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/* Asynchronous SDM NoC (C)2011 Wei Song Advanced Processor Technologies Group Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK Authors: Wei Song wsong83@gmail.com License: LGPL 3.0 or later Asynchronous VC router. History: 05/04/2010 Initial version. <wsong83@gmail.com> 02/06/2011 Clean up for opensource. <wsong83@gmail.com> */ module router (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs sia, wia, nia, eia, lia, sic, wic, nic, eic, lic, so0, so1, so2, so3, wo0, wo1, wo2, wo3, no0, no1, no2, no3, eo0, eo1, eo2, eo3, lo0, lo1, lo2, lo3, soft, woft, noft, eoft, loft, sovc, wovc, novc, eovc, lovc, soca, woca, noca, eoca, loca, // Inputs si0, si1, si2, si3, wi0, wi1, wi2, wi3, ni0, ni1, ni2, ni3, ei0, ei1, ei2, ei3, li0, li1, li2, li3, sift, wift, nift, eift, lift, sivc, wivc, nivc, eivc, livc, sica, wica, nica, eica, lica, soa, woa, noa, eoa, loa, soc, woc, noc, eoc, loc, addrx, addry, rst_n ); parameter VCN = 2; // number of VCs per direction parameter DW = 32; // data width of an input port parameter PD = 1; // the depth of a input VC buffer parameter FT = 3; // the number of flit types, currently 3 (HD, DATA, TAIL) parameter FCPD = PD; parameter SCN = DW/2; // input ports input [SCN-1:0] si0, si1, si2, si3; input [SCN-1:0] wi0, wi1, wi2, wi3; input [SCN-1:0] ni0, ni1, ni2, ni3; input [SCN-1:0] ei0, ei1, ei2, ei3; input [SCN-1:0] li0, li1, li2, li3; input [FT-1:0] sift, wift, nift, eift, lift; input [VCN-1:0] sivc, wivc, nivc, eivc, livc; output sia, wia, nia, eia, lia; output [VCN-1:0] sic, wic, nic, eic, lic; input [VCN-1:0] sica, wica, nica, eica, lica; // output ports output [SCN-1:0] so0, so1, so2, so3; output [SCN-1:0] wo0, wo1, wo2, wo3; output [SCN-1:0] no0, no1, no2, no3; output [SCN-1:0] eo0, eo1, eo2, eo3; output [SCN-1:0] lo0, lo1, lo2, lo3; output [FT-1:0] soft, woft, noft, eoft, loft; output [VCN-1:0] sovc, wovc, novc, eovc, lovc; input soa, woa, noa, eoa, loa; input [VCN-1:0] soc, woc, noc, eoc, loc; output [VCN-1:0] soca, woca, noca, eoca, loca; // local address, in 1-of-4 format input [7:0] addrx, addry; // active-low reset input rst_n; //---------------------------------- // input to crossbar wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] s2cb0, s2cb1, s2cb2, s2cb3; wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] w2cb0, w2cb1, w2cb2, w2cb3; wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] n2cb0, n2cb1, n2cb2, n2cb3; wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] e2cb0, e2cb1, e2cb2, e2cb3; wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] l2cb0, l2cb1, l2cb2, l2cb3; wire [VCN-1:0][FT-1:0] s2cbt, w2cbt, n2cbt, e2cbt, l2cbt; wire [VCN-1:0][3:0] s2cbrtg, n2cbrtg, l2cbrtg; wire [VCN-1:0][1:0] w2cbrtg, e2cbrtg; wire [VCN-1:0] s2cba, w2cba, n2cba, e2cba, l2cba; // VC requests wire [VCN-1:0][3:0] svcr, nvcr, lvcr; wire [VCN-1:0] svcra, nvcra, lvcra; wire [VCN-1:0][1:0] wvcr, evcr; wire [VCN-1:0] wvcra, evcra; // SW requests wire [VCN-1:0][1:0] siswr, wiswr, niswr, eiswr, liswr; wire [VCN-1:0][3:0] siswrt, niswrt, liswrt; wire [VCN-1:0][1:0] wiswrt, eiswrt; // crossbar to output wire [SCN-1:0] cb2s0, cb2s1, cb2s2, cb2s3; wire [SCN-1:0] cb2w0, cb2w1, cb2w2, cb2w3; wire [SCN-1:0] cb2n0, cb2n1, cb2n2, cb2n3; wire [SCN-1:0] cb2e0, cb2e1, cb2e2, cb2e3; wire [SCN-1:0] cb2l0, cb2l1, cb2l2, cb2l3; wire [FT-1:0] cb2st, cb2wt, cb2nt, cb2et, cb2lt; wire cb2sa, cb2wa, cb2na, cb2ea, cb2la; // SW requests to VC arbiters in output buffers wire [VCN-1:0] soswr, woswr, noswr, eoswr, loswr; wire [VCN-1:0] soswa, woswa, noswa, eoswa, loswa; //------------------------------------- // south input buffer inpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .DIR(0), .SN(4), .PD(PD), .FT(FT)) SIB ( .dia ( sia ), .cor ( sic ), .do0 ( s2cb0 ), .do1 ( s2cb1 ), .do2 ( s2cb2 ), .do3 ( s2cb3 ), .dot ( s2cbt ), .dortg ( s2cbrtg ), .vcr ( svcr ), .swr ( siswr ), .di0 ( si0 ), .di1 ( si1 ), .di2 ( si2 ), .di3 ( si3 ), .dit ( sift ), .divc ( sivc ), .coa ( sica ), .doa ( s2cba ), .vcra ( svcra ), .swrt ( siswrt ), .addrx ( addrx ), .addry ( addry ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // west input buffer inpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .DIR(1), .SN(2), .PD(PD), .FT(FT)) WIB ( .dia ( wia ), .cor ( wic ), .do0 ( w2cb0 ), .do1 ( w2cb1 ), .do2 ( w2cb2 ), .do3 ( w2cb3 ), .dot ( w2cbt ), .dortg ( w2cbrtg ), .vcr ( wvcr ), .swr ( wiswr ), .di0 ( wi0 ), .di1 ( wi1 ), .di2 ( wi2 ), .di3 ( wi3 ), .dit ( wift ), .divc ( wivc ), .coa ( wica ), .doa ( w2cba ), .vcra ( wvcra ), .swrt ( wiswrt ), .addrx ( addrx ), .addry ( addry ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // north input buffer inpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .DIR(2), .SN(4), .PD(PD), .FT(FT)) NIB ( .dia ( nia ), .cor ( nic ), .do0 ( n2cb0 ), .do1 ( n2cb1 ), .do2 ( n2cb2 ), .do3 ( n2cb3 ), .dot ( n2cbt ), .dortg ( n2cbrtg ), .vcr ( nvcr ), .swr ( niswr ), .di0 ( ni0 ), .di1 ( ni1 ), .di2 ( ni2 ), .di3 ( ni3 ), .dit ( nift ), .divc ( nivc ), .coa ( nica ), .doa ( n2cba ), .vcra ( nvcra ), .swrt ( niswrt ), .addrx ( addrx ), .addry ( addry ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // east input buffer inpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .DIR(3), .SN(2), .PD(PD), .FT(FT)) EIB ( .dia ( eia ), .cor ( eic ), .do0 ( e2cb0 ), .do1 ( e2cb1 ), .do2 ( e2cb2 ), .do3 ( e2cb3 ), .dot ( e2cbt ), .dortg ( e2cbrtg ), .vcr ( evcr ), .swr ( eiswr ), .di0 ( ei0 ), .di1 ( ei1 ), .di2 ( ei2 ), .di3 ( ei3 ), .dit ( eift ), .divc ( eivc ), .coa ( eica ), .doa ( e2cba ), .vcra ( evcra ), .swrt ( eiswrt ), .addrx ( addrx ), .addry ( addry ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // local input buffer inpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .DIR(4), .SN(4), .PD(PD), .FT(FT)) LIB ( .dia ( lia ), .cor ( lic ), .do0 ( l2cb0 ), .do1 ( l2cb1 ), .do2 ( l2cb2 ), .do3 ( l2cb3 ), .dot ( l2cbt ), .dortg ( l2cbrtg ), .vcr ( lvcr ), .swr ( liswr ), .di0 ( li0 ), .di1 ( li1 ), .di2 ( li2 ), .di3 ( li3 ), .dit ( lift ), .divc ( livc ), .coa ( lica ), .doa ( l2cba ), .vcra ( lvcra ), .swrt ( liswrt ), .addrx ( addrx ), .addry ( addry ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // south output buffer outpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .FT(FT), .FCPD(FCPD)) SOB ( .dia ( cb2sa ), .do0 ( so0 ), .do1 ( so1 ), .do2 ( so2 ), .do3 ( so3 ), .dot ( soft ), .dovc ( sovc ), .afc ( soca ), .vca ( soswa ), .di0 ( cb2s0 ), .di1 ( cb2s1 ), .di2 ( cb2s2 ), .di3 ( cb2s3 ), .dit ( cb2st ), .doa ( soa ), .credit( soc ), .vcr ( soswr ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // west output buffer outpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .FT(FT), .FCPD(FCPD)) WOB ( .dia ( cb2wa ), .do0 ( wo0 ), .do1 ( wo1 ), .do2 ( wo2 ), .do3 ( wo3 ), .dot ( woft ), .dovc ( wovc ), .afc ( woca ), .vca ( woswa ), .di0 ( cb2w0 ), .di1 ( cb2w1 ), .di2 ( cb2w2 ), .di3 ( cb2w3 ), .dit ( cb2wt ), .doa ( woa ), .credit( woc ), .vcr ( woswr ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // north output buffer outpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .FT(FT), .FCPD(FCPD)) NOB ( .dia ( cb2na ), .do0 ( no0 ), .do1 ( no1 ), .do2 ( no2 ), .do3 ( no3 ), .dot ( noft ), .dovc ( novc ), .afc ( noca ), .vca ( noswa ), .di0 ( cb2n0 ), .di1 ( cb2n1 ), .di2 ( cb2n2 ), .di3 ( cb2n3 ), .dit ( cb2nt ), .doa ( noa ), .credit( noc ), .vcr ( noswr ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // east output buffer outpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .FT(FT), .FCPD(FCPD)) EOB ( .dia ( cb2ea ), .do0 ( eo0 ), .do1 ( eo1 ), .do2 ( eo2 ), .do3 ( eo3 ), .dot ( eoft ), .dovc ( eovc ), .afc ( eoca ), .vca ( eoswa ), .di0 ( cb2e0 ), .di1 ( cb2e1 ), .di2 ( cb2e2 ), .di3 ( cb2e3 ), .dit ( cb2et ), .doa ( eoa ), .credit( eoc ), .vcr ( eoswr ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // east output buffer outpbuf #(.DW(DW), .VCN(VCN), .FT(FT), .FCPD(FCPD)) LOB ( .dia ( cb2la ), .do0 ( lo0 ), .do1 ( lo1 ), .do2 ( lo2 ), .do3 ( lo3 ), .dot ( loft ), .dovc ( lovc ), .afc ( loca ), .vca ( loswa ), .di0 ( cb2l0 ), .di1 ( cb2l1 ), .di2 ( cb2l2 ), .di3 ( cb2l3 ), .dit ( cb2lt ), .doa ( loa ), .credit( loc ), .vcr ( loswr ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // VC allocator vcalloc #(.VCN(VCN)) ALLOC ( .svcra ( svcra ), .wvcra ( wvcra ), .nvcra ( nvcra ), .evcra ( evcra ), .lvcra ( lvcra ), .sswa ( siswrt ), .wswa ( wiswrt ), .nswa ( niswrt ), .eswa ( eiswrt ), .lswa ( liswrt ), .sosr ( soswr ), .wosr ( woswr ), .nosr ( noswr ), .eosr ( eoswr ), .losr ( loswr ), .svcr ( svcr ), .nvcr ( nvcr ), .lvcr ( lvcr ), .wvcr ( wvcr ), .evcr ( evcr ), .sswr ( siswr ), .wswr ( wiswr ), .nswr ( niswr ), .eswr ( eiswr ), .lswr ( liswr ), .sosa ( soswa ), .wosa ( woswa ), .nosa ( noswa ), .eosa ( eoswa ), .losa ( loswa ), .rst_n ( rst_n ) ); // crossbar dcb_vc #(.DW(DW), .FT(FT), .VCN(VCN)) CB ( .dia ( {l2cba, e2cba, n2cba, w2cba, s2cba} ), .do0 ( {cb2l0, cb2e0, cb2n0, cb2w0, cb2s0} ), .do1 ( {cb2l1, cb2e1, cb2n1, cb2w1, cb2s1} ), .do2 ( {cb2l2, cb2e2, cb2n2, cb2w2, cb2s2} ), .do3 ( {cb2l3, cb2e3, cb2n3, cb2w3, cb2s3} ), .dot ( {cb2lt, cb2et, cb2nt, cb2wt, cb2st} ), .di0 ( {l2cb0, e2cb0, n2cb0, w2cb0, s2cb0} ), .di1 ( {l2cb1, e2cb1, n2cb1, w2cb1, s2cb1} ), .di2 ( {l2cb2, e2cb2, n2cb2, w2cb2, s2cb2} ), .di3 ( {l2cb3, e2cb3, n2cb3, w2cb3, s2cb3} ), .dit ( {l2cbt, e2cbt, n2cbt, w2cbt, s2cbt} ), .srtg ( s2cbrtg ), .nrtg ( n2cbrtg ), .lrtg ( l2cbrtg ), .wrtg ( w2cbrtg ), .ertg ( e2cbrtg ), .doa ( {cb2la, cb2ea, cb2na, cb2wa, cb2sa} ) ); endmodule // router
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