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[/] [astron_wb_fft/] [trunk/] [fft_wide_unit_control.vhd] - Rev 4

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-- Copyright 2020
-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <>
-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- Purpose: Composition of the SOSI output streams for the fft_wide_unit. 
-- Description: This unit monitors the in_val signal. Based on the assertion of the 
--              in_val signal it will compose the output sosi streams. The packet-
--              size equals g_fft.nof_points/g_fft.wb_factor. 
--              Both the incoming bsn and err fields are written to a fifo. When 
--              the output is composed the bsn and err field will be read from the 
--              fifo's. 
--              Incoming syncs will be detected and the bsn that accompanies the sync
--              will be stored. When the bsn that is read from the fifo is the same 
--              as the stored one, the sync will be asserted to the output. 
-- Remarks:    .The sync interval must be larger that the total amount of pipeline
--              stages in the FFT. In other words: the fft_wide_unit_control unit 
--              is not capable of handling more than one sync pulse at a time. 
library IEEE, common_pkg_lib, common_ram_lib, common_fifo_lib, dp_pkg_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.ALL; 
use common_ram_lib.common_ram_pkg.ALL;  
use dp_pkg_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL; 
use work.fft_pkg.ALL;
entity fft_wide_unit_control is
  generic ( 
    g_fft      : t_fft   := c_fft;
    g_nof_ffts : natural := 1
  port (                                     
    rst          : in  std_logic := '0';
    clk          : in  std_logic; 
    in_re_arr    : in  t_fft_slv_arr(g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);     
    in_im_arr    : in  t_fft_slv_arr(g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0);   
    in_val       : in  std_logic;
    ctrl_sosi    : in  t_dp_sosi;                                            -- Inputrecord for tapping off the sync, bsn and err.              
    out_sosi_arr : out t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0)  -- Streaming output interface    
end fft_wide_unit_control;
architecture rtl of fft_wide_unit_control is
  constant c_pipe_data       : natural := 3;                                -- Delay depth for the data 
  constant c_pipe_ctrl       : natural := c_pipe_data-1;                    -- Delay depth for the control signals
  constant c_packet_size     : natural := (2**g_fft.nof_chan)*g_fft.nof_points/g_fft.wb_factor; -- Definition of the packet size
  constant c_ctrl_fifo_depth : natural := 16;                               -- Depth of the bsn and err fifo.  
  type t_fft_slv_arr2 is array (integer range <>) of t_fft_slv_arr(g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0); 
  type state_type     is (s_idle, s_run, s_hold);
  type reg_type is record
    out_sosi_arr   : t_dp_sosi_arr(g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0); -- Register that holds the streaming interface          
    in_re_arr2_dly : t_fft_slv_arr2(c_pipe_data              -1 downto 0); -- Input registers for the real data 
    in_im_arr2_dly : t_fft_slv_arr2(c_pipe_data              -1 downto 0); -- Input registers for the imag data  
    val_dly        : std_logic_vector(c_pipe_ctrl            -1 downto 0); -- Delay-register for the valid signal
    sop_dly        : std_logic_vector(c_pipe_ctrl            -1 downto 0); -- Delay-register for the sop signal
    eop_dly        : std_logic_vector(c_pipe_ctrl            -1 downto 0); -- Delay-register for the eop signal
    sync_detected  : std_logic;                                            -- Register used to detect and pass the sync pulse.
    packet_cnt     : integer;                                              -- Counter to create the packets. 
    state          : state_type;                                           -- The state machine. 
  end record;
  signal r, rin   : reg_type;   
  signal bsn      : std_logic_vector(c_dp_stream_bsn_w  -1 downto 0);
  signal sync_bsn : std_logic_vector(c_dp_stream_bsn_w  -1 downto 0);
  signal err      : std_logic_vector(c_dp_stream_error_w-1 downto 0);
  signal rd_req   : std_logic; 
  signal rd_req_i : std_logic;
  signal rd_dat_i : std_logic_vector(c_dp_stream_bsn_w  -1 downto 0);
  signal rd_val_i : std_logic;
  u_bsn_fifo : entity common_fifo_lib.common_fifo_sc 
  generic map (
    g_use_lut   => TRUE,   -- Make this FIFO in logic, since it's only 4 words deep. 
    g_reset     => FALSE,
    g_init      => FALSE,
    g_dat_w     => c_dp_stream_bsn_w,
    g_nof_words => c_ctrl_fifo_depth
  port map (
    rst     => rst,
    clk     => clk,
    wr_dat  => ctrl_sosi.bsn,
    wr_req  => ctrl_sosi.sop,
    wr_ful  => open ,
    rd_dat  => bsn,
    rd_req  => r.sop_dly(0), 
    rd_emp  => open ,
    rd_val  => open , 
    usedw   => open
  u_error_fifo : entity common_fifo_lib.common_fifo_sc 
  generic map (
    g_use_lut   => TRUE,   -- Make this FIFO in logic, since it's only 4 words deep. 
    g_reset     => FALSE,
    g_init      => FALSE,
    g_dat_w     => c_dp_stream_error_w,
    g_nof_words => c_ctrl_fifo_depth
  port map (
    rst     => rst,
    clk     => clk,
    wr_dat  => ctrl_sosi.err,
    wr_req  => ctrl_sosi.sop,
    wr_ful  => open ,
    rd_dat  => err,
    rd_req  => r.sop_dly(1), 
    rd_emp  => open ,
    rd_val  => open , 
    usedw   => open
  u_sync_bsn_fifo : entity common_fifo_lib.common_fifo_sc 
  generic map (
    g_use_lut   => TRUE,   -- Make this FIFO in logic, since it's only 4 words deep. 
    g_reset     => FALSE,
    g_init      => FALSE,
    g_dat_w     => c_dp_stream_bsn_w,
    g_nof_words => 2
  port map (
    rst     => rst,
    clk     => clk,
    wr_dat  => ctrl_sosi.bsn,
    wr_req  => ctrl_sosi.sync,
    wr_ful  => open ,
    rd_dat  => rd_dat_i,
    rd_req  => rd_req_i,
    rd_emp  => open,
    rd_val  => rd_val_i, 
    usedw   => open
  u_fifo_adapter : entity common_fifo_lib.common_fifo_rd
  generic map (
    g_dat_w => c_dp_stream_bsn_w
  port map(
    rst        => rst, 
    clk        => clk, 
    -- ST sink: RL = 1
    fifo_req   => rd_req_i,
    fifo_dat   => rd_dat_i,
    fifo_val   => rd_val_i,
    -- ST source: RL = 0
    rd_req     => rd_req,
    rd_dat     => sync_bsn,
    rd_val     => open
  rd_req <= r.out_sosi_arr(0).sync; --  (r.sync_detected and not(rd_emp)) or r.rd_first; 
  comb : process(r, rst, ctrl_sosi, in_re_arr, in_im_arr, in_val, sync_bsn, bsn, err)
    variable v : reg_type;
    v := r; 
    v.val_dly(0)  := '0';              -- Some defaults, before entering the state machine.              
    v.sop_dly(0)  := '0';                                                              
    v.eop_dly(0)  := '0';                                                              
    for I in g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0 loop
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).sync  := '0';                                                                  
    end loop; 
    v.in_re_arr2_dly(0) := in_re_arr;  -- Latch the data into the input registers. 
    v.in_im_arr2_dly(0) := in_im_arr;  -- Latch the data into the input registers. 
    v.in_re_arr2_dly(c_pipe_data-1 downto 1) := r.in_re_arr2_dly(c_pipe_data-2 downto 0); -- Shift the delay registers
    v.in_im_arr2_dly(c_pipe_data-1 downto 1) := r.in_im_arr2_dly(c_pipe_data-2 downto 0); -- Shift the delay registers
    v.val_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-1 downto 1)        := r.val_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-2 downto 0);        -- Shift the delay registers
    v.sop_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-1 downto 1)        := r.sop_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-2 downto 0);        -- Shift the delay registers
    v.eop_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-1 downto 1)        := r.eop_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-2 downto 0);        -- Shift the delay registers
    for I in g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0 loop
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).sop   := r.sop_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-1);  -- Assign the output of the shiftregisters to the "real" signals
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).eop   := r.eop_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-1);  -- Assign the output of the shiftregisters to the "real" signals
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).valid := r.val_dly(c_pipe_ctrl-1);  -- Assign the output of the shiftregisters to the "real" signals
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).bsn   := bsn;                       -- The bsn is read from the FIFO
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).err   := err;                       -- The err is read from the FIFO
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).re    := RESIZE_SVEC(r.in_re_arr2_dly(c_pipe_data-1)(I), c_dp_stream_dsp_data_w); -- Data input is latched-in 
      v.out_sosi_arr(I).im    := RESIZE_SVEC(r.in_im_arr2_dly(c_pipe_data-1)(I), c_dp_stream_dsp_data_w); -- Data input is latched-in 
    end loop; 
    if(ctrl_sosi.sync = '1') then                           -- Check which bsn accompanies the sync
      v.sync_detected := '1';
    end if; 
    if(sync_bsn = bsn and r.sop_dly(1) = '1' and r.sync_detected = '1') then -- When the next bsn equals the stored bsn 
      for I in g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0 loop                                 -- a sync pulse will be generated that 
        v.out_sosi_arr(I).sync  := '1';                                        -- preceeds the sop
      end loop; 
      v.sync_detected := '0';
    end if; 
    case r.state is
	    when s_idle => 
	    	if(in_val = '1') then                       -- Wait for the first data to arrive
	    	  v.packet_cnt := 0;                        -- Reset the packet counter
	    		v.state      := s_run;        
	    	end if;
	    when s_run =>
	      v.val_dly(0) := '1';                        -- Assert the valid signal (Stream starts)
	      v.packet_cnt := r.packet_cnt + 1;           -- Increment the packet-counter when in s_run-state
        if(r.packet_cnt = 0) then                   -- First sample marks
          v.sop_dly(0) :='1';                       -- the start of a packet
        elsif(r.packet_cnt = c_packet_size-1) then  -- Last address marks  
          v.eop_dly(0) :='1';                       -- the end of a packet
          v.packet_cnt := 0;                        -- Reset the counter
        end if;     
        if(in_val = '0') then                       -- If there is no more data:
          v.state := s_hold;                        -- go wait in the s_hold state
        end if;            
      when s_hold =>                                
        if(in_val = '1') then                       -- Wait until new valid data arrives
          v.state := s_run;            
        end if;            
	    when others =>
	      v.state := s_idle;
	  end case;
    if(rst = '1') then 
      v.out_sosi_arr  := (others => c_dp_sosi_rst);  
      v.val_dly       := (others => '0');
      v.sop_dly       := (others => '0');
      v.eop_dly       := (others => '0');
      v.sync_detected := '0'; 
      v.packet_cnt    := 0;
      v.state         := s_idle; 
    end if;
    rin <= v;  
  end process comb;
  regs : process(clk)
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
      r <= rin; 
    end if; 
  end process;
  -- Connect to the outside world  
  gen_output : for I in g_nof_ffts*g_fft.wb_factor-1 downto 0 generate
    out_sosi_arr(I) <= r.out_sosi_arr(I);
  end generate; 
end rtl;

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