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[/] [avs_aes/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [VHDL/] [keyexpansionV2.vhd] - Rev 20
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is part of the project avs_aes -- see: http://opencores.org/project,avs_aes -- -- description: hardware keyexpansion core. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generates all roundkeys for the AES algorithm. in each round on key is used -- to XOR with the round data, e.g. the state. because this is for encryption -- of multiple plaintext blocks always the same roundkey sequence the keys are -- stored until a new key is provided. -- Starting from an initial 128, 192 or 256 Bit key (table of 4,6 or eight -- columns = i) the sucessive roundkeys are calculated in the following way: -- 1.) The 1st round is done with the initial key with the dwords dw[0] to -- dw[i-1] -- 2.) dw[n*i] is build through rotating dw[i-1] 1 left, Substituting its -- contents with the Sbox function, the result then is XORed with -- roundconstant[n] and it is again XORed with dw[(n-1)i]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: Implement another copy of this as wrapper to RAM to enable software -- keyexpanion -- -- -- Author(s): -- Thomas Ruschival -- ruschi@opencores.org (www.ruschival.de) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2009, Authors and opencores.org -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, -- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- * Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its contributors -- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without -- specific prior written permission. -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, -- OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF -- SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS -- INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -- CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF -- THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- version management: -- $Author:: $ -- $Date:: $ -- $Revision:: $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library avs_aes_lib; use avs_aes_lib.avs_aes_pkg.all; entity keyexpansionV2 is generic ( KEYLENGTH : NATURAL := 128 -- Size of keyblock (128, 192, 256 Bits) ); port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC; -- system clock keyword : in DWORD; -- word of original userkey keywordaddr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0); -- keyword register address w_ena_keyword : in STD_LOGIC; -- write enable of keyword to wordaddr key_stable : in STD_LOGIC; -- key is completa and valid, start expansion -- key_stable=0-> invalidate key roundkey_idx : in NIBBLE; -- index for selecting roundkey roundkey : out KEYBLOCK; -- key for each round ready : out STD_LOGIC -- expansion done, roundkeys ready ); -- number of rounds, needed for looping constant NO_ROUNDS : NATURAL := lookupRounds(KEYLENGTH); -- Number of columns in user key: 4,6, or 8 constant Nk : NATURAL := KEYLENGTH/DWORD_WIDTH; -- Number of interations constant LOOP_BOUND : NATURAL := 4*NO_ROUNDS; end entity keyexpansionV2; architecture ach1 of keyexpansionV2 is -- Round constants for XOR i/Nk is max 10 for Nk=4 constant GF_ROUNDCONSTANTS_4_6 : BYTEARRAY(0 to 10) := (X"01", X"02", X"04", X"08", X"10", X"20", X"40", X"80", X"1B", X"36", X"6C"); -- keep quartus from complaining about "index not wide enough for all -- elements in the array" i/Nk is max 7 for Nk=8 constant GF_ROUNDCONSTANTS_8 : BYTEARRAY(0 to 7) := (X"01", X"02", X"04", X"08", X"10", X"20", X"40", X"80"); signal roundconstant : BYTE; -- memory for roundkeys type MEMORY_128 is array (0 to 15) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0); signal KEYMEM : MEMORY_128; -- key memory signals signal mem_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0); -- in port for keymemory signal mem_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0); -- out port of keymemory signal keymem_addr : UNSIGNED(3 downto 0); -- address of RAM signal w_ena_keymem : STD_LOGIC; -- write enable to keymemory -- write address for keymemory signal w_addr : UNSIGNED(3 downto 0); -- register signal next_w_addr : UNSIGNED(3 downto 0); -- combinational next value -- Interconnect for shiftregister signal keyshiftreg_in : DWORDARRAY(Nk-1 downto 0); -- input from multiplexers signal keyshiftreg_out : DWORDARRAY(Nk-1 downto 0); -- output signal keyshiftreg_ena : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); -- enable of single registers -- Selector for Load multiplexer, only select keyword to be written to -- shiftreg if key_stable is deasserted loadmux_sel <= not key_stable signal loadmux_sel : STD_LOGIC; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- datapath expansion algorithm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal exp_in : DWORD; -- in for expansion logic (w[i-1]) signal rot_out : DWORD; -- rotated column (in to sbox) signal to_sbox : DWORD; -- substituted key column (out from sbox) signal from_sbox : DWORD; -- substituted key column (out from sbox) signal delayed_col : DWORD; -- delayed unprocessed key column w[i-1] | imod4/=0 signal XorRcon_out : DWORD; -- rotated,substituted,XORed with Rcon column w[i-1]|imod4=0 signal mux_processed : DWORD; -- multiplexed delayed_col or XorRcon_out signal Xor_lastblock_in : DWORD; -- input for w[i-1] XOR w[i-Nk] signal last_word : DWORD; -- result of expansion w[i] --> w[i-1] for next round --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controller signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal first_round : STD_LOGIC; -- selector Mux_input only '0' in first round signal shift_ena : STD_LOGIC; -- enable shift of register bank w[i-1] to w[i-Nk] signal imodNk0 : STD_LOGIC; -- mux selector delayed_col or XorRcon_out if imodNk=0 -- Special logic for Nk=8 256 Bit key signal imod84 : STD_LOGIC; -- mux selector around Rotate to substitute if imod8=4 -- Statemachine type KEYEXPANSIONSTATES is (INIT, SUBSTITUTE, SHIFT, WRITELAST, DONE); signal expState : KEYEXPANSIONSTATES; -- register value signal next_expState : KEYEXPANSIONSTATES; -- combinational next value -- counter for expanded keywords (max Nk*(Nr+1)=4*(14+1)) signal i : UNSIGNED(5 downto 0); -- register signal next_i : UNSIGNED(5 downto 0); -- combinational next value begin -- architecture ach1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Key load and shift register datapath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadmux_sel <= not key_stable; Shiftreg : for i in 0 to Nk-1 generate -- ordinary words are regular shift registers rest_of_shiftreg : if i /= Nk-1 generate loadmux : Mux2 generic map ( IOwidth => DWORD_WIDTH) port map ( inport_a => keyshiftreg_out(i+1), inport_b => keyword, selector => loadmux_sel, outport => keyshiftreg_in(i)); keywordregister : memory_word generic map ( IOwidth => DWORD_WIDTH) port map ( data_in => keyshiftreg_in(i), data_out => keyshiftreg_out(i), res_n => '1', clk => clk, ena => keyshiftreg_ena(i)); end generate; -- last word is different: here result from last expansion round is -- shifted in lastDWORD : if i = Nk-1 generate lastw_loadmux : Mux2 generic map ( IOwidth => DWORD_WIDTH) port map ( inport_a => last_word, -- loopback form expansion logic inport_b => keyword, selector => loadmux_sel, outport => keyshiftreg_in(i)); last_keywordreg : memory_word generic map ( IOwidth => DWORD_WIDTH) port map ( data_in => keyshiftreg_in(i), data_out => keyshiftreg_out(i), res_n => '1', clk => clk, ena => keyshiftreg_ena(i)); end generate lastDWORD; end generate Shiftreg; -- Lower 4 Keywords will be written to key ram mem_in <= keyshiftreg_out(0) &keyshiftreg_out(1) & keyshiftreg_out(2) & keyshiftreg_out(3); -- map memory port to a nice state roundkey <= (0 => mem_out(127 downto 96), 1 => mem_out(95 downto 64), 2 => mem_out(63 downto 32), 3 => mem_out(31 downto 0)); -- purpose: represent ram for storage of roundkeys (DP ram should be inferred) -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk, res_n -- outputs: mem_out keymemory : process (clk) is begin -- process keymemory if rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge if w_ena_keymem = '1' then KEYMEM(to_integer(w_addr)) <= mem_in; end if; mem_out <= KEYMEM(to_integer(UNSIGNED(roundkey_idx))); end if; end process keymemory; -- purpose: set the respective enable bits for each register if either registes must be shifted -- right. only enable external write if key_stable='0' -- or are loaded with userkey -- type : combinational -- inputs : w_ena_keyword, shift_ena,keywordaddr -- outpukeyshiftreg_ena enableRegs : process (key_stable, keywordaddr, shift_ena, w_ena_keyword) is begin -- process enableRegs -- default: freeze the registers keyshiftreg_ena <= (others => '0'); -- if words are loaded externally only enable register for respective address -- words must only be written if key_stable is not asserted and -- therefore the FSM is in INIT state if w_ena_keyword = '1' and key_stable = '0' then keyshiftreg_ena(to_integer(UNSIGNED(keywordaddr))) <= '1'; -- if register shall be shifted, enable all elsif shift_ena = '1' then keyshiftreg_ena <= (others => '1'); end if; end process enableRegs; -- purpose: write combinational next_write address to register -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk, next_w_addr -- outputs: w_addr address_incr : process (clk) is begin -- process address_incr if rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge w_addr <= next_w_addr; end if; end process address_incr; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expansion Datapath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rotate left the key column a1,a2,a3,a4 --> a2,a3,4,a1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rot_out <= keyshiftreg_out(Nk-1)(23 downto 0) & keyshiftreg_out(Nk-1)(31 downto 24); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Special datapath for 256Bit key (Nk=8) if imodNk=4 to -- substitute w[i-1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NK8_sboxin : if KEYLENGTH = 256 generate Nk8_sboxmux : mux2 generic map ( IOwidth => 32) port map ( inport_a => rot_out, inport_b => keyshiftreg_out(Nk-1), selector => imod84, outport => to_sbox); -- Logic to switch the multiplexer imod84 <= '1' when (i mod 8 = 4) else '0'; end generate NK8_sboxin; regular_sboxin : if KEYLENGTH /= 256 generate to_sbox <= rot_out; end generate regular_sboxin; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Keygenerate gets its own sboxes to substitute columns to define clear -- interface and increase f_max as this was on the critical path while -- shared with aes_core_encrypt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HighWord : sbox generic map ( INVERSE => false) port map ( clk => clk, address_a => to_sbox(31 downto 24), address_b => to_sbox(23 downto 16), q_a => from_sbox(31 downto 24), q_b => from_sbox(23 downto 16)); LowWord : sbox generic map ( INVERSE => false) port map ( clk => clk, address_a => to_sbox(15 downto 8), address_b => to_sbox(7 downto 0), q_a => from_sbox(15 downto 8), q_b => from_sbox(7 downto 0)); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Xor column with Roundconstant[i/Nk], make it 32 BIT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XorRcon_out <= from_sbox xor (roundconstant & X"000000"); --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- select intermediate result of processed w[i-1] either direct or -- processed with Sub(Rot(W[i-1]) XOR roundconstant if i mod Nk = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mux_wi_1 : mux2 generic map ( IOwidth => DWORD_WIDTH) port map ( inport_a => keyshiftreg_out(Nk-1), inport_b => XorRcon_out, selector => imodNk0, outport => mux_processed); -- Logic to switch the multiplexer imodNk0 <= '1' when (i mod Nk = 0) else '0'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Special datapath for 256Bit key (Nk=8) if imodNk=4 to -- substitute w[i-1] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NK8_wi_1 : if KEYLENGTH = 256 generate Nk8_mux_wi_1 : mux2 generic map ( IOwidth => 32) port map ( inport_a => mux_processed, inport_b => from_sbox, selector => imod84, outport => Xor_lastblock_in); end generate NK8_wi_1; regular_wi_1 : if KEYLENGTH /= 256 generate Xor_lastblock_in <= mux_processed; end generate regular_wi_1; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Xor currently processed column w[i-1] with w[i-Nk] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- last_word <= Xor_lastblock_in xor keyshiftreg_out(0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controller for keyexpansion algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- purpose: Compute the next state of keyexpansion FSM -- type : combinational -- inputs : expState, i, key_stable -- outputs: next_expState nextState : process (expState, i, key_stable) is begin -- Save defaults to avoid latches next_expState <= expState; -- FSM case expState is when INIT => if key_stable = '1' then next_expState <= SUBSTITUTE; end if; when SUBSTITUTE => next_expState <= SHIFT; when SHIFT => if i = LOOP_BOUND then next_expState <= DONE; else next_expState <= SUBSTITUTE; end if; when WRITELAST => next_expState <= DONE; when DONE => -- just stay next_expState <= expState; end case; -- reset the process whenever key is invalid if key_stable = '0' then next_expState <= INIT; end if; end process nextState; -- purpose: assign signals according to input and current state -- type : combinational -- inputs : expState, i -- outputs: shift_ena, next_i, ready stateToOutput : process (expState, i, w_addr) is begin -- Save defaults to avoid latches shift_ena <= '0'; next_i <= i; ready <= '0'; w_ena_keymem <= '0'; next_w_addr <= w_addr; case expState is when INIT => -- reset all variables to defined state next_i <= (others => '0'); next_w_addr <= (others => '0'); when SUBSTITUTE => -- Substitute is a mere wait state for 1 cycle until SBOX has done -- the lookup null; when SHIFT => next_i <= i+1; shift_ena <= '1'; if (i mod 4 = 0) then w_ena_keymem <= '1'; next_w_addr <= w_addr+1; end if; when WRITELAST => w_ena_keymem <= '1'; next_w_addr <= w_addr+1; when DONE => ready <= '1'; when others => null; end case; end process stateToOutput; -- purpose: write state and variables to registers -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk, res_n -- outputs: registeredFSMsignals : process (clk) is begin -- process registeredFSMsignals if rising_edge(clk) then -- rising clock edge i <= next_i; expState <= next_expState; if Nk = 8 then roundconstant <= GF_ROUNDCONSTANTS_8(to_integer(i)/Nk); else -- TODO : avoid divide operator, error when compiling with Nk=6 anx ISE 10.1 roundconstant <= GF_ROUNDCONSTANTS_4_6(to_integer(i)/Nk); end if; end if; end process registeredFSMsignals; end architecture ach1;