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[/] [astron_wb_fft/] [trunk/] [tb_fft_reorder_sepa_pipe.vhd] - Rev 3

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-- Copyright 2020
-- ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) <>
-- P.O.Box 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- Purpose: Test bench for fft_reorder_sepa_pipe
-- Features:
-- Usage:
-- > as 10
-- > run -all
-- Testbench is selftesting. 
-- Run testbench for different values of c_seperate and c_reorder. (Recompile is required) 
library IEEE, common_pkg_lib, dp_pkg_lib, diag_lib, mm_lib, common_ram_lib;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
use common_pkg_lib.common_pkg.ALL;
use common_ram_lib.common_ram_pkg.ALL;
use common_pkg_lib.common_lfsr_sequences_pkg.ALL;
use common_pkg_lib.tb_common_pkg.ALL;  
use mm_lib.tb_common_mem_pkg.ALL; 
use dp_pkg_lib.dp_stream_pkg.ALL;
use diag_lib.diag_pkg.ALL;   
entity tb_fft_reorder_sepa_pipe is
end tb_fft_reorder_sepa_pipe;
architecture tb of tb_fft_reorder_sepa_pipe is
  constant c_clk_period   : time    := 10 ns;
  constant c_nof_points   : natural := 16;   -- Number of points should be a power of 2
  constant c_in_dat_w     : natural := 16;   
  constant c_separate     : boolean := true;   -- When true the seperate function is enabled
  constant c_reorder      : boolean := true;   -- When enabled the reordering is performed
  constant c_nof_chan     : natural := 1;
  constant c_nof_channels : natural := 2**c_nof_chan;
  type t_input_buf_arr is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0); 
  -- BG derived constants
  constant c_bg_mem_size           : natural := 1024;
  constant c_bg_addr_w             : natural := ceil_log2(c_bg_mem_size);
  constant c_nof_samples_in_packet : natural := c_nof_channels*c_nof_points;
  constant c_gap                   : natural := 0;    -- Gapsize is set to 0 in order to generate a continuous stream of packets. 
  constant c_bst_skip_nof_sync     : natural := 3;
  constant c_nof_accum_per_sync    : natural := 10;
  constant c_bsn_init              : natural := 32; 
  constant c_bg_prefix             : string := "data/to_separate";
  signal tb_end    : std_logic := '0';
  signal rst       : std_logic;
  signal clk       : std_logic := '1'; 
  signal ram_bg_data_mosi : t_mem_mosi; 
  signal reg_bg_ctrl_mosi : t_mem_mosi;  
  signal in_sosi_arr      : t_dp_sosi_arr(0 downto 0);
  signal in_siso_arr      : t_dp_siso_arr(0 downto 0);  
  signal out_sosi         : t_dp_sosi;
  signal in_dat           : std_logic_vector(2*c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0); 
  signal out_dat          : std_logic_vector(2*c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0); 
  signal out_dat_re       : std_logic_vector(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0); 
  signal out_dat_im       : std_logic_vector(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0); 
  signal out_val          : std_logic; 
  signal buf_input_re     : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points-1 downto 0);
  signal buf_input_im     : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points-1 downto 0);  
  signal buf_output_a_re  : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);
  signal buf_output_a_im  : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);  
  signal buf_output_b_re  : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);
  signal buf_output_b_im  : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);  
  signal buf_output_re    : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points-1 downto 0);
  signal buf_output_im    : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points-1 downto 0);  
  clk <= (not clk) or tb_end after c_clk_period/2;
  rst <= '1', '0' after c_clk_period*3;
  p_control_input_stream : process
    tb_end <= '0';
    reg_bg_ctrl_mosi <= c_mem_mosi_rst;  
    -- Wait until reset is done
    proc_common_wait_until_high(clk, rst);
    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(clk, 10);
    -- Set and enable the waveform generators. All generators are controlled by the same registers
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(1, c_nof_samples_in_packet,   clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Set the number of samples per block
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(2, c_nof_accum_per_sync,      clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Set the number of blocks per sync
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(3, c_gap,                     clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Set the gapsize
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(4, 0,                         clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Set the start address of the memory
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(5, c_nof_samples_in_packet-1, clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Set the end address of the memory
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(6, c_bsn_init,                clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Set the BSNInit low  value
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(7, 0,                         clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Set the BSNInit high value
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(0, 1,                         clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);  -- Enable the BG
    -- Run time
    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(clk, 10*c_nof_points);
    proc_mem_mm_bus_wr(0, 0, clk, reg_bg_ctrl_mosi);      -- Disable the BG
    -- The end
    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(clk, c_nof_points + 20);
    tb_end <= '1';
  end process;
  u_block_generator : entity diag_lib.mms_diag_block_gen 
  generic map(    
    g_nof_streams        => 1,
    g_buf_dat_w          => c_nof_complex*c_in_dat_w, 
    g_buf_addr_w         => c_bg_addr_w,              -- Waveform buffer size 2**g_buf_addr_w nof samples
    g_file_name_prefix   => c_bg_prefix
  port map(
   -- Clocks and reset
    mm_rst           => rst, 
    mm_clk           => clk, 
    dp_rst           => rst, 
    dp_clk           => clk,
    en_sync          => '1',
    ram_bg_data_mosi => ram_bg_data_mosi, 
    ram_bg_data_miso => open, 
    reg_bg_ctrl_mosi => reg_bg_ctrl_mosi, 
    reg_bg_ctrl_miso => open, 
    out_siso_arr     => in_siso_arr,
    out_sosi_arr     => in_sosi_arr
  in_siso_arr(0) <= c_dp_siso_rdy;
  -- device under test
  u_dut : entity work.fft_reorder_sepa_pipe
  generic map (
    g_separate    => c_separate,
    g_nof_points  => c_nof_points,
    g_bit_flip    => c_reorder,
    g_nof_chan    => c_nof_chan
  port map (
    clk     => clk,
    rst     => rst,
    in_dat  => in_dat,
    in_val  => in_sosi_arr(0).valid,
    out_dat => out_dat,
    out_val => out_val
  in_dat <= in_sosi_arr(0).im(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0) & in_sosi_arr(0).re(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0);
  out_dat_re <= out_dat(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0);           
  out_dat_im <= out_dat(2*c_in_dat_w-1 downto c_in_dat_w);
  -- verification
  p_verify : process  
    variable I : integer;  
    variable v_buf_input_re_temp : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points-1   downto 0);
    variable v_buf_input_im_temp : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points-1   downto 0);  
    variable v_buf_output_a_re   : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);
    variable v_buf_output_a_im   : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);  
    variable v_buf_output_b_re   : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);
    variable v_buf_output_b_im   : t_input_buf_arr(c_nof_channels*c_nof_points/2-1 downto 0);  
    I := 0;
    wait until in_sosi_arr(0).sync = '1';
    while I < c_nof_channels*c_nof_points loop
      wait until (rising_edge(clk) and in_sosi_arr(0).valid = '1');
      buf_input_re(I) <= in_sosi_arr(0).re(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0);  -- The first dataframe is latched in and used as reference
      buf_input_im(I) <= in_sosi_arr(0).im(c_in_dat_w-1 downto 0);       
      I := I + 1;
    end loop;  
    proc_common_wait_some_cycles(clk, 1); 
    -- Perform re-order function to the reference data if re-ordering is enabled
    if(c_reorder=true) then 
      for H in 0 to c_nof_channels-1 loop                      
        for J in 0 to c_nof_points-1 loop
          v_buf_input_re_temp(c_nof_channels*J + H) := buf_input_re(TO_UINT(TO_UVEC(H, c_nof_chan) & FLIP(TO_UVEC(J, ceil_log2(c_nof_points))))); 
          v_buf_input_im_temp(c_nof_channels*J + H) := buf_input_im(TO_UINT(TO_UVEC(H, c_nof_chan) & FLIP(TO_UVEC(J, ceil_log2(c_nof_points)))));
        end loop;  
      end loop;
      for H in 0 to c_nof_channels-1 loop                      
        for J in 0 to c_nof_points-1 loop
          v_buf_input_re_temp(H*c_nof_points + J) := buf_input_re(c_nof_channels*J + H);
          v_buf_input_im_temp(H*c_nof_points + J) := buf_input_im(c_nof_channels*J + H);
        end loop;
      end loop;
    end if; 
    -- Do the separate function on the reference data if separata is enabled.                            
    if(c_separate=true) then  
      for H in 0 to c_nof_channels-1 loop                                    
        for J in 0 to c_nof_points/2-1 loop
          if(J = 0) then 
            v_buf_output_a_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := v_buf_input_re_temp(H*c_nof_points);
            v_buf_output_a_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := (others => '0');
            v_buf_output_b_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := v_buf_input_im_temp(H*c_nof_points);
            v_buf_output_b_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := (others => '0');
            buf_output_re(H*c_nof_points)         <= v_buf_output_a_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);    
            buf_output_im(H*c_nof_points)         <= v_buf_output_a_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);    
            buf_output_re(H*c_nof_points + 1)     <= v_buf_output_b_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);  
            buf_output_im(H*c_nof_points + 1)     <= v_buf_output_b_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);  
            v_buf_output_a_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := ADD_SVEC(v_buf_input_re_temp(H*c_nof_points + c_nof_points-J), v_buf_input_re_temp(H*c_nof_points + J), c_in_dat_w+1)(c_in_dat_w downto 1);
            v_buf_output_a_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := SUB_SVEC(v_buf_input_im_temp(H*c_nof_points + J), v_buf_input_im_temp(H*c_nof_points + c_nof_points-J), c_in_dat_w+1)(c_in_dat_w downto 1); 
            v_buf_output_b_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := ADD_SVEC(v_buf_input_im_temp(H*c_nof_points + c_nof_points-J), v_buf_input_im_temp(H*c_nof_points + J), c_in_dat_w+1)(c_in_dat_w downto 1);
            v_buf_output_b_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J) := SUB_SVEC(v_buf_input_re_temp(H*c_nof_points + c_nof_points-J), v_buf_input_re_temp(H*c_nof_points + J), c_in_dat_w+1)(c_in_dat_w downto 1);
            buf_output_re(H*c_nof_points + 2*J)   <= v_buf_output_a_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);
            buf_output_im(H*c_nof_points + 2*J)   <= v_buf_output_a_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);
            buf_output_re(H*c_nof_points + 2*J+1) <= v_buf_output_b_re(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);
            buf_output_im(H*c_nof_points + 2*J+1) <= v_buf_output_b_im(H*c_nof_points/2 + J);
          end if;
        end loop; 
      end loop;
      buf_output_re <= v_buf_input_re_temp;
      buf_output_im <= v_buf_input_im_temp;
    end if;        
  end process; 
  -- Simple process that does the final test.                     
  p_tester : process(rst, clk)  
    variable I : integer;
    if rst='0' then
      if rising_edge(clk) and out_val = '1' then 
        assert buf_output_re(I) = out_dat_re report "Error: wrong RTL result in real path" severity error;
        assert buf_output_im(I) = out_dat_im report "Error: wrong RTL result in imag path" severity error;
        if(I = c_nof_channels*c_nof_points - 1 ) then 
          I := 0;
          I := I + 1;
        end if; 
      end if;
      I := 0;
    end if;
  end process p_tester;  
end tb;

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