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[/] [astron_r2sdf_fft/] [trunk/] [twiddlesPkg_wb.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------------- --FILE GENERATED BY TWIDDLE GENERATOR --DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!! ------------------------------------- --Author :R.T.Rajan --Date :09-Nov-2011 --N :17 # of FFT points --B :16 # of twiddle bits --P :4 over clocking rate ------------------------------------- Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; package twiddlesPkg_wb is constant copyRightNotice: string := "Copyright 2009-2011 , ASTRON. All rights reserved."; subtype wTyp is std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); type wRowTyp is array( 1 to 17 ) of wTyp; type wMapTyp is array( integer range 0 to 31, integer range 4 downto 1) of natural; constant wRe: wRowTyp := ( b"0111111111111111", b"0111110110001001", b"0111011001000001", b"0110101001101101", b"0101101010000010", b"0100011100011100", b"0011000011111011", b"0001100011111001", b"0000000000000000", b"1110011100000110", b"1100111100000100", b"1011100011100011", b"1010010101111101", b"1001010110010010", b"1000100110111110", b"1000001001110110", b"1000000000000000" ); constant wIm: wRowTyp := ( b"0111111111111111", b"0111110110001001", b"0111011001000001", b"0110101001101101", b"0101101010000010", b"0100011100011100", b"0011000011111011", b"0001100011111001", b"0000000000000000", b"1110011100000110", b"1100111100000100", b"1011100011100011", b"1010010101111101", b"1001010110010010", b"1000100110111110", b"1000001001110110", b"1000001001110110" ); constant wMapRe: wMapTyp := ( (1,1,1,1), (1,2,3,4), (1,3,5,7), (1,4,7,10), (1,5,9,13), (1,6,11,16), (1,7,13,15), (1,8,15,12), (1,9,17,9), (1,10,15,6), (1,11,13,3), (1,12,11,2), (1,13,9,5), (1,14,7,8), (1,15,5,11), (1,16,3,14), (1,17,1,17), (1,16,3,14), (1,15,5,11), (1,14,7,8), (1,13,9,5), (1,12,11,2), (1,11,13,3), (1,10,15,6), (1,9,17,9), (1,8,15,12), (1,7,13,15), (1,6,11,16), (1,5,9,13), (1,4,7,10), (1,3,5,7), (1,2,3,4) ); constant wMapIm: wMapTyp := ( (9,9,9,9), (9,8,7,6), (9,7,5,3), (9,6,3,2), (9,5,1,5), (9,4,3,8), (9,3,5,11), (9,2,7,14), (9,1,9,17), (9,2,11,14), (9,3,13,11), (9,4,15,8), (9,5,17,5), (9,6,15,2), (9,7,13,3), (9,8,11,6), (9,9,9,9), (9,10,7,12), (9,11,5,15), (9,12,3,16), (9,13,1,13), (9,14,3,10), (9,15,5,7), (9,16,7,4), (9,17,9,1), (9,16,11,4), (9,15,13,7), (9,14,15,10), (9,13,17,13), (9,12,15,16), (9,11,13,15), (9,10,11,12) ); end package twiddlesPkg_wb;