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-- Copyright 2020
-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <>
-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
library ieee, common_pkg_lib, common_components_lib, astron_multiplier_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
--USE technology_lib.technology_select_pkg.ALL;
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.all;
entity rTwoWMul is
  generic (
    g_technology : NATURAL := 0;
    g_stage      : natural := 1;
    g_lat        : natural := 3+1       -- 3 for mult, 1 for round
  port (
    clk       : in  std_logic;
    rst       : in  std_logic;
    weight_re : in  std_logic_vector;
    weight_im : in  std_logic_vector;
    in_re     : in  std_logic_vector;
    in_im     : in  std_logic_vector;
    in_val    : in  std_logic;
    in_sel    : in  std_logic;
    out_re    : out std_logic_vector;
    out_im    : out std_logic_vector;
    out_val   : out std_logic
end entity rTwoWMul;
architecture str of rTwoWMul is
  -- Use multiplier product truncate or signed rounding (= away from zero). On hardware for Fsub in
  -- Apertif and using the WG at various frequencies at subband or between subbands it appears that
  -- using truncate or sround does not make a noticable difference in the SST. Still choose to use
  -- signed rounding to preserve zero DC.
  constant c_use_truncate     : boolean := true; --false;
  -- Derive the common_complex_mult g_pipeline_* values from g_lat. The sum c_total_lat = g_lat, so that g_lat defines
  -- the total latency from in_* to out_*.
  -- DSP multiplier IP
  constant c_dsp_mult_lat     : natural := 3;
  -- Pipeline multiplier product rounding from c_prod_w via c_round_w to c_out_dat_w
  constant c_round_lat        : natural := sel_a_b(g_lat > c_dsp_mult_lat, 1, 0);  -- allocate 1 pipeline for round
  constant c_lat              : natural := g_lat - c_round_lat;                    -- allocate remaining pipeline to multiplier
  constant c_mult_input_lat   : natural := sel_a_b(c_lat>1, 1, 0);                     -- second priority use DSP pipeline input
  constant c_mult_product_lat : natural := 0;
  constant c_mult_adder_lat   : natural := sel_a_b(c_lat>2, 1, 0);                     -- third priority use DSP internal product-sum pipeline
  constant c_mult_extra_lat   : natural := sel_a_b(c_lat>3, c_lat-3, 0);               -- remaining extra pipelining in logic
  constant c_mult_output_lat  : natural := sel_a_b(c_lat>0, 1, 0) + c_mult_extra_lat;  -- first priority use DSP pipeline output
  constant c_mult_lat         : natural := c_mult_input_lat + c_mult_product_lat + c_mult_adder_lat + c_mult_output_lat;
  -- Total input to output latency
  constant c_total_lat   : natural := c_mult_lat + c_round_lat;
  -- Quantization
  constant c_in_dat_w         : natural:= in_re'length;
  constant c_weight_w         : natural:= weight_re'length;
  constant c_prod_w           : natural:= c_in_dat_w+c_weight_w+1;
  constant c_round_w          : natural:= c_weight_w-c_sign_w;   -- the weights are normalized
  constant c_out_dat_w        : natural:= out_re'length;
  signal in_re_dly        : std_logic_vector(in_re'range);
  signal in_im_dly        : std_logic_vector(in_re'range);
  signal product_re       : std_logic_vector(c_prod_w-1 downto 0);
  signal product_im       : std_logic_vector(c_prod_w-1 downto 0);
  signal round_re         : std_logic_vector(out_re'range);
  signal round_im         : std_logic_vector(out_re'range);
  signal out_sel          : std_logic;
  -- Total latency check
  ASSERT c_total_lat = g_lat
    REPORT "rTwoWMul: total pipeline error"
  -- Complex multiplication
  -- . use the common_complex_mult(rtl) for the output stage 1 because then
  --   the multiplier instance can get optimized away for the constant
  --   weight_re = 1 and weight_im = 0 inputs.
  -- . the IP in common_complex_mult(stratix4) only supports up to 18b wide
  --   inputs.
  --   . for c_lat = 0,1,2 use the RTL multiplier
  --   . for c_lat >= 3 default best use the FPGA multiplier IP block.
  gen_rtl : if g_stage=1 or c_in_dat_w>c_dsp_mult_w or c_lat<c_dsp_mult_lat generate
    u_CmplxMul : entity astron_multiplier_lib.common_complex_mult
    generic map (
      g_technology       => g_technology,
      g_variant          => "RTL",
      g_in_a_w           => c_in_dat_w,
      g_in_b_w           => c_weight_w,
      g_out_p_w          => c_prod_w,
      g_conjugate_b      => false,
      g_pipeline_input   => c_mult_input_lat,
      g_pipeline_product => c_mult_product_lat,
      g_pipeline_adder   => c_mult_adder_lat,
      g_pipeline_output  => c_mult_output_lat
    port map (
      rst       => rst,
      clk       => clk,
      in_ar     => in_re,
      in_ai     => in_im,
      in_br     => weight_re,
      in_bi     => weight_im,
      in_val    => in_val,
      out_pr    => product_re,
      out_pi    => product_im,
      out_val   => OPEN
  end generate;
  gen_ip : if g_stage>1 and c_in_dat_w<=c_dsp_mult_w and c_lat>=c_dsp_mult_lat generate
    u_cmplx_mul : entity astron_multiplier_lib.common_complex_mult
    generic map (
      g_technology       => g_technology,
      g_variant          => "IP",
      g_in_a_w           => in_re'length,
      g_in_b_w           => weight_re'length,
      g_out_p_w          => product_re'length,
      g_conjugate_b      => false,
      g_pipeline_input   => c_mult_input_lat,
      g_pipeline_product => c_mult_product_lat,
      g_pipeline_adder   => c_mult_adder_lat,
      g_pipeline_output  => c_mult_output_lat
    port map (
      rst       => rst,
      clk       => clk,
      in_ar     => in_re,
      in_ai     => in_im,
      in_br     => weight_re,
      in_bi     => weight_im,
      in_val    => in_val,
      out_pr    => product_re,
      out_pi    => product_im,
      out_val   => OPEN
  end generate;
  -- Round WMult output
  gen_truncate : if c_use_truncate=true GENERATE
    -- use truncate    that throws away the c_round_w lower bits as rounding function
    -- use resize_svec that keeps the c_out_dat_w lower bits to get to the output width
    gen_comb : if c_round_lat=0 generate
      round_re <= truncate_and_resize_svec(product_re, c_round_w, c_out_dat_w);
      round_im <= truncate_and_resize_svec(product_im, c_round_w, c_out_dat_w);
    end generate;
    gen_reg : if c_round_lat=1 generate
      round_re <= truncate_and_resize_svec(product_re, c_round_w, c_out_dat_w) when rising_edge(clk);
      round_im <= truncate_and_resize_svec(product_im, c_round_w, c_out_dat_w) when rising_edge(clk);
    end generate;
  end generate;
  gen_sround : if c_use_truncate=false GENERATE
    -- Use resize_svec(s_round()) instead of truncate_and_resize_svec() to have symmetrical rounding around 0
    -- Rounding takes logic due to adding 0.5 therefore need to use c_round_lat=1 to achieve timing
    gen_comb : if c_round_lat=0 generate
      ASSERT false REPORT "rTwoWMul: can probably not achieve timing for sround without pipeline" SEVERITY FAILURE;
      round_re <= RESIZE_SVEC(s_round(product_re, c_round_w), c_out_dat_w);
      round_im <= RESIZE_SVEC(s_round(product_im, c_round_w), c_out_dat_w);
    end generate;
    gen_reg : if c_round_lat=1 generate
      round_re <= RESIZE_SVEC(s_round(product_re, c_round_w), c_out_dat_w) when rising_edge(clk);
      round_im <= RESIZE_SVEC(s_round(product_im, c_round_w), c_out_dat_w) when rising_edge(clk);
    end generate;
  end generate;
  -- Propagate data and control signals for input/output choice at WMult output
  -- No need to use rst for data, because initial data value is don't care
  u_re_lat : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline
  generic map (
    g_pipeline  => g_lat,
    g_in_dat_w  => in_re'length,
    g_out_dat_w => in_re'length
  port map (
    clk     => clk,
    in_dat  => in_re,
    out_dat => in_re_dly
  u_im_lat : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline
  generic map (
    g_pipeline  => g_lat,
    g_in_dat_w  => in_im'length,
    g_out_dat_w => in_im'length
  port map (
    clk     => clk,
    in_dat  => in_im,
    out_dat => in_im_dly
  -- Use rst for control to ensure initial low
  u_sel_lat : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline_sl
  generic map (
    g_pipeline => g_lat
  port map (
    rst     => rst,
    clk     => clk,
    in_dat  => in_sel,
    out_dat => out_sel
  u_pipeline_out_val : entity common_components_lib.common_pipeline_sl
  generic map (
    g_pipeline  => g_lat
  port map (
    rst     => rst,
    clk     => clk,
    in_dat  => in_val,
    out_dat => out_val
  -- Output real and imaginary, switch between input and product
  out_re <= round_re when out_sel = '1' else in_re_dly;
  out_im <= round_im when out_sel = '1' else in_im_dly;
end str;

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