; clk1_divide_by : natural := 1; clk0_divide_by : natural := 1; clk9_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk8_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk7_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk6_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk5_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk4_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk3_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk2_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk1_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk0_phase_shift : string := "0"; clk5_time_delay : string := "0"; clk4_time_delay : string := "0"; clk3_time_delay : string := "0"; clk2_time_delay : string := "0"; clk1_time_delay : string := "0"; clk0_time_delay : string := "0"; clk9_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk8_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk7_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk6_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk5_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk4_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk3_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk2_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk1_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk0_duty_cycle : natural := 50; clk2_output_frequency : natural := 0; clk1_output_frequency : natural := 0; clk0_output_frequency : natural := 0; clk9_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk8_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk7_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk6_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk5_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk4_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk3_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk2_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk1_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk0_use_even_counter_mode : string := "OFF"; clk9_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk8_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk7_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk6_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk5_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk4_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk3_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk2_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk1_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; clk0_use_even_counter_value : string := "OFF"; -- external clock specifications extclk3_multiply_by : natural := 1; extclk2_multiply_by : natural := 1; extclk1_multiply_by : natural := 1; extclk0_multiply_by : natural := 1; extclk3_divide_by : natural := 1; extclk2_divide_by : natural := 1; extclk1_divide_by : natural := 1; extclk0_divide_by : natural := 1; extclk3_phase_shift : string := "0"; extclk2_phase_shift : string := "0"; extclk1_phase_shift : string := "0"; extclk0_phase_shift : string := "0"; extclk3_time_delay : string := "0"; extclk2_time_delay : string := "0"; extclk1_time_delay : string := "0"; extclk0_time_delay : string := "0"; extclk3_duty_cycle : natural := 50; extclk2_duty_cycle : natural := 50; extclk1_duty_cycle : natural := 50; extclk0_duty_cycle : natural := 50; vco_multiply_by : integer := 0; vco_divide_by : integer := 0; sclkout0_phase_shift : string := "0"; sclkout1_phase_shift : string := "0"; dpa_multiply_by : integer := 0; dpa_divide_by : integer := 0; dpa_divider : integer := 0; -- advanced user parameters vco_min : natural := 0; vco_max : natural := 0; vco_center : natural := 0; pfd_min : natural := 0; pfd_max : natural := 0; m_initial : natural := 1; m : natural := 0; -- m must default to 0 to force altpll to calculate the internal parameters for itself n : natural := 1; m2 : natural := 1; n2 : natural := 1; ss : natural := 0; c0_high : natural := 1; c1_high : natural := 1; c2_high : natural := 1; c3_high : natural := 1; c4_high : natural := 1; c5_high : natural := 1; c6_high : natural := 1; c7_high : natural := 1; c8_high : natural := 1; c9_high : natural := 1; l0_high : natural := 1; l1_high : natural := 1; g0_high : natural := 1; g1_high : natural := 1; g2_high : natural := 1; g3_high : natural := 1; e0_high : natural := 1; e1_high : natural := 1; e2_high : natural := 1; e3_high : natural := 1; c0_low : natural := 1; c1_low : natural := 1; c2_low : natural := 1; c3_low : natural := 1; c4_low : natural := 1; c5_low : natural := 1; c6_low : natural := 1; c7_low : natural := 1; c8_low : natural := 1; c9_low : natural := 1; l0_low : natural := 1; l1_low : natural := 1; g0_low : natural := 1; g1_low : natural := 1; g2_low : natural := 1; g3_low : natural := 1; e0_low : natural := 1; e1_low : natural := 1; e2_low : natural := 1; e3_low : natural := 1; c0_initial : natural := 1; c1_initial : natural := 1; c2_initial : natural := 1; c3_initial : natural := 1; c4_initial : natural := 1; c5_initial : natural := 1; c6_initial : natural := 1; c7_initial : natural := 1; c8_initial : natural := 1; c9_initial : natural := 1; l0_initial : natural := 1; l1_initial : natural := 1; g0_initial : natural := 1; g1_initial : natural := 1; g2_initial : natural := 1; g3_initial : natural := 1; e0_initial : natural := 1; e1_initial : natural := 1; e2_initial : natural := 1; e3_initial : natural := 1; c0_mode : string := "bypass" ; c1_mode : string := "bypass" ; c2_mode : string := "bypass" ; c3_mode : string := "bypass" ; c4_mode : string := "bypass" ; c5_mode : string := "bypass" ; c6_mode : string := "bypass" ; c7_mode : string := "bypass" ; c8_mode : string := "bypass" ; c9_mode : string := "bypass" ; l0_mode : string := "bypass" ; l1_mode : string := "bypass" ; g0_mode : string := "bypass" ; g1_mode : string := "bypass" ; g2_mode : string := "bypass" ; g3_mode : string := "bypass" ; e0_mode : string := "bypass" ; e1_mode : string := "bypass" ; e2_mode : string := "bypass" ; e3_mode : string := "bypass" ; c0_ph : natural := 0; c1_ph : natural := 0; c2_ph : natural := 0; c3_ph : natural := 0; c4_ph : natural := 0; c5_ph : natural := 0; c6_ph : natural := 0; c7_ph : natural := 0; c8_ph : natural := 0; c9_ph : natural := 0; l0_ph : natural := 0; l1_ph : natural := 0; g0_ph : natural := 0; g1_ph : natural := 0; g2_ph : natural := 0; g3_ph : natural := 0; e0_ph : natural := 0; e1_ph : natural := 0; e2_ph : natural := 0; e3_ph : natural := 0; m_ph : natural := 0; l0_time_delay : natural := 0; l1_time_delay : natural := 0; g0_time_delay : natural := 0; g1_time_delay : natural := 0; g2_time_delay : natural := 0; g3_time_delay : natural := 0; e0_time_delay : natural := 0; e1_time_delay : natural := 0; e2_time_delay : natural := 0; e3_time_delay : natural := 0; m_time_delay : natural := 0; n_time_delay : natural := 0; c1_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c2_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c3_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c4_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c5_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c6_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c7_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c8_use_casc_in : string := "off"; c9_use_casc_in : string := "off"; m_test_source : integer := 5; c0_test_source : integer := 5; c1_test_source : integer := 5; c2_test_source : integer := 5; c3_test_source : integer := 5; c4_test_source : integer := 5; c5_test_source : integer := 5; c6_test_source : integer := 5; c7_test_source : integer := 5; c8_test_source : integer := 5; c9_test_source : integer := 5; extclk3_counter : string := "e3" ; extclk2_counter : string := "e2" ; extclk1_counter : string := "e1" ; extclk0_counter : string := "e0" ; clk9_counter : string := "c9" ; clk8_counter : string := "c8" ; clk7_counter : string := "c7" ; clk6_counter : string := "c6" ; clk5_counter : string := "l1" ; clk4_counter : string := "l0" ; clk3_counter : string := "g3" ; clk2_counter : string := "g2" ; clk1_counter : string := "g1" ; clk0_counter : string := "g0" ; enable0_counter : string := "l0"; enable1_counter : string := "l0"; charge_pump_current : natural := 2; loop_filter_r : string := " 1.000000"; loop_filter_c : natural := 5; vco_post_scale : natural := 0; vco_frequency_control : string := "AUTO"; vco_phase_shift_step : natural := 0; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altpll"; port_clkena0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkena1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkena2 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkena3 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkena4 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkena5 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclkena0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclkena1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclkena2 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclkena3 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclk0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclk1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclk2 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_extclk3 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkbad0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkbad1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk2 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk3 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk4 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk5 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk6 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk7 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk8 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clk9 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scandata : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scandataout : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scandone : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_sclkout1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_sclkout0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_activeclock : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkloss : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_inclk1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_inclk0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_fbin : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_fbout : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_pllena : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_clkswitch : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_areset : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_pfdena : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scanclk : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scanaclr : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scanread : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scanwrite : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_enable0 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_enable1 : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_locked : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_configupdate : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_phasecounterselect : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_phasedone : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_phasestep : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_phaseupdown : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_vcooverrange : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_vcounderrange : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; port_scanclkena : string := "PORT_CONNECTIVITY"; using_fbmimicbidir_port : string := "ON"; sim_gate_lock_device_behavior : string := "OFF" ); port ( inclk : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); fbin : in std_logic := '0'; pllena : in std_logic := '1'; clkswitch : in std_logic := '0'; areset : in std_logic := '0'; pfdena : in std_logic := '1'; clkena : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '1'); extclkena : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '1'); scanclk : in std_logic := '0'; scanclkena : in std_logic := '1'; scanaclr : in std_logic := '0'; scanread : in std_logic := '0'; scanwrite : in std_logic := '0'; scandata : in std_logic := '0'; phasecounterselect : in std_logic_vector(width_phasecounterselect-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); phaseupdown : in std_logic := '0'; phasestep : in std_logic := '0'; configupdate : in std_logic := '0'; fbmimicbidir : inout std_logic := '1'; clk : out std_logic_vector(width_clock-1 downto 0); extclk : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); clkbad : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); enable0 : out std_logic; enable1 : out std_logic; activeclock : out std_logic; clkloss : out std_logic; locked : out std_logic; scandataout : out std_logic; scandone : out std_logic; sclkout0 : out std_logic; sclkout1 : out std_logic; phasedone : out std_logic; vcooverrange : out std_logic; vcounderrange : out std_logic; fbout : out std_logic; fref : out std_logic; icdrclk : out std_logic ); end component; component altfp_mult generic ( width_exp : integer := 11; width_man : integer := 31; dedicated_multiplier_circuitry : string := "AUTO"; reduced_functionality : string := "NO"; pipeline : natural := 5; denormal_support : string := "YES"; exception_handling : string := "YES"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altfp_mult" ); port ( clock : in std_logic; clk_en : in std_logic := '1'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; dataa : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH_EXP + WIDTH_MAN downto 0) ; datab : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH_EXP + WIDTH_MAN downto 0) ; result : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH_EXP + WIDTH_MAN downto 0) ; overflow : out std_logic ; underflow : out std_logic ; zero : out std_logic ; denormal : out std_logic ; indefinite : out std_logic ; nan : out std_logic ); end component; component altsqrt generic ( q_port_width : integer := 1; r_port_width : integer := 1; width : integer := 1; pipeline : integer := 0; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altsqrt" ); port ( radical : in std_logic_vector(width - 1 downto 0) ; clk : in std_logic := '1'; ena : in std_logic := '1'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; q : out std_logic_vector( q_port_width - 1 downto 0) ; remainder : out std_logic_vector( r_port_width - 1 downto 0) ); end component; component parallel_add generic ( width : natural := 4; size : natural := 2; widthr : natural := 4; shift : natural := 0; msw_subtract : string := "NO"; representation : string := "UNSIGNED"; pipeline : natural := 0; result_alignment : string := "LSB"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "parallel_add" ); port ( data : in altera_mf_logic_2D(size - 1 downto 0, width - 1 downto 0); clock : in std_logic := '1'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; clken : in std_logic := '1'; result : out std_logic_vector(widthr - 1 downto 0) ); end component; component a_graycounter generic ( width : natural; pvalue : natural; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "a_graycounter" ); port ( clock : in std_logic; clk_en : in std_logic := '1'; cnt_en : in std_logic := '1'; updown : in std_logic := '1'; aclr : in std_logic := '0'; sclr : in std_logic := '0'; qbin : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); q : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component altsquare generic ( data_width : natural; pipeline : natural; representation : string := "UNSIGNED"; result_alignment : string := "LSB"; result_width : natural; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altsquare" ); port( aclr : in std_logic := '0'; clock : in std_logic := '1'; data : in std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0); ena : in std_logic := '1'; result : out std_logic_vector(result_width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component sld_virtual_jtag generic ( lpm_type : string; lpm_hint : string; sld_auto_instance_index : string; sld_instance_index : integer; sld_ir_width : integer; sld_sim_n_scan : integer; sld_sim_total_length : integer; sld_sim_action : string); port ( tdo : in std_logic := '0'; ir_out : in std_logic_vector(sld_ir_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); tck : out std_logic; tdi : out std_logic; ir_in : out std_logic_vector(sld_ir_width - 1 downto 0); virtual_state_cdr : out std_logic; virtual_state_sdr : out std_logic; virtual_state_e1dr : out std_logic; virtual_state_pdr : out std_logic; virtual_state_e2dr : out std_logic; virtual_state_udr : out std_logic; virtual_state_cir : out std_logic; virtual_state_uir : out std_logic; jtag_state_tlr : out std_logic; jtag_state_rti : out std_logic; jtag_state_sdrs : out std_logic; jtag_state_cdr : out std_logic; jtag_state_sdr : out std_logic; jtag_state_e1dr : out std_logic; jtag_state_pdr : out std_logic; jtag_state_e2dr : out std_logic; jtag_state_udr : out std_logic; jtag_state_sirs : out std_logic; jtag_state_cir : out std_logic; jtag_state_sir : out std_logic; jtag_state_e1ir : out std_logic; jtag_state_pir : out std_logic; jtag_state_e2ir : out std_logic; jtag_state_uir : out std_logic; tms : out std_logic); end component; component altera_std_synchronizer generic ( depth : integer := 3 ); port ( clk : in std_logic; reset_n : in std_logic; din : in std_logic; dout : out std_logic ); end component; component altera_std_synchronizer_bundle generic ( depth : integer := 3; width : integer := 1 ); port ( clk : in std_logic; reset_n : in std_logic; din : in std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); dout : out std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0) ); end component; component alt_cal generic ( number_of_channels : integer := 1; channel_address_width : integer := 1; sim_model_mode : string := "TRUE"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "alt_cal" ); PORT ( busy : OUT STD_LOGIC; cal_error : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_busy : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_datain : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_dataout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_rden : OUT STD_LOGIC; dprio_wren : OUT STD_LOGIC; quad_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 DOWNTO 0); remap_addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (9 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); reset : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; retain_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); start : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; testbuses : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 * number_of_channels - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ); end component; component alt_cal_av generic ( number_of_channels : integer := 1; channel_address_width : integer := 1; sim_model_mode : string := "TRUE"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "alt_cal"; sample_length : integer := 100; pma_base_address : integer := 0 ); PORT ( busy : OUT STD_LOGIC; clock : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_busy : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_datain : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_dataout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_rden : OUT STD_LOGIC; dprio_wren : OUT STD_LOGIC; quad_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (8 DOWNTO 0); remap_addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); reset : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; start : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; testbuses : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ); end component; component alt_cal_c3gxb generic ( number_of_channels : integer := 1; channel_address_width : integer := 1; sim_model_mode : string := "TRUE"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "alt_cal_c3gxb" ); PORT ( busy : OUT STD_LOGIC; cal_error : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_busy : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_datain : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_dataout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_rden : OUT STD_LOGIC; dprio_wren : OUT STD_LOGIC; quad_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 DOWNTO 0); remap_addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (9 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); reset : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; retain_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 DOWNTO 0); start : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; testbuses : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (number_of_channels - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ); end component; component alt_cal_mm generic ( number_of_channels : integer := 1; channel_address_width : integer := 1; sim_model_mode : string := "TRUE"; CAL_PD_WR : string := "00101"; CAL_RX_RD : string := "00110"; CAL_RX_WR : string := "00111"; CH_ADV : string := "01100"; CH_WAIT : string := "00001"; DPRIO_READ : string := "01110"; DPRIO_WAIT : string := "01000"; DPRIO_WRITE : string := "01111"; IDLE : string := "00000"; KICK_DELAY_OC : integer := 10010; KICK_PAUSE : integer := 10001; KICK_START_RD : string := "01101"; KICK_START_WR : integer := 10000; OFFSETS_PDEN_RD : string := "00011"; OFFSETS_PDEN_WR : string := "00100"; sample_length : string := "01100100"; SAMPLE_TB : string := "01001"; TEST_INPUT : string := "01010"; TESTBUS_SET : string := "00010"; lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "alt_cal_mm" ); PORT ( busy : OUT STD_LOGIC; cal_error : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (number_of_channels - 1 DOWNTO 0); clock : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_busy : IN STD_LOGIC; dprio_datain : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_dataout : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0); dprio_rden : OUT STD_LOGIC; dprio_wren : OUT STD_LOGIC; quad_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (8 DOWNTO 0); remap_addr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (11 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); reset : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; retain_addr : OUT STD_LOGIC; start : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; transceiver_init : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; testbuses : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 * number_of_channels - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0') ); END component; constant SLD_IR_BITS : natural := 10; component sld_signaltap generic ( SLD_USE_JTAG_SIGNAL_ADAPTER : natural := 1; SLD_CURRENT_RESOURCE_WIDTH : natural := 0; SLD_INVERSION_MASK : std_logic_vector := "0"; SLD_POWER_UP_TRIGGER : natural := 0; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_6 : string := "NONE"; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_9 : string := "NONE"; SLD_RAM_PIPELINE : natural := 0; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_7 : string := "NONE"; SLD_HPS_EVENT_ENABLED : natural := 0; SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_ADVANCED_CONDITION_ENTITY : string := "basic"; SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_GAP_RECORD : natural := 0; SLD_SECTION_ID : string := "hdl_signaltap_0"; SLD_INCREMENTAL_ROUTING : natural := 0; SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_PIPELINE : natural := 0; SLD_TRIGGER_IN_ENABLED : natural := 0; SLD_STATE_BITS : natural := 11; SLD_HPS_EVENT_ID : natural := 0; SLD_CREATE_MONITOR_INTERFACE : natural := 0; SLD_STATE_FLOW_USE_GENERATED : natural := 0; SLD_INVERSION_MASK_LENGTH : integer := 1; SLD_DATA_BITS : natural := 1; SLD_COUNTER_PIPELINE : natural := 0; SLD_BUFFER_FULL_STOP : natural := 1; SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_INVERSION_MASK_LENGTH : natural := 0; SLD_ATTRIBUTE_MEM_MODE : string := "OFF"; SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_MODE : string := "OFF"; SLD_STATE_FLOW_MGR_ENTITY : string := "state_flow_mgr_entity.vhd"; SLD_HPS_TRIGGER_IN_ENABLED : natural := 0; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_5 : string := "NONE"; SLD_NODE_CRC_LOWORD : natural := 50132; SLD_TRIGGER_BITS : natural := 1; SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_BITS : natural := 1; SLD_TRIGGER_PIPELINE : natural := 0; SLD_HPS_TRIGGER_OUT_ENABLED : natural := 0; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_10 : string := "NONE"; SLD_MEM_ADDRESS_BITS : natural := 7; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_ENTITY : string := "basic"; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_4 : string := "NONE"; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_8 : string := "NONE"; SLD_TRIGGER_LEVEL : natural := 10; SLD_RAM_BLOCK_TYPE : string := "AUTO"; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_2 : string := "NONE"; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_1 : string := "NONE"; SLD_DATA_BIT_CNTR_BITS : natural := 4; SLD_SAMPLE_DEPTH : natural := 16; lpm_type : string := "sld_signaltap"; SLD_NODE_CRC_BITS : natural := 32; SLD_ENABLE_ADVANCED_TRIGGER : natural := 0; SLD_SEGMENT_SIZE : natural := 0; SLD_NODE_INFO : natural := 0; SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_ENABLE_ADVANCED_CONDITION : natural := 0; SLD_NODE_CRC_HIWORD : natural := 41394; SLD_TRIGGER_LEVEL_PIPELINE : natural := 1; SLD_ADVANCED_TRIGGER_3 : string := "NONE" ); port ( jtag_state_sdr : in std_logic := '0'; ir_in : in std_logic_vector(SLD_IR_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); acq_trigger_out : out std_logic_vector(SLD_TRIGGER_BITS-1 downto 0); gnd : out std_logic; jtag_state_cir : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_e2ir : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_pir : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_udr : in std_logic := '0'; vcc : out std_logic; jtag_state_e1dr : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_rti : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_e1ir : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_pdr : in std_logic := '0'; acq_clk : in std_logic; clr : in std_logic := '0'; trigger_in : in std_logic := '0'; ir_out : out std_logic_vector(SLD_IR_BITS-1 downto 0); jtag_state_sirs : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_cdr : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_sir : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_e2dr : in std_logic := '0'; tms : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_tlr : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_sdrs : in std_logic := '0'; tdi : in std_logic := '0'; jtag_state_uir : in std_logic := '0'; acq_trigger_in : in std_logic_vector(SLD_TRIGGER_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); trigger_out : out std_logic; storage_enable : in std_logic := '0'; acq_data_out : out std_logic_vector(SLD_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0); acq_storage_qualifier_in : in std_logic_vector(SLD_STORAGE_QUALIFIER_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); acq_data_in : in std_logic_vector(SLD_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); vir_tdi : in std_logic := '0'; tdo : out std_logic; crc : in std_logic_vector(SLD_NODE_CRC_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); clrn : in std_logic := '0'; raw_tck : in std_logic := '0'; irq : out std_logic; usr1 : in std_logic := '0'; ena : in std_logic := '0' ); end component; --sld_signaltap component altstratixii_oct generic ( lpm_type : string := "altstratixii_oct" ); port ( terminationenable : in std_logic; terminationclock : in std_logic; rdn : in std_logic; rup : in std_logic ); end component; --altstratixii_oct constant PFL_QUAD_IO_FLASH_IR_BITS : NATURAL := 8; constant PFL_CFI_FLASH_IR_BITS : NATURAL := 5; constant PFL_NAND_FLASH_IR_BITS : NATURAL := 4; constant N_FLASH_BITS : NATURAL := 4; component altparallel_flash_loader generic ( FLASH_STATIC_WAIT_WIDTH : NATURAL := 15; EXTRA_ADDR_BYTE : NATURAL := 0; FEATURES_CFG : NATURAL := 1; PAGE_CLK_DIVISOR : NATURAL := 1; BURST_MODE_SPANSION : NATURAL := 0; ENHANCED_FLASH_PROGRAMMING : NATURAL := 0; FLASH_ECC_CHECKBOX : NATURAL := 0; FLASH_NRESET_COUNTER : NATURAL := 1; PAGE_MODE : NATURAL := 0; NRB_ADDR : NATURAL := 65667072; BURST_MODE : NATURAL := 0; SAFE_MODE_REVERT_ADDR : NATURAL := 0; US_UNIT_COUNTER : NATURAL := 1; FIFO_SIZE : NATURAL := 16; CONF_DATA_WIDTH : NATURAL := 1; CONF_WAIT_TIMER_WIDTH : NATURAL := 16; NFLASH_MFC : STRING := "NUMONYX"; OPTION_BITS_START_ADDRESS : NATURAL := 0; SAFE_MODE_RETRY : NATURAL := 1; DCLK_DIVISOR : NATURAL := 1; FLASH_TYPE : STRING := "CFI_FLASH"; N_FLASH : NATURAL := 1; BURST_MODE_LATENCY_COUNT : NATURAL := 4; QSPI_DATA_DELAY : NATURAL := 0; FLASH_BURST_EXTRA_CYCLE : NATURAL := 0; TRISTATE_CHECKBOX : NATURAL := 0; QFLASH_MFC : STRING := "ALTERA"; FEATURES_PGM : NATURAL := 1; QFLASH_FAST_SPEED : NATURAL := 0; DISABLE_CRC_CHECKBOX : NATURAL := 0; FLASH_DATA_WIDTH : NATURAL := 16; RSU_WATCHDOG_COUNTER : NATURAL := 100000000; PFL_RSU_WATCHDOG_ENABLED : NATURAL := 0; MT28EW_PAGE_MODE : NATURAL := 0; SAFE_MODE_HALT : NATURAL := 0; ADDR_WIDTH : NATURAL := 20; NAND_SIZE : NATURAL := 67108864; NORMAL_MODE : NATURAL := 1; FLASH_NRESET_CHECKBOX : NATURAL := 0; SAFE_MODE_REVERT : NATURAL := 0; LPM_TYPE : STRING := "ALTPARALLEL_FLASH_LOADER"; AUTO_RESTART : STRING := "OFF"; DCLK_CREATE_DELAY : NATURAL := 0; CLK_DIVISOR : NATURAL := 1; BURST_MODE_INTEL : NATURAL := 0; BURST_MODE_NUMONYX : NATURAL := 0; DECOMPRESSOR_MODE : STRING := "NONE"; QSPI_DATA_DELAY_COUNT : NATURAL := 1 ); port ( flash_nce : out std_logic_vector(N_FLASH-1 downto 0); fpga_data : out std_logic_vector(CONF_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); fpga_dclk : out std_logic; fpga_nstatus : in std_logic := '0'; flash_ale : out std_logic; pfl_clk : in std_logic := '0'; fpga_nconfig : out std_logic; flash_io2 : inout std_logic_vector(N_FLASH-1 downto 0); flash_sck : out std_logic_vector(N_FLASH-1 downto 0); flash_noe : out std_logic; flash_nwe : out std_logic; pfl_watchdog_error : out std_logic; pfl_reset_watchdog : in std_logic := '0'; fpga_conf_done : in std_logic := '0'; flash_rdy : in std_logic := '1'; pfl_flash_access_granted : in std_logic := '0'; pfl_nreconfigure : in std_logic := '1'; flash_cle : out std_logic; flash_nreset : out std_logic; flash_io0 : inout std_logic_vector(N_FLASH-1 downto 0); pfl_nreset : in std_logic := '0'; flash_data : inout std_logic_vector(FLASH_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); flash_io1 : inout std_logic_vector(N_FLASH-1 downto 0); flash_nadv : out std_logic; flash_clk : out std_logic; flash_io3 : inout std_logic_vector(N_FLASH-1 downto 0); flash_io : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); flash_addr : out std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); pfl_flash_access_request : out std_logic; flash_ncs : out std_logic_vector(N_FLASH-1 downto 0); fpga_pgm : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0') ); end component; --altparallel_flash_loader component altserial_flash_loader generic ( lpm_hint : STRING := "UNUSED"; enhanced_mode : natural := 0; intended_device_family : STRING := "Cyclone"; enable_shared_access : STRING := "OFF"; enable_quad_spi_support : natural := 0; ncso_width : natural := 1; lpm_type : STRING := "ALTSERIAL_FLASH_LOADER" ); port ( data_in : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); noe : in std_logic := '0'; asmi_access_granted : in std_logic := '1'; data_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); data_oe : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); sdoin : in std_logic := '0'; asmi_access_request : out std_logic; data0out : out std_logic; scein : in std_logic_vector(ncso_width-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); dclkin : in std_logic := '0' ); end component; --altserial_flash_loader component alt_fault_injection generic ( CRC_OSC_DIVIDER : NATURAL := 8; ENABLE_EMR_SHARE : STRING := "NO"; INTENDED_DEVICE_FAMILY : STRING := "Stratix V"; TEST_LOGIC_TYPE : STRING := "OR"; ENABLE_INTOSC_SHARE : STRING := "NO"; EMR_WIDTH : NATURAL := 67; INIT_EMR : STRING := "NO"; LPM_TYPE : STRING := "ALT_FAULT_INJECTION"; EMR_ARRAY_SIZE : NATURAL := 128; INSTANTIATE_PR_BLOCK : NATURAL := 1; DATA_REG_WIDTH : NATURAL := 16 ); port ( system_error : in std_logic := '0'; pr_ready : in std_logic := '0'; system_reset : out std_logic; pr_request : out std_logic; emr_data : in std_logic_vector(EMR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); error_scrubbed : out std_logic; user_intosc : out std_logic; pr_ext_request : in std_logic := '0'; pr_error : in std_logic := '0'; emr_valid : in std_logic; crc_error : in std_logic; error_injected : out std_logic; pr_data : out std_logic_vector(DATA_REG_WIDTH-1 downto 0); pr_clk : out std_logic; pr_done : in std_logic := '0' ); end component; --alt_fault_injection component sld_virtual_jtag_basic generic ( lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; sld_sim_action : string := "UNUSED"; sld_instance_index : natural := 0; sld_ir_width : natural := 1; sld_sim_n_scan : natural := 0; sld_mfg_id : natural := 0; sld_version : natural := 0; sld_type_id : natural := 0; lpm_type : string := "sld_virtual_jtag_basic"; sld_auto_instance_index : string := "NO"; sld_sim_total_length : natural := 0 ); port ( jtag_state_sdr : out std_logic; jtag_state_sirs : out std_logic; ir_out : in std_logic_vector(sld_ir_width-1 downto 0); jtag_state_sir : out std_logic; jtag_state_cdr : out std_logic; jtag_state_e2dr : out std_logic; tms : out std_logic; jtag_state_sdrs : out std_logic; jtag_state_tlr : out std_logic; ir_in : out std_logic_vector(sld_ir_width-1 downto 0); virtual_state_sdr : out std_logic; tdi : out std_logic; jtag_state_uir : out std_logic; jtag_state_cir : out std_logic; virtual_state_cdr : out std_logic; virtual_state_uir : out std_logic; virtual_state_e2dr : out std_logic; jtag_state_e2ir : out std_logic; virtual_state_cir : out std_logic; jtag_state_pir : out std_logic; jtag_state_udr : out std_logic; virtual_state_udr : out std_logic; tdo : in std_logic; jtag_state_e1dr : out std_logic; jtag_state_rti : out std_logic; virtual_state_pdr : out std_logic; virtual_state_e1dr : out std_logic; jtag_state_e1ir : out std_logic; jtag_state_pdr : out std_logic; tck : out std_logic ); end component; --sld_virtual_jtag_basic component altsource_probe generic ( lpm_hint : string := "UNUSED"; sld_instance_index : natural := 0; source_initial_value : string := "0"; sld_ir_width : natural := 4; probe_width : natural := 1; source_width : natural := 1; instance_id : string := "UNUSED"; lpm_type : string := "altsource_probe"; sld_auto_instance_index : string := "YES"; SLD_NODE_INFO : natural := 4746752; enable_metastability : string := "NO" ); port ( source_clk : in std_logic; probe : in std_logic_vector(probe_width-1 downto 0); source : out std_logic_vector(source_width-1 downto 0); source_ena : in std_logic ); end component; --altsource_probe end altera_mf_components;
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